Linda, you are right about teachers that use critical thinking sometimes being intimidating to other teachers, but I have also found that those teachers, if they stand their ground and don't push such a style in the face of other teachers are respected, even appreciated. I have often helped teachers who want to incorporate critical think…
Linda, you are right about teachers that use critical thinking sometimes being intimidating to other teachers, but I have also found that those teachers, if they stand their ground and don't push such a style in the face of other teachers are respected, even appreciated. I have often helped teachers who want to incorporate critical thinking in their lessons, so I provide all kinds of strategies for using it in all subject areas without advertising that it is critical thinking. Explaining to colleagues and showing them how to do it for the benefit of their students is a strategy that can work.
Linda, you are right about teachers that use critical thinking sometimes being intimidating to other teachers, but I have also found that those teachers, if they stand their ground and don't push such a style in the face of other teachers are respected, even appreciated. I have often helped teachers who want to incorporate critical thinking in their lessons, so I provide all kinds of strategies for using it in all subject areas without advertising that it is critical thinking. Explaining to colleagues and showing them how to do it for the benefit of their students is a strategy that can work.