X doesn’t even bother to stop the open racism and antisemitism I report (I am not Jewish,) and it is disturbing and disgusting to see X turn into a version of 4 Chan or 8 Chan with better graphics.
X doesn’t even bother to stop the open racism and antisemitism I report (I am not Jewish,) and it is disturbing and disgusting to see X turn into a version of 4 Chan or 8 Chan with better graphics.
Musk is an existential threat to the United States if not the world. He’s like a lose hose spewing his hate everywhere. I’d like to know if he bought his citizenship!!! He’s got his slimy fingers in our defense department, our national security, and elections! He makes me as sick as djt, banning, miller, Putin, and the like. It’s going to take our country decades to recover from them and their influences on our country, and the world. 😬😡🤬
X doesn’t even bother to stop the open racism and antisemitism I report (I am not Jewish,) and it is disturbing and disgusting to see X turn into a version of 4 Chan or 8 Chan with better graphics.
Musk is an existential threat to the United States if not the world. He’s like a lose hose spewing his hate everywhere. I’d like to know if he bought his citizenship!!! He’s got his slimy fingers in our defense department, our national security, and elections! He makes me as sick as djt, banning, miller, Putin, and the like. It’s going to take our country decades to recover from them and their influences on our country, and the world. 😬😡🤬
Peter Thiel, too. We have him to thank for Vance.