Thanks Hope, I'm becoming and old goat anyway, so why not be a RAM? I'm assuming here that you're talking about the Renew America Movement, not the 60s Maoists or the anti-Antifa group :) Forming a new political party is A LOT of work, but that is the scale of the task before us. I will research this group.
Thanks Hope, I'm becoming and old goat anyway, so why not be a RAM? I'm assuming here that you're talking about the Renew America Movement, not the 60s Maoists or the anti-Antifa group :) Forming a new political party is A LOT of work, but that is the scale of the task before us. I will research this group.
Thanks Hope, I'm becoming and old goat anyway, so why not be a RAM? I'm assuming here that you're talking about the Renew America Movement, not the 60s Maoists or the anti-Antifa group :) Forming a new political party is A LOT of work, but that is the scale of the task before us. I will research this group.
Yes, it is the Renew America Movement. I think a RAM would be a good logo beside the donkey and elephant!