Thanks to women Harris will win in a landslide! No rigging and trying to steal the election by the orange felon, his billionaire club, and white christo-fascist supporters will change that.

It is very encouraging to now also see life long Republicans openly deny Trump followship. It feels like such an uplifting, patriotic moment when Americans come together to unit behind the best candidate regardless of party affiliation.

" ... so that history will say of us, when our time of testing came, we did our duty and we prevailed because we loved our country more.”

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While I to am happy to see life long republicans openly denying Trump, I still feel that they could and should have been more vocal about it months if not even years ago. He has not changed but instead has grown increasingly worse and his base, albeit perhaps smaller than what we are made to think, more entrenched than ever. Let us hope they do not become violent.

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I certainly hope the people listening to Harris & Cheney were able to do so without the far right responses they have learned interfering with listening to another view- one where real facts & figures were presented. Thank you Liz was the best thing I have heard this election season!

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she was great, wasn’t she?💚

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Thank you for this post. You have been and are the voice of reason honesty and incredible wisdom! You cut thru the wild untamed forest of lies and impossible mis truths with surgical precision!

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Although, historically I have not cared for Liz Cheney’s policy ideas. I do admire her tenacity, her integrity, her gonads to stand up for what is right, calling out loud and clear all the elephants in the room. Yesterday/today I am most appreciative of her Herculean Willingness to stand with Kamala Harris, fighting for all of us. So appreciative.

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Thank you Heather. I appreciate what you have to say and write. May the force be with Harris and Cheney!

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Thank you Heather. From Biddeford ME. A proud city rising where the water falls. 🤷‍♂️🇺🇸

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After Ms Cheney over saw the January 6th commission I donated to her campaign. She lost her past life's work due to republican obstruction, but her future as an American hero is ahead of her! Always Country over party.

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Tina peters is in every way the sentenced felon! If we can not protect our elections we will not have a democracy very long. 9 years in prison is a just punishment for election tampering! Let that be a warning! Our elections are and should and must be precious!

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There’s a quote from the journalist, Dorothy Thompson, that Obama, well, quoted. “It is not the fact of Liberty, but the way in which Liberty is exercised that will ultimately determine whether Liberty itself survives.” I’ve been using this as an ending to my emails ever since Trump took office. He and his ‘people’ are terrifying.

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Save Donald Trump - Vote for Harris/Walz. Putting him back in power would be like giving drugs to an addict.

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God help us. Thank you for this post - full disclosure, I'm wiping tears away. It's so incredibly frustrating to daily hear Trump’s relentless lies - and to be confronted with dear friends who have been taken in (how???) by his altered reality. It's emotionally exhausting - and I pray that Liz Cheney's exhortation to all of us is realized, in the future, history will record that "when it was our turn to be tested" we prevailed, democracy prevailed.

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14 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs ago

Seeing Liz Cheney and (soon to be) President Harris share the stage and their love of this country made my day.

Heather, you continue to help us understand how we got here, thank you !

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Re, immigration, I would like to see the following

Significantly increase and facilitate legal immigration which would be a better incentive for those who have been waiting years.

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I'm a columnist in rural Kentucky covering the legislature. Our local newspaper is almost dead, which means Facebook is our local news source. Meanwhile, Trump drives the media and the money, and it is devastating to watch the rolling travesty from afar, here in rural America where it often feels like we are bleeding out and all of the ambulances are out of gas.


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Thank you , Heather, for reminding us that “these truths” are the bedrock of our nation. Thank you for amplifying the message of Liz Cheney.

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After five years of reading you, I just listened to my first audio edition of LFAA.

What I discovered is how much hearing the speakers words adds to the experience. It brings your written words to life, creating better context and understanding.

Kudos to you and your production team for doing this. How many Heather Cox Richardsons must there be to accomplish all of this?

And finally, a hearty, “Thank you!” from all of us!

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