Emily, I have thought the same thing. After their extreme and unbelievable suffering, who do Israeli leaders want to do the same to another group of people? I think the average Israeli wants peace and fairness for Palestinians; it’s the leaders who must justify themselves who do not.
Emily, I have thought the same thing. After their extreme and unbelievable suffering, who do Israeli leaders want to do the same to another group of people? I think the average Israeli wants peace and fairness for Palestinians; it’s the leaders who must justify themselves who do not.
Thank you for noticing that the Israeli leaders mistreating Palestinians represent a minority of Israelis, just as the Hamas terrorist murderers represent a minority of Palestinians. There is a great deal of broad brushing going on, and it is not helpful.
Auden is great, but that's not statistically true. Most people who are abused as children do not grow up to be abusers. It's extremely important to make the distinction and identify those with a predilection for abuse early, because even born sociopaths' behavior can be mitigated with early intervention.
Traumatized people who feel weak and done to often try to reverse the power relation rather than eschew it. They create a fantasy of being so powerful no one can hurt them. But then that manic need for control takes on a life if its own. Hence ever more land must be taken, ever more must the others need for life and dignity be seen merely as anon-human obstacle. To”security.”
Israelis had to become militant in order to first establish their state and then to keep it. That is a huge change of perspective, and they have milennia of resentment to deal with. In crass, but not crude, terms - I got mine so get lost. Netanyahu knows this, of course, and is using it to maintain power, urged on by others who don't want peace.
The extreme views of the settlers in Israel would have them gladly kill Palestinians and Christians. I was surprised some of these extremists were actually arrested for spitting on the ground as a group of Christians visited Jerusalem before this recent attack took place.
I was in Israel in 2006 on a pilgrimage. The people I met there couldn’t have been lovelier. Our guide was Arab and resident (who could not vote but did pay taxes; he said he got along fine with his Israeli neighbors). The land was beautiful. So sad.
Emily, I have thought the same thing. After their extreme and unbelievable suffering, who do Israeli leaders want to do the same to another group of people? I think the average Israeli wants peace and fairness for Palestinians; it’s the leaders who must justify themselves who do not.
Thank you for noticing that the Israeli leaders mistreating Palestinians represent a minority of Israelis, just as the Hamas terrorist murderers represent a minority of Palestinians. There is a great deal of broad brushing going on, and it is not helpful.
"it is not helpful". Understatement of the week.
I appreciate your insights here, Joan. Thank you. I do not follow any organized religion, I just try to be a good human.
It is good to tread carefully with words....in this case maybe more so than usual, and good to use a small brush.
Yes, on the last few words.
It’s ALWAYS the leaders, isn’t it?
Here's what I see as the answer to your question, from W. H. Auden:
"I and the public know
What all schoolchildren learn:
Those to whom evil is done
Do evil in return."
--September 3, 1939 (poem)
Auden is great, but that's not statistically true. Most people who are abused as children do not grow up to be abusers. It's extremely important to make the distinction and identify those with a predilection for abuse early, because even born sociopaths' behavior can be mitigated with early intervention.
Traumatized people who feel weak and done to often try to reverse the power relation rather than eschew it. They create a fantasy of being so powerful no one can hurt them. But then that manic need for control takes on a life if its own. Hence ever more land must be taken, ever more must the others need for life and dignity be seen merely as anon-human obstacle. To”security.”
Security, national security, the great excuse of tyrants.
Israelis had to become militant in order to first establish their state and then to keep it. That is a huge change of perspective, and they have milennia of resentment to deal with. In crass, but not crude, terms - I got mine so get lost. Netanyahu knows this, of course, and is using it to maintain power, urged on by others who don't want peace.
The extreme views of the settlers in Israel would have them gladly kill Palestinians and Christians. I was surprised some of these extremists were actually arrested for spitting on the ground as a group of Christians visited Jerusalem before this recent attack took place.
I was in Israel in 2006 on a pilgrimage. The people I met there couldn’t have been lovelier. Our guide was Arab and resident (who could not vote but did pay taxes; he said he got along fine with his Israeli neighbors). The land was beautiful. So sad.