It was important that Milley had the last “say”. He didn’t need to mention any names as we knew exactly who he was referring to. Milley is that guy you want around to protect and defend you. During the Trump years, he was the juggler. He had to hurry to make “nice” with our foreign counterparts before Trump went off of the rails. I imagine it was humiliating and tiring for him. I have a feeling he will start a training program or something else. Cannot see him doing anything, like mowing a lawn.

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It's a powerful and chilling speech, and I'm with you Marlene - I know he had to juggle and WE all know exactly who he was referring to when he said it: "We don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator. We don’t take an oath to an individual."

But I still wish he had used the name. I'm relieved Biden has started calling him out by name. I hope our other leaders follow suit, because tffg needs to be condemned in words of one syllable for the fanatics to understand.

(I'll continue NOT to use his name because I don't want it adding to the count of the millions of mentions on social media.).

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It was indeed a very powerful speech from a true patriot and I wouldn't change one word of it. He was not only referring to the Presidiot but any other wannabe dictator that might happen to be elected in the future. It was a historic speech.

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I like "presidiot."

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Perhaps "never again Presidiot" would have been better 😄

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Before you know it, the MAGAs will be using it to describe President Biden. Maybe they already are.

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I like bed Nancy Pelosi’s What’s his name!

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“Presidiot “ you may want to copyright that. I wish I had said that. And I will.

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#45 works for me..

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I have called him Fake 45 since he took power away from us all!

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The study of the nature, structure, and variation of language, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, sociolinguistics, and pragmatics.

The science of languages, or of the origin and history of words; the general and comparative study of human languages and of their elements. Also called comparative philology.

The science of languages, or of the origin, signification, and application of words; glossology.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

More at Wordnik

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"including fonetics, fonology, morfology,"

No One has yet explained to me why English needs a "PH" to make an "F" sound like most fonetically based languages use.

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Three more questions about English:

Why isn't 'phonetic' spelled the way it sounds?

Why is it that when you transport something by car it's called a shipment, but when you transport something by ship, it's called cargo?

Why is 'abbreviation' such a long word?

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Did you steal this from Carlin? Sounds like him

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Thanks for the chuckle amid all our serious thoughts!

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The problem is that republicans like that sort of government. Look at the trip to Hungary. Look at Oban speaking at a republican conference. I think the lower part of the republican totem doesn't even understand what they are voting for. When they call democrats fascist and communists, I am convinced of it.

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Yes, Alexandra, i want everyone to call that bastard out, by name!

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The names are in the news just about every day. What is often missing is plain speech about the level of dishonesty and crime WD and his cohort are up to. Miley does not beat around the bush. According to the book "I Alone Can Fix This",

"Milley, who has been widely criticized for being 'woke,' claimed that Trump was preaching 'the gospel of the Führer' when he contested the results of the 2020 election and claimed that Trump had led the U.S. to the brink of its own 'Reichstag moment...'


The book says that Milley responded to the January 6 riot by saying, 'These guys are Nazis, they’re boogaloo boys, they’re Proud Boys. These are the same people we fought in World War II.' ”


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He was indeed preaching the gospel of the Fuhrer, from day 1

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Yes, Jeri. He started by unjustly vilifying Mexicans, just as Hitler vilified the Jews and the Romas.

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same playbook, but he was not the first one, just had media megaphone

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And destroying immigrant families; a crime against humanity, no?


I wonder what calling thousands of troops to the border as an election stunt cost us the "little people" who pay taxes? What else might those funds have paid for. They could have least provided blankets.


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That was very hypocritical. He used undocumented workers (Polish) to demolish and build his trump tower. He has them in his vineyard, and I am pretty sure they were working in his resorts. (recently-expedited magic green cards appeared when he got caught.)

He doesn't like LGBT people either and blacks. Why they want to vote for him, I do not understand.

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Ivana Trump said that Trump kept a copy of Mein Kampf by his bedside. He told John Kelly that he admired Hitler. This is all documented. He made friends of our enemies (Putin and Kim Jong Un) and enemies of our friends. I really believe that his followers in our country have been truly brainwashed by Fox and the talking heads on AM radio, who all do this for the love of money. Millions in this country are incapable or unwilling to look at facts and think critically.

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Many of the right wing conspiracy theories are beyond satire, and yet I know "well educated" people who repeat them chapter and verse despite ample verifiable evidence to the contrary. I think that we are all as humans vulnerable to clinging to beliefs that are unsupported by evidence, but some of us are trained from birth to do so. One of the most sincere people I ever met believed, as he was taught to believe by his politically "Conservative" family, that Martin Luther King was an evil person, which he believed into his adulthood; but eventually thought his way out of it; straining his relationship with his family. Incisive thinker Elizabeth Warren was raised to believe Republican ideology, but her scholarship woke her out of it. Alas, they seem to be exceptions. I think what we are dealing with here are the dynamics of cult ideologies, and what makes them a cult, so far as I can tell, is a prohibition against questioning, enforced by PTSD-inducing punishment. As in 1984, in one way or another, a prohibition of "thoughtcrime", enforced by social rejection and potential terror.

Just one example from my youth. When I was 9 or 10 years old I was in a YMCA activity in which an adult asked us to choose a name for our "team". One boy standing next to me offered the suggestion of "The Robins". The adult tore into him, utterly shaming him with fury I had never experienced before. I was terrified, and I was not the one who had said it (but was baffled as to why it was happening). It was a moment I'll never forget. I can only imagine how traumatizing it was for the victim. My friend who rejected the demonization of MLK was sent to a military school where kids were routinely beaten, one to the point of hospitalization, with no consequences for his adult assailants. Most learn to love Big Brother.

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Please explain what “The Robins” refers too. Fascinating story, by the way.

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Cult-like indeed. I don't know if it would be easy to identify a single cult that makes up American fascism, but among them I would name fundamentalist Christianity; white supremacist and patriarchal brutality; and individualistic free-market capitalism that refuses regulation.

The argument could be made that they are all of a piece, but it would take some time. I was brought up in fundamentalist Christianity paired with a familial culture that kept adults from effectively addressing the abuse that every single one of us experienced as children--despite its existence as so open a secret as to be barely a secret at all.

I cannot say how I managed to see through all of it before it killed me, but I did. As an adult, I have come to understand that my family is not at all unusual in the US. A great number of us are as ripe for fascist exploitation as the Germans were in the early 20th Century: too trusting of brutal patriarchal authority, unwilling--and in many cases too terrified of the "outside", which the familial cult(s) have cast as the source of the pain they themselves inflict on their members--to question anything they have been told about how life and the universe work.

But I do deal with complex PTSD, and the lion's share of it is from fundamentalist indoctrination and emotional blackmail. In many ways, the overt abuse pales in comparison. Most of my family could probably be similarly diagnosed, and although I am not convinced that diagnosis itself does anything useful, I can also see it in many others who still worship the brutality that tortured them when they were small.

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trump also said that he hadn't read it and gave it to Don Jr or Jared who did read it. trump with a book? He probably was one of the first people to burn them.

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While I realize that sometimes it is necessary to spell out or say his name I just can't even stand to see Trump's face or hear him speak. I feel like saying or writing his name is invoking something horrible, conjuring the horrible imp that he is, it's like saying Beetlejuice three times.

He surely deserves everyone of the forthcoming punishments that fit the numerous crimes he has committed. But if there was such a thing as true justice he would be made irrelevant, fading into obscurity while imprisoned and most importantly, he is disqualified from holding public office of any kind ever again as the insurrectionist he is stated in the 14th amendment to the U.S. Constitution!

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it may be that the recent action of stripping tfg's license to do business in NY will be the biggest blow, as it will effectively close the New York Bank of tfg; the mechanism by which he has performed so many acts of financial sleight of hand to finance his empire prior to having MAGA republicans to fund it for him. flagship properties will be foreclosed to pay the soon to be confirmed $250 million in damages for tax evasion in New York, and he'll have to incorporate in another state to oversee any remaining non-NY properties (if there are any once the real net worth of his real estate is revealed) in a climate where the auditors will be on the corporation's back like white on rice in every subsequent tax year for the rest of his miserable life and those of his progeny.

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Just Sayin', your post brought to mind a conversation I had with a friend when Trump was elected in 2016. Her cousin was married to the CEO of a very successful construction company in Washington state. My friend said that nobody in the construction business wanted to have anything to do with Trump. He would never pay the "lowly" subcontractors. He only paid the people who had enough money to sue him.

These people who applaud and shout in agreement to Trump at his rallies are being fooled to think that he cares about them- the everyday, hard-working Americans who eke out a living for themselves and their families.

When will they realize the truth about him?

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As long as he feeds their collective amygdalae with hate and fear of the "other" and promises them a "return to their rightful place" about the 12th of never.

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Perhaps those in the audience are “paid” to be there to influence others.

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Just Sayin', I may just print up your post and put it on my wall to cheer me up when I need it. :)

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Just Sayin’, it’s my fervent hope that the day comes that the WD regrets putting his corrupt empire at risk by running for president.

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ironic, isn't it.

I guess @ his military school they didn't teach

"Keep your head down."

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Alexandra, Marlene, horhai et al wishing him into obscurity, it would seem that as a substack group we sure are paying a LOT of attention and talking about him (tfg) A LOT! That's a big part of how he got where he is: getting people talking about him whether for good bad or other reasons. The best way to relegate someone to obscurity in the past is to quit talking about him and referring to him. HCR started us out talking about what a magnificent job General Milley did juggling so many very large balls at once so we shouldn't dilute her focus with continued focus on the man we seem to love to hate, the two emotions being the 2 sides of the same coin.

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Unfortunately, I believe it is necessary to pay attention to what Trump is doing and saying because his words are promoting hatred and violence. The trick is, what kind of attention!

IMO we need to let people see and hear his crazy and harmful talk, but in the context of how damaging and destructive and untruthful it is. We cannot just put it out there as if it were the truth.

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If the majority of the country's populace and media had given Trump the critical look emerging now, perhaps we wouldn't be where we are now.

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"Substack group"? Wow. This has become social media. Ew.

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Very true, JohnM! We are obsessed with the man who wants be Hitler. Perhaps I do it because I am the daughter of Holocaust victims who won’t shut up until these Nazis are driven to a remote island where they will have to learn to survive or not!

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Agreed. I don't say his name, but refer to him as death star or mafia don. I mute him every time he speaks with that whiny voice. Being a nonentity would surely be awful for him....a bigly loser.

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I keep seeing these negative refs to Beetlejuice. What's the matter with Betelgeuse? (Or Beetlejuice?)

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Nothing's wrong with Betelgeuse, but Beetlejuice is the name of a film by Tim Burton, in which a demon/ghost/spirit of that name could be summoned by calling his name three times.

But because it is a Tim Burton film, Beetlejuice is delightfully scary rather than horrifyingly so. I highly recommend it: it's kind of a slapstick horror fantasy tale? Much more laughing than screaming.

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Thanks for the info! I'll keep an eye out for it. Somehow, Beetlejuice is a name I would not associate with "horrifyingly scary".

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It would be and is a speech for the history books either way, but I think it might be a little more powerful to let the listener fill in the blank. He meaning was unmistakable. Even Mr. Wannabe Dictator couldn't miss it.

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Marlene, I refer to #45 as TFFG, the extra “F” meaning…..well, use your imagination!

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I wish I'd thought of 'TFFG'!

The original 'TFG' is far too respectful.

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maybe TfFG would be the correct spelling of the acronym...

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truth be told, I prefer to use tfg in lower case, to emphasize it's just words, not a title. So, for appropriate emphasis, I'll revise my thought to tFfg

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Not if the F stands for the other word!

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Oct 2, 2023·edited Oct 2, 2023

the "F" could be interpreted as Fake instead of the other word.

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I probably got that from you, Barbara. Perfect.

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Excellent! I will adopt that as of this minute.

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Marlene, I use his name here as a reference point, but rest assured I call him a number of names elsewhere.

I would be tossed from here if I referred to him as I truly think of him. 🤬🤬🤬

Many of us would.

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I think “INMATE NO. P01135809” sums him up best.

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He didn’t use the name because that would have been “stooping down to his level”. Milley is not that man. He is a proud American Soldier first and foremost, bearing allegiance and truth to the Constitution he swore to uphold. We all swore allegiance to the same. We all wrote those blank check checks up to and including our deaths if necessary to defend this nation….not any one individual, regardless of who they are. They are simply the Commander in Chief, in our Chain of Command, and as much as some want to say we blindly follow orders, we do not. We are not required to follow unlawful orders that breach our oath so long as we can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was indeed an unlawful order. We are not puppets to be used by any individual bent to serve only his/her needs.

There’s only one thing I would have added to the last sentence of his speech. We do fight to uphold the constitution, but more than that, we fight for the men and women beside us. Our brothers and sisters.

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Beth, you nailed it. We follow orders, but not mindlessly and not without assessment. We also fight for those next to us, who in turn are fighting for us. My oath was not military, but local law enforcement. Similar ideals, and absolute faith to the Constitution (s); we had to swear to the Oregon constitution as well.

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And you, my dear, are an exemplary “soldier” in my eyes!

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I was calling him "Voldemort" but that is kind of an insult to Voldemort, so I have started calling him the "Orange Menace" and worse.

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There was a funny bumper sticker a couple decades back: "Republicans for Voldemort." It was appropriate for the Republican Party of the day. Now, Voldemort's a RINO.

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Now THAT is clever, Michael.

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Stacy Abrams called him the orange putrescence. I think that fits.

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such creativity...

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Chump works for me

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That works for me too!

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Or Slump....

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Someone here has utilized the clever term tangeranus. I've not noticed complaints from the tone monitors.

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I was not familiar with this term but, now I understand...the "orange ass". That was pretty clever!

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Agreed. Wish I'da thought of it.

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Cheat-o for me.

Rs In the House: Requblizombies, aka "Walking Red".

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A useless piece of flesh hanging off the earth.

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I like Orange Julius, but there have been so many good ones.

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Agent Orange...

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A leader is only as effective as the ones who support him/her. This is what terrifies me in our climate today.

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Maybe because there are many other wannabe dictators hanging around.

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Including DeSatan

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I rarely....use his name other than tfg. We need to relieve ourselves and the USA of that man and others like him. They could go to Russia or Turkey and be content.

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Totally. Only djt

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I kinda like adding (i) to that. (i)dgit.

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Insipid clown works for me 🤷‍♂️

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Thanks, that is a good reason to use "the former guy". Never thought about that. I'm assuming the extra f is the f-bomb?

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I call General Milley a "Citizen Soldier"who will not be mowing a lawn or watching NFL Games on Sunday or Monday. JACK SMITH's Reply Brief on the PTO (protective order) supplemented the Court with additional evidence of the need for the security of Witnesses & their Families. The Court Order will be narrowly crafted but, I favor Pre-Trial incarceration whether in GA, NY FL or DC before Tragedy.

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Bryan, you are a wise and insightful person.

Please correct me or amend my next lengthy...comment if you think I am mistaken.

I believe there are many forces joined to destroy the ideal of freedom ie Democracy ie the ideals included within our Constitution. Of course the contest between freedom and dictatorial rule has been going on since eternity.

I did not believe and do not believe that Trump had the "where with all" to lead anything. The proof is being revealed in the failings of his business dealings. The proof is in the "fools" who accompanied him on his disasterous occupation of the White House for their own personal gain.....as well as the violent protest at our Capital. The proof is in his disrespect for women. The proof is in disregard for the lives of those who are poor or the elderly.... in need of "a hand up". He has shown his disregard for those in the military and his disrespect for the Constitution.

My observations include the obvious...Trump's respect for dictators such as Putin whose desire is to take over Ukraine and all of the territory which was included within the boundaries of the former Soviet Union.

Our world is facing turmoil from disruptions of governing bodies on the continent of Africa....many non-Africians fighting over its resources. Then there is the never-ending conflict between Israel and Saudi Arabia engaged in their usual power struggles. Venezuela continues to suffer under poor leadership and economic crisis. There is crises with civil war and the communist revolutions within central America, loss of leadership in Haiti, Cuba's Communist government and economy is at its weakest, devastating earthquakes , floods and other natural disasters have forced people world-wide to leave their homes......to find a safe place to live. Of course along with all of this is the path of the drug trade and human trafficking.

President Biden and his team of intelligent, well-trained, peace-loving, knowledgeable, hard-working men and women are aware of these situations. Our world has become smaller in that if one country has a problem, we are affected by its turmoil. Its sufferings are also ours. Therefore agreements and partnerships with other nations is vitally important.

Decisions we make as a nation do not just affect us. We must find great leaders who want to promote freedom....who are compassionate...who with these challenges.

We as individuals and as citizens of a Democracy give freely to help others. Our ability as a working Democracy allows for this ability and desire to help others.

When we see any governing officials or group of citizens working to cripple our military or take freedoms away from our citizens ....attempting to form them into a usuable image to gain individual power.....BE WARE....look at....and carefully observe countries ruled by dictators....is that what you want for your life, your business, the future for your children....the future of their education (ie brainwashing) to look like....????

Trump and his minions do NOT have the heart, the mind or the will to face these issues. They are a selfish, small-minded lot who are willing to sell us out for a few coins.....is this what we want for the United States of America!? Our enemies are watching and using those people who do not have a vision for the long term of life on this planet......and do not have a vision for your freedom or your children's freedom in the future.

Trump and those following in his path are such as these.

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I agree with all points on your longest comment ever make that mini essay. Judge's have a paramount duty to protect jurors, witnesses, court staff the entire Judicial process in their Courtrooms. Due Process also means Safe Process.

Meanwhile, my CA Governor has appointed LAPHONZA BUTLER to take the Feinstein' Senate seat. Senator Butler is the current CEO of Emily's List. 👍

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And isn’t that something, Bryan, that he appointed her? I like our governor when he’s not tripping over himself. 😀

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Prompt appointment another good call.

PS: I became a Poli-Sci major at UCLA after 1 lecture solely on Marbury vs. Madison.

I was a few credits short of Double Major in Psychology. I Loved physiological Psych - still do.

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Extremely well stated Emily.

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Bryan, while I totally agree detention has been demonstrably warranted, I fear that tfg mostly works through others via innuendo. It's not his body that needs incarceration but his mouth (and electronic devices) which I fear may not be possible legally.

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$10K fine and one day in detention for each WORD he says in violation of a court order.

$100K fine and 10 days in detention each time he says the NAME or NICKNAME of a witness, attorney, judge or court official, the words "deranged", "witch hunt" "treason", "death penalty" (an expandable list ).

He is free to expand on his agenda for the country. You know, terminating the constitution, throwing people in jail, dismantling the government, etc., declaring hiimself president for life, pulling out of NATO, appeasing Putin by giving him all of Ukraine,, shutting down the Government -- the whole Claremont Institute program.

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Barbara B, please submit your draft order to the Judges.

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Heh heh.

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I do believe General Milley will be watching NFL and college games as was specifically referenced during the retirement ceremony. ;-)

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A great speech; his service was exemplary. Our military originated from the idea of the citizen soldier who is willing to step up and aide in the defense of our country. People would volunteer, leave the homes and families and serve in the military for a time and then gladly go back to their homes like Cincinnatus of old.

Today our volunteer army continues in that tradition. Soldiers take an oath to the constitution and not an individual as General Milley so eloquently declared. We thank him for his service and wish him well.

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He might mow a lawn too. He’s a big man. Mowing a lawn with a push mower (where I hope we’re headed --those of us who may still have lawns) he might find relaxing.

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I mowed my lawn yesterday, it’s good work that keeps me in touch with the land, I’m one of the very few in my neighborhood that doesn’t use a lawn service. General Milley is a leader not a pointer, at the top of all of his ribbons over his heart he wears a CIB, (combat infantryman’s badge), the rifle with the wreath and in his case the star, it’s meaning is clear to any who have served, you had to have had your life on the line to get one.

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Not only does it keep you in touch with the land, but also you’re not polluting! Every time I pass a leaf blower, I wonder if they cannot be outlawed as polluters of neighborhoods and wasters of gasoline (which needs to be rationed and price controlled). For the weak, there are electric lawnmowers. (I was cutting grass with a push mower at nine, which is when I learned the names of weeds! It was a dry summer, so the grasshopper weeds were stronger than newly planted lawn grass. Advantage: standing on top of a mountain near Zakopane, at my feet was a weed I knew as “wire grass.”)

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General Mark Milley declares, "we’re willing to die to protect" our Constitution, and few would doubt that he means what he says and would act upon it if called. By contrast, the former president would sacrifice himself for nothing, in the final analysis not even to protect his own terminally deranged ego. Just recently in Iowa he made to incomprehensibly bizarre declaration that he would rather die by electrocution than be eaten by a shark. The man is as lunatic as he is evil.

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Dang…let’s see if we can accommodate him!

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Many prior dictators (Stalin, Lenin, Castro, Hitler, Napoleon...) were arrested, incarcerated for short periods of time but then 'released' based upon shifts in politics and their popular support. Point is dictators are seldom successful on the first try and overlooked allowing for subsequent coups. Trump must be given a fair trial, hopefully convicted and incarcerated for the remainder of his miserable life.

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Oct 2, 2023·edited Oct 2, 2023

100, I second that....there are serpents’ eggs, however, to be vigilant about when he goes. His time is basically over, but there are others...some who may be even worse (as if that were possible) and who are definitely craftier and more capable. He’s a reality show host gone ballistic, but he has backing at every step. The dark money interests are not f+++ng around.

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Just read the quiet part now printed “out loud” in the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 “manifesto”. It’s been brewing for several decades now, but now they feel comfortable enough to put it in print and make it public….that there are so many on board is scary to me.

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Be very afraid, they feel no downside to telling us how they plan to dismantle our world. Everybody should “woke” up…

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MaryPat - I just watched this and I am having trouble keeping my morning coffee from flying out of my throat.

Project 2025 is a declaration of War - a War on America, the Constitution and everyone who is not a white male Conservative Christian. It is a blatant attack on Democracy. It is spitting in the face of our founders.

I suggest everyone view and share this widely. It's a horrific threat to everyone and everything on the planet.

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Yes, Bill - Everything you just said is true of Project 2025. Terrifying. A declaration of War on Our Democracy, and by the most cunning, powerful, well funded planners in our country. Every minute of their takeover on inauguration day is calculated (the complete opposite of bungling tRump's 2017 debacle), and for every day thereafter. These fascists know how to write a successful business plan and execute it. That word "execute" just gave me chills.

[Many thanks to my sister who sent this to me, and who keeps me informed).

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And buckle up for the Supreme Farce’s new session. They are dismantling our rights with each overturning of precedents.

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And the Heritage Foundation picks our judges for McConnell to push into SCOTUS!!!

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They pull no punches, just lay it all out. A paradigm shift from the lies and obfuscation. A sign that they think they have hoodwinked enough and now it’s full frontal. Trying to be a scholarly Rush Limbaugh.

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Amazing how they have the gall to label this “freedom and liberty.” Chump should be the one to avoid kool aid and tea. He’s just a useful fool/tool.

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Thank you for posting the link to Leeja Miller’s piece - something I’d meant to do after seeing it yesterday. 100% terrifying, but the more it gets out there, the more knowledge and transparency we have against those who fully intend to dismantle the government and Constitution.

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MaryPat, thank you for sharing this. It’s a manifesto designed to rally the troops who would abandon the attempt to live up to the Declaration of Independence and return to the days of political bosses and subjugation of everyone but rich, white, heterosexual males.

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"Manifesto" is right.

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WOW! Thank you, MaryPat! That video was truly an eye-opener and delivered beautifully. I knew the manifesto was bad since the Heritage Foundation is governed by Leonard Leo. Talk about about batshit crazy stuff!! So really, it is not just promoting doing away with government policies, but also putting women “in their place”, continuing slavery, and indoctrinating children into Christianity, and Gawwd forbid, their are gay men and lesbian women women, plus transgenders!! Sending this to everybody I know who thinks like me!!

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Yes! Send it on!! I think it would be helpful to have a good Readers Digest format to share with tRumper relatives - but what would we take out?!

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I recently read Project 2025 and if you haven't read this, please do so. It should scare the bejesus out of you. This is nothing but an instruction manual for insurrection through the back door and a blueprint for the destruction of Democracy. This "thing" and its authors are clearly off the rails and I'm being kind with adjectives.

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Oct 2, 2023·edited Oct 2, 2023

"Project 2025" link is in https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2023/09/13/plan-25-republican-government

The "manifesto" itself is over 900+ pages but the intent is very succinct . . . a planned overthrow of the federal government and set up a dictatorship. Scares the bejesus out of me!!

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Just scanned the introductory pages of Project 2025. I wanted to laugh out loud when I read Pillar III: "...this will explain how the government functions and how to function in government." Most of us learned the basics in 8th grade Civics. Fortunately, most of them won't read it - it's over 600 pages - lookin' at you, tiffg!

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I’m just imagining T’s “base” being presented this 900+ page plan to read. Wouldn’t happen; however, pull-outs describing the “ wokeness” of us on the left would have them lining up to do damage. Horrifying. What I do think is an advantage is that we know their names. This makes the domestic enemies stand out and become vulnerable.

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We know already that the FBI is visiting known dissidents in their homes and giving warnings. This is truly time to use our patriotism to get out the vote and try to get good gun legislation passed.

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This to me is the REAL issue...The Champion WordSalad Generator was just a convenient puppet.

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Very scary. So many behind the scenes pulling the strings. We can never take our democracy for granted...ongoing battleground

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We have to remember The Loser didn’t make this himself. The Republican Party made him. They are complicit. While reading Miley’s words, I thought this speech applies to the jackals in congress. Apologies to actual jackals they are probably much better then the ones in congress.

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He probably wants to be incarcerated and then released. Just imagine the MAGA uproar and all the money he’d make! Our police departments do a great job. I hope when he does get imprisoned, he doesn't get out!

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From our friend, Allen Hingston:

Some of you may remember me, I used to be a paid subscriber to LFAA, but since my wife and I moved back to Canada 18 months ago to escape the war in Ukraine, I have dropped all paid subscriptions. I’m a Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Ukraine where I lived for the past 16 years. I follow the war religiously and have very definite pro-Ukrainian opinions.

HCR, in her October 1st column, stressed the importance of continuing American aid to Ukraine, although the stopgap funding bill excluded it. She is absolutely right in that it is critical for America to continue to fund Ukraine against Putin’s genocidal war. Ukraine must be able do more than simply defend herself or even return her borders to 1991. Any permanent peace with Russia must meet Zelensky’s 10 points:

https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/12/28/what-is-zelenskyys-10-point-peace-plan .

I think that Ukraine will get support further on. Kevin McCarthy is saying that and other members of Congress, too, possibly by accessing other sources such as the frozen Russian accounts.

I don’t know enough about sanctions and do not understand why the families of sanctioned Russians are not sanctioned as well as the owners and families of sanctioned businesses. So many of them have assets in the West and are safely living and studying in the west. The UK is one of the worst offenders. I think UK MPs are just as bought off as some of the American politicians.

Ukraine is winning in spite of the trickle tactics of arms supply from a number of countries. Olaf Scholz, Chancellor of Germany, should be beaten about the head and shoulders. Even Macron has realized what is at stake.

Thank you, HCR and readers, for supporting Ukraine. Tanya and I want to go home. (Allen Hingston)

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Fern, THANK YOU so much for sharing Alan’s missive w/ us. I think of him & his family so often and have wondered how they are, so this is good to hear they are as well as can be in their circumstance. I cannot imagine their angst at viewing/experiencing the war at a remove…necessary, but heartbreaking. I imagine there will be a groundswell of good wishes heading his way from LFAA readers.

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Have missed his comments

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Oct 2, 2023·edited Oct 2, 2023

Dear Barabara, thank you so much. Allen and Tanya will receive your caring message. They have family living in Ukraine and in their house.

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“Today is not about anyone up here on this stage…. It’s about something much larger than all of us,” Milley said.

“It’s about our democracy. It’s about our republic…. It’s about the ideas and values that make up this great experiment in liberty. Those values and ideas are contained within the Constitution of the United States of America, which is the moral North Star for all of us who have the privilege of wearing the cloth of our nation.

“It is that document…that gives purpose to our service. It is that document that gives purpose to our lives. It is that document that all of us in uniform swear to protect and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

“That has been true across generations, and we in uniform are willing to die to pass that document off to the next generation. So it is that document that gives ultimate purpose to our death. The motto of our country is “E Pluribus Unum,” from the many, come one. We are one nation under God. We are indivisible, with liberty for all. And the motto of our army, for over 200 years…has been “This We’ll Defend,” and the “this” refers to the Constitution….

“You see, we in uniform are unique…among the world's armies. We are unique among the world’s militaries. We don’t take an oath to a country. We don’t take an oath to a tribe. We don’t take an oath to a religion. We don’t take an oath to a king or a queen or to a tyrant or a dictator. And we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator. We don’t take an oath to an individual.

“We take an oath to the Constitution, and we take an oath to the idea that is America, and we’re willing to die to protect it.…

“Those who sacrificed themselves on the altar of freedom in the last two and a half centuries of this country must not have done so in vain. The millions wounded in our nation’s wars did not sacrifice their limbs and shed their blood to see this great experiment in democracy perish from this earth. No. We the United States military will always be true to those that came before us. We will never, under any circumstances, turn our back on our duty….

“From the earliest days, before we were even a nation, our military stood…in the breach, has suffered the crucible of combat, and has stood the watch and defended liberty for all Americans. Each of us signs a blank check to this country to protect our freedom. The blood we spill pays for our freedom of speech. Our blood pays for the right to assemble, our due process, our freedom of the press, our right to vote, and all the other rights and privileges that come with being an American….

“We the American people, we the American military, must never turn our back on those that came before us. And we will never turn our back on the Constitution. That is our North Star, that is who we are, and that is why we fight.”

___Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley

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Fern, THANK YOU!!! Read every word!!! Our country is blessed more than we can comprehend to have leaders such as President Biden, Mark Millie, persons of character, knowledgable and experienced, also Blinken and Sullivan and so many others around this world who love freedom. Thanks to them and to their families!!!!

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Fern, thank you for posting General Milley's literally tear-jerking speech! He is clearly a very bright, very attuned human at the pinnacle of power in his profession and that he so clearly embraces such core concepts for our country is enormously reassuring for those of us who have grown up taking these concepts for granted, but for the friends and relatives we have lost their lives defending these truths.

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"We don’t take an oath to a religion. We don’t take an oath to a king or a queen or to a tyrant or a dictator. And we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator. We don’t take an oath to an individual." His words resonate...

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He should get back combat pay to when he became TFFG's whipping military man.

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Oct 2, 2023·edited Oct 2, 2023

Amusing, Gary, but, clearly, Milley, is not looking for money as you know who always is. Cheers!

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Oct 2, 2023·edited Oct 2, 2023

Thank You, Fern, for bringing us important news from Allen.

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Thank you, MaryPat. He and Tanya will know that you care.

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Right back to YOU!

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Thanks for posting Fern. To Allen: You made the war in Ukraine very personal to me, and many others I’m sure. So often when I hear news of the war you and Tonya and Lucky are foremost in my mind. I’m glad you’re safe but will be so happy for you on the day that Putin is a threat no more and you can return to your home. ❤️

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Absolutely right there about the UK


That video was made by the FT. A fairly unbiased rag.

(good on Fern 😉)

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Thank you for this update from Allen. I’ve been thinking about him and Tanya, wondering how they’re doing. His last line, “Tanya and I want to go home,” just breaks my heart. More than anything else I’ve read, his postings here brought the impact of the war on the Ukrainian people into sharp focus.

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Deep thanks to you, Ruth. Allen and Tanya will read your words.

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Good to hear from Allen! Thanks, Fern, for making it possible.

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Thank you, Fern. I remain friends with him on Facebook, and keep up to date with him and his new grandson that way. His posts are devoid of any political things, probably for self-preservation. It was a joy reading his words.

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Thank you very much for the information from Allen--I’ve been looking and wondering about him and his family. I’m glad he’s a Canadian and therefore safe. I didn’t know about the prominence of “sanctioned businesses.” This is very upsetting. I sincerely hope more and more people here in the U.S. are outraged by the lack of support for Ukraine with our temporary funding Congress.

Please keep us updated about Allen whenever possible?

Fern, you are amazing and I so appreciate you and your posts! ☮️💟

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Linda, Allen will read your response with gratitude. Thank you, with all my heart.

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Once again, Fern, I’ve learned so much from your post. History has shown us, time and again, what happens when you do not stand up to power hungry imperial dictators, regardless of stripe. I’m totally in favor of Zelensky’s 10 points.

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Thank you, Fern. I have often thought of Allen and just recently wondered how he is doing. Please tell him that he, Tanya and Lucky remain in my prayers.

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He and Tanya have probably already read your caring words. Thank you, Miselle.

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I cannot think of a military commander who articulates the why of our Armed Services since Ulysses S Grant than Milley. Thank God he was at the helm from 2019 - 2020 and beyond!

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I could easily have missed some, but he was eloquent and fully pertinent.

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What a great speech, Heather. Thank you for devoting tonight's Letter to General Milley. I am so grateful that he was able to maintain his position as Chairman through our country's most perilous time.

Postscript: I urge you to listen to Milley's speech. It is among the most inspiring I have ever listened to.


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I agree 💯%

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Hey, Jay. Admittedly, I'm one of those audience members who tend to drift off as the speaker continues his/her speech. I was quite surprised that that didn't happen while I listened to Milley's farewell.

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I know what you mean. I watched the entire ceremony on YouTube and it was quite long with a lot of military pageantry that I'm not used to. But I certainly perked up when Milley came to the microphone. A lot of good speeches but none compared to his.

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I trust your assessment of the ceremony, Jay, and so will resist the temptation to watch it in its entirety!

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HCR's link is the best way to see General Milley's speech but if you are interested in the other speeches, including Joe Biden's, you can find most of them near the beginning of the ceremony. General Milley's is near the end. I'm not current on the best tech methods but the ceremony was easy to find on YouTube using my subscription to whitehouse.gov channel.

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Thanks, Jay. You talked me into it!

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Thank you for posting this! I love the reference to a “wannabe dictator”

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So did I. Especially considering who said it. At the only moment that he would ever have allowed himself to say it.

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Morning, Lynell, and thanks for the link. Looks like I'm 1/10 of the way through today's comments and have about 2 hours of video to watch (or at least listen to) today.

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Looks like you and I are in the same boat of videos and comments to get to. See you tomorrow!

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Never have the words, “Thank you for your service.” meant more!

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Whenever I hear that phrase now, my thoughts turn to Col. Alexander Vindman and whether the country has done right by him for his service to this country in fearlessly speaking up?

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“It was a pointed statement, coming as it did from the highest-ranking military officer of the U.S. as he voluntarily stepped down from his position.” Such a light, almost delicate ending with complete punch. I re-read it several times. Heather, you are a GOAT of a writer and historian. You are an activist, too, and I believe innumerable people are engaged because of your wonderful, open-armed acceptance of We The People. We are in such good company with you. Thank you, Heather.

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How do I infinity "heart" this statement? ;^D

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If only a majority of the elected politicians of the National and state Republican Parties of Trump were as honorable and devoted to their oath of office as General Milley, the feated President Trump on Jan6 might not have invited insurrection enabled by his party and executed by those who called themselves his militia. Yet even today, those politicians continue to pledge to protect and defend Trump the man rather than the Constitution, the American People , and two and a half centuries of democratic governance and the peaceful transfer of political power to the victor by the loser warranted by a free and fair election election. Perhaps someday, Trump will be seen by the people and Historians as our new Benedict Arnold

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Yes, Don, Benedict Donald......

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Compared to Donald Trump, Benedict Arnold is a hero.

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I think Donald will joint the list of names like Adolph and Benito which are almost never given anymore worldwide.

Funnily though, I did meet an Attila in Italy once.

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I very much doubt that. Donald is a popular Scottish name. The whole world does not revolve around US presidents. Besides, as awful and criminal as he is, Trump did not order the killing of millions of people, unlike Adolf Hitler.

But even killing millions of people means nothing in the popularity stakes of a first name. Joseph Stalin killed even more people than Hitler and the name Joseph is still very popular. In fact, I believe it's your current president's first name ;-)

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Fair enough! Good points.

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Oh DonTomaso, here we go again talking about the wrong guy...

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If by some tragic misstep of history Trump becomes President again, democracy will only survive if every man woman and child “comes to the aid of their nation”.

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The next time around, TUMP will become Dictator. After all the crimes he has committed, he should NOT even be allowed to run for any office in the Federal Government. He isn't fit to run for anything.

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Not even fit enough to run from the law.

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OK, now there is an image that made me spit coffee on my keyboard.

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the guy shouldn't even be allowed to run for library board or HOA president

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Regrettably, the Constitution only sets three requirements for a candidate to be elected President: must be 35 years old on assuming office, be a native born citizen, resident of these United States for 14 years. There are only two disqualifications: winning and serving two terms previously in one’s own name , and conviction in a Senate Impeachment trial of high crimes and misdemeanors against the constitution and the people of the United States. Of Trump’s current indictments, only a conviction for inciting insurrection and attempted overthrow of a legitimate election are high crimes in the Constitutional sense.

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It will be a tragic misstep of history if ANY of the gop make it to the White House. They are ALL complicit, and do not have the best interest of the majority of citizens of the country - and have not for many elections according to the popular vote.

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Glad that Chairman Milley spoke as he did. Glad he recognized Biden's efforts to keep our democracy.

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The Biden who "stood in the breach, who stood his watch!"

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That speech is one for the ages. What a way to end his storied service. The sad thing is that the people who really need to hear his words won't.

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General Mark Millley spoke for all active and veteran service members whether we served in combat or during the Cold War. And, now that we are civilians we continue to serve our country by exercising our franchise in an attempt to elect servants who abide by that constitution and serve the public good.

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Agreed, Robert. That oath does not end upon the cessation of active duty. I know that even retired, I am subject to the "Police Officer's Oath" to maintain my status as "honorably retired."

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So, I have already posted my thoughts about retiring General Mark Milley. But I wanted to give a shout-out to our 39th President, Jimmy Carter, who celebrated his 99th birthday yesterday, October 1, 2023. What an amazing human being.


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The most underrated man to assume the presidency.

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Morning, Ally! I remember some years later, he was touted as the most consequential ex-president due to his activism on behalf of the country, things like Habitat for Humanity and the like. While I agree, I do believe he was also consequential as president. But like Biden, he was "ignored" because he wasn't charismatic enough. Just my opinion.

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A man of character and integrity, had he been re-elected we might have addressed climate change when it needed to be addressed

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There are men who have integrity and men who don't.

Heather Cox Richardson this is a piece about a man who held steadfast to his country and his principles. Integrity rises to the top Professor ⭐

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Cream and scum as they say. The battle still rages, but there are a lot of good people on the side of liberty and justice. HCR highlights both.

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A reminder that we must stand up for democracy..

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It is refreshing to hear words such as "integrity and character” from a credible source. Given his proclivities to appoint flunkies and saboteurs, it is astounding that Milley was a Trump appointee. Trump did the right thing? Only in a lapse of attention.

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