A very interesting point that I had missed somewhere along the line is that: “Saudi Arabia has suddenly offered Ukraine $400 million in humanitarian aid, evidently trying to regain the goodwill of Europe and the U.S., since it imports almost all of its weapons from that bloc.”
Rowshan Saudi Arabia’s offer of $400 million in humanitarian aid to Ukraine is far less than the $billion plus that the Saudis (MBS) are investing in their mercenary golf venture. Bleeding hearts the Saudis ain’t.
Keith, of course the Saudis aren't bleeding hearts. I doubt that any of Heather's followers think for a minute that MBS can in any way be described as anything but a cold-blooded despot. We all are fully aware of Jamal Khashoggi's ghastly murder and dismemberment. His "humanitarian aid" for Ukraine can be likened to his loosening of restrictions on Saudi women and other liberalizations offered during his control, which are designed to calm the waters while he tightens the screws elsewhere.
'More than 500 retired U.S. military personnel — including scores of generals and admirals — have taken lucrative jobs since 2015 working for foreign governments, mostly in countries known for human rights abuses and political repression, according to a Washington Post investigation.'
'In Saudi Arabia, for example, 15 retired U.S. generals and admirals have worked as paid consultants for the Defense Ministry since 2016. The ministry is led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the kingdom’s de facto ruler, who U.S. intelligence agencies say approved the 2018 killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a Washington Post contributing columnist, as part of a brutal crackdown on dissent.]
'Saudi Arabia’s paid advisers have included retired Marine Gen. James L. Jones, a national security adviser to President Barack Obama, and retired Army Gen. Keith Alexander, who led the National Security Agency under Obama and President George W. Bush, according to documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.'
'Others who have worked as consultants for the Saudis since Khashoggi’s murder include a retired four-star Air Force general and a former commanding general of U.S. troops in Afghanistan.' (WAPO) Ungifted Link below.
Fern I had read the article and was appalled by the secrecy that shrouded all of this. Lots of ex-military in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and elsewhere. Wonder how this related to the Yemen war? I would yank them all back immediately.
I think they are just marking time with a few million $$ until their friend ..... what was his name? .... gets re-elected to our presidency. I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me what that $2 billion to ... what's his names'? .... son-in law actually was for.
As Hitler (and chump) said. I paraphrase, If you win you don’t have to explain. That’s the plan, man. Why the billionaires have jumped on the chump express. Just think, if they can punch a hole in our social safety nets (which Dems seem loathe to mention) they will have a combination to the vault. Wake up Dems. I rarely see a mention in the bull Schitt political emails I get buried under. That is something that even old MAGAts care about.
I don’t know Jeri. The second dumbest guy in congress, Ron Johnson, has said SS and Medicare should be voted on every year and he still may be reelected. I don’t get the folks who so robotically vote against their own interests, except he’s white.
Grace…you make an excellent point! It speaks volumes to the intelligence, or the lack thereof, of many American voters! As evidenced in the last election where a large percentage of voters although tired of tRump…failed to vote in a majority level of support for the new president simply because they couldn’t or wouldn’t vote for a non-republican or, they just didn’t know or understand the Process! As an example, recently a Woman in line at our local Grocery Store sporting a pin that said, “If you don’t like what’s happening vote Republican!” Was over heard telling someone, “if people don’t vote Republican…they’re going to lose their Social Security and Medicare!” Apparently she hadn’t heard or understood, comments from individuals such as Ron Johnson and others like him
These dopes visit sites which lie and scare them and then they are all "experts" and spread the nonsense. If you don't agree with them, you should "dig deeper" and believe sites like Judicial Watch. I was looking at an ad (I had it muted) from the wing nut running in Washington's third district and the audience was all older and all white. But they are worried about all those tents and all that crime and probably that people kneel during the national anthem. His opponent is a young woman who owns an auto repair shop with her husband and also had a miscarriage when women could go to the hospital and get treatment.
Their sincerely held beliefs would turn on a dime when that Social Security check is gone. And most of them would be shocked. The hate for the other blinds them to what their manipulators want to take from them.
Yes, and it can make you fight to maintain your privilege especially when you're white, not so rich, and believe you are in danger of losing your superior position in society to "those people".
Joan, MBS is destined to be sorely disappointed. TFG will, at the very least, be rendered bankrupt over the next few years. As for Jared, the entitled little jerk and his wife will need to budget well, because I suspect their grifting is coming to an end, and they might also be wearing orange if Leticia James has her way.
He is going to have to do a lot better than that as far as I am concerned. Those numbers are pennies compared to the financial trouble he has caused. Is he a complete and total idiot, or does he think the USA president is? Biden has just hinted at retribution for his bad actions and he has done this. Well, did he think there was going to be no response? Seriously. What planet is he living on?
Does Biden have the power in our country to pull that off. Our government is teetering on the brink and the barbarians are not only at the door, some are in Congress.
I fear that he is just biding his time til repubs and the orange menace gain ground. So many have no clue what is at stake. In my family deliberate ignorance seems to rule. Stupidity would be preferable, but cult crap is hard to bare
Rowshan, I had intended to mention your point. I have not heard a word of the Saudi "humanitarian aid" to Ukraine development, although I pay attention. Heather invariably offers nuggets of information that we just don't get anywhere else.
However, I found that last March it was reported that Saudi Prince chose Putin over Biden when it came to Oil, and now he is doing it again. So, I think we can be clear where he stands and will stand. The question is where will we stand. I would like us to stand away.
Linda, I agree. Hit them where it hurts. I do think, though, that we are faced with reassessing our approach to numerous countries as strategies are changing world-wide.
In the early 1980s Reagan was told by scientists about global warming and that we should get off of fossil fuels. His answer was to ignore that, just as the fossil fuel industry was willing to invest in other sources of energy. He told the industry let the people of the future solve the problems, so they agreed and continued to make money as they had without a backward glance. Well, I cannot help but feel that if Reagan had not done this, and we had already gone in another direction we would not have given funding to despotic regimes like Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Russia and we could perhaps be facing a very different situation in these three countries. At this point the countries that can (USA, EU) should get themselves off of fossil fuels as quickly as possible so that they do not give money to these regimes. Our own fossil fuel industry is no better. It is corrupt to the core!
Linda, I totally agree. Although no mention was made of Reagan (I can think of no Republican president who was not a slave to our oligarchs other than Eisenhower), Fareed Zakaria made this same point on his show yesterday, saying that our country, in concert with other democracies, must begin to become independent in all things - microchips, as Biden is already doing, oil, where we could produce our own from our abundant natural resources, while making a serious step to create green energy, etc. We can't remain dependent upon OPEC, Russia, and others, when we already know that they will capitalize on our weaknesses.
In the elections on November 8, we have the choice between Democrats' building on our rights to self-determination through rule of law, or Republicans' power grabs to further erode our rights and freedoms under their autocracy. As David Pepper writes in Laboratories of Autocracy, these Republican power grabs and draconian laws start in the state legislatures.
We have 3 weeks to Get Out The Vote. It's up to each and every one of us to speak up, talk to our friends and family, take action to influence others to show up for this election. Postcarding, door knocking, voter registration, drivers, election workers, poll watchers--take your pick.
This is also the time to work smart with our donations. If you haven't already checked out The States Project, they have researched which are the most critically flippable state legislatures. Funds to the good candidates' campaigns free the candidates to meet their voters, the most effective means of getting their votes. Deadline is this coming Monday, October 17. Donations between now and then will be matched up to $60,000! Double your money, double your impact to help save democracy!
Everywhere in the former Soviet republics are the restive minorities that now outnumber the Russians. The population of Russia has not risen in more than 100 years. There weren’t enough Russians to hold the ussr together, and now they can barely make an army. Meanwhile, Russian leaders routinely remove the most capable generals from leadership positions because they are a threat. The shootings at the training camp appear to have been the work of recruits from eastern Siberia, perhaps Choochka, the butt of many Russian jokes, descendants of those (we are told) who first walked across the Bering straight to North America and became the first native Americans.
Angela Merkle was asked how she dealt with Putin, whose foreign language is German and who was head of the kgb office in Berlin when the wall came down. She said that you just have to wait until he oversteps and gets into trouble. In American lingo, give him enough rope and he will hang himself. Wouldn’t want Russia herself as a failed state, tho.
Yet the man seems blissfully sure of himself. What have his black shamans been telling him? What did they tell the man whom I strongly suspect of being his glove-puppet?
What's so great about HCR is that she constantly reminds us of what's at stake: "The world is at an inflection point that will determine the security and prosperity of the American people for generations to come.” I believe that with all my heart. It's going to take a very large village of ethical Democrats to turn back the awful demagogic and authoritarian wave Trump has unleashed. We each need to find a place in the struggle––and push forward every day.
Gayle, your comment came into my email inbox just as I updated a page on my Substack about a book of quotations about democracy I recently completed. The biggest need for education and inspiration––and get out the vote, as you say––is students and young adults. That is what I emphasize. Check it out if interested: https://elimerritt.substack.com/p/global-words-on-democracy-wisdom. Stay well, Eli
A truly remarkable post, because it highlights the lengths to which The Former Guy went to try and destroy this country, and his love of autocrats (mainly because he desperately wants to be one).
Yes - that account of his actions aimed at destroying the world order in the days immediately following his defeat is stunning, and alarmingly clear. Now, who could have been on the phone to him with strategic advice?
I hope investigations continue on this egregious act. Treason is an offense punishable by death I think. What about attempted treason? I think that is what that is.
Yeah that was new info to me. MOF, alot of new info in the last hearing, including news that SS and FBI were to a certain extent complicit. I can see that investigations are going to continue a long time by DOJ. As for attempting to ruin the country on the way out, I believe a version of that is playing out with the economy. I suspect certain things are being done, or not done, among some of our large and powerful corporations and billionaires, to sabotage the economy. They know that the dumb and dumber American voters are going to mindlessly blame the current administration for anything that isn't right in the near term (inflation, war). So why lift a finger to help? "Let's do some price gouging too - win win. We get windfall profits, the public votes out those damn Democrats." Just yesterday I saw a FB post from a friend/acquaintance blaming the current administration (and party in power) for the state of the economy (e.g. inflation), and the Ukraine war. Yup - the war. Biden's fault. I think millions think same. Look how easy it is to mold the American people. God I hope there are enough of us to see through it. The alternative is going to be very very bad.
The most chilling part of what we heard from the Committee was how there were issues surrounding "some" members of the FBI and Secret Service acting in concert and communicating with the insurrectionists (Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, etc). It's not difficult to imagine these people become part of a privately controlled, elite force acting to quash all supporters for democracy, aided by the regime's propaganda that "otherizes" anyone who dares to speak out.
- The Third Reich had its People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs, the Geheime Staatspolizei
- Mussolini had his Milizia Voluntaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale, the MSVN (translation Voluntary Militia for National Security).
- Stalin after WWII created the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD).
- China's Ministry of State Security (MSS) created in 1983 by merging of the Central Investigation Department (CID) and the counterintelligence elements of the Ministry of Public Security (MPS).
And the US has had the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, DHS, and the SS charged with investigating people and events ever since Charles Bonaparte, the grandnephew of the French emperor, approved the FBI in 1908.
It's been a gathering force since then, with few checks on their powers.
Yes - I agree that major corporations are trying to help unseat the Democratic party by keeping prices high or even higher -- but do they think that they will do well in an autocracy? maybe a few --but many will certainly not.
It's not that they think the corporations will do well in an autocracy -- it's all about the executives and owners at the top of the heap believing that they will effectively be enriched personally, becoming oligarchs under the new authoritarian regime.
Corporations are ruled by the shareholders. Most big corporations state clearly in their goals and mission statements that shareholder value is their top objective. That means get that stock price up and up and up. it is also a win for the CEO's and other top level corporate brass. And do everything necessary for that all-important upcoming quarterly report. To them, often that means fighting regulation, taxes, or any expense that tends to act against tomorrow's stock price. And that my friends means to fight against the Biden administration and bring a return to the good old days of Rethuglican rule where they just left them alone to do their bidding at the expense of the planet and people in need. It's a broken and corrupt system we have here.
Yes. I fear that the important implications of Kinzinger's presentation on Trump's orders to withdraw was lost in all of the other information that was presented. As this HCR post indicates, Trump attempted to give Putin everything he wanted by creating a power vacuum by taking the US out of any meaningful role in international affairs, creating the space for authoritarians to expand their power. That action alone should be seen as an act of treason against the US.
But do you think tfg was capable of swift and objective thought at that moment of truth? it looks to me like Plan B of the mastermind at the other end of the telephone. The whole world knew the election result in real time.
How many Americans understand what happened when we left Syria? Unrestrained, when our military presence left, it was Russian bombers and artillery that destroyed Hommes, Aleppo, Chobani, and other Syrian cities. The carpet bombing created a refugee crisis for Europe and especially for Germany, as Merkel promised to take in Syrian refugees. Russia created more than Germany could absorb. All the while stoking fear and hate of Muslims through Europe via SM in its Active Measures/destabilizations campaigns. It is different from the Cold War, some call it a ‘hot peace’, but it’s not. Whether we accept we are in a cyber war, indirect war, or hybrid war with Russia is moot. They are at war with us and all the West. The sooner we accept this fact, the better chance we have at winning.
Believe me, I understand this! This is true of Yemeni refugees too. It is crazy that Italians are turning on Refugees who were able to come into their dying villages and help revitalize them.
https://archive.thinkprogress.org/these-four-italian-towns-are-thriving-thanks-to-refugees-d6051585f352/ I can see the work of the White supremacist movement and the Russian Hate Bots in stirring up trouble to turn people against their self interests. By promoting this anti replacement theory, the European countries that have aging populations which they are not really replacing are benefitting from having immigrants of younger people who are helping to fill huge job vacancies, who then also pay taxes which support the elderly population. Still, the people do not seem to understand how that works.
Sometimes I think that Putin---with his ever-manipulating mind---has a hand in encouraging immigration and refugee crises. Look how European nations with a willingness to welcome immigrants are "facing off" internally. Look how the right wing in the US gains voters who want our borders closed. Sometimes I think Putin is Batman's Joker writ very, very large.
Couldn’t agree more, with the orange menace blathering Putin bull Schitt with every breathe (by way of Fox and Rupert, who is still the prime mover of MAGAts)
Very helpful and timely. Thank you!
Now we all need to vote blue to keep the train of freedom/truth/prosperity running!!!
Agreed 100%!! Thank you, Heather.
A very interesting point that I had missed somewhere along the line is that: “Saudi Arabia has suddenly offered Ukraine $400 million in humanitarian aid, evidently trying to regain the goodwill of Europe and the U.S., since it imports almost all of its weapons from that bloc.”
Rowshan Saudi Arabia’s offer of $400 million in humanitarian aid to Ukraine is far less than the $billion plus that the Saudis (MBS) are investing in their mercenary golf venture. Bleeding hearts the Saudis ain’t.
Keith, of course the Saudis aren't bleeding hearts. I doubt that any of Heather's followers think for a minute that MBS can in any way be described as anything but a cold-blooded despot. We all are fully aware of Jamal Khashoggi's ghastly murder and dismemberment. His "humanitarian aid" for Ukraine can be likened to his loosening of restrictions on Saudi women and other liberalizations offered during his control, which are designed to calm the waters while he tightens the screws elsewhere.
And tightening the spigot on crude oil is not exactly a "We Are the World" type behavior, either.
Thought this might interest you.
'More than 500 retired U.S. military personnel — including scores of generals and admirals — have taken lucrative jobs since 2015 working for foreign governments, mostly in countries known for human rights abuses and political repression, according to a Washington Post investigation.'
'In Saudi Arabia, for example, 15 retired U.S. generals and admirals have worked as paid consultants for the Defense Ministry since 2016. The ministry is led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the kingdom’s de facto ruler, who U.S. intelligence agencies say approved the 2018 killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a Washington Post contributing columnist, as part of a brutal crackdown on dissent.]
'Saudi Arabia’s paid advisers have included retired Marine Gen. James L. Jones, a national security adviser to President Barack Obama, and retired Army Gen. Keith Alexander, who led the National Security Agency under Obama and President George W. Bush, according to documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.'
'Others who have worked as consultants for the Saudis since Khashoggi’s murder include a retired four-star Air Force general and a former commanding general of U.S. troops in Afghanistan.' (WAPO) Ungifted Link below.
Fern I had read the article and was appalled by the secrecy that shrouded all of this. Lots of ex-military in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and elsewhere. Wonder how this related to the Yemen war? I would yank them all back immediately.
I know you would, even now if you could.
I think they are just marking time with a few million $$ until their friend ..... what was his name? .... gets re-elected to our presidency. I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me what that $2 billion to ... what's his names'? .... son-in law actually was for.
As Hitler (and chump) said. I paraphrase, If you win you don’t have to explain. That’s the plan, man. Why the billionaires have jumped on the chump express. Just think, if they can punch a hole in our social safety nets (which Dems seem loathe to mention) they will have a combination to the vault. Wake up Dems. I rarely see a mention in the bull Schitt political emails I get buried under. That is something that even old MAGAts care about.
Yes. I wish the campaign ads would focus more on what the Dems are protecting for you the individual. Make it personal.
Have you noticed Democratic ads mentioning Social Security?
I routinely see messages about Republicans’ plan to cut Social Security and Medicare, and I amplify them. Here are a few:
No I haven't. Is that happening somewhere?
I don’t know Jeri. The second dumbest guy in congress, Ron Johnson, has said SS and Medicare should be voted on every year and he still may be reelected. I don’t get the folks who so robotically vote against their own interests, except he’s white.
Grace…you make an excellent point! It speaks volumes to the intelligence, or the lack thereof, of many American voters! As evidenced in the last election where a large percentage of voters although tired of tRump…failed to vote in a majority level of support for the new president simply because they couldn’t or wouldn’t vote for a non-republican or, they just didn’t know or understand the Process! As an example, recently a Woman in line at our local Grocery Store sporting a pin that said, “If you don’t like what’s happening vote Republican!” Was over heard telling someone, “if people don’t vote Republican…they’re going to lose their Social Security and Medicare!” Apparently she hadn’t heard or understood, comments from individuals such as Ron Johnson and others like him
These dopes visit sites which lie and scare them and then they are all "experts" and spread the nonsense. If you don't agree with them, you should "dig deeper" and believe sites like Judicial Watch. I was looking at an ad (I had it muted) from the wing nut running in Washington's third district and the audience was all older and all white. But they are worried about all those tents and all that crime and probably that people kneel during the national anthem. His opponent is a young woman who owns an auto repair shop with her husband and also had a miscarriage when women could go to the hospital and get treatment.
White, and tells them it is OK to hate the "other". Allows them to express their "sincerely held beliefs."
Their sincerely held beliefs would turn on a dime when that Social Security check is gone. And most of them would be shocked. The hate for the other blinds them to what their manipulators want to take from them.
“Whiteness is a hell of a drug.”
Yes, and it can make you fight to maintain your privilege especially when you're white, not so rich, and believe you are in danger of losing your superior position in society to "those people".
For many people "Whiteness" is what makes them better than "those people" and the threat of losing that can trump (pun intended) everything else.
I don't believe that emphasizing the GOP's wish to end Social Security and Medicare will not get more votes for us.
It’s just getting knuckleheads to believe it.
Joan, MBS is destined to be sorely disappointed. TFG will, at the very least, be rendered bankrupt over the next few years. As for Jared, the entitled little jerk and his wife will need to budget well, because I suspect their grifting is coming to an end, and they might also be wearing orange if Leticia James has her way.
Joan, It's simple. It was a payoff. "Nice little kingdom you have there, it would be a shame if something happened to it"
I think it's a payoff to Jared for several things:
1 - The list of MBS enemies, which he swiftly acted on by killing or imprisoning them;
2- The weapons sales; and
3 - (although we don't know yet), possibly some nuclear information from the documents Trump stole.
I am sure that if the documents have not already been compromised, that was the plan.
I hope you’re wrong, but fear that you may be right, Joan.
Jared Kushner
Exactly, what was that money for and why was it given to Jared Kuschner??? And what has he done with it?.??
So cut those low life Arabians off from any US support
He is going to have to do a lot better than that as far as I am concerned. Those numbers are pennies compared to the financial trouble he has caused. Is he a complete and total idiot, or does he think the USA president is? Biden has just hinted at retribution for his bad actions and he has done this. Well, did he think there was going to be no response? Seriously. What planet is he living on?
Yes! The US must end all military equipment and parts sales to the backstabbing Saudis💥. Do it now!
Does Biden have the power in our country to pull that off. Our government is teetering on the brink and the barbarians are not only at the door, some are in Congress.
MANY are in Congress. 😞
The lunatic fringe
Slavering to TAKE Congress...
That is indeed interesting. Has the prince looked into that famous crystal ball and seen Putin's aura diminishing?
I fear that he is just biding his time til repubs and the orange menace gain ground. So many have no clue what is at stake. In my family deliberate ignorance seems to rule. Stupidity would be preferable, but cult crap is hard to bare
Those in my family who believe everything they hear via Fox -- and nothing else -- give me chills, Jeri.
They wait for fox to tell them all they need to know, and how to feel about the info that is too big for fox to control. Fox is their Messiah
In China and Japan, the Fox is a trickster deity...
In America, too. But folks aren't wise to that.
Cult crap is a small congregation compared to the people who are seemingly really stupid! How many times do they need to read something like
How do these stupids plan to survive?
Don't assume that they read.
Our elections have global consequences. How many Americans realize this?
Not enough, I fear, Rachel.
😂😂Possibly, Anne-Louise, very possibly!
Rowshan, I had intended to mention your point. I have not heard a word of the Saudi "humanitarian aid" to Ukraine development, although I pay attention. Heather invariably offers nuggets of information that we just don't get anywhere else.
She does, indeed, Nancy!
I had not read it either. Here is the Kiev take on it. https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/saudi-arabia-to-allocate-400m-for-humanitarian-aid-to-ukraine.html I had forgotten the brokering of the prisoners. Here is the take from French publication RFI
Here is the Saudi Embassy take on it https://www.saudiembassy.net/news/hrh-crown-prince-announces-400-million-humanitarian-aid-ukraine-during-call-president-zelenskyy
However, I found that last March it was reported that Saudi Prince chose Putin over Biden when it came to Oil, and now he is doing it again. So, I think we can be clear where he stands and will stand. The question is where will we stand. I would like us to stand away.
https://www.wilsoncenter.org/article/saudi-arabia-chooses-putin-over-biden-ukraine-keep-oil-prices-high I would like us to pull out of Saudi Arabia and stop selling them weapons.
Linda, I agree. Hit them where it hurts. I do think, though, that we are faced with reassessing our approach to numerous countries as strategies are changing world-wide.
In the early 1980s Reagan was told by scientists about global warming and that we should get off of fossil fuels. His answer was to ignore that, just as the fossil fuel industry was willing to invest in other sources of energy. He told the industry let the people of the future solve the problems, so they agreed and continued to make money as they had without a backward glance. Well, I cannot help but feel that if Reagan had not done this, and we had already gone in another direction we would not have given funding to despotic regimes like Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Russia and we could perhaps be facing a very different situation in these three countries. At this point the countries that can (USA, EU) should get themselves off of fossil fuels as quickly as possible so that they do not give money to these regimes. Our own fossil fuel industry is no better. It is corrupt to the core!
Linda, I totally agree. Although no mention was made of Reagan (I can think of no Republican president who was not a slave to our oligarchs other than Eisenhower), Fareed Zakaria made this same point on his show yesterday, saying that our country, in concert with other democracies, must begin to become independent in all things - microchips, as Biden is already doing, oil, where we could produce our own from our abundant natural resources, while making a serious step to create green energy, etc. We can't remain dependent upon OPEC, Russia, and others, when we already know that they will capitalize on our weaknesses.
Yes, I also missed this point.
In the elections on November 8, we have the choice between Democrats' building on our rights to self-determination through rule of law, or Republicans' power grabs to further erode our rights and freedoms under their autocracy. As David Pepper writes in Laboratories of Autocracy, these Republican power grabs and draconian laws start in the state legislatures.
We have 3 weeks to Get Out The Vote. It's up to each and every one of us to speak up, talk to our friends and family, take action to influence others to show up for this election. Postcarding, door knocking, voter registration, drivers, election workers, poll watchers--take your pick.
This is also the time to work smart with our donations. If you haven't already checked out The States Project, they have researched which are the most critically flippable state legislatures. Funds to the good candidates' campaigns free the candidates to meet their voters, the most effective means of getting their votes. Deadline is this coming Monday, October 17. Donations between now and then will be matched up to $60,000! Double your money, double your impact to help save democracy!
To save democracy!
But to save far more than that...
To save us all from something awful.
A vote for what still calls itself the G.O.P. is a vote for Putin.
He is waiting for that vote to save him...
Actually I think he's already gone around the bend. Did you see the Tajikistan president basically bitch slap Putin in public?
He's lost it with little bitty Tajikistan can call him. out WITH the cameras rolling.
Everywhere in the former Soviet republics are the restive minorities that now outnumber the Russians. The population of Russia has not risen in more than 100 years. There weren’t enough Russians to hold the ussr together, and now they can barely make an army. Meanwhile, Russian leaders routinely remove the most capable generals from leadership positions because they are a threat. The shootings at the training camp appear to have been the work of recruits from eastern Siberia, perhaps Choochka, the butt of many Russian jokes, descendants of those (we are told) who first walked across the Bering straight to North America and became the first native Americans.
Very good point about the demographics. A lot of officers will be shot in the back on the front lines. 3...2...1...
The "Russian Federation" will cease to functionally exist within 12 months. Then we can get on to doing UN Release 2.0
Angela Merkle was asked how she dealt with Putin, whose foreign language is German and who was head of the kgb office in Berlin when the wall came down. She said that you just have to wait until he oversteps and gets into trouble. In American lingo, give him enough rope and he will hang himself. Wouldn’t want Russia herself as a failed state, tho.
He lost it a long time ago.
But now those chickens are coming in to roost.
Yet the man seems blissfully sure of himself. What have his black shamans been telling him? What did they tell the man whom I strongly suspect of being his glove-puppet?
Thank you so much, Ellie, for this information.
Just donated to the giving circle Ellie, Thanks so much.
Thank you, Chere!
👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋
Just donated!
Thank you, Barbara!
Thanks for the reminder - I donated this morning before I left for work 🙂
Thank you, Karen!
Yep. HCR hits the nail on the head with a strong, unerring hammer-blow.
What's so great about HCR is that she constantly reminds us of what's at stake: "The world is at an inflection point that will determine the security and prosperity of the American people for generations to come.” I believe that with all my heart. It's going to take a very large village of ethical Democrats to turn back the awful demagogic and authoritarian wave Trump has unleashed. We each need to find a place in the struggle––and push forward every day.
Right!!! And we all need to encourage the Young, Especially First Time Voters to VOTE!!!
Here’s a tool:
SwipeBlue is an app to text Democratic friends and family with a reminder to vote.
(Sorry Substack is not processing my attempt to paste the link.)
Gayle, your comment came into my email inbox just as I updated a page on my Substack about a book of quotations about democracy I recently completed. The biggest need for education and inspiration––and get out the vote, as you say––is students and young adults. That is what I emphasize. Check it out if interested: https://elimerritt.substack.com/p/global-words-on-democracy-wisdom. Stay well, Eli
A truly remarkable post, because it highlights the lengths to which The Former Guy went to try and destroy this country, and his love of autocrats (mainly because he desperately wants to be one).
Yes - that account of his actions aimed at destroying the world order in the days immediately following his defeat is stunning, and alarmingly clear. Now, who could have been on the phone to him with strategic advice?
I hope investigations continue on this egregious act. Treason is an offense punishable by death I think. What about attempted treason? I think that is what that is.
F*ing scary. Why isn't this in the headlines of every major newspaper, and the lead story on the TV news programs?!
They are owned by billionaires
Are there any honest billionaires?
Why indeed, Ellen. The answer to that question is key.
Why? Because they own the media.
Yeah that was new info to me. MOF, alot of new info in the last hearing, including news that SS and FBI were to a certain extent complicit. I can see that investigations are going to continue a long time by DOJ. As for attempting to ruin the country on the way out, I believe a version of that is playing out with the economy. I suspect certain things are being done, or not done, among some of our large and powerful corporations and billionaires, to sabotage the economy. They know that the dumb and dumber American voters are going to mindlessly blame the current administration for anything that isn't right in the near term (inflation, war). So why lift a finger to help? "Let's do some price gouging too - win win. We get windfall profits, the public votes out those damn Democrats." Just yesterday I saw a FB post from a friend/acquaintance blaming the current administration (and party in power) for the state of the economy (e.g. inflation), and the Ukraine war. Yup - the war. Biden's fault. I think millions think same. Look how easy it is to mold the American people. God I hope there are enough of us to see through it. The alternative is going to be very very bad.
The most chilling part of what we heard from the Committee was how there were issues surrounding "some" members of the FBI and Secret Service acting in concert and communicating with the insurrectionists (Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, etc). It's not difficult to imagine these people become part of a privately controlled, elite force acting to quash all supporters for democracy, aided by the regime's propaganda that "otherizes" anyone who dares to speak out.
- The Third Reich had its People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs, the Geheime Staatspolizei
- Mussolini had his Milizia Voluntaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale, the MSVN (translation Voluntary Militia for National Security).
- Stalin after WWII created the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD).
- China's Ministry of State Security (MSS) created in 1983 by merging of the Central Investigation Department (CID) and the counterintelligence elements of the Ministry of Public Security (MPS).
And the US has had the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, DHS, and the SS charged with investigating people and events ever since Charles Bonaparte, the grandnephew of the French emperor, approved the FBI in 1908.
It's been a gathering force since then, with few checks on their powers.
Well if the Republican version of Brown Shirts, or the Gestapo come to pass, I am in some real trouble, as are many who frequent LFAA.
Yes - I agree that major corporations are trying to help unseat the Democratic party by keeping prices high or even higher -- but do they think that they will do well in an autocracy? maybe a few --but many will certainly not.
It's not that they think the corporations will do well in an autocracy -- it's all about the executives and owners at the top of the heap believing that they will effectively be enriched personally, becoming oligarchs under the new authoritarian regime.
Corporations are ruled by the shareholders. Most big corporations state clearly in their goals and mission statements that shareholder value is their top objective. That means get that stock price up and up and up. it is also a win for the CEO's and other top level corporate brass. And do everything necessary for that all-important upcoming quarterly report. To them, often that means fighting regulation, taxes, or any expense that tends to act against tomorrow's stock price. And that my friends means to fight against the Biden administration and bring a return to the good old days of Rethuglican rule where they just left them alone to do their bidding at the expense of the planet and people in need. It's a broken and corrupt system we have here.
Yes. I fear that the important implications of Kinzinger's presentation on Trump's orders to withdraw was lost in all of the other information that was presented. As this HCR post indicates, Trump attempted to give Putin everything he wanted by creating a power vacuum by taking the US out of any meaningful role in international affairs, creating the space for authoritarians to expand their power. That action alone should be seen as an act of treason against the US.
But do you think tfg was capable of swift and objective thought at that moment of truth? it looks to me like Plan B of the mastermind at the other end of the telephone. The whole world knew the election result in real time.
But also note that the process got stopped when the DoD/Pentagon said, "are you f%$cking kidding me." That gives me hope.
This KAL cartoon has haunted me since it was published in May 2016. https://twitter.com/theeconomist/status/733940468917080064?s=46&t=8vhOMsYX3BTyKDWKwfrJkg
It's very good. As is this one, when we didn't know about the worse to come:
How appropriate.
... and tfg is still at it
How many Americans understand what happened when we left Syria? Unrestrained, when our military presence left, it was Russian bombers and artillery that destroyed Hommes, Aleppo, Chobani, and other Syrian cities. The carpet bombing created a refugee crisis for Europe and especially for Germany, as Merkel promised to take in Syrian refugees. Russia created more than Germany could absorb. All the while stoking fear and hate of Muslims through Europe via SM in its Active Measures/destabilizations campaigns. It is different from the Cold War, some call it a ‘hot peace’, but it’s not. Whether we accept we are in a cyber war, indirect war, or hybrid war with Russia is moot. They are at war with us and all the West. The sooner we accept this fact, the better chance we have at winning.
Believe me, I understand this! This is true of Yemeni refugees too. It is crazy that Italians are turning on Refugees who were able to come into their dying villages and help revitalize them.
https://archive.thinkprogress.org/these-four-italian-towns-are-thriving-thanks-to-refugees-d6051585f352/ I can see the work of the White supremacist movement and the Russian Hate Bots in stirring up trouble to turn people against their self interests. By promoting this anti replacement theory, the European countries that have aging populations which they are not really replacing are benefitting from having immigrants of younger people who are helping to fill huge job vacancies, who then also pay taxes which support the elderly population. Still, the people do not seem to understand how that works.
It’s not just in Italy, sad to say. Hate the other is so convenient and requires no thought whatsoever.
Sometimes I think that Putin---with his ever-manipulating mind---has a hand in encouraging immigration and refugee crises. Look how European nations with a willingness to welcome immigrants are "facing off" internally. Look how the right wing in the US gains voters who want our borders closed. Sometimes I think Putin is Batman's Joker writ very, very large.
Couldn’t agree more, with the orange menace blathering Putin bull Schitt with every breathe (by way of Fox and Rupert, who is still the prime mover of MAGAts)