I have been so desolate because Trump has made me aware of how many unintelligent,thoughtless, simple people there are. But here there are so many wonderful thinkers who are so brilliant!!! Thank you!!!

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There are tens of millions of people in the United States who are simply dumber than a bag of rocks. I do not know any other way to say it. Politicians must shoulder a good portion of the blame for getting us to this place. They promise constituents the moon, then fail to deliver again and again. No wonder people vote for Donald Trump, they're mad as Hell at the government they have ( of course the government they have is the one they voted for).

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Thank you, Heather for the best explanation of the current strike and a recap of last night’s debate!

If Trump/ Vance win the election, fifty years from now (if America still exists as a free country), people will read or listen to this letter and ask how did so many people allow themselves to be fooled by an old man who sold Bibles, shoes and watches.

This doesn’t need to happen if every eligible voter uses that vote wisely!

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I’m glad O’Donnell called Vance on that lie. He stepped right into the trap by saying “ I thought you weren’t going to fact check”🤦🏻‍♂️. I hope that irony wasn’t lost on the majority of viewers. IMO he disqualified every answer by stepping on that land mine. Of course there’s already enough media out there of him saying the exact opposite of everything he said last night. Campaign fliers should read “ Harris/Walz vs Smarmy/Unctuous”

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I wld like 2 read it. I’m hard of hearing. Recordings R not fun.


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The letters are sent out via email the day before they are recorded and posted here.

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Mr. Abernathy, if you click on the grey words LETTER FROM AN AMERICAN in the upper left corner, then click on the second banner below the recording it will give you the transcript. Hope this helps.

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Heather also has her letters on Facebook if you can't see the printed version on here

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Thank you for the report on the strike and the reasons Biden supports it . I will miss him as President for sure.

After watching Walz last evening, I now

understand that Harris made a good

choice. Counting down to election and a victory for Harris-Walz.

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How do I give you my card # to continue to read your Letters?

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I think you need to download the sub stack app and find the person you want to subscribe to and follow the prompts

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I will never listen to political debates without fact checking ever again - that’s if we remain a Democract and have Elections!!!

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