Oct 14, 2023·edited Oct 14, 2023

Your 'limited' Letter, HCR, was exactly what was needed. You chose the point between two wars and the time when the government's budget should have been decided, the point at which America faltered. Let us not make too little of those wars. Israel has walked into a trap set up by the terrorist organization, Hamas, and Ukraine's survival from democracies' demon, Putin, needs our help.

Thank you, HCR.

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Liz Cheney is right, though the Republican Party has already and repeatedly abandoned the Constitution which their poster boy claims not to support. Making Jordan Speaker would only underline that abandonment in that respect, though it could potentially throw an even more disruptive monkey wrench into the functioning of US society.

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The idea that Jim Jordan could end up Speaker of the House and 2nd in line, after the Vice President, for the Presidency leaves me speechless.

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Adults don't usually allow toddlers to run the household, so why don't the adults in the House, at least the 230 who act like adults, just declare an impasse and take over. What could the retrumplicans do but squall and cry like the toddlers they are - or maybe throw themselves on the floor and drum their heels.. Maybe the Sergeant at arms needs to bring out the willow switch and apply it to some bottoms. Like most sane mothers I would not have put up with this kind of behavior from my own toddlers, so, why as a constituent and taxpayer should I have to put up with this sort of behavior from the House of Representatives, send the naughty little toddlers back to their districts and tell their constituents to deal with them, while the adults get on with their job of legislating.

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It concerns me that Biden believes Democracy works, of which I agree. But these extremist are poking holes in it on a daily basis with the aim of ultimately claiming that Democracy does not work but authoritarianism does ? We need to find a way to make them irrelevant ! Hakeem Jeffries for Speaker !

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The Republicans went home for the weekend.

It is one thing to realize a thing is broken but believe it can be repaired. It is quite another to see the broken thing as “fixable” when it is clear that it will never be able to support its own structure, no matter how extensive the “repair.” A critical piece is missing.

The Republicans are now firmly in the land of magical thinking. Psychologists define magical thinking as the belief that specific words, thoughts, emotions, or rituals can influence the external world. In this case, they believe that repeating the ritual of going through the motions of electing a Speaker designee this time will have a different outcome, and the fractures in their conference will heal and they will come out united with a disciplined governable caucus.

I wrote in October 13’s post, “The Way Out of House Dysfunction,” about the fracturing of the Republican party into three major pieces. The fracturing and repeated unsuccessful repairs have been happening since John Boehner resigned from Congress in 2015 before the end of his term as Speaker after conservatives criticized him over the government shutdowns.

Paul Ryan managed to finish out his term in 2018 but resigned from Congress at age 48. Politico quoted him as saying, “I’m an old Jack Kemp guy that believes strongly in inclusive, aspirational politics that are based on bringing people together and not exploiting divisions.” He went on to say, “With identity politics being played all around and 21st-century technology accelerating it and putting gas on the fire — that is my big concern of politics these days. And that makes it harder to have political goodwill in this country because of all this polarization.”

We have just witnessed the debacle of Kevin McCarthy’s turn at the wheel, followed by the one-day wonder of Steve Scalise, and now we have Jim Jordan.

The essence of magical thinking is summed up in the adage,” Insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.” Republicans have been repeating their rituals since 2015.

For quite a while, Democrats, including myself, have also been in our own realm of magical thinking. We keep holding on to the broken dream that some moderate Republicans, led perhaps by Brian Fitzpatrick, will have “on the road to Damascus” moments and, once the scales drop from their eyes, be able to see a way to heal the fractures among their fractious factions. It ain’t going to happen.

Why have I stepped out of the land of magical thinking? Two reasons:

The Republicans left for the weekend in the midst of cascading crises. Their only move to bring back even a tiny bit of credibility to the view that they care about governing would have been to stay and start voting on the House floor and let the chips fall as they may.

They were not able to get rid of their coalition-destructive “one person can call for a motion to vacate” rule. There is no way for that unstable coalition to function if the rule remains in place. They are allowing democracy to be replaced by minority rule. This is the critical piece that is gone that makes the Republican party broken beyond repair.

The Republicans are still mired in their own land of magical thinking, that they hold a majority when, in fact, what they have is an unstable coalition with the factions having incredible animosity towards each other.

There is only one way out of the dysfunction. The necessary handful of Republicans must grow spines and vote for Jeffries as Speaker. The entire chamber cannot be held hostage. The work of governance must take precedence.



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There is a precedent for making Jordan speaker.

It was back some time ago (AD41 I think) when Caligula made his horse a Senator.

It didn't turn out too good for the Emperor. Can't say what happened to the horse

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Bacon keeps talking the talk and then balking at walking the walk. Relying on him is like relying on the weather forecast in Colorado. Wait five minutes, it'll change. And so will he.

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Thank you Heather.

To say this is not a good look for the Republicans , is a colossal understatement.

Liz Cheney is right. Again. The pushing forward of Jordan by some of his peers is revealing that they would settle on a loudmouth Insurrectionist over someone who may actual work across the aisle to get work done for this Country. The Republican Party, or what is left of it, has exposed its inner core to the world.

It's not flattering.

Be safe. Be well.

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And 'clown show' was such an understatement. It seems that governments all over the world are failing: from our 'least effective legislature ever' here in Massachusetts, to Washington's appalling Republican-controlled House of Representatives, to the blind-sided Netenyahu government. All examples of utter incompetence at the task of governance. And the key is our House: without action to support Israel and Ukraine, we set the wrong example. Like it or not, the United States has to step up and LEAD. We cannot shirk that responsibility.

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In today's news it was reported that Kevin Phillips, one of the main architects of the Southern Strategy died today. See: https://apnews.com/article/kevin-phillips-political-strategist-obituary-64ba583ba24e4c8ca84658d42b83f304

This one man planted the seeds for a mainstream resurgence of open racism that we're still battling against today, and much of the Red vs. Blue friction in the House can be traced back to the effects of his activites.

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The Republicans are awfully close to causing the US, and with it the entire Western civilization, to collapse. And I’m afraid that’s exactly the goal they have in mind: they want to stand victorious on the rubbles of democracy and rise as the leaders in a “new age of the strong man”.

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A ‘limited’ letter in the midst of this constitutional chaos is a blessing. Especially because it offers the hope of a bipartisan compromise! The comparison with Pelosi’s accomplishments was delightful!

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Once again the GOP remains committed to subverting democracy and continuing the insurrection.

They should be reminded of their duty to defend the Constitution and to stop giving aid and comfort to adversaries or face expulsion.

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Clearly the republican tree must be refreshed ...this time with resounding defeat at the voting booths. if we can get that far...

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When the cat's away the mice will have more wars.

Instability is a dangerous thing.

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