I have had to mostly avoid social media, twitter especially, for the past few days - I just couldn’t take it anymore and needed a break. Thank you, Heather, for suffering through and distilling all the horrible news into a coherent narrative so that I could feel comfortable not paying attention for a day or two. I know I can trust you to not miss something important and that trust allowed me the break I needed. I suspect that even on days when you “take the night off” you still keep sifting through all the garbage, you just don’t write a letter and thus don’t really get a break. Thanks for being there and persevering. I hope it’s not past the time when you can go kayaking - that seems to help you when you need it. Starting to ramble so I will stop. Just wanted to express my gratitude.

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Thanks, Karen. You speak for the many here!

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Karen Smith, instead of rambling on, to use your words, why aren't you out getting people to vote? Drive them to the polling stations or post their ballots. What a waste of valuable time.

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Steven, since you have no idea of my personal circumstances or what I may or may not have done to advance votes or the election, I would respectfully suggest that you refrain from judging me. My time is mine to do with what I will, as is yours. Yours would be more productive to spend not judging other people on what you presume to know about their activities. I simply wanted to thank Heather for the work she does.

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Steven, I agree that you are being extremely presumptuous to admonish anyone whom you do not know. What a waste of potential insight you've exhibited.

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Karen and Rob. Thanks for your responses. I just wanted to write something controversial for a change and see what happened. I respect your opinions.

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My apologies for being so direct, but trolling just to "see what happens" is even worse than a hypothetical waste of valuable time. That kind of trolling is part of why social media is such a toxic place today.

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We digress people

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Steven, I am happy to interact with intelligent discourse, there is no need to be provocative just for the sake of conversation. I apologize if my reply was harsh, I was somewhat taken aback and in a hurry. I am very busy in my professional life and am just now having time to look at further postings. I would hope that we can all have polite engaging conversation moving forward. These are stressful times for all and there is nothing gained in divisiveness. Let’s all move forward together, shall we?

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Steve. Go back to your sandbox.

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I don't think the polling stations are open in the middle of the night.

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Look at who's calling for Wray to investigate the Hunter Biden story....Johnson, Cruz, Nunes and Jordan. Four of the large band of thugs and sycophants who will never turn against their dear leader. And, this after Cruz suggested the party is in danger of a blood bath. I hope voters send the party to such a minority that it will take years to regain any kind of power.

Heather, thank you for your ongoing belief in getting it right and presenting it to us. I was worried though, on FB when a reader asked if you would continue after the election. Your response was something like...."Yes if Biden wins, but probably won't be safe if he doesn't." Have you been seriously threatened in the past? I note that there are more and more trolls here so it only seems natural you might have had some threatening responses. Please keep yourself safe. We, and the country, needs you!

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I live in Texas, I voted against Cruz in 2018. I was heartbroken that he won, the sight of him makes me sick. We have Dan Patrick, Greg Abbott, John Cornyn, Ken Paxton, need I say more.

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I am fortunate to live in a state that aligns with my own politics...Massachusetts, home of Elizabeth Warren. I'm sorry you live in a state with such an array of tRump thugs, I have a dear friend who lives in Houston who is trying hard to help TX move blue, or at least purple.

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So my comment posted twice. Tried to delete one, it now both are gone. Anyway, I said I feel your pain. We have Rick Scott, Marco Rubio and Ron DeSantis.

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I don’t even know what to say to that. That is absolutely terrifying. Please take great care Heather.

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Of course it would be wonderful for you to continue your posts, Dr. R. Your safety, though, is paramount. As it is, you have given us so much already and I for one am most grateful.

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Hmmm, are all 4 owned by the Russians as well?

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History is not going to be kind to Mitch McConnell. One hopes in two weeks a majority of voters in Kentucky won't be kind to him either.

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Ditto. Ditch Mitch! I have as much contempt for him as I do for tRump. I believe there is a special place waiting for him in hell. Such an evil man.

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I've heard that hell doesn't want him.

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Ha, ha!!

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I’ve thought for years that it’s long overdue for writing a sequel to Dante’s Inferno and put the whole extreme right in the ninth circle where they belong!

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By the way, we voted for change today — two of us anyway!

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High 5 to all your comments here!

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Allegorically, so to say!

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I've been following the polls and analysis in KY, in spite of the frustration. For a while there seemed to be two versions of stats: one favoring McConnell, and the other showing McGrath slowly gaining points. It may be a long shot (still a pretty big spread), but I've seen elections spring surprises before. Hoping this one will. Even better: looking at the states that are really close: fair chance that Dems could take the Senate by enough seats to control it. Even if McConnel holds onto his seat, it could be somewhere else in the Senate. And with so many Republicans looking over their shoulders right now, he won't have near the influence a deposed majority leader would normally have. The best of course: McConnell loses in KY AND Dems take the Senate. Not holding my breath on Mitch, but I think there's a real chance for the Dems taking the Senate. Because we need people in the Senate who are willing to actually work. Hope is not dead yet.

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Yes, McGrath is a long shot to beat McConnell but, with record numbers of people already voting, a victory in Kentucky is a fingers-crossed possibility. I'm hoping this country makes me proud again. There has been only shame lately.

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Please be right, Annie!

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You can smell the stench of the "panther sweat" of desperation from here. They all know they're about to find out what it's like to be hanged, drawn and quartered.

Living in Los Angeles and having worked in the film industry for most of the past 40 years, running across morons who think they're geniuses has been something that occurs more frequently than I have liked. Watching one of them finally "get his" has always brought a smile to my face, particularly on the few occasions when I was able to be the one who gave him the kick in the ass that sent him over the cliff. Right now, we're all the ones in position to give these morons who think they're geniuses the kick in the ass that sends them over the cliff. And this time, it's a loooonnnnnnnnggggg way to the bottom. And when he finally gets to the bottom and spends the next two years flailing his way to prison, that will *really* bring a smile to my face, watching him get squashed by a the grand piano of a lifetime of karma, falling from the roof of Trump Tower.

Never before have I met a collection of clucks for whom the absolute worst that can happen to them is "almost enough," for whom I have absolutely not even a sliver of pity.

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That’s quite a fantasy. A bit of me liked it, but maybe the film industry is the place for it?

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Thank God you are in California, where the result is pre-ordained. If you were in a contentious state, you should be using your time more constructively than writing about panther sweat.

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Damn. Where did I leave that spray can of TROLL-BE-GONE?

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You go James!

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WTF is with you man? There is just so much any of us can do at this point. The ignorant base is gonna do it’s thing and hopefully ppl with sense will do theirs. This is a discussion group and many here are working the polls and doing all those fysical things for what it’s worth. I had thot of at least standing around my local polling place with a sign like I did for the losing Dem Governor candidate of Floriduh in 2018, but other personal detractions (of which you know nothing) prevent that. So don’t you dare tell me to get off my ass & computer and do something useful or I will respond in unkind.

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Thanks, Rob. I am working the polls, going in for my second afternoon today. Thought about not doing it this year due to Covid, but then thought I needed to do everything I could, even though I am in a deep red county.

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Steven, you seem to be in a foul mood. Have you been able to use your time constructively? What have you been doing?

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Joan, i just thought it was time for a bit of controversy and wanted to see what the reaction would be.

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We get enough shit from our tRumpster friends and don’t need more here, thank you very much.

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Interesting that I get a lot of reaction when I write something slightly controversial and nothing but a series of likes when I write something which is enlightening or amusing.

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Our brains react more strongly to negativity. It's some ancient survival mechanism that now causes a lot of grief. Facebook runs on that difference. It's why personal relationships seem to need 5 positive interactions to balance out each negative one, and why the Buddhists say that one moment of anger can cancel a thousand years of good karma.

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Steven, there's nothing particularly controversial in what you wrote; it's just an unpleasant distraction. Blue Wave!

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If you are craving strong reactions, go on some pro-Trump media page and say things they won't like.

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I'm very grateful to live in California, at least from a political perspective. My friends in red states are surrounded by maskless Trumpanzees lacking even a modicum of awareness and heads full of echoes.

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I would loe it if we stopped using the term "strict constructionist" to describe the "return to the 18th century" perspective on the US Constitution. It is not "strict constructionist" to demand that we psychoanalyze dead people to determine how they might respond to modern times. If they really were expecting everyone to read the Constitution as a dead document, then they would reject the amendments and legislation that actually provided Thomas, Alito, and Barrett their education, jobs, and careers. And Thomas's marriage would put him in jail.

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Thank you again, Professor Richardson for giving us the facts and the framing (in a good way.) My Mom used to say occasionally when we were young “There are two things I hate, one is a liar, and the other is a thief”. Trump is a liar, and a thief who steals our time with his lies, and his conspiracy theories. It is exhausting. Oh, to have him soundly defeated by the election.

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Trump is subhuman (I can explain by use of Darwin's work, but hat is not my central point here). Stop trying to measure his failings, that is AN ENDLESS TASK. Accept what your intellect and instinct are telling you, and just know it to be true. No need to bother yourself.

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Dang! I didn't know you could just tell a virus that you are tired of it and it would just go away!. I am sure every physician, nurse and every other health care worker are grateful for this tidbit. What an idiot.

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Hmm, Rebecca. "I'm Tired of You, COVID-19" would make a great message on a T-Shirt!

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Or pajamas.

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Yeah, I hear that works for cancer too. (Uh, no. I know for a fact that's bullish|t.)

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This is my favorite daily read. I see history framed and narrated simultaneously.

Heather is building a significant cache for future historians to validate the sensible view of this bizarre time.

I am very glad to see the Hunter Biden myth included today. I was amused that Radcliffe and company are rabid about the existence of the hard drives but unable to trace the path from the Pawn Shop into “intelligence agents,” hands. Maybe they were Russian or Chinese “intelligence agents?”

But as alert as we can be and monitor every facet of this build up to the election, the sensible can only be satisfied by a total Trump Dump. Vote and pray.

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They're also unable to trace them from Hunter Biden's hands to the shop. Since he was living in California at the time this is alleged to have happened, I doubt they ever will. And, of course, this is all just a wingnut fantasy.

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The "37 %" referred to ONLY LIVE WINGNUT FANTASIES. There are causes, sure, but don't try to apply reason, it won't work.

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Today's letter did seem to imply that the laptops in question are, in fact, owned by Hunter Biden. As Carol and Jim point out below that the "chain of custody" is broken, but are they definately young Mr. Biden's?

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Heather, thanks for working through this day of news. I sometimes think the Administration is merely throwing as many stories as they can to stick to the wall to see what stories works best. I naively think Trump will surely run out of diversions, yet another appears. The end is drawing near in the weeks ahead. I just don't know to what device. Regrouping of Democracy or the bitter end of it. I don't think there is a clear answer as the stakes are constantly being moved.

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Howdy, all of us with a special nod to Dr. R! Four comments come to mind from this ordinary American.

1) With all due respect to Candidate Joe Biden, here's my take on the COVID-19 Debate:

Virus-20 points. Republicans-zero points.

2) On Hunter Biden E-Mails making Former VP Biden unqualified to be President: Vote me Blue.

3) On the unfairness of the commission's debate rules regarding the mute button: 45's intention

to drown out and thereby block Candidate Biden's 1st Amendment rights to free speech,

somebody give that commission a box of cigars.

4) On the administration's "official" declaration that Dr. Fauci is a disaster: Congratulations, Dr. Fauci! Welcome to the Good Trouble Club.

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Thank you, Heather, as always, for your efforts in bringing out the facts in a regular summary. I'm so grateful to you for enabling us to be informed and still hang onto our sanity, and especially to avoid social media. Sadly it looks like even here there may be judgmental trolls, but otherwise I am glad to be among like-minded people who are horrified by current events yet willing to do what is needed to try to save our democracy.

Today was another day of eyerolls, including even here in this group. Someday I hope that will no longer be true or at least much less prevalent. Thank you!💜

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Thanks Heather! As soon as my eyes open I read your letter. I can’t wrap my head around the fact that there are career GOP politicians that are standing by and allowing 45 to unravel our democracy. It is tragic. Why will they not reign him in? They could stop this madness and chose to ignore it.

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These GOP politicians can't help themselves, this is who they are. Just accept this and stop trying to apply your sense of ethics. It won't work. THIS IS WHO THEY ARE.

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So, if I'm understanding this correctly, we simultaneously have intelligence officers warning the White House that Russian intelligence was targeting Giuliani in regards to the Hunter Biden story and the Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliff, defending the Biden story? Are these people all part of the same group? What am I missing here.

I also wish to thank you again for your daily letters.

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No, they aren't part of the same group. On the one hand, you have the intelligence professionals telling us that this is Russian rat-f*cking. On the other hand, you have Ratcliffe, utterly unqualified to comment on national intelligence matters except for his puppy-like loyalty to Trump.

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I suffer the same confusion sometimes as Terry. When I'm reading an article, I have to ask myself when it refers to, say, the DOJ or FBI or any of the other federal agencies, is it the former DOJ or FBI or is it the 45 DOJ or FBI, etc.

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Thanks for the touch of humor you worked in there. I need a little of that right now. I'm not usually online so early (not a morning person), and it was painful to read through the crankiness of some of the earlier posts. I love your wry take on this.

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Personally, I would like it to be repeatedly pointed out that The New York Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News and The Wall Street Journal, among many, many other news and media outlets. Is it any wonder Giuliani went to the Post with his story? Murdoch should be ashamed of what he has done not only to this country, but others around the world. And we should be ashamed for letting him get away with it.

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It is still frightening to see how his more desperate rants are still accepted by his ignorant base of cult followers. I hope that is still at 37% of mindless, non-critical thinkers. But, I still recall how disheartening it was on Nov 8, 2016 to realize that due to the Electoral College set up, that minority of mindless voters could foist an unqualified, fascist-minded, pathological narcissist, conman on us, instead of the only clear choice of a qualified “politician.” I remember the polls then said that Hillary was the favored choice. This gives me great misgivings on the current polls and the hovering dread that it can happen again. Even if a lot of his ignorant base supporters die of COVID from his super-spreader rallies.

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"Hovering dread."


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Thanks, as always. It’s amazing how much we can get used to, learn to deal with, and pick ourselves up and get back to living these days. I was doing alright, which is probably how the frog feels as the water temperature increases until the mention of SCOTUS and Miss Amy.

Then I leapt out of the pot screaming!

Is there any chance that enough Republican Senators would vote ‘nay’ on her confirmation (I. e. The Ben Sasses of the world?)

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Cynthia, I felt the same way about the SCOTUS information/ ruling. The idea of having ACB on the high court scares me. I hope everyday there is some magic that occurs!

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I too think there might be a tiny possibility that enough Republicans, wishing to distance themselves from Trump, might vote NO on ACB but I am not holding my breath.

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Do you believe Ben Sasse will actually vote "nay?" But, like you I do hold a very tiny hope of enough Republicans finding a backbone and standing up for what's right.

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There is always a chance - that's why Moscow Mitch is in such a hurry to get the foul deed done.

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If I've got this right. there will be two vote: one in the judiciary committee to determine if there will be a confirmation vote, and then the confirmation vote itselfby the full body. In theory, both bodies interview the nominee. At least this is how it works in most of the state legislatures I follow. I usually look this stuff up in detail, but here's a quickie: https://guides.ll.georgetown.edu/c.php?g=365722&p=2471070

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