Although I know it's therapeutic to look away from the news every now and then, I find I'm almost afraid to do so. I'm afraid of what could be overlooked or missed if I let down my guard, even for much needed rest. I do try to stay grounded, but I'm not going to let the chaos defeat me. You, Prof. Richardson are a major part of that grounding - I've said it before, and so have so many others - you are a beacon and a voice of clarity amidst the darkness and chaos. So thank you!! As for the current news of Trump testing positive for COVID-19, my thoughts are sort of all over the place, and none of those thoughts, I confess, are Christian or charitable. My first thought was that it's all a hoax, the "big surprise" he boasted of revealing this month; a way to gain sympathy and votes. Then I thought, perhaps it's actually true, and the word "irony" immediately came to mind. Followed swiftly by "karma" and "justice." I would never wish for anyone to be sick or hurt, but I couldn't find myself feeling the slightest bit saddened by the thought that he and the FLOTUS might really be ill. I feel much more concern for the people outside the administration with whom he came into contact and may have infected. I find I couldn't care less about Kushner, Ivanka, Eric, and all the rest. I'm not proud of these feelings, but there we are... And just to give you a further idea of the contempt in which I hold this entire administration, when I read that he and the FLOTUS had gone into quarantine, I likened it to Hitler and Eva Braun hunkering down in their bunker when the end of the Third Reich was imminent. What a horrible comparison, I know. All I can say now is, VOTE!!!! And tell everyone you know to do the same so we can end this nightmare.

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Oh, I'm right there with you. I haven't a single shred of empathy for any of them. Why? Because not once did they make a serious effort to mitigate the impact of the virus and protect every person residing on US soil. In fact, they worked extremely hard to downplay the virus from day one.

And in re the FLOTUS: her true colors came shining through loud and clear on the Christmas/Migrant Children tape. Donald & Melania Trump deserve one another in the truest sense possible. If they're truly infected with COVID 19 may they both suffer enough to make a significant impression on their mean, dark hearts and souls.

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As she wrote on her jacket "I Do Not Care" and nor do we.

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The caption on that Zara fatigue jacket was, "I don't really care, do U?"

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The reply was "nor do we".

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And I do not forget. She was walking away from suffering children. She gets no sympathy from me now.

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I immediately felt the same way you did, but have not, so far, been able to feel any empathy for any of them. If it's a hoax, (and only independent medical people could declare that, since I trust literally no one in his sphere of influence, including his personal doctor,) I hope he gets run out of the White House on a rail...tarred and feathered would be even better. If it is not a hoax, let the chips fall where they may; he brought this on himself. I pray Biden has not been affected due to his proximity to Trump Tuesday night.

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So far, Biden and Harris are testing negative. Let's hope it continues.

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I am not proud of it, but your thoughts echo mine exactly.

What a sad, sad state of affairs that this administration has brought us to, that I (we) mistrust ANYTHING they say or do.

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No worries, Jennifer, you are not alone in those thoughts. I'm not one who typically wishes ill on another, but in this case? Yes. I hope it knocks them flat, if only to prevent him from being able to say, 'See? It's not so bad, open the entire country' and making things worse for us.

My heart goes out to the Bidens, though, and I truly hope that they have not been infected. Such a shame there wasn't a glass/plexiglass wall separating them.

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I love the Führerbunker comparison....but i fear that Trump is too much of a coward to kill himself but might try to convince his wife that she should.

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100% agreed

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Thank you for so eloquently describing my very own internal conflicted thought process.

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My first thought was "Good timing, God!" as I'm thinking of my favorite Bible verse Psalms 2:4 "He who sits in Heaven laughs." Then my thoughts went to if DT recovers he will have COVID-19 as a pre-existing condition and all the irony that brings with it. Watching DT get into Marine 1 just now to go to Walter Reed, I had a strong premonition that he would be dead in two days. Wonder if I noticed something about DT unconsciously that triggered such a weird thought. I would like this to be serious enough to have him resign from the Presidency but I would never wish anyone's death. Then I thought there are worst things than death and maybe he would finally find peace rather than ending up in prison or a mental institution. The world would welcome less intense times where we could of us come together to put America and the world on a positive path to true social justice, true democracy and true well-being for each and every one of us.

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Although Trump surrounds himself with a coterie whom Dr. John Fea has so aptly named the "court evangelicals," I don't believe he has even a mustard seed of genuine faith. He won't find peace in death, only endless torment in hell, unless he fully and truly repents - and I don't foresee that happening.

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At least the rest of us could find peace on earth after his chaos and horrible actions and misinformation causing the death of so many people.

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Cathy, I so fervently wish that were true, but I'm afraid we are not going to find peace for many, many years to come. If Biden becomes president (and I say "if" because even if he wins the election Trump may still find a way to stay in power) the ForeverTrumpers will be all over him like white on rice. He won't even be able to sneeze without criticism. What I truly hope and pray is that some kind of healthy balance can be achieved in the House and Senate. A two-party system isn't necessarily a bad thing; loyal opposition as Prof. Richardson has so often pointed out. If we can turn some of the GOP against the Trump tide, there's a chance we can restabilize the country and restore some peace and sanity. But it won't happen overnight, even if the election goes our way.

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Jennifer, Yes, you make a good point. Although I agree with John Adams that the two-party would be the worst evil to befall the Constitution. The stalemate of government we're seeing is an inevitable result of the deterioration of democratic rules and processes in our institutions and more and more Party and Patrons over Country and Constituents.

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What you saw, or more correctly, did not to see was his orange makeup. You saw his natural, pasty face.

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You might be right but I'm thinking it is more likely that as a survivor of a massive pulmonary embolism I'm somehow sensing the same condition in DT. The thought just won't go away.

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How many Christians are upset because Herod Agrippa was eaten by worms and he died?

I am not Christian but quite frankly, some rotten despots who cause death and suffering deserve nothing less.

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How is it possible that Governor Greg Abbott can get away with this act of blatant voter suppression? If any voters die after waiting in the resulting crowds at the one remaining voter drop off location, should he not be charged with murder?

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He can and will because the Texas Supreme Court will rule against anyone bringing lawsuits to challenge same. I should know; I live here.

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Then, all that is left to do is saddle your horse and ride on over.....classic Texan stuff!

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Ha, ha! Several elections ago, I did just that but it was just for fun then.

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Yes, and what can be done to change this?

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My question too!

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Mine, as well, especially since the courts and the 5th Circuit Court have stated that it's too late in the election to change the rules.

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I totally agree! Can someone from another state sue Governor Abbott? Because he is negatively affecting OUR Presidential election. What he is doing should be illegal.

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Thanks for breaking your midnight rule. I'm in the "healthy dose of skepticism" camp. Not letting up on my Voter Protection efforts. I'm engaged in "Ballot Chase" in Florida which is where people botched their Vote-by-Mail ballot; failing to sign the envelope is the most common problem. I'll be driving all over my county getting people to sign a "cure affidavit." One vote at a time. Whatever you are doing --big or small-- keep it up! Every effort counts!

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That’s above and beyond my being an election worker. Thank you!!!

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Thank you for your service!!

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Thank you!!!

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Several commentors on the NY Times story of Trump's COVID test results strongly hint that it's a ruse by Trump. I get their and HCR's point, but I'm still skeptical that Trump is playing us for suckers again. This story puts Trump's mis-handling of the pandemic out in front again, where he doesn't want it to be. And the White House physician would have to be in on the lie, and I'm sure he would be agreeable to that. I still think he's really got the bug.

But I agree with HCR that this is why we need a government we can trust.

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I agree with you Ralph. Losing 2 weeks in Q when there are 32 days to left to campaign would never be his plan. This is a logical consequence of his sense of impunity about this virus. We have known that this coronavirus is stealth and gets passed on thru those who refuse to take it seriously. Et voila.

Scientifically speaking, the air in that room where the debate was needed to be scrubbed in the ventilation system to protect those in the room. While they still get it backwards, the entire entourage needed to wear their masks to protect the others in the space. Fortunately there is a measurable effect from wearing your own mask, but I am worried about Biden and Wallace as well.

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Who says he is going to stay in quarantine 2 weeks? He will be out in 3 days, allegedly cured by his special status as the anointed one and the fervent prayers of his devoted followers.

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You nailed this. It was four days, but stil...

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Trump is looking for a way to get out of future debates. He is particularly dismal in a Town Hall format.

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The ventilation systems of Air Force One and Marine One must be full of virus now. What a cleaning job.

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The thing is, we've had White House physicians mis-state, ahem, lie, about Donald's state of health before. Is it unreasonable to think that's not the case now? (Deleted, edited and reposted due to insane autocorrect language.)

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It is possible..He is surrounded by loyalists..Look at his Newest M.D. that spins the coronavirus Trump's way....And Mary Trump Warned us..He will do Anything to avoid loss..And get worse...Time will tell..as I posted we need an independent medical team to test him..But that won't happen...

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Spot on.

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He already talked about their “convalescence” and “recovery” while they quarantine. That does not make it sound like they are asymptomatic.

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Then again, it could all be drama. He is a showman first and foremost.

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A clown and nothing more.

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Aye. I stand corrected.

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Hardly! Some of the worlds greatest showmen have been clowns..and many of them Russian!

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Again, with all due respect to the infected, the news about RBG did not pause one Republican from pushing their agenda on the American people mere hours after her death.

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I saw a great tweet just now, how RBG had won her first case before God!

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Now there you go; she always finds a way. Thank you, RBG!

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I agree we need a government we can trust at least most of the time.

More and more, though, since this news broke last night, I'm leaning toward the idea that 45 does not have COVID. He (or Steve Miller or Kushner) has a plan to hunker down for three weeks until just before the election, weep and wail and soak in the sympathy and worry of his adoring base, and then explode back on the scene hale and hearty to tout how it was nothin' and the people who died from it were wimps who were already unhealthy. He will use this as a springboard for votes right before the election. When it comes to 45, I am a cynic.

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What's the chance that this is the "October surprise" by Trump and Team? Another ruse, pure strategy to avoid another debate? I respect Covid and mourn the loss of life from it. I DON'T trust Trump and team and would put nothing past them. I hope I am wrong!

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Agree. I’m suspicious. I always hope I’m wrong when I’m feeling cynical, but I can’t help but wonder if this is his way to bow out without being a “loser”, with global sympathy for his plight, with a base lamenting over what could have been and undeterred in their illusions, even a set up for his family to remain “royalty“ and future heirs to the throne in the near future. Or it’s some kind of resurrection ploy intended to strengthen the illusion that he’s God’s man for America. Or both. Who can know? The man is a master deceiver.

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How can anyone feel sympathy for his plight when he knowingly did nothing to prevent 207,771 citizens from dying from COVID-19 and 7,276,938 from getting it (https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html)? All I feel is schadenfreude.

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Grave thoughts here, Steve. I hope you're wrong at least about the "royalty" and future heirs.

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Do the debate on Zoom. Total control of the muting and it takes the audience that tRump loves so much away from him. He cannot perform!!

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so of course he won't do it

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He'd hold up signs about "Hunter's money" and "Biden has dementia."

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I believe it is genuine. I see no reason why his campaign or his administration would benefit from this news. I also believe it would be virtually impossible to maintain a farce on this for any length of time. There are simply too many people involved and it could not be kept secret. This is also why the news was released in the first place. We can expect to get semi-regular updates on his health now. I believe those will "probably" be reasonably accurate but on the optimistic side to maintain any electoral momentum he presently has. Should his health take a distinctly poor turn as a result of him contracting COVID, that is likely to have a pretty deleterious impact on his electoral chances. Not that it would cause people who presently support him to switch to Biden, rather it would more likely cause them simply to "freeze up" with indecision about what to do and perhaps not vote at all.

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If he doesn't have the virus, the calculus runs thusly:

- he gains attention for things other than everything we've been discovering is corrupt about him and his regime (his taxes, his policies/lack of same, his white supremacist support, his dictatorial moves, etc), and totally dominates the news cycles right up to the election with his personal travails over Covid-19;

- at the last possible moment, he is declared "cured," thanks to a hydroxychloroquine regimen, or an early release of an unproved vaccine from a company whose stock he or his family owns, thereby convincing people he will make those treatments available to them;

- he'll have bragging rights that let him say, "See? I told you it's no worse than the common seasonal flu!"

If he actually DOES have the virus, I expect that virologists, epidemiologists, and authoritative reports will be issued. So far, it's been crickets.

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Or will he take the approved Russian vaccine?

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At this point, it's looking more and more like the "approved Russian escape route."

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Wait and see. I give it 3 days and he'll test negative again, claiming a miraculous cure.

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Yes, they'll probably lose interest and stay at home.

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IMO, Odds are about 95-5 that it's a planned fake. Trump is way too cheerful. The likelihood of a spread event on a crowded plane catching only two people is low. It's even less likely that Melania would be the other person.

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I think it’s real, there are too many people in the loop. But I think that they will downplay the extended of his symptoms. And all his elite friends and family who have been with him, all testing negative, can’t the positive result still be possible?

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Sure, it's possible. It's possible that Trump's result is real and Melania's is fake, which would answer one of my objections. Sometimes Trump does tell the truth. Sometimes he even has sound ideas - the TPP really was terrible, for example. I'm just very skeptical. The statistical odds of anything Trump says being true are low. The supposed delays in his getting test results are outright unbelievable, since we know the White House uses tests with 15 minute results.

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I'm a bit more distrustful / cynical. Not only avoid the debates and town hall, he's afraid, scared stiff! of his potential election loss. His antics are causing harm for republican running for office. To save himself and those running for office, I'm thinking he's going to step down before the election and I'm thinking it will be very soon.

Then, instead of an impending election loss, he will forever be able to say 'Trump didn't loose!! It was Pence's fault!! Pence lost!! I would have won" He wants to be a winner, he has to be a winner. Winning and money are all that matters to him

Pence will pardon him and his kids for ALL the federal charges. His lawyers will pull the same delay / stall stuff for the SDNY charges.

Curious observation - 'Marine One' landing at the WH to take Trump to Bethesda / Reed. Oddly, only one helicopter has landed. Almost always there are two helicopters.

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Some random thoughts…it was bound to happen. Taking such a cavalier, arrogant approach to this thing is a dangerous game and we’re seeing the result. There are theories and rumours all over the place. Both right- and left-wing pundits are having a field day right now. Yeah…I’m one of those disgusting Christians who simply will not wish someone ill, even though I detest him and all he represents. What I do hate in all this is how we got to this point. One cannot trust ANYTHING anymore. We can’t trust him, or anybody around him. Yes, he could really get quite ill, but there is always that huge element of mistrust that he and his minions have cultivated. I hate that I can’t trust anything. IS this an elaborate ruse? IS he using this episode of his close aide’s being infected with the virus as an opportunity to totally grab the headlines again by claiming he and wifey have it? WILL we now have to endure daily “Covid-watches” with updates every hour? WILL they both emerge victorious after fighting this horrible virus, citing God-knows-what kind of cure? WILL he try and use this to help his sagging poll numbers? And on and on and on…

Speaking for myself I think it best to stay alert, keep watching things, “keep my powder dry”, as they say, and not jump to premature conclusions. Careful about rumours, y’all. Wait. And. See. I’m just gonna keep a cool head, stay calm, and watch.

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Thank you Bruce. This is where we are.

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Thank you Bruce. This is where we are.

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The level of schadenfreude (especially in Europe, apparently) is super high--including with me, whose own governor (Missouri) and his spouse tested positive but STILL WON'T WEAR A MASK OR MANDATE MASK WEARING (P.S. He's an idiot). But I am worried about Trump's spittle spread on Tuesday, which no doubt was epic. Thank goodness the Biden "audience" was wearing masks, although Joe is vulnerable. Trump's family? They deserve whatever happens to them. But I also thought that it was likely Trump would find a reason to cancel the other debates, as they are not performances in which he can get the vampiric feedback from a crowd he needs. And the next one is supposed to be a town hall style--which turned out to be a disaster for Trump the last time he tried it.

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I don't know how Europe as a whole is reacting at the moment, but a good friend of mine here - someone who keeps up with current events - passed me in the park the other day. I said hello as usual and he just looked at me and said, "You are so f***ed!".

Couldn't disagree with him.

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Linda, sister Missourian here. I couldn't agree with you more regarding the schadenfreude AND our governor! He IS an idiot and he presides over a super-majority of deplorables in our legislature. We need to make sure that everyone knows to vote NO on Amendment 3 in Missouri. If it passes it will not only overturn Clean Missouri that the majority around the state voted for, it will make gerrymandering even worse and ensure the suppression of minority votes well into the future. The leading language on the ballot is designed to deceive voters into thinking they're voting for a good thing because it will eliminate lobbyist's gifts (which are currently allowed at an incidental $5) and reduced the limit on contributions (by only $100, but of course they don't say the amount). We can't allow ourselves to be distracted by the shit show at the national level, because the Republicans are playing the long game at the local level while no one is looking.

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Maria, I could not agree more!! Everyone I know has been posting Vote NO on Amendment 3--which is one of the most deliberately underhanded attempts to thwart the will of the people I have seen in a long time. Clean Missouri won by 85% of the vote, but the jokers in the legislator won't adhere to its requirements.

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We’ve seen this wording problem in NC. I verify the play book.

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"P.S. He"s an idiot" 🤣

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Linda, your postscript was courteous, but really redundant. The sentence said it all. I do wish good health to those who might have been exposed. Also, I expect all debate formats to be disastrous for the deceitful.

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More from me on this ploy. How about this scenario: Trump eventually can say, See, I got it. Nothing happened. It’s just another virus. No need to worry. Elect me for another 4 years. ❤️🤍💙

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That is worrying me as well. And the way 2020 has run, he will be fine and Biden will not. Terrifying times.

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That was one of my first reactions to this, too. I dare not wish him ill because karma seems to be on a whiplash course pretty much everywhere lately. I do hope trump's allies are sweating bullets, rather than standing by with them. Wondering how recently trump and Pence have been face to face.

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Hmmm. I hadn’t thought about this (Trump and Melania contracting COVID) be a ruse. That would make sense. I can see the headline on Fox News two weeks from now. “Our sick and dying President who, rather than seek medical attention for his illness, worked feverishly (literally) in a makeshift White House lab. His heroic efforts paid off as he, himself, discovered a vaccine to cure Covid-19.” I’m feeling a little nauseous now.

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I wish there were other emojis here. Although I'm not sure which one to use.....

Spot on comment for all us cynics.

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Dear Lord

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Dr. Richardson, I loved how you framed this letter with keeping the faith. Starting with "The current chaos is designed to make you hopeless about creating change so that you give up. To combat that, look away and recharge your batteries..." and ending with "As I say, the next few weeks are going to be wild. But don’t let it knock you off course." Keeping the faith is my plan. I signed up for a virtual fundraiser with President Obama this afternoon. I will be watching for text banking assignments from 2020 Victory this afternoon. Yesterday, between One Campaign for Michigan, 2020 Victory, and SuperMajority, I sent out almost 1500 text messages. I also think I may have talked someone out of voting third party {Fingers Crossed}. I gave the advice I heard on "The David Pakman Show" after Joe Biden selected Kamala Harris. Someone called into the show expressing the concern about Biden's selection of Kamala Harris for his Vice President. The caller was considering voting for a third party candidate. DP responded with if the caller did not want Trump to be reelected voting for Joe Biden was the only option. That is exactly the same advice I gave to the person on the fence. Thank you for keeping up on course.

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Thank you for your important work!

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You rock, Sharon!

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Trump needs to be tested by an Independent medical team..I trust no one associated with him..He could have the virus.....Or not..

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Am I bad person for smiling this morning when I read the NYT news on trump?

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Yep; feels good for once doesn't it.

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I wouldn’t comment on Facebook but here I would

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No, you're a thinking human being who's been paying attention for almost 4 years.

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No, I felt the same and I'm not a bad person.

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Trump contacts CoVid. Karma sure is a bitch isn't it. Well, despite my feelings about him we will all pray for him, and all who contract and suffer from it, as well as all the rest of us. Perhaps, it will serve as a lesson to those who continue to ignore mask and social distancing guidelines.

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It won't serve as a lesson to most naysayers. Heavens, government officials at all levels are willing to throw people living on US soil, citizens and non citizens, under the COVID 19 bus. Just wait, some QAnon conspiracy theorist will suggest that Trump & Melania were intentionally infected by an Antifa operative.

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bound to happen.....but so what!

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🤣 That darned Hope Hicks! Consorting with The Enemy!

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You’re a better person than I am.... I am just eager to see President Pelosi straighten things out!

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We need to deal with Pense first

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But I go back to my childhood in England and remeber that 1 Pense was only worth 1/240th of a pound.....currently worth less than Half a Cent.

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I could put up with Pence because I don't think the Trump base will turn out for him and because he might, at least, defenestrate Princess Ivanka and Jared The Special Boy.

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Yes, but we are on a lucky streak! Hopefully!

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yes that's my fear. Ugh.

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You are a very good writer. I subscribed because you earn our attention. Having written a daily blog, Eye On Miami, for 7 years, I know how hard it is. Keep up the good work.

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Thanks for your letter today, Heather, and I'm glad you didn't wait until this evening to comment. I don't know when you sleep anyway! My brother sent me the news from England during the night and I saw his message before 5am, your Letter filled in the gaps. If trump does, in fact have Covid, I anxiously look forward to a negative test result for Biden and Jill.

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My daughter txt'd me "Maybe it's time for him to inject himself with bleach." And now here I am sharing this. I do not like to find myself wishing ill on anyone, but there's some poetic justice and Karma at work here.

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yep. i won't wish death on anyone but after the way these people have treated americans, and with impunity so far, if some of them get good and sick and some die, i won't lose any sleep over it.

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