Lying is the stock-in-trade of MAGA World. I remember reading in the New York Times a while back, that when prospective jurors for Trump’s pornstar pay-off/business records fraud case in Manhattan were being questioned by the lawyers for the prosecution and defense, one of them said, “I wouldn’t trust a word Trump said, even if his tongue was notarized”. Needless to say, she wasn’t selected for the jury.

I really hope we have not become a country of gullible idiots that believe all of the Trump/MAGA lies. There are times I think that maybe somebody peed in the gene pool.

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Struck from the jury for confirming reality.

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Great program. Thank you. Wish Republicans in the mid-west could hear it. Democracy is weaker when lies aren't exposed!

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With Trump, every criticism is a confession. I have long called him the Prince of Projection. The harm he has done to society will extend long beyond his tenure in the public square. There is no truth. Elections can never be trusted. This will be part of his legacy.

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The pool story should be part of an ad to show the stupidity of rage Republicans and Trumps mental decline clutching at air balls

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Ps I hope Jaime Diamond Sue’s Trump for decimation of character like tomorrow all over the Media

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Musk is a liar and a man without morals or character! I would not purchase a Tesla from that car company, just as I would never purchase a Volkswagen. Who runs a corporation matters! The third Reich started Volkswagen in the late 1930’s.

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When asked, "How concerned are you that during this year's elections there will be voter fraud - that is, people who are not eligible to vote will vote, or vote more than once?"

86% of Republicans, 56% of Independents, and 33% of Democrats believes Source: NPR/PBS News/Marist poll of 1,628 U.S. adults, conducted Sept. 27 - Oct. 1, 2024. The margin of error for the overall sample is 3.3 percentage points. “Unsure” responses not shown.

Lying has a pervasive ability to seep into the thinking of even the most skeptical and well informed minds. Said over and over the lies become part of our beliefs. I am at a loss when speaking with friends and family who have started to move towards owning the lies as truths. I feel like I'm talking to FOX News (a lie in and of itself, it is an entertainment TV station). It isn't a conversation or sharing of observations, it is beliefs rather than opinions.

I, too, hope Jamie Diamond sues Trump. And I, too, agree that Elon Musk is a masquerading misogynistic racial bigot of the highest order. Thank you HCR for this letter and all the others.

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The firehose of lies is designed to make it impossible for voters to figure out the truth. The technique is designed so that eventually voters give up trying to engage, conclude everyone is lying, throw up their hands, and stop voting. Holding on to facts combats the effects of the storm of lies. Everyone needs to echo you with your Letters of Truth.

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As “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” was not believed, when eventually there was a wolf.Trump is not going to be believed when there is real danger.

The Liar-in -Chief should not be the Commander-in-Chief.

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