Thank you, Heather, for ALL you do. I sincerely appreciate all you have done to educate me and my fellow travelers on this bumpy road. ♥️

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Thank you Heather. That is exactly what we need. Resting on a sun warmed rock and letting go of the stress for a day to rejuvenate. Soak in that energy so we can win this fight to keep our democracy.

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I resemble this post in sentiment and in substance.

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I always appreciate the breaks. We need them. YOU need them, too!

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Perfect!!! That does look like the kind of break we all need. Thank you for your vigilance and diligence on behalf of our country, and democracy. Words cannot adequately express how invaluable your work is, and how deep our gratitude to you is. Thank you and rest well!

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Indeed, seals on a beach is a far more comforting view than the views I've been taking in all week. Frankly, I don't know how you keep it up, absorbing all of the most corrupt garbage wrought by political minds, processing it into something we all can consume, correlating with history in a way that doesn't give us all a massive stomach ache. Trouble is, I also read other sources, and the sum total IS a big ache in the gut. I have increasingly been just reading headlines and deleting content. I can't read any more of it. I can only wait, hope, pray and live in the moment. We will or will not reject the liars. We will or will not protect our congress from them. We will or will not have gridlock in the federal government. But, reading more about it does nothing to prepare me.

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Love these seals, passive solar collectors.

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Indeed we do! Enjoy your weekend!

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Love the seals. Very calming. Thank you.

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Agreed! Thank you Professor. I served jury duty this week. It was surprisingly tiring and stressful.

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☀️ 💤💤💤

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Enjoy your rest. 🦭.

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Sunny side Up!

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Happy pause, everyone. Thank you Heather!

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Aren’t they lovely!

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