Today (Oct 12) Front page Washington Post - Nothing on the booming economy, the stock market high. VP Harris’s name not mentioned anywhere even in the short bylines at the bottom. No mention that Trump is a convicted criminal, rapist, tax cheat and has been giving our security secrets to Putin and whom ever else. That he would upend our Constitution more than ever. That he is a racist, misogynist. That the people he surrounds himself with would take down this country, January 6 style. Trump is mentioned above the fold requesting more security. Why hasn’t WP endorsed Harris? Corporate press has failed us. That is why many of us depend on Heather to keep our heads on straight. Thank you Heather.

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Well, if the media would have 'history' lessons like 'The Mo you Know" format, maybe we could help educate some more people about how things work. When schools decided to remove classes like Civics, a whole generation missed getting educated about our history & government. How sad.

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If only the main stream news outlets would report on these facts.

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