Does anyone else have a nagging feeling that we don’t understand Trump’s true motivation for stealing top secret documents and so blatantly violating federal law, exposing himself to serious prison time? He knows the DOJ has the goods on him, now including eyewitnesses. His defenses are pitiful and laughable. He had ample opportunity to cave and likely escape prosecution.

Could it be as simple as Trump’s demented mind believes the docs indeed belong to him? Could it be that the allure of riches for selling the stolen documents to foreign adversaries blinds him to the clear and present risks? Perhaps both?

Or maybe neither. What if Putin is blackmailing Trump with whatever damaging information made him look like a pathetic, servile traitor who had just betrayed the U.S. in Helsinki? And his master has ordered him to turn over the secrets or else?

So many possibilities, all perilous for America and those working to protect it from enemies. Whatever the answer, justice is finally coming for Trump.

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Michael, I think 45’s motivation has always been notoriety and money. He got the biggest stage on Earth and he is milking it for all it’s worth. No legal body has had the courage to shut him down, so he just keeps going. He ripped off the NYC taxpayers on many occasions to get “breaks” on his renovations, new construction and cancer-like development everywhere in the City. The ones I worry about, since he IS such a pathetic loser in the end, are the dark forces who catapulted him to his current position. The Koch Bros., the Fox News monsters, the Leo what’s his name billionaires who keep funding right wing agendas. THAT”S who I think will finally overturn our system and the militias they fund also, will be those who die for them. Just my two cents on this October morning.

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Agree about the motivation of notoriety and money. But at this late stage of his life without the protections of the presidency, his recklessness is hard to reconcile. Then again, some psychiatrists believe his cognition is in serious decline. Your list of big-monied forces arrayed against democracy should keep us all awake. I haven't yet concluded that they won't be thwarted. Granted, time is running out.

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Michael, Trump's "recklessness" is underpinned by an entire liftetime of recklessly ignoring any and all laws while simultaneously avoiding any and all consequences for breaking said laws.

Trump has spent his entire life completely bathed in the fact that no matter what he does or did, he will not be penalized legally, rather, he will actually be rewarded because of the crime he committed.

That is the reason he is, in your words, appearing "reckless".

He is not, in his own mind, taking any risk at all. He KNOWS he is untouchable because he has always BEEN untouchable.

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Having enough money to buy legal assistance to “run out the clock” on any challenges to his thefts lays bare the problem in our judicial system. No one can afford the longevity required to remain in court. He skates by default. Money buys power AND stymies all challengers

The deck is stacked and he plays the game knowing who holds what cards

The frustration of honest folk weighs heavy

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Dave Dalton, yes you are getting to the root of a very serious problem.

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When they can buy the Supreme Court, we are intercoursed

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Exactly. Why would he expect any other outcome? He's acting rationally given his experience, and that he's a pathological narcissist. Losing is unimaginable.

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It is sort of like: In my own life, I have so rarely ever become ill that I, in my own mind, never paid much attention to flu season (I never got it or if I did it was gone in a day or two), or any other illness.

So, when CV19 came along, OK, I agreed with my wife to get the shot, but, I figured I did not even need it.

We will end the story there, because, that is where Trump is in his mind about the legal system.

All of his entire life he has been immune from the legal system.

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Oh, may he be proved wrong, but the money of the buddy billionaires is at his disposal, for the moment.

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He may stop sincerely believe he will never die. I know people who think that, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

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Michael and Elizabeth, I certainly hope that justice is coming for tRump. I pray that he and all his minions will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. How truly awful for America to have had a traitorous president. How low we have sunk.

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Lower than the most slimy viper. The cult has no bottom.

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Off topic--a correction from one who studied herpetology at UC Berkeley decades ago. Vipers, and snakes generally are not in the least slimy. Their skin is dry.

But your point is well taken.

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how truly unlawful

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As a retired mental health professional (LCSW) who believes the man is a menace, I also agree there are DSM diagnoses that fit, particularly Narcissistic Personality Disorder. However, psychosis would have to be diagnosed by a series of psychiatric interviews and tests. (Today's Jan 6 committee may reveal that, I've heard.) One thing is certain; all his adult life he has been a flim-flam man. Unfortunately, that is not a mental disorder. He's been heavily influenced by friends and family of the same ilk. That does not remove him from responsibility for the harm he causes others and our nation. May he be curtailed by his own actions.

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It's always about the money with him. And a side dose of causing others pain. Lordy what a text book case study this will make.

A little hint: go back and look at he dynamics of his family of origin.

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It's all in Mary Trumps Book, "Never Enough"...

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Maybe it's the best job he can get or ever want. After all, he was successful playing President, wasn't he? In his own mind, for sure. This is his up-the-game as nobody can touch me. Is he driven to win? Probably not, but to never lose. To steal and be as unprosecutible as Billy the Kid. To be adored by billions. To be underwritten by everyone who has rooted for the counter-hero. To be the guy who gets up every morning KNOWING he is doing the best at that thing he, and only, he has been able to perfect since he was a bully as a little kid. He's the best, the most effective, and now, beloved villian to everyone who snubbed him or told him he had to pick up his cloths, pay a bill, or do what is required of anyone else. His untouchability is his purpose and it pays way better than anything else he could do. And he gets to be idolized in print and by folks who pay to see him and who send him the $5 and $10 whenever he asks. He's untouchable. And above all else, he lives in everyone's mind, especially in ours, those who know what he is and can't do anything about his squatting there. The first 70 years was daring to break all the dishes. The last years are being given to everyone else paying protection for their dishes or wondering which dish will he break. In a Metaverse reality, I think he is a virtual brand. His syncophants exist to serve, to perpetuate him, the brand. IMHO.

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You taking about Joe Jim and Hunter?

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Oct 13, 2022
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What's really troubling is that so many people can't or won't see how disturbed he is and my suspicion is that it's at least partly because they have people like him in their families and friendships. If they were to really see the mental illness in tfg, then they'd also have to see it in those they are close to or in themselves.

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"Leonard Leo Pushed the Courts Right. Now He’s Aiming at American Society.

After leading efforts to put conservatives on the bench, the activist has quietly built a sprawling network and raised huge sums of money to challenge liberal values." Most recent NYT's headline 10/12/22

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Talk radio has always been a den of traitors, as is Fox and clones. Odd that I had not heard of Leonard Leo until a few months ago. Bill Moyers had kept me up on the machinations of Rupert and the Koch’s, despite their efforts to be “behind the scenes.” How I miss the man. Now the score card is filled with dark money from every direction. Some not so dark, as ATT funded the One America News debacle. Our corporations have a lot to answer for.

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Corporations as well as small business do better in Democrat administrations. This message should be in Democrat talking points to counter the myth of Republicans being best for the economy.

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Amen. Dems build it up; Republicans come in and tear it down. We all do well by doing good. The vast disparity in income between CEOs and workers is part of the cancer, as is the sense of entitlement the very wealthy have in thinking they can buy the court (which they have, dammit).

Reckoning is coming.

Today I pray the Jan. 6 hearings open the floodgates of truth that rocks us all the way to the impeachment of Clarence Thomas. And the orange jumpsuit enfolding of DJT, his family, and still-loyal minions.

Great report today, Dr. Richardson, on how the stars are aligning on the side of of Justice.

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For some clarity regarding the economics of the parties, please read Thom Hatrmann's take on it. https://hartmannreport.com/p/how-economic-outrage-trumps-most

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In one sense, if that were true that corporations do better in Democrat administrations, corporations would be pouring billions behind Dems. They are not. They do well in the profits department, for sure, but not in the regulatory department which is power. They want both.

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I think corporations like to play both sides, so many of them cover their butts and make donations all over the place. However, here in Oregon our own Uncle Phil first donated to Machine Gun Betsy and now to Christian Dracula (Drazen)....nothing to Tina Kotek. So many small businesses are R and some of it is that the owners are fundy "Christians" and often home schoolers. Had a guy who did our hardwood floors complain about government where my spouse worked and public education where I worked. I did tell him he has just done floors for two public employees. Finally he complained about the ACLU which we often donate to. Now we see small businesses openly proclaim their politics with signs and for us that's the end of us doing business with them. During COVID two restaurant owners bragged about how they managed to lie. Are you vaccinated...yes...because the questioner didn't ask specifically about COVID and they had gotten away with the lie. Ha Ha they thought and for many of us, that meant never darkening their door. The dry cleaners that we have used for years and our relatives before us has a huge party of death candidates sign on their business. So, I looked up other dry cleaners. Then there is the underground pressure by local businesses. You donated to Ds....well, then, we won't give you any business.

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My life is notably more peaceful having moved from red to blue area.

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Just a reminder, "Democrat" is a noun, and "Democratic" is the adjective you want here.

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Thank you

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Ditch AT&T. Verizon is better anyway!

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Bill Moyers' website still features a link to Heather's Letters.

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Jeri we need a Bill Moyers or an Edward R Murrow these days.

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Thanks for the mention of L.L. (Pronounce, Hell, Hell.) He is another right wing menace who is slightly more composed than Trump. Quite frankly, he is the poster boy for the Christofascist movement, Opus Dei. It behooves us to shed light on this conservative Catholic organization, which deviates from contemporary Catholicism and is heavily funded by dark money of Citizens United. After all, it has placed 6 justices on the SCOTUS. No small accomplishment.

The movement originated in Spain in the 1940's and supported fascist ideals and politicians. It aims to return to the old days of Catholicism prior to liberalization of the Vatican. By definition it is misogynist, racist and "illiberal," i.e. anti-abortion, anti secularism, anti LGBTQ et al. Among other right-wing movements it has donated to liberal universities, especially the "Ivy" schools in which it tweaks departments to lean right, install chairs and professors and offer graduates funding for their careers on the right. Thus we have Republicans who boast of their Yale degrees, for example, but are far from rational and orignial thinkers.

BTW, the thing that most chilled me in yesterday's article was the photo of L.L. in the center of a gaggle of rich white guys. There you have the story.

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Jane Mayer’s “Dark Money” lays out the 40 year evolution of the de-education of America quite clearly

Its a spiderweb of interlocking initiatives by the Koch-like billionaires coming to fruition, but as they destroy America, one has to wonder who will be left to buy their goods? Ah, the Concerns of a Parasite, “can I kill them just enough to keep the blood flowing, but offer little resistance? Careful, Careful, just enough”

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The billionaire club knows exactly who they are making their world for and it does not include most people. And that’s okay by them.

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As I have often observed, they think their money will save them from the destruction of the natural world and climate change. It won't in the end. I said just yesterday that the earth would be doing better without us in many ways. Also my spouse was looking at a two page spread this week in the NYTs which showed problems in the Indian subcontinent because of climate change. Not as much snow in the Himalayas, so areas of drought down river and then massive floods from too much rain in other areas. Right now here in Oregon we are still without rain for many months and in the middle of October, we are still watering. The forecast is for an El Nino winter, colder and lots of moisture. Can't come soon enough.

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"Nature bats last."

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I read that we are in for another La Niña.

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I thought the weather guy said El Nino....wet and colder winter. I may not have it right. Probably only half listening.

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Trump is not a billionaire. He wants us to believe he is.

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The book Dark Money opened my eyes like never before. I have been an avid follower of Jane Mayer since I read this.

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Nailed it, it’s all his new rich friends that the “most powerful man in The world” title brought him. What a turd, who is likely still under the illusion that his new “friends” are loyal to him.

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The Proud Boys, et al the insurectionists are anti-taxers, and an inkle of the pending wrath sitting in the wings waiting to pounce if our legal system fails our Democracy.

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I think you meant inkling, but I like inkle better … it’s smaller than an inkling. 😚

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(1) The law is concerned with actions, not, except in the case of 1st degree murder or some fraud cases, with motivation. It doesn't matter: They were not his documents. Setting aside the security aspect, selling something that is not yours is fraud. (2) Acting under duress (from Putin) is also not a defense, and in any event, to invoke that line of defense, Trump would have to admit that he acted with intent, which he is not likely to do. (3) The only defense to avoid punishment is mental incompetence, and while we have seen many instances of that over the last 6 years, it is not likely one he would invoke, or even if he tried to, would be able to pull off.

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But it would be the scatological spy novel of the century, wouldn't it? A nation and a party held hostage for years? The course of events to follow such betrayal would certainly be catastrophic. I'm with Michael, I am fascinated by the threads that cry out for weaving in order to discover the cloth he's been working on or, rather, shredding, all these years. Too many of those threads have reached across oceans....

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Elizabeth Iler, yes, we cannot forget that in the drive for greed and acquisition, it is not an exaggeration to say that Trump and those you have mentioned really do want to overthrow the government, because it is the government that represents limitations on their power and profits. What's theirs is theirs, and they want everyone else's, too.

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No, they do not want to overthrow the government, they want to control it. They want to legitimize their privileges. They need it's protection when the masses finally wake up. Trouble is brewing and we will not be happy having cake for dinner.

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George, is not controlling the government to cement a hierarchy overthrowing a democracy that promotes equality? I definitely think it is.

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All great questions, Michael. I am not convinced that we will ever know. We do know that TFG may be one of the most brazen and careless criminals in US history. But for now, I see him as a hyena caught in a foot trap. Screaming to get free. But the clamp is closing tighter. The other hyenas see a meal.

The legal system that TFG has employed for decades to delay justice is now snowballing and gathering momentum. This time he is at the bottom of the hill and will be crushed by the size of it. I believe in karma - or simply the swing of a pendulum.

You can't spend more than half a century doing evil things to people without eventual blow back. You can't insult, humiliate, ridicule, steal from and con thousands of people and entities without eventually experiencing payback. You can't break laws with impunity forever without an "Eliot Ness" becoming dedicated to your being brought to justice. Now we have thousands of "Eliots" hard at work with one purpose. Conviction. Justice.

The scope of TFGs abuses is so vast and he has flouted so many laws and has created so many legal challenges, that justice of some form is inevitable. And he is running out of attorneys. The few he has left or can attract are incompetent. His ship is sinking. The rats are running down the ropes to the safety of the dock.

I can ignore the rants of MJTs and the Tuckers. They may be headed toward the same justice as Alex Jones. The con is coming to an end. They will just be the flotsam and jetsam of this sinking overloaded fat freighter that is taking on water rapidly, beginning to list badly. Let's just hope it goes down in deep enough water so we don't have to look at it again.

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Great imagery and agree wholeheartedly with the sentiments. As the pendulum hits 'em upside their heads, It's going to be a rocky ride for the rest of us as the "fat freighter" goes down.

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I agree with all that you have said Bill and pray it finally comes to an end. I don't ever want to hear his voice or see his face again. Or, hear his name for that matter. And I will cling to the imagery you have brought up when my mind starts to doubt. Thank you.

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It sure would change the game of "Bridge"

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You lips to g-d's ears. Sure hope you're right, but he's slithered through for decades..

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I hope you are right, Bill. But what happens if the midterm elections go in favor of the Authoritarian Party?

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Garland will still be the AG for two more years. There are state prosecutions that will continue. And Biden can veto any of the legislation the "nutters" pass.

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Temporaty expedients are not solutions.

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What happens IF? Just keep you passport up to date, be ready to get down into the basement as you might when there's a tornado warning, and possibly rethink your position on the Second Amendment.

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Dream on. Some rats never get caught.

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If you missed yesterdays Jan 6 House Committee "Business Meeting" please find a couple of hours, grab the beverage of your choice and a comfy chair.

The "rat" is in the trap. All that's left is the squealing.

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On the whole, I think Mitch McConnell is the scarier of the two. He doesn't have the charisma of DJT (to which I seem to be completely immune), but he is far more intelligent and calculating, and as far as I can tell, completely amoral.

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And the fact that much of his debt is owned by the Russian mafia probably has some effect on this. My guess is that a large portion of the $2B that the Saudis financed that little weenie Jared with was siphoned right into tRUMPs account in payment for one or more folders full of classified documents. They probably even gave some Saudi espionage team a free room at Mar-a-Lardo to sift through the documents (drinks and food extra).

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Okay, William, insomnia hit and I'm awake too early and not running on all cylinders but you just gave me a terrifying thought:

Putin is threatening nuclear war with Ukraine. Does he indeed have all the info on nukes of us and our allies from "that little weenie" to give himself an advantage?

Like I said, not too sharp this morning. I am counting on the forum to tell me whether Putin would be in cahoots with the Saudis?

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Well, I say “duh.” Definitely sharp enough

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He could be, but Putin already had nukes.

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But hopefully did or does not know NATO’s counter attack plans and weapon capability.

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It's helpful to remember that he believed that being president would give him carte blanche to do as he pleased. And, as as been the case his entire life, he refuses to accept that the rules apply to him.

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Exactly. He's using the Nixon playbook: If the president does it, it's not illegal.

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Trump's memory doesn't seem to go back any further than Obama.

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Michael, after reading Mary Trump’s book, Too Much and Never Enough, I think it simply boils down to his perception that he is above the law and no one has ever challenged him on that or made him responsible for his actions. He did it because he wanted to, felt like he could profit, and has never been told no. The believable accusations of assault clearly show he doesn’t accept no as an answer. In his addled, narcissistic mind, if he wants it, he gets it.

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If he wants “it”, he grabs someone’s “pussy”. A frat boy metastasized…..

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Donald Trump

Kleptocrat meet Kleptomaniac.

I think he took them because they were there, because he could, and because they have the potential to be leveraged and/or monetized.

I hope they can identify all the fingerprints and find out whether the docs were copied in any way.

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I agree with you. But someone said yesterday tfg wanted to fondle the docs to remind him of his former glory. I think that makes sense too.

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Love that your chalk campaign went National yesterday! https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/12/us/politics/leonard-leo-courts-dark-money.html

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Yeah, that last thing you said. That's the one that keeps me awake.

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All of the above. Helsinki was Putin’s slam dunk, in my humble opinion. One photo told the tale.

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The other day he accused a past president of taking classified docs containing info on nuclear power. I think he was signalling that he is the person he referred to. He can sell or trade them with another country. He can use them to barter with our government.

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Yes but he was wrong as usual. Bush papers WERE taken to a former bowling alley/chinese restaurant but it was a temporary storage building that had been rehabbed by NARA.

At least, he's consistent, he's always full of shit!!!!!

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ALWAYS, but the grain of truth is straight out of Goebbels

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Yes, he can't help himself but to constantly give himself away.

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But all that won't matter once he is in control say after declaring martial law, making all protest illegal, his MAGATS gunning down some protesters a la Iran.

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He might even threaten nuclear now that his handlers have the requisite knowledge or he might use that to make him prz again then he could bomb hurricanes (thinking as a child). So many possibilities.

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I think his mental health is declining.

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He has already fallen to the level of sociopath. What saddens me is that our country's mental health is declining.

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But when has it not been?

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Did he ever exhibit full mental health?

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No an iota

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Good point.

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U talking about Biden?

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I have always believed that Putin had something on TFFG and was using it to control the narrative. The probable evidence that some of those classified documents are still missing points in that direction. It all reminds me of the scene in "Beetlejuice" where Michael Keaton is trying to lure the couple into a house of ill-repute with flashing neon lights.....misdirection to disguise intent.

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Michael, given Trump's personality and past behaviors, I would say the more sensitive documents he stole were either for future leverage (blackmail) over rivals, or to keep certain things secret. The rest, such as the letters from Kim Jong il, he took because he believes he owns them (and he seems to be a pack-rat).

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After watching trump slip accountability for everything his whole adult life, the explanation I keep coming back to was one outlined by Greg Olear, a substack contributor. Listening to people dismiss him in frustration as an idiot, never explained to me convincingly, how trump continually evades accountability with the prowess of a Houdini. Olear lays out a case for considering that trump was a confidential informant, with all the legacy protections that holds. To me it’s more plausible than “He’s a bloviating idiot”.


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Holy mole-y! Thank you for that link--it makes perfect sense. Really wish Mr. Mueller and Mr. McCabe hadn't been 'quite' so incorruptible...

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After reading this, it all makes perfect sense. It makes me sick to think that he might get away with all that he has done to our country just so bigger fish can be fried. There has to be a limit to what he would be allowed to do and not suffer ANY consequences.

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Jeanne, don’t give up! NEVER give up! The wheels are grinding to send that “bloviating idiot” schill for fascism to his just desserts. Pun intended.

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MLR, I really like Greg Olear. He mentioned Heather in this week’s article. 45 is ALSO a “bloviating idiot”, which probably makes his handlers unhappy. But he attracted the magats to do the dirty work for them: killing us, The People who don’t agree with fascism, ie most of us! OMG.

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Oct 13, 2022Edited
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So, are you saying Olear believes that the TFG is in effect a double agent and is trading Russian/Putin secrets he gets for immunity from prosecution? If so, even for Olear that seems to be a stretch. Trump is devoid of a conscience to guide his actions. He is not loyal to anyone or anything other than himself. In short, he cannot be trusted with top secret information. It is difficult to imagine how the CIA or Putin could trust him.

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Oct 13, 2022Edited
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Honestly LIz I didn't read the article and was going by what you wrote. You have gone from Russian asset which involves the CIA and the NSA to informing on NY mob bosses which is under the purview of the FBI.

In any case, Trump stole classified documents that are jeopardizing national and international, security. A little common sense would suggest that no immunity agreement is going to get Trump off the hook for violations of the espionage act.

We used to shoot traitors. Trump is guilty of multiple acts of treason. Whether that will be proven in these times where some members of the judicial system are actively colluding with a traitor remains to be seen.

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He's never been held accountable before. Why would he expect to be now? Folks with his mindset can't imagine outcomes they can't live with. When it happens, it's so intolerable that stick a gun in their mouth like Hitler or hang themselves as Epstein did.

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And don’t forget Jared’s use for the material.

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Thank you Heather.

Agreed, Trump must not be permitted to run out the clock.

As to Alex Jones and Sidney Powell and Tucker Carlson and Rupert Murdoch and... May they each be unmade before they meet their maker.

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You're giving Marjorie Three-Names a chance to improve?

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3 is also MTGs IQ , what a coincidence and Q is her religion, another coincidence.

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And the light in her eyes is mystical... yes, I see it now!

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To unmake is to take apart. Are any of the parts salvageable? We shall see. If not... Choices...

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Oh, let them suffer the consequences, here and the hereafter

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May the meet their maker and be directed into the gates of hell ASAP.

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Thank you Heather.

The day of reckoning may be fast approaching for a number of players in Trumps world. With everything unfolding today and a promise of a bombshell from the J6 Committee on Thursday, are we at a boiling point......finally. Perhaps the news of Trump directing the removal of documents post subpoena is the hot potato.

Am I the only one wishing this clusterf*ck would end? I feel as though we have all been invited to a party that none of us wanted to go to and we can't seem to find the exit.

Thursday will also reveal the highest increase in Social Security COLA in decades. Estimates are caroling an 8% increase .

We shall see.

Be safe. Be well.

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I am having a very difficult time with all of this as well. Not just tfg but with this whole rude culture that the GOP has created. I wish there would be candidates that run on returning some legal standards of decency to our media.

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I agree. It's a little bit like "Hotel California"...we can never leave! I am looking forward to the bombshell that will drop today though..perhaps, we will be able to find the exit then!

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Nope. This zone-flooding process is the entirety of the act. Relentless, limitless, coordinated, uncoordinated, media dominating infotrash. There's no escape, only coping til the next generation or two moves on. But moving on requires reason, and a semblance of sensibility, and I am not confident...

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Spot on Bern !

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No exit

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It seems to me that we have been expectantly thinking that some consequence may be applied to Trump for a while now.

But, as a guy who has lived in NY since 1988, I can say: Trump lived in NY with all kinds of criminal behavior that was published in various newspapers, he was constantly investigated, but he was always ten steps ahead of the law because he was rich and just paid off anyone who was getting close to applying legal consequences and, well, NY City "government" is as corrupt as Trump.

So, Trump is age 77 or something and has, for every minute of his entire life, been truly like some kind of space age textile that is invincible to the legal system.

IF you look at Trump analytically and use his past data to predict his future (the past data is the best predictor of any future state for any entity), then, one is forced to conclude that:

Trump will continue to enjoy his life at Mara Lago eating well and golfing with no worries at all.

In fact, he could very well be President again soon.

Based on his past data, those two outcomes are much more probable than any kind of legal consequences.

And? Trump knows this better than anyone.

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Mike as someone who grew up down the Thruway from you in Syracuse, Trumps misgivings were often local news for us.

I do agree that deep down I don't feel Trump will see the true consequences of his actions. There may be a flurry of activity with name calling and finger pointing. Possibly someone in his inner circle will see the revolving door of a prison. But, that is the likely extent of it. Generations from now may read, that there once was a man that bamboozled this Country for decades and never paid for his sins.

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I think you are wrong Linda, there is a sublime balance to the universe, a price will be paid to put back into equilibrium what his entire life has struggled to tilt only his way, he’ll pay alright either on this side or the next, and it’ll be Hell to pay. I wouldn’t trade all of the wealth in the world for his karma.

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Dick as a non believer of anything that happens after we take our last breath, perhaps our payback is knowing once he is gone, he won't be able to harm this Country.

However, if karma wants to call in a card or two on him while he is still here, I'm good with that. 😉

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America birthed and nourished Donald Trump into a fully healthy teflon criminal.

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Mike S., did you originally share this some time ago? I read it because of someone’s post here a bit ago. I ended up saving it becasue it seemed like as plausible an explanation as any:


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This does seem to fit. Several folks have shared Olear’s writings here. That one is a doozy!

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Read parts of it now. But, I lived up here. Trump was famous for being a crook and getting by with it.

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Beyond sad but true

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“ I feel as though we have all been invited to a party that none of us wanted to go to and we can't seem to find the exit.”

Joe Walsh: “I go to parties, sometimes until 4, its hard to leave when you can’t find the door”…..”Life’s Been Good So Far”


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I am with you Linda. It's all like the worst never ending nightmare. I will run to the exit door and plow right thru it like a marathon runner crossing the finish line!

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No. You are NOT the only one. I’m there with you.

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I posted the following at TAFM, which probably came out after HCR wrote her post tonight:

UPDATE: Maggie Haberman and Alan Feuer of the NYT have identified the witness as Trump aide Walt Nauta, a former military aide who left the White House and then went to work for Mr. Trump at Mar-a-Lago, who changed his testimony after first denying any involvement in the initial interview by the FBI when he was shown surveillance videotape of himself moving the document boxes before and after they had been subpeonaed.

Taylor Budowich, a spokesman for Mr. Trump, accused the Biden administration of “colluding with the media through targeted leaks in an overt and illegal act of intimidation and tampering.”

At to "Fats" Jones, the evolutionary failures who listen to him just gave their money they spent on his phoney crapola today to his judgement fund. Every penny he makes is theirs now.

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I hope it’s correct that the families that won the judgment against Jones today can lay claim to all donations from Jones’s supporters arriving today and in the future, but I’ll believe it when I see Jones living like Americans with incomes in the bottom 1% (or even the bottom 10%). People with money seem to find ways to keep most of it, regardless of successful lawsuits against them. The Sackler family, for example, are still billionaires, I think.

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Oh, come on. The court only let the Sacklers keep 3 billion. They've had to stop washing their hands with Dom Perignon and cut all their staffs pay to half minimum wage. How cruel are you?

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too funny.

I have a minority last name. I wonder what would happen to me if I tried to sell $20 Billion in Opiods.

Maybe if I had white doctors to be my pushers I would be OK??

As the Movie Idiocracy so plainly notes: Not Sure.


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As Dr. Richardson noted: Jones was making fun of the entire legal process on his show yesterday while the verdict was being read.

So, clearly, he is not worried about consequences and none are apparently actually being applied.

He is laughing, and laughing, and laughing, and laughing all the way to the bank.

Amurca. Right there to see plainly and clearly.

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Years ago, I used to attend a church where the priest's constant sermon revolved around saying "Doesn't anyone think of their immortal soul?" (and he had some issues before he was forced out of our church, or so the gossips reported, but I digress)

I used to want to jump up and yell "YES!! I think about it all the time!!" and I do!

Whatever religion they profess, or even lack thereof, I wonder at people who are a negative in society--from these disgusting humans right down to the fools running stop signs and giving the finger to other drivers. Doesn't anyone think of their immortal soul? Certainly the CINOs are misguided, IMHO. I don't think every evil person on earth is an atheist.

Be it heaven, be it reincarnation, whatever--once around this planet is enough for me! I hope to not have to be recycled into this world, and I hope there is a heaven and I get there. The thought of an eternity in hell with tfg, Hitler, etc............

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What does it say about our society that there are people who listen to Alex Jones et. al.? These people made the unimaginable grief Sandy Hook families experienced worse buy harassing them, sending photos of dead children, desecrating the graves of the deceased children, etc. what kind of evil resorts to this behavior? Not enough $$$ on the planet to make up for what these families have endured. My heart breaks for them.

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Or the “Pharicidic” evangelicals. Sorry, I had to coin a new word for religious evil…

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I like that!

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"Doesn't anyone think of their immortal soul?"

I don't know about everyone, but, I can assure you that Trump has not ever considered his "immortal soul" for a second in his life.

I would bet he figures when/if he sees the pearly gates, he will talk his way in.

And, who knows, maybe he will??

That is the problem with preachers. They are, like the rest of us, making it up as they go.

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You are probably right there, Mike!

My personal motto in life has always been "learn something new and do a good deed every day"

Sadly, I always just figured the "learn something new" was some sort of valuable scientific information or something that would improve my mind. Now the daily "learn something new" seems to be along the lines of the depth of degradation of many of our elected representatives

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Although much of what I write has a bit of dark to it, I do, mostly, stay positive. I was lucky enough and worked hard enough to not be doing dishwashing at the Holiday Inn restaurant 8 hours a day like I started out doing (while going to school).

So, although I see some stuff that is dark, my own life has been "blessed" or I have outworked bad luck, or I have just been darn lucky or all of the above.

So, I am optimistic. I encourage that in you and (almost) everyone.

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Yep, I used to focus on the environment and preserving what’s left of wildlife. Now my donations to politicians take from my previous focus, and is indicative of a world run amok.

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TFG has no soul.

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I truly hope the Sandy Hook families are able to collect the money granted to them from Jones. IMHO he should have to serve time in prison until every penny is paid.

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They won’t collect, but if getting him off the air and starving Jones of any future income is the result, “mission partially accomplished”

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Jones says there’s no money, that he’s bankrupt. We know he moved $$ to protect it. I assume that doesn’t protect it from a judgment.

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TC, “[t]he clash between reality and image” has to have reached its peak. How much more can they fabricate?

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As much as they think they can get away with.

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The sky is the limit, the fools make it pay every day. My brother the last one to blather Fox BS to me. He’s no dummy but he listens to those who are, or those who fear the “other.” Guess that’s me now. But my zero tolerance for MAGAts goes to the bone.

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We are talking Miriana Trench deep. Don’t discount the depths they could still sink to.

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After reading your comment, I'm a bit confused about whether the video showsTrump moving the documents or Nauta moving the documents - "he" could refer to either.

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Nauta moved the documents. Under questioning, he revealed he was doing so on Trump's instructions.

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(Smile) You have a way with words.

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Changed his testimony only after "he was shown surveillance videotape of himself moving the document boxes before and after they had been subpoenaed." The scum caved to save himself and I'm glad he did. But after reading Greg Olear's "Tinker Tailor Mobster Trump", will it really make any difference?

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You know what I think? I think Garland is setting his clock, like on a ticking time bomb, gathering up all of the info he and his team can, before they cast a wide net over Trump and Company. Indictments will come for obstruction of justice and for seditious conspiracy. Should the J6 committee reveal what were in the stolen classified documents folders, espionage is tacked on, as well. Certainly treason would be a nice thought, but the fact that he stirred his followers to commit an insurrection should be enough to flatten him.

Alex Jones is begging his followers like a pauper to contribute to his defense. If investigators can find his shell companies where he’s stashed his cash, the Sandy Hook parents would be his creditors. They deserve that and everyone should demand that this bastard be taken off any aired broadcasts. Let him go bankrupt and the same for Trump and family members.

In the meantime, take a gander at listening to Rachel Maddow’s new podcast ULTRA. It’s free and it will make your head spin!

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'Tucker Carlson Warns That Alex Jones’s Billion-Dollar Penalty Will Have Chilling Effect on Lying'

'WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—A Connecticut jury’s imposition of a billion-dollar penalty on Alex Jones will have a “chilling effect on lying,” Tucker Carlson warned.'

'Choking back tears as he delivered his commentary, the Fox News host said that the jury’s decision “was no more and no less than a direct attack on the lying life style.”

“For those of us who make our living by spreading falsehoods, baseless conspiracy theories, and extremist fever dreams, this is a time to be afraid,” he said. “Very afraid.”

“I think I speak for many Fox viewers when I say I don’t want to live under a tyranny of facts,” he added.'

'Carlson’s concerns about the impact of the jury’s decision on the mendacity profession found support on Capitol Hill from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.'

“I want to say that the jury was manipulated by mind-control rays beamed down from the Rothschild family’s satellites, but now I can’t afford to,” she said.' (Satire, NewYorker)

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I would find this hilarious if I could find the energy. Smiling at the humor but still sickened by the turn of this country.

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Would that Borowitz was right.

But, as Dr. Richardson points out, Jones was on air making fun of the entire trial during the reading of the verdict.

Nobody (with a certain background and a bit of money) is afraid of our legal system Fern.

They all know they are immune here in America.

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Mike S. I don't know whether you saw at the end of my comment that it was a satire by Borowitz, not an opinion or news comment.

Definition of sat·ire


the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.






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Hey Fern,

I was referring to the satirical picture of Alex Jones laughing at the legal system while the legal system renders its verdict against him.

Not your writing.

Apology for confusion.

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I will say it again in the context of satire, humor is a form of truth telling. I still miss Lenny Bruce but we do have Borowitz.

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Lenny Bruce, what a voice. I wish he was here, too. I thought of him often, while in withdrawal after I quit smoking and, particularly, when I was on the 🚽! FUGGEDABOUTIT!

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I remember his monologues which started with taking a new copy of an edition of LIFE on stage & Lenny would free associate and deliver wry humor. In retrospect, Lenny gave new meaning to the phrase "bullet points".

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You're bringing Bruce alive again. Thank you, Document Guru, McKown.

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👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋

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I hope you are right, but Garland should definitely not be letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. The "good" case is already a slam dunk, and it is time to prosecute before time runs out and DOJ has an excuse to not be political during an election. DOJ is already stalling until the midterms, and now they just need to stall until Trump is renominated, and then the same excuse applies.

Sorry to be so cynical, but when has the US ever held a former president to account. Maybe Heather can answer that. Other democracies like South Korea regularly prosecute leaders for crimes.

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Well, we have never had a president turn on his own country so this is new for us.

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Rachel's "Podcast" titled ULTRA has 8 episodes. Rachel as director, writer & producer starts her story in 1940: The theme: We have been here before.

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Indeed! Just finished a biography of Teddy Roosevelt and the common themes of the GOP then and now, mind boggling.

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Yes Miselle; putting a deep root into historical context can reverberate such as the myopic "America First".

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It's the supporters that are terrifying. Just like their support of Jones and Q, they will never believe the truth. Who knows what they will do to the rest of us when it all comes to a head.

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Yes, I just started listening. It’s riveting. Reminds me a bit of Philip Roth’s “Plot Against America.” The antisemitism and racism, the wealth, it’s the history of the USA.

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Great comment Marlene, but I think it's doubtful the J6 will spend any time on the documents because it is not in their remit. They have been real stickers about their area of responsibility in the past.

Would be nice if they would stray a little bit though. Be safe.

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The Surgeon General has determined that “no reasonable person would conclude that (any) Republican's statements are truly statements of fact.”

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If those are his words than the surgeon general needs to be removed. We are responsible for our words and the impact our words have on others. People in power and with powerful media platforms need to be held accountable for the impact of their words. As a retired psychotherapist our ethics and training focuses on our position of power and the powerful impact our words have. To excuse Trump and others likE MTG for their lack of accountability for their actions and words is insanity.

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I fully agree, although the devil can be in the details of what is and what is not acceptable speech. I recall political figures during the Vietnam war trying to criminalize protest against the aggression. That is the very sort of moment when free speech, in the form of opinion is in need of firm protection, even if it nettles authority. Lies are more complicated. Lies can and do get people killed, from lies about COVID to inflammatory lies about other races. The lies of Alex Jones have been demonstrably harmful. A genuine (and yes, mine was fake) Surgeon General's warning on cigarettes does not mean that the do not kill.

The irony of Republican efforts to use the protection of "free speech" and "freedom" in general to slither out of accountability threads though their whole current ideology. Freedom as a cultural value is meaningful only so long as it belongs to all, and that necessarily implies responsibilities to others.

MAGAs proclaim the right to do as they damn well please while fiercely rejecting responsibilities for the consequences, a formula you can identify in any number of their recent controversies. It's a heads-we-win, tails-you-lose swindle claimed justified by ostensible moral and often, racial superiority.

It's a popular program for the patronage of many wealthy plutocrats, who crave total license to dominate and loot society, and includes jr."happy meals" of flattery for rank and file supporters who receive assurance that their prejudices were right all along, and that they are on the side that's winning.

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It is working.

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It is entirely possible that we here on this little planet are the smartest bits of meat in the history of life. I am here today to apologize to every life form past or present or future for not holding up our end of the deal.

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Having worked in corporations in various capacities I can dispell, immediately, any notion that humanity is the "smartest" animal on the planet.

Humans are just the most self absorbed, unconscious of their surroundings, me focussed animals in the world.

All other mammals and animals work in concert with the world around them.

Humans? Destroy everything around them AND think that will work out well for them in the end.

Dumbest animal ever evolved....but.....humans did not evolve to be smart, they evolved to be selfish and me focussed.

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All stripes evolve, selfishness of the individual seems to have won over those devoted to the tribe. Watched enough wildlife shows to have seen some creatures sacrifice themselves for the good of their tribe. Maybe Congress could learn a thing or two.

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Well, to be fair, it's maybe useful to point out that many other animals have superior senses to ours. Sight, smell, hearing, touch...

Clueless Are We.

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However, like Cigarettes, Republican lies are still being sold everywhere, just not to chidren in the grocery store..........anymore at least.

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I'm glad the parents of the children massacred at Sandy Hook Elementary were able to bring Jones to court, making him recant his horrid disinformation campaign.

And, perhaps, more important and satisfying than the monetary damages ordered by the court, is the knowledge that this execrable excuse for a human being has been exposed for the cruel grifter that he's been all along.

Unfortunately, the leading cause of death for children in this psychotic nation is still gun deaths.

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And the biggest problem in the Jones saga is the interminable memory of all his followers so that even if that sack of shit says "just kidding", they will go on tormenting those poor parents ad infinitum.

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I am grateful these brave parents brought / bring their suit against Jones. But my heart goes out to them and all they have been through. Losing your beloved child or spouse/partner/friend to a crazed, slaughtering wingnut, is cruel fate enough. To then be hounded, defamed, and threatened on top of it, is egregious torment. Alex Jones actions are horrible. His followers and supporters bear responsibility also. Money and jail time seem to be our shorthand for “justice”. Yet they never seem to really add up to that. And the trial-game is reality tv fodder, and hell for the victim’s families to live through.

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How can citizens of any nation retain sanity by following a gang of rulers that lies with every breath?

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It says more about our country than it even does about them!

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“…no reasonable viewer would take [Ticker Carlson] seriously…”

We know that.

It’s the millions of unreasonable viewers to whom Tucker Carlson, FNC, Info Wars, and all the others speak that are the concern.

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“FNC has argued to defend host Tucker Carlson from lawsuits, saying that he was not reporting facts and that no “reasonable viewer” would take him seriously.”

This FNC argument literally categorizes its viewership as UNreasonable—defined by dictionary.com as “not reasonable…irrational… not possessing reason).” For, really, how many of the viewers who faithfully watch FN programs do NOT take FN reporting seriously? I wonder if the average FNC viewer even recognizes itself in this enlightening assessment from FNC’s ridiculous line of defense.

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Indeed, it does seem FNC is insulting its audience.

The ghost of P.T. "There's a sucker born every minute" Barnum is smiling.

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Rupert lives by that

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If Fox is all they watch--and that's true for some in my extended family--they believe it, they forward the conspiracy theories, they have NO IDEA what the truth is and what tfg has done and continues to get away with.

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True for the dummies and the smart arses

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Unfortunately, most of them don't fit either category, Jeri. They really are otherwise normal people, hard-working, family-oriented...and now always GOP voters.

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They don’t care, “Tribe Uber Alles”

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Trumps lawyers need lawyers to defend them for protecting a criminal, how fitting.

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“Innocent until proven guilty” has been transposed by tfg, who maintains his guilt (and often even brags about it) until it is “proven” (by his enablers) to be innocent. Any lawyer willing to defend tfg’s self-avowed crimes should be disbarred, if anything else for disavowing the Rule of Law and aiding and abetting a chronic criminal to absolve him from accountability.

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Someone on Morning Joe quipped that MAGA now means Making Attorneys Get Attorneys.

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Fitting. May they run out of money defending their actions

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Hiding assets from a bankruptcy court can result in serious prison time. Is Alex Jones reckless enough to risk it? (No need to answer. Even his supporters know that one.)

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Alex Jones is nowhere near prison.

As Dr. Richardson noted, he was on air, yesterday, making FUN of the verdict readings.

He is not going to jail and he knows it. His assets are not at risk and he knows it.

He is laughing his arse off at the farce our court system is on the air.

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👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋

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'...First Amendment to the Constitution protects us only from the government silencing us. It does not stop legal responsibility for damage our words cause' .

Also, a recurring theme with Jones, Powell, et al: ' No reasonable person would take what we say seriously' ? These are not dumb people, (Jones and Powell). No, they are quite clever and quite successful. They know exactly what the lies are doing and the effect they will/have caused.

Our legal system, so far, is still limping along. Hopefully we'll make it to the other side and take our Democracy back.

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"No, they are quite clever and quite successful" Frankly, if these people are not jailed and reduced to whimpering convicts in prison pretty darn soon, we will never have democracy or decency back. That they and the likes of trump are roaming around free and continue to spew (and get MSM "facetime") the most sickening vitriol that does so much harm is simply incomprehensible in a "civilized" society - which we clearly are not!

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The propagandists are winning.

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It's nice that the House Select Committee is having another hearing but hey - this has been going on for months now and the Orange One is still walking free. What's with that?

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Yes, we have hearing after hearing with evidence galore in the form of videos, testimonies, phone records, and every other conceivable piece of evidence and these unmitigated POS continue with life as usual, thumb their noses at the rule of law, weasel their way into every facet of government and suck the oxygen out of the air. We, and the whole world, have watched the disintegration of this country in real time.

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I am wondering if it was always this way in America now.

I am reading the blockbuster: The 1619 Book.

It is a very highly referenced, detailed HISTORY book.

But? It reads like the worst, most scary horror book Steven King never wrote.

Usually, I can carve out a bunch of time to read a good book, but, this book is so routinely horrifying, and, about REAL events, that I have to read a bit at a time, then, recover.

So, maybe it is just that we were blind and America has ALWAYS been run by crooks and criminals doing whatever they wanted to do to whomeever they wanted to use or opposed them.

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“An Indigenous People’s History of America”


“A People’s History of America”

Both banned by Magat School Boards everywhere

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I'd use snippets from both of those in teaching my 4th/5th graders.

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I was raised in Ike’s world where good conquered evil. Or so it seemed. The shitshow we have become is mortifying beyond works

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Vultures Everywhere! (spoken in pickpocket's voice from opening scene of Casablanca)

Not distinctly American, but we do have a long, rich history of gullibility.

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No question we have had major crooks and criminals throughout our history. Difference today is we have 330 million people, weapons, technology, 24-7 news/propaganda cycles, travel that were inconceivable hundreds of years ago. So many additional ways for the lowest common denominator in our society to create havoc, chaos, and destruction.

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You’re talking about the “1619 Project”? I listened to the audible edition on my morning walks and frequently had to stop before I reached home; definitely “horrifying”

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White male crooks and criminals.

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Very simple answer….All of the Republicans in the House and Senate except Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger…power and money grabbing cowards all….

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An excellent question for Merrick Garland.

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The J6 committee isn’t a grand jury. Garland has convened one of those, though.

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The sheer stupidity of thinking that because you can get away with lies once (or more) you can get away with them forever...

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If Garland's DOJ fails to arrest and jail a former president who is apparently guilty of multiple felonies, it won't look like Trump is so stupid. "Behind bars by Thanksgiving" I said, hopefully. We'll see.....

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That approach has worked for Trump, without fail, for 77 years (otherwise known as his entire life).

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Today’s letter is all about TRUTH. Look it up repubs. This might be hard to follow. Nothing new. You repubs have followed TFG down the rabbit hole and the courts hold you responsible. (We hope). The constitution protects the Truth. Imagine if MTG were speaking the truth. Imagine if words did not matter. But they do. And even TFG might be prosecuted for lying. We’re getting closer to reality every day. Closer to Truth.

“Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) defended him, (Jones) saying that “all he did was speak words,” and suggesting the case against him was “political persecution.” Imagine Alex Jones not responsible for lying and destroying peoples lives. People without conscience do not believe in consequences. So here it goes: some day, you former guy and all who follow you will pay. Jones (and yes, TFG) has the same excuse as FOX NEWS Channel: “The FNC is apparently planning to argue that FNC personalities were simply expressing opinions when they said the machines were rigged, much as FNC has argued to defend host Tucker Carlson from lawsuits, saying that he was not reporting facts and that no “reasonable viewer” would take him seriously.” The courts are awarding settlements to the victims of those words. Finally the Truth.

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Keywords in your note: "We hope".

So far? Consequences for actions have only been applied to those who were fooled by Trump and have little or no assets to fight off the court system.

In other words, the little man. Much like a tall strapping 14 year old bully, who has matured faster than the other boys, walks around beating on the smaller kids.

That is sort of what our legal system appears to be.

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Yes. Mike. “Hope”

is the key word. If “No one is above the law” is true, then that’s what’s next. So we’ll see.

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The interesting thing about the American legal system is a black man, carrying 1.0 oz of Marijuana, can be arrested immediately, and carried off to prison for 5-20 years.

But, Donald Trump runs an entire insurrection/coup against the government by calling up an army and........

Exile to Mara Lago and golf.

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I just finished watching the January 6 hearing and If I can stop crying I will say yes, isn’t that a flaw in our system? Or is it a flaw in a political party that ignores the constitution and through its continuing support of a criminal ex- president and his enablers is taking this country dangerously close to fascism?

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Irenie there is an excellent article today at BBC.com regarding the ability to better recognize "fake news" being taught to school children in Finland,

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Yes, great article, thank you! I had to dig a bit but found it.

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Thank you, Emily and Beth. “

“As the midterm elections approach in the US, the wave of false claims surrounding the vote is a reminder of how hard it is to combat fake news. Does Finland have the answer?” The key for many Americans is if they will “believe.” And if their schools will “allow” those lessons. That’s a real challenge in many red states. Teaching The truth or a lie. Or omission. We have to try. We’re far down on the chart. Start with parents and young children. My organization, PEACE educators has an entire section of resources. https://peaceeducators.org/resources/institutional-recommendations-young-childrens-exposure-screen-media/

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Thank you Irene for your love of children and for your research. You provides excellent information for all of us no matter our age.

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Thank you, Heather, for tying together all the lawsuits of the “friends” of TFG. Far too often, it has seemed that he and they can get away with seemingly continuous lies. I look forward to seeing him punished enough that he regrets running for president and thereby exposing his grifts and cons.

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And enough that he regrets - and never again mentions - going down on the escalator. Down the fire-escape next time? Unbelievable, the whole story. I don't know why, but a certain golden coffin comes into mind.

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He will never regret, was quoted as saying that he will never accept blame for anything, he will just blame someone else. A no-brainer, or should have been…

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