S-C-H-A-D-E-N-F-R-E-U-D-E! A moment of snickers for our departed Quevin, the airheaded, insurrection-supporting, sex-offender-placating reverse-Machiavelli with the spine of a single strand of overcooked linguini. The first flip-flop to kick itself into the pool, and the first Weeble to actually fall down, he will be missed by over 200 colleagues who somehow can't find anyone better. His demise holds a lesson for the children: give up every last principle to the first bidder in order to get your dream job, and you will find yourself with nothing much to offer once you get it. History-makers with such hamartia are oft described as Shakespearian, but Quevin's story has been shorter and simpler than those on Aesop's reject pile. Can you imagine being Quevin, trying to lie down to sleep tonight, unable to tell if those whooshing sounds are the wind outside, or just the cosmic roar of your own hollowness? Yikes!

The political message to whoever is a big enough Nutter Butter to actually want this job next is clear: the only unforgivable sin is working with Democrats. This is a bit of an impossible commandment to uphold, considering the Democrats hold the Senate and White House (and came 7,000 votes or a redistricting case away from holding the House too). It is clear that Quevin viewed acknowledging this reality as the last resort, yet reality eventually came calling, and the punishment for recognizing it was predictably swift. The rabble-rousers who had it in for the now-former Speaker seem to think that they can force their way to victory through sheer intransigence and posturing, but the Democrats of 2023 will not let themselves be bullied, and why should they? What a gift of bright, shiny ammo they have now been given! See how it will soon gleam in the light of this weekend's news interviews!

Repubs: No Speaker, no platform, no mandate, no morals, no clue. And, if I have anything to say about it, no chance next year.

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WOW! Tell us how you really feel! Love it! Now let's hope that Hakeem Jeffries and the other democrats can turn all this chaos into a HUGE Blue Wave!

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I hope that the House Democrats and a few sensible Republicans will elect a Speaker with some sense. It may help if the Dems quietly offer to pay for security for the families of the Republican representatives who would be targeted by the MAGA terrorists for voting to restore some functionality to our Congress.

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I think what we are not acknowledging here is that it is not just the cowardice of the Repub "moderates" that is preventing such an arrangement, but also that the cold political calculus for Democrats also points strongly against helping out in any way. Their main goal is to net gains for the party next year, and nothing makes that case more strongly than the horrible publicity heading the Repubs' way by this fiasco being as prolonged as possible. Actual consequences setting in will only *intensify* the salience of the Dems' main messaging points, which are that 1) the federal government is necessary to meet the public need, and 2) Dems being back in charge of *everything* is necessary to make the federal government run properly.

I know we here think of the Dems as the ones willing to cut deals in pursiut of quiet good governance (which is a positive and fair characterization!), but this sort of disciplined long game is looking to be more the style of Jeffries & co.'s leadership, and I for one think it is high time.

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On Face the Nation McCarthy blamed the near shutdown on the Democrats. Ouch! What a moron!

Jeffries played the video yesterday before the vote and surprise, surprise all of the Dems voted to oust him.

Poor Donald and poor Kevin. A couple of old white misogynists having a really bad day.

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Good for Jeffries! Brilliant move.

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I was getting a little tired of Democrats taking the high road while being pummeled by the other side. Jeffries fights back while avoiding nastiness and and herding his flock to vote in step. He's following in Pelosi's shoes showing himself to be a real leader. My choice for 2028 president is between Jeffries and Dan Goldman....

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Yes the democrats do seem to take the high road. Has anyone heard Biden call anyone names especially TFG?

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good choices. I would add Sheldon Whitehouse.

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Too bad people who watch Face the Nation will hear that it was the fault of Democrats and some of them will probably even believe it!

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Let’s hope it isn’t “poor US” too. Did anyone else hear Chris Krebs on MSNBC Morning Joe this morning?

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No. Do tell.

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Very true. But also true is that Kev made it clear he had no ability/desire to work against the crazies. Hence there's nothing to lose with dumping him - at worst he'll be replaced by one of the crazies and functionally that's no difference.

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Mr. Quiver made a deal with the Devil, and paid the consequences. Not one tear has fallen.

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I think he made a deal with The Odious Beast, not the Devil. The Orange Beast isn't the Devil, merely one of the soon to be damned. ;-)

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Daniel Ziblatt and Steven Levitsky stressed the complacency of the "moderate: Republicans and their silence these last five years for the current situation in America. Their new book The Tyranny of the Minority is a good read I am looking forward to studying.

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I'm an avid reader too, but, why read about a lot of weak-wiled traitors who are simply abject failures at all they swore they stood for? Job ONE is to get rid of them, rather than studying the pathologies of the pathetic. Support and fund Gen Z voters.

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Good point, and fund and support Gen Z that want to run for office. It’s their future.

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I am in the middle of Heather's book and although I know the general story of death star, it's even worse than I thought. Yes, get rid of all the R extremists and insurrectionists. I notice that our R in Oregon's 5th district that she barely won, is talking very carefully about this.

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Admire Jeffries enormously! A fine standard bearer.

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Will, we must have an educated populous that cannot have their heads and hearts turned by our enemies: the enemies of freedom. We do not want a dictator in the White House or as a leader anywhere in our government.

We have become too influenced by the loudest, not the most informed or most prepared.....and NOT the ones with the most guns!!!!

To remain a free nation, we must stay on alert!!!

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It’s about time democrats started to fight dirty. Give rethugliCONs some of their own medicine but I will be surprised if the media even reports a sliver. Media is complicit in driving the wedge and MAGATs sure as hell are not smart enough to figure it out.

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Will I agree!

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My American history teacher husband told me this morning that if enough republicans voted (the number is 6, I think) with the Democrats they could actually put Hakeem Jeffries in that chair...now wouldn't THAT just fry them!

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Wow! Phew! What a thought! Putting an adult in the former speaker's highchair.

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It would actually be the smart play if they did vote Jeffries as Speaker because they would 1) block everything he tried to get passed, 2) blame him for the upcoming govt. shutdown. I think he should pass unless they change the rules of 1 vote to oust him and publicly agree to pass the bi-partisan spending bills passed by the Senate.

I'm not a fan of my Senator Collins after putting Kavanaugh on the SC but she did a good job of rallying the Republican Senators to vote for the bills.

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That would be bad too!

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How nice to be married to an American history teacher just now!😀

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Yes. For 39 years he taught high school history, economics, a special class on the Israeli/Arab conflicts and in the beginning Michigan History. In college he minored in Political Science but now, like me, he is just disgusted with the chaos there are days he just doesn't want to hear or talk about it.

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NOTE: The Speaker of the House does not need to be an elected member of that legislative body. This lead to some interesting speculation that first arose when McCarthy barely squeaked in as Speaker originally. It might require all Dems and a few (so-called) "moderate" Republicans to pick a respected GOP figure, eg, former Representative or statesman (err,... statesperson).

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the next speaker of the House, Stormy Daniels. But of course, I know you thought I would say Liz Cheney, who btw, would make an excellent speaker. ( I would think one only capitalizes “speaker” when referring to a particular speaker as with president. So many make this error. But somehow in this case, the lower case doesn’t seem to work.)

Ok so let’s face it and hold on to your britches, the stock market is about to take a nose dive and the Kaptains of Kapitalism will soon regret those radicals they financed. Yesterday was only a taste of what is about to come. And of that European war, which we should never have lit the embers but which indeed we did because we never learn the mistakes of history, I wouldn’t wager on the outcome. If I were Commander Putin, I would be lighting victory cigars and sipping vodka. Da.

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In what way did we light the embers of the war in Ukraine? For Russian audiences, Putin has stopped talking about NATO threats, instead about wanting to rebuild the former Russian Empire. His ministers have said Poland, Moldova, etc., are next. Putin does not want functioning democracies on his borders, as it might give his people ideas.

Maybe we “lit embers” by not responding strongly in 2014 when Putin took Crimea? It is true that mostly ethnic Russians live there now, also true that native populations like the Crimean Tatars were ethnically cleansed under Stalin. Russian speakers in Ukraine have become loyal Ukrainians because of what Putin has done, is still doing to their country.

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Let's hope the next Speaker is the extremists choice who then finds a way to throw them under the bus and route them out of the House. May irony prevail.

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I’m begin I g to think the democrats withheld support so the extreme it’s would do such disaster that voters will remember. Which means we will need to enter the devil’s den before we rise. It will be costly. The financial markets will likely collapse.

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According to John Oliver - Dolly Parton is the perfect candidate!!

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We have to stop Russia from wrecking the EU. our best hope to protect us from Russia following Hitler's plan to attack us via Mexico. Read.

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But I think that’s giving them credit for too much common sense.

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Liz Cheney

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Such as…?

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1st choice = Adam Kinzinger? or maybe even Jeff Flake? If all Democrats in the House and a handful of Republicans would support one of them it is at least imaginable. -- Liz Cheney is so universally despised by the GOP that there would not be a chance for her. -- Hey, in the news earlier today, MTG did float the idea of TFG as Speaker... not a chance he would agree and not a chance that any Dems would vote for him.

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That's sadly an excellent observation. The Odious Beast holds his power for exactly the same reason as a mob boss. He wields the power of fear of retribution.

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Are you speaking of Putin or the fat man from Maralago. Well I guess it doesn’t matter as they are of the same mold. May they both burn in hell. SOON!

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Dirk, it is my opinion that it is the MAGA terrorists who should be exposed and forced to memorize our Constitution, the responsibilities of those elected to

Congress as well as the responsibilities of Governors and each and all representatives OF THE PEOPLE.....even teachers, tax collectors, those in our armed services etc, etc.

Then they should be required to teach it CORRECTLY in our classrooms until they believe it and respect it themselves....until they each realize what a great country we have been given through the blood, sweat and tears of those who have gone before us!!!!

NO ONE IN THE USA SHOULD HAVE TO PAY FOR SECURITY FROM ANYONE. We have laws and a process of governance by which we are to live.....all and each of us.

Those who claim to be Christians should examine the 10 Commandments as well as the grace and forgiveness provided through the death and resurrection of Christ, the Lamb of God whose blood was shed for our sins....our disobediences....our pride.....our lack of love and respect for one another. There is always hope for each of us to leave the bad and strive for good....we always have a choice!!!!

The Maga terrorists are the ones who should wake up!!!!

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Waiting for the MAGAS to nominate TFG.

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Share from commenter on Robert’ Hubbell’s Substack regarding Trump as Speaker.⬇️

Rule 26 may save us:

“Rule 26—Temporary Step Aside of a Member of Leadership who is Indicted

(a) A member of the Republican Leadership shall step aside if indicted for a felony for which a sentence of two or more years imprisonment may be imposed.

(b) If a member of the Republican Elected Leadership is indicted, the Republican Conference shall meet and elect a Member to temporarily serve in that position.

(c) If a member of the Republican Leadership resigns pursuant to this rule, and subsequently during that Congress is acquitted or the charges are dismissed or reduced to less than a felony as described in paragraph (a), such Member shall resume the position from which they resigned, unless the Republican Conference decides otherwise within 10 legislative days.


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they would brazenly ignore the rules

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The wait was short. He is being nominated by Niels. I think the week long recess was because McHenry got the word to provide time for the Republican wranglers to see if they can bringing the whole caucus in line behind Trump as Speaker.

This will now be a litmus test for party loyalty and whether the 109 who dared put a toe in the water to keep the government funded with the CR will face enormous pressure to profess fealty to Trump. It is going to be a make or break moment for the Republican Party and for the country.

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I would not be surprised to see Gaetz put up Trump's name for speaker--after all Trump wanted his impeachments to be expunged by the House. That would be Gaetz' perfect suck up.

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Trump is busy.

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Trump is too lazy and ignoran to serve as speaker.

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He doesn't have to be present at the NY fraud trial...

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Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas) announced late Tuesday he will file paperwork to nominate former President Trump to be the next Speaker of the House.

“This week, when the U.S. House of Representatives reconvenes, my first order of business will be to nominate Donald J. Trump for Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives,” Nehls said in a statement. “President Trump, the greatest President of my lifetime, has a proven record of putting America First and will make the House great again.”


"Right-wing pundits and lawmakers are already rallying around the idea of former President Donald Trump as the next Speaker of the House following Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s shock ouster Tuesday.

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, and even the far-right cable network Newsmax all floated the idea of Trump taking over the role Tuesday evening, just minutes after McCarthy’s ejection from House leadership.

“Donald Trump should be nominated as a litmus test to all these Republicans,” Jones said emphatically on InfoWars. “With all the fake charges and all the fake trials, how awesome would it be to make Donald Trump Speaker of the House?”

The phrase “Nominate Trump” was also trending Tuesday on Elon Musk’s social media site X, formerly known as Twitter—inspired at least in part by Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX) unofficially nominating the former president via a viral tweet. Rep. Greg Steube quickly followed with his own suggesting that Trump could fill the role.

Shortly after, Fox News host Sean Hannity—who remains incredibly close with the former president and was likened to a “shadow chief of staff” by White House staffers during Trump’s tenure—said he had been in touch with several Republican members of Congress who planned to formally pursue the idea. Hannity even went so far as to suggest that Trump may be open to the idea.

“I have been told that Trump might be open to helping the Republican party, at least in the short term, if necessary,” Hannity said.

Later in his program, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), a Trump ally and potential candidate for the speakership himself, shrugged off the idea but didn’t rule it out, saying: “I want him to be the next President of the United States, but if he wants to be speaker, that’s fine too.”


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Please tell Rep Nehls that the word “president “ should not be capitalized unless referring to a particular president.

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He did it in the first round of House nominations.

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Seems like an outlier, and yet I'm concerned, given the current political climate.

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Gaetz nominated Trump back in January on I think rounds 8 and 9 on the voting that finally got McCarthy the speakership.


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Didn't know that, thanks.

Hope the idea doesn't gain traction.

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it is coming. Troy Neihls already came out.

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I discussed that with my husband yesterday. I'd love to see Jeffries get the speakership--but two considerations: it would be political suicide for a GOP rep, but might there be any choosing to not run in 2024 who would do so. And also--if they try to elect someone, it will likely take a very long time. NOthing gets done, as ultimately then, who is (are) the losers? Methinks the people of Ukraine and the people of the USA.

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they are not afraid of the base, they are afraid of losing power. Power=money.

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Perhaps they are afraid of both -- Paul Pelosi was a valuable lesson on how to keep a politician in line.

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The only acceptable choice is Jeffries...in my humble opinion.

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I would gladly pay for their security rather than continue to pay the salaries of the MAGA beasts.

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Why should it be the job of Dems to protect Republicans from their fellow thugs?

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It's not our job, it's our opportunity. For all the hyperbole, at least a sizable percentage of Republicans Congresspeople are just sensible, hardworking people who've fallen in with a bad crowd. I don't think Adam Kinzinger is that much of an outlier, for instance. Anything we can do to enable them to safely make responsible public decisions, the better for us all.

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I nominate Tommy Smothers for Speaker of the House. Do I hear a Second?

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I Second the motion!

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We do know that Romney paid out of his pocket for security.

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Did Fox tell the MAGAts

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No blue wave because we also don’t know how to fix things like the border. At this point, we may as well declare all of Central America new extensions of the Disunited States.

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We can do better at our borders. We also can treat migrant workers better. People treat their animals better. Let's try getting out of our self-satisfied comfort zone and put ourselves in their position which might include learning about why they had to flee from their countries.

I have no idea the overwhelming work of those kind, hardworking professionals at the border. I am sure it is frustrating and maddening on many levels. Unfortunately many of our persons in government or wanting to be in government, know nothing of the suffering of migrants and use "The Border" for political gain. Instead of educating ourselves we fall back on prejudices and hatred and dehumanization.

The facts are clear: we need to put more and as much more as we truly need to process persons who come to our border. It is a forever challenge and we need to just do the right thing and make decisions for the long term. We also need to educate our citizens about what the conditions are that are forcing migrants to our border and also report the many migrants moving from their homelands to other hopefully, safer countries. Human migration is a fact of life. We must make long term decisions to positively address this need. It is not just our problem, it is a worldwide problem.

Our world is being challenged with horrible natural disasters and with government conflicts constantly appearing worldwide....thus migration!

We need to make a decision: are we going to point our finger at conflicts are we actually going to just roll up our sleeves and work to make things better for people...even immigrants....afterall....our families came here from other countries.

We are in this forever....not just a few months, years or weeks. This is an eternal human problem.


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The way we treat each other is fundamental and critical in maintaining a democracy.

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Beautiful, Emily. Thank you.

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Let me cut to the chase. I understand humane interest of migration. Migration is the destine of much of all living creatures. My desire is to win elections. So if the optics don’t jive with reality, then it should change for the sake of the nation. In my opinion, it’s a shame how certain cities are being overwhelmed with these folks. I want it done legally. And if illegal, they must return to country of origin. I want to win elections and forgive me if my bleeding heart stops bleeding. Had I been a mayor overwhelmed with bus loads, I would have confiscated the buses and made it a court case. The bus companies would have stopped this massive bussing. Back to my lack of a bleeding heart. Let’s just open the borders to millions everyday. And let’s elect Donald J Trump as our next president. That Is what you are really saying because if you are that naive to think people won’t vote emotionally, you are mistaken.

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We are mostly on the same side, you know. We just see things a little differently. I want democrats to win big. Like with super majorities. But we often get bogged down in stuf.

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The Republicans have refused to adjust immigration laws for 40 years because they get so much mileage out of complaining about immigration problems. This is definitely an issue where the Dems need to get ahead of the messaging. The extremists plan to reduce immigration by making this country a place people will flee from is an unacceptable solution, in my book. What do you think is a good plan?

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In 1923, Congress passed the Immigration Act of 1923. It was in direct response to wave after wave of European immigrants coming to America. I know this well since both sides of my family were in these waves; my Sicilian side and my Lithuanian/Ukrainian sides. When I lived for a time in Italy and hitchhiked through Sicily, I met people who told me of towns almost emptying and coming to America. This was in 1978.

I believe that 1923 Act was a natural reaction to uncontrolled migration. We have immigration laws for many reasons and laws should be enforced. I’m not a nativist. One other point is that contrary to economists speaking to the importance of economic growth, I am one who understands human over-population. We once discussed this concept in the 1960s when we were leveled at around 3 billion. Now we are 8 billion. And for those who think we can recycle our way to sustainability and end fossil fuel consumption, I have a Brooklyn Bridge to sell you.

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So you believe what I fear. We humans cannot adopt starving orphans, but must reduce population by war and plague because we cannot submit our vanity to UN sanity and have an orderly reduction of population. “Be fruitful and multiply” is stuck in our genes and our brains.

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Fixing the border requires fixing the reasons that refugees flee their native lands in search of safety from ruthless dictators. This requires money to fund fair governments, which is acknowledged by Democrats in office. But hey, foreign aid is evil, right? Elect Trump, get a ruthless dictator and your border problem is solved as millions of Americans flee America

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The problem is, we can’t fix a government in Mexico that is riddled with crime, and there in lies the problem with all the southern hemisphere of the Americas

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Christy, Mexico as all countries and governments have problems. I wish more could be reportrd about the many good and decent people in Mexico.

My son met his Mexican wife helping with flood relief from a huge hurricane near Monterrey , Mexico. She was a doctor...everyone in her family is a professional. She also graduated from Edinburg Theoiogical Seminary in Texas in order to serve to serve in missions. She attended with friends , a couple of friends were sent by their father who served as a pastor in Mexico City. Her brother and his wife are engineers in Mexico City. Her sister is a dentist married to a doctor who also works with the Mexican government.

We were just in Mexico to celebrate the birthdays of our grandchildren who have wonderful friends from their school, who attended.....you know regular humanbeings.....no drugs not even alchohol was present at anytime, or anywhere during our visit.

We should examine why people want to point out or make up lies about others to create an attitude of prejudice. Our citizens, our children are buying and using the drugs. There are persons in all countries producing, buying and selling drugs. It is a world-wide problem. It is the problem we need to attack not people or a country because that seems easier.

There are criminals serving in places in our own government....our citizens are using and selling drugs....these are the problems we need to address.

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Christy, Mexico is not the problem you have been told. The migrants are fleeing Central American countries that are corrupt and killing their own people. They are coming through Mexico because it is the first part of North America they come to.

By the way, it was our CIA that destroyed the democratically elected governments in Central America that were replaced by those corrupt governments.

California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas are more dependent on Mexico than they will admit. All along the borderlands there are businesses and people who cross the border daily to work and do business. During the winter the majority of fruits and vegetables in your local market came across the border hours ago.

If it weren't for racism and politicians needing a boogeyman our borderlands north and south would be fine.

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Actually, we can take actions that keep people in their home lands. And when Congress has the will, we do

It doesn’t stop ALL migration, but it mitigates it

Besides, we need immigrant workers. Letting them cross the border legally would resolve this GOP mess

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Many have tried to pass an immigration bill from both parties and all have failed because if it actually passed, then the Republicans can no longer bitch about it.

The one thing the media NEVER talks about is our open border with Canada and the fact that so many undocumented people came in on legal visas like H-2Bs and stayed.

One of the papers and/or the networks need to do a photo documentary on some of the 4,000 plus breaches in Trump's $15 billion wall. It is a piece of junk and there was untold grifting to build it. Also, in many places it's an ecological disaster.

Trump promised to hire thousands of additional border patrol agents and ended up with fewer agents when he left office than when he started.

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Of course they never talk about our open border with Canada. It's the southern border that concerns the GOP because, frankly, they are racists. They're not at all bothered by people from England or Sweden coming to the U.S. and overstaying their visas.

Gary, I agree with everything you said about the border wall. A total waste of money. I visited a couple of the National Wildlife Refuges along the Texas-Mexico border years ago, and it makes me sick to think of the wall's impact on the wildlife there.

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Open border with Canada would result in more chaos.

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I've crossed the US/Canadian border from ME, ND, MN, NY, VT and MI. If some wants to illegally cross from Canada into the US it would be very easy. In fact, it's probably easier than crossing from Mexico into the US in many places. That's probably why over 3 times as many people illegally cross into the US along our northern border than the southern border.

How often does the media mention that?

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You missed my point.

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The last legislation to be considered failed because the democrats, yes our trusty democrats, attached the Dreamer’s Act to pending legislation. So let’s cut the crap. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.

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Fund the border patrol, hire folks. Use the laws already in place. Do anything other than bitch and moan about it. The GOP complains loudly, but has done nada, zip, zero to become part of the solution because it would require working with the evil democrats.

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The border is not the democrats problem alone. It is as much the GOP going back to Nixon

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Oh please……why are you so afraid of immigrants?

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That’s a very dense thing to say. I’m more concerned getting rid of the most pernicious political development ever to develop in the history of this nation and your only interest is opening the floodgates. Shame on you for being so naive. Yesterday The Biden administration stated that barriers must expand to control this unending flow of humanity. Tell you what, how many have you bunked in your house and if the answer is none, I think you might want to button it up. I never said I was afraid of immigration. You on the other hand, want to continue an out of control situation that will inspire the wrong political element to take power. Get an education before making such comments.

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My favorite turn of phrase here was “the first Weeble to actually fall down”.

And now I have to be a bit pedantic: it’s Schadenfreude.

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Pedantry is always welcome, and correction has been made!

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Mine too! Loved it. Perfect analogy…a child’s toy.

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Hemartia, a fatal flaw and a word I've never heard of. Thanks!

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It’s hamartia.

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And a word I ad to look up... to get a chuckle that the second search item returned was an Amazon ad for a romance novel. Jeff Bezos has entirely too much power.

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Same here! Thank you for your erudition, Will.

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a fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero or heroine.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

how do you pronounce hamartia?

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Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more




a fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero or heroine.

"there's supposed to be an action that reveals the protagonist's hamartia"

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The Rs showcased by kicking out their speaker that they value extremism. They know that by identifying with the Ds, they are likely to lose their strategic position of battling the D with radicalism that they desire so much. In a good move, and though expected, the Ds did well by abstaining from solving the Rs muddy politics despite pleas from the embattled speaker.

With the kaleidoscopic nature of Mccarthy, the Ds scored highly by maintaining their politics of honesty, service to the people, commitment to the Constitution, and adherance to the rare truth in politics. These virtues are alien in the Rs circle. Let them not be surprised that the Ds chose to be themselves- because that is their natural place of selfless service to the people. I welcome you to join me in serving my underserved community

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Epic post, Will! One for the ages. Thank you!

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Agree. That's why I decided not to mention the sp. error. Anyway I don't usually take Freude in other people's Schade.

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And you wrote all of this brilliant letter after time zone change and a great book talk last night Our heo Heather 👏

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"...reverse-Machiavelli with the spine of a single strand of overcooked linguini... Indeed!

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House Republicans are blaming Democrats for McCarthy’s ouster as Speaker. Come on America, we can do better

Temporary House Speaker’s first official act is to oust Nancy Pelosi from her office. Come on America , we can do better

Trump attack trial judge’s clerk. Judge gags Trump. See America? This how you do better

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And predictably enough, McCarthy immediately blamed the Dems for his own vomitous mess. This, despite the Dems saving McCarthy's arse from the R's shutdown maneuver on a Saturday night and McCarthy going on the Sunday talk shows less than 20 hours later to stab the Dems in their back.

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Yes imagining Quevin’s state of mind is almost enough to make me feel sorry for him but the man is so shallow that the exercise is over.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

Will, you hit the mail on the head by asking which nutcase would want to be speaker of the chaos seekers. After seeing what the rabble rousers did to Boehner and Ryan in addition to McCarthy, one would have to look on the job similarly to the work of herding rabid cats—without a rabies vaccination.

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Looks to me like the Republicans are playing checkers and the Democrats are playing 3D Chess. Fully agree with the Schadenfreude remark!

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Thanks, Will. Good to see you here.

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This is pure poetry. 🥂

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Wow Will, the first comment i read this am and I am smiling at your language in describing what happened. I especially love Aesop's reject pile. An excellent post to start things off.

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What else would you expect from a party that respects Putin and a faded reality tv “star”?

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When a group of GOP fringe extremist arsonists are elevated to elected office, don’t be surprised when the result is an out-of-control fire.

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Many assigned to the Fire Department are puking-drunk and running around with flame throwers.

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the B.I.D. party- Burn It Down. Sounds so much like the conservatives of the 19th Century Dr. R has written about.

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Conservatives do not burn down, they conserve what’s good and useful. Radicals destroy. As in Republicans, noisy or silent. Look at their “leader.”

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The B.I.D end of the gop has advanced toward their objective: dissolve gov’t into dysfunction/non-function. Appropriations cannot happen, Ukraine will go unfounded as they wished. And etc. real governance will not happen, like the creeping up date for extending another CR or actually voting to fund the government again won’t happen. By staying in the stalemate it leaves the House - and by extension everything- in chaos. Mission Accomplished. They served their Master. Even if the dems “win big” in ‘24, it’s a long time until Jan 20, 2025 swearing in, to begin running a crippled government.

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Now that the Speaker position is left vacated, what happens next? Is it possible that the Republican conference simply chooses not to fill the position at all? Leaving the position unfilled, like Tuberville holding up military promotions, may in the end achieve what GOP extremists want which seems to be to burn it all down.

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I think you nailed Jen. They never wanted to help Ukraine and this move will accomplish that. God help us out of this messy chaos.

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David, yes, my concern is for further funding for Ukraine - which may be stymied for lack of a functional House. However, aren't there seized Russian assets that could be used for helping Ukraine?

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The anarchists will select another speaker and he won't be any better than McCarthy. But maybe not..the alternate hope is that there will be one truly patriotic Republican that lives in the real world that Democrats could work with. Believe me, Jeffries has his short list. In practical terms, Hakeem is the boss now.

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It's easy to burn down/blow up stuff; little work and a lot of lasting impact.

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As Sam Rayburn said, any arse can burn a barn down but it takes some skill to build one. Or something like that….

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You can say “ass” here no one will mind.

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Sam did say that.

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He was a gentleman, old Sam. Thanks for invoking him. He’s rolling in his grave!

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so true. He recognized useless fools when he saw them

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I believe it was Everett. Dirksen who said, “Any jackass can tear down a barn. It takes a skilled carpenter to build one.” Bring on the carpenters.

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A particularly lazy Jackass could destroy on with just a match. The carpenters are part of what REAL "Supply Side Economics" is about.

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Many awful things are possible but methinks that what they do next will stagger our imaginations

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"Several of the pharmaceutical companies have complained of being “essentially forced” to sign on; one says it is participating “under protest” but feels it has no choice given the penalties their products would bear if they are unwilling to negotiate prices. "

SOO sad.

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It's almost as if the government makes the rules, and then proceeds to make people follow them! And sometimes those rules benefit people at large, rather than a few giant corporations! What a world!

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Yeah, that government of the people, by the people, for the people thing I've heard about. Pretty radical.

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How much money do you reckon, Big Pharma has thrown at trying not to do the right thing?

Slick Wall Street ads, millions on lobbyists and lawyers. Contributions to Republican PACs and candidates.

Dollars to donuts, Leonard Leo is helping the companies by greasing the palms of various Federal judges.

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Reagan advisor Milton Friedman posed a whole social theory based on his "The only corporate social responsibility a company has is to maximize its profits." They call it the "Chicago School". I'd call it the "Scrooge School" except that in the end, Scrooge turned out to have a heart. The "Personhood" of a corporation would seem, by this measure, to be a crap citizen, if not a sociopath.

But were it really to be government of, by and for the people, and corporate charters are, in the end, bestowed by government, isn't it WE in the end who get to define (just as with a driver's license) what the specific rights and responsibilities of a licenseholder are? Not the other way around?

Seems to me we are being had.

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There is no f—ing morality in their enormous profits

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There are different ways to make money, a square deal (to quote T. Roosevelt) or by some means of manipulation. The dollars look the same, but the extended impact is very different. Much of the Pre-Reagan 20th Century had to do with favoring the former, and post-Reagan, favoring the latter.

“Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.” - Lincoln

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Sounds like governmental regulation for the public good! Apparently a novel concept to the pharmaceutical company publicist and to the “so called reporter “ who thought that should be the focus of the story.

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That’s corporate America for you. Starve, frighten, rob and become our serfs. We have the money and the power, thanks to SCOTUS, to do just that and Republicans will help us.

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Things can get dicey when corporations rule the roost. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Bengal_famine_of_1770 That's the same East India Company whose tea was thrown into Boston Harbor because of the exclusive crony tax break the company received from the Crown.

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Yes. We’re finding out just how dicey. Thanks for the East India Company Tea story. We could teach that along with Lincoln’s sense of humor and spice up American history courses.

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"Adding to Trump’s troubles today is that he fell off Forbes’ list of the 400 wealthiest Americans, a status that in the past he has cared deeply about."


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But, tfg is near the top of the list of the Worst Americans!

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Trump may still make the Time person-of-the-year cover. With a jail background.

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Hitler was Time’s man of the year. He later committed suicide in a Berlin bunker. Trump could be Time’s man of the year from his cell.

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Jeffrey Epstein was able to commit suicide (wink wink nudge nudge) from his cell when the CCTV was turned off and his jailers were taking a break.

Perhaps TFFG will get a cell in the same Manhattan jail for bad mouthing the judge's staff. 30 days in jail without access to media or the Internet? TFFG would never survive that.

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Hey, I'd buy a copy.

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Not me.

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For the historical significance you see. Prison bars are essential.

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I'd buy a copy....for my dart board.

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Who the hell is tag?

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TFG = the former guy (Trump). It’s used to avoid putting the name out there more than it already is, the same way some won’t name serial killers etc. to deprive them of notoriety.

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And it was President Biden who coined it.

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Didn’t know that! Go Dark Brandon :-)

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I use The Odious Beast. Highly descriptive and, as you did, it avoids giving his name any more publicity.

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I'm ready to follow Pelosi's lead with WHN--what's-his-name

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He who shall not be named.

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How about Voldemort or He Who Must Not Be Named—who sold his soul for power.

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That already is the term for former Florida governor and current senator Rick Scott. At least to many of us in Florida.

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It seems one's soul really is the price of admission to the "GOP" these days. It really is abandonment of any sort of decency in pursuit of extreme unaccountable power, you-know-who certainly included.

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Voldemort is already the name many Democrats here in Florida use to refer to former governor and current senator Rick Scott.

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Hell, I'll maybe give him that one. But a whole slew of runner's up are nipping at his heels.

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This one is going to REALLY upset him. Which is lovely.

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This is the worst thing that could happen to him—worse than losing the presidency, worse than being indicted.

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Work release as a golf caddy on a municipal golf course. No talking to the customers. Ever.

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The challenge to creating a Blue Wave will be overcoming the dreadful voter suppression measures that have been implemented in so many states. Votes don't count as they used to. It us a cruel irony that the very right of citizens to shape their government is no longer a right in so many states. The pernicious programs of the GQP have helped them dig in. Still, it is incumbent on citizens to reaffirm their rights, to work to restore them. It's going to be a steep uphill climb.

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SCOTUS will rule the country by cherry-picking and “interpreting” laws that please their contributor$.

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We could still drown 'em in a vote bin.

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Thanks once more for summarizing that mess and clarifying it for us. Best wishes on your journey to promote your book. Come home to Maine exhilarated by the gratitude of your followers.

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Wait, she's from Maine?! That explains the rationality and clarity! (New Hampshire neighbor here).

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The removal of McCarthy highlights the destruction that the Republican party is bringing on the US. I am really worried about what will happen with the bills for funding the government and for Ukrainian aid that need to be passed. As Jessica Craven writes in her Substack. The apparent loss of support for Ukraine, and I believe we are their biggest supporters, plays into Putin going into other Balkan countries too, knowing that he can. However, then NATO comes into play and our military has to fight. Things are going to get much uglier is my suspicion before they get better. I hope I am wrong though. I see lots of signs of democracy at work. Let Democracy prevail.

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Chaos it is. Everywhere. Sensory overload. Money supply to chaos in the House and soon the Senate. And then the election coming. Will Trump run? Run from jail? Our democracy, our Republic, our economic and political life depends on an educated electorate and population. Who said the white mob reads barely at the fifth grade level.

Underlying, racism, prejudice, intolerance, fear, and a grotesque ignorance. Education and the weekly newspaper are failing and have been for decades.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy is gone. His genuflect for former President Trump in Florida after telling the truth on the Floor - and the whole mess - landed with a thud.

Will the system hold? Will AG Garland’s Department of Justice hold?

The chaos candidate rules the GOP. Do we have a two party system? Is it viable? Who is running the House?

Did all this start with a grade B Hollywood actor?

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The system will hold but with perhaps a few more disasters— that’s one of the things I love about Biden— his ability to weather the storm and keep getting stuff done.

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I agree. How he keeps his head with all the negative press against him, and the LACK of press for the good stuff, I don't know how he does it. Periodically, I have emailed or sent a handwritten note thanking him for leading our country. Whether they ever actually get to him, who knows, but I like to think that if he has a dark moment of frustration, a kind word helps.

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Good for you. Keep writing! Encouragement when leaders make good decisions is always helpful.

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I, too.

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Cc: John Benjamin Lewis, our son.

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No, it did not start with that grade B actor. Stealing the government to prevent promoting the general welfare has been going on the New Deal was passed. The robber barons have always been at work to bring back the Gilded Age. Today there are just different robber barons who want to plunder the rest of us. They believe they are ENTITLED to wealth because they are BETTER than everyone else.

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Before that, maybe the Coup of 1933, in the modern era

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Grade B Hollywood actor -- are you referring to Trump or Reagan?

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I believe with Trickie Dick

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In Marat-Sade the issue was whether the inmates or the nurses and supervisors were in charge at this mental institution.

In the assassination of Kevin McCarthy, clearly the inmates were in charge. Following the assassination they awarded themselves a week’s vacation before returning to Washington to again run amuck.

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McHenry is going to drag out the proceedings as long as possible because that is what Trump wants--a shut down and delays and chaos , especially with respect to aid to the Ukraine to appease Putin and to support his fantasy that if there is a shutdown then his Federal trials will stop at least temporarily and that Biden and the Democrats will be blamed for the shutdown.

This is a truly ugly and evil tactic and I fear the week out of session is just a prelude to a slow walk until the 45 day continuing resolution runs out. McHenry is going to play this for all it is worth--he has the crucial scheduling power and he can see which way the wind is blowing before he decides to throw in with the chaos caucus and Trump, bring back his supposed best buddy McCarthy, or go with a candidate that will attract some Democratic votes. HIs demanding that Pelosi vacate her office immediately makes the idea he will try to engineer a win for a moderate bi-partisanly inclined Republican highly unlikely-- he just burned a big bridge. Note that he did not demand McCarthy move out of his office.

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The pettiness and stupidity … to immediately kick - lock - Madam Speaker from her office while she’s away mourning the loss of another brilliant lady/woman of note to have established herself as one to be remember on the Senate side of Capitol Hill ... Sad, pretty, pretty ... pretty Sad!

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I don’t understand the point of that move. Doesn’t she have just a regular office since she’s no longer speaker?

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MLM A traditional courtesy for a former speaker. Pelosi did this for her predecessor.

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Just pure maliciousness.

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They are back at home spinning the debacle as a monumental victory, as chump and Gaetz kick his savior in the keister.

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By the way, why are the Reps allowed to go home for a long, long weekend when they've barely turned out any work product (except firing their own leader)? Are they getting paid for all these breaks they take? Do their paychecks getted docked?

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Julia The Republicans were exhausted. They remind me of the whirly bird that flew in smaller and smaller concentric circles until it ran up its own ass hole.

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Now there is an image....

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Is there tuba music that could accompany this phenomenon?

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Then there’s also “Yackety Sax”

(Benny Hill” theme)

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Well, the “Jaws” theme comes to mind. Best B -C lick ever.

Or “Flight of the Bumblebee” played 3 octaves down.

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They rule, of course, of course not.

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They sure don’t “work hard for the money”

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Victims need more rest....


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If these *ukers shut down the government, they shouldn't get paid either!

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The show must go on. We need to change the channel.

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Our national channel, deport Rupert and his crew of vipers. Is it too late...

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Looks that way...

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People might think Rupert has retired. Only when he draws his last breath. Then his legacy of hate will live in some hearts, sad to say

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Jeri Rupert will come back from his grave like a rabid Fox.

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Hate never retires.

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Right …this gives them all some time to take their best cure like smelling salt, pepto bishop or fentanyl before they come back to DC

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Don’t think they use fentanyl. Think they have other pacifiers, maybe less deadly, but more brain deadening. Wish they would spend the week reading history or looking at their mean and/or stupid faces (looked at a lot of them on TV) in their mirrors or playing back recordings of their mean-sounding voices. The silent ones might take up speaking what they perceive as “Conservative” truth.

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Except for the split infinitive, exactly the right post! Thank you for invoking the true Radicals! Carried my cane yesterday after practicing using it as a weapon, thinking of you as an example.🤣

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Virginia You, my wife, and I were taught that to split an infinitive was an absolute no no. Since then splitting infinitives has become increasingly acceptable. This is something to quickly try.

Caning is an old British custom, with trousers up or down.

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🤣 I know that split infinitives are at least as acceptable as lost possessives for modifying gerunds, but could I miss a chance with someone who knows ancient grammar?

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Virginia I had an early confusion between gerund and fecund.

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That’s a confusion that leads me to wonder about -und and ger- vs fe-. I didn’t do enough of the Latin, so shall have to get to the hackin’ and the hewin’.

My second year Latin teacher (the good one was taken ill before finishing the school year) was not so great.

As for bourbon: do they still drink it up north?

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At the Princeton Old Guard, bourbon and Geritol is a favorite drink.

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As for caning, it is such a horror to me that I repress the memory of learning about it. In my mind’s eye you are fighting off Princeton street gangs right and left.

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Virginia Nah. I find that offering bottles of bourbon keeps me safe.

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Heather Cox Richardson thank you for being on the road and still sending such a comprehensive letter.

And yes, they aren't looking or planning for the future and it is chaos Professor ⭐

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Professor of Chaos Studies!

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

I'm surprised that McHenry (R-NC-10) chose to be so petty. Nancy Pelosi deserves great respect as a former Speaker. A childish, petulant act like kicking her out of her private office and forcing her into lesser digs speaks ill of McHenry and does not bode well for the next few weeks specifically and for any hope of bi-partisanship generally.

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It’s all performative nonsense aimed at the Trumpublicans. I covered the Hill for about 20 years when I was a reporter. I then taught elementary school for 22 years. The nine-year-olds were often much more mature and honest than the members of Congress.

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A newsday when tfg wasn't the leading headline! How refreshing, even if the leading headline is about bomb-throwers in tfg's party blowing up Congress.

Are we going to be treated to another multi-vote ordeal seeking a replacement speaker? (Who, in their right mind, would want the job at this point?) Can we survive with a floundering, useless House until November '24 when a strong Democratic majority of grownups can be ushered in and pick up the task of governing once again? And, yet again, cleaning up the mess left by Republicans.

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Yes and no, I fear

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"A shutdown would have hurt the country and, in so doing, would have benefited former president Trump, "

What is if the aggregated costs of past shutdowns, personal, to taxpayers, and extended damage were widely circulated? Who pays for "GOP" political stunts? What else might that money have paid for?

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Costs only interest repubs if they can blame Dems. Otherwise, who cares

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The base is thoroughly mesmerized, but successful movement call attention to uncomfortable truths, and don't let up. At lot of important contests are close.

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It occurred to me during the night that any kind of social revolution that amounts to anything takes place in the mind as a matter of information and motivation. The MAGAs take the lesson from the Revolutionary War that weapons and violence bring freedom, but our victory against Britain, while helpful, only gave us the space to to try our experiment. While Canada is more culturally tied to Britain, it is now a republic ruled by representative government, as is Britain itself. The notion that a shooting revolution was worth the risk spread on streetcorners and in taverns. The ideas that became the Declaration and the Constitution were based on debate and scholarship. What we did not do, at least in our theoretical model, was to repeat many of the mistakes of the past. We did not create our own king, or its equivalent, tough that option continues to beckon. We were not, at least in a very fundamental way, meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

The genius and the problem for creating a free society is the necessary preponderance of citizens prepared and willing to bear a share of responsibility for extending and protecting a free and just environment. Revolution is still taking place in the public mind; about slavery, women's rights, workers rights, civil rights, gay rights, environmental duties, and a host of issues, some of which are too subtle to garner much attention. The reactionary "Reagan Revolution" was exactly that, and has captured the thinking of much of the country with endlessly promoted propaganda and appeals to prejudice. I think we can do a better job than has recently been the case of telling truths worth telling and clarifying goals worth seeking. Democracy needs a robust and earnest public conversation in order to operate. A vision around which support may gather.

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Yes, I know there is bad things about the loss of a Speaker of the House. I am concerned about Ukraine.

But I refused to not enjoy the moment of massive implosion of the House GOP last night. After all the horror these MAGATs have put us all through these last 7 years - culminating for me with the Dobbs decision (and my daughter and future daughter-in-law losing autonomy over their own bodies)- I popped some champagne and grinned ear to ear, watching their public pain. 🍾😈

Let these people burn. Make it crystal clear to every voter who has rationalized the dysfunction of these would be autocrats who want to destroy democracy, that they are nothing more than a bunch of low brow boobs who don’t know how to govern their way out of a paper bag.

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I will never understand voting for someone who tells me that something doesn't work instead of telling me how you're going to fix it.

Imagine a teacher telling a parent that their kid cant read and there's nothing to be done because they don't know how to help.

Imagine a doctor telling a patient that they have a life threatening disease but they don't know to cure it, so nothing can be done.

Imagine a representative telling us that government doesn't work and that rep is going to show you exactly how it doesn't.

I know a lot of people vote one issue and that's just one of many reasons why we end up with people unable or unwilling to make things work

And I'm sure this is doing wonders for us on the world stage.

All I can hope for is that more sane people vote next year because if they don't things are only going to worse.


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