Thank you Heather. "This is a five-alarm fire." -which is the objective of the fringe 'burn-it-all-down' extremists who have taken over the GOP -as well as Putin and all other adversaries of the United States.
Heather is deeply concerned about what is not taking place in the House of Representatives.
She usually doesn't dedicate as much space to her opinions. And she is correct to do so. The Republicans are totally clueless and incapable of governing as she explains.
If there is another CR, then it will likely be loaded with many poison pills.
This will not end well even if they somehow kick the can down the road again.
They are NOT clueless, people should stop calling them that as it absolves them from taking responsibility for their intentional thwarting of democracy. They know EXACTLY what they are doing. What they ARE is CARELESS and INHUMANE and hateful and greedy and STUPID
Add: malicious, depraved, anti-American, treasonous, lazy, superfluous, and all the adjectives Dumas attributed to the monarchy before the French revolution.
Some are becoming rich enough to dramatically distort our whole society, the agenda under the hood of "Reaganomics": Make America "Gilded Age" Feudalistic Again. Some are scammers, and some are dupes, but all promote plutocracy and authoritarianism.
"No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time..." - Churchill
Gasoline because All of the GOP are funded by BigOil and its friends in BigChem, BigAg, BigPlastic, etc etc, whether they are as dumb as Boebert or as brilliant and slippery as McConnell.
Thanks, nail on the head. And led by a Facist Plan weakening our ability... couldn’t do it one way so here’s your sign.....
Whether we can ‘hold out’ until 11/24, and by what a question for all Dems and for many Republicans who see what they DO want ‘ their party’ (loosely phrased ) won’t listen to.
🗣️Hey you folks ..they.don’
I just joined Zack Shrewbury’s PAC, he is running for Senate , a Democrat, for WV! 🙌🙌🙌
Doing what I can plus voting💙 I don’t feel hopeless but this is going to be far more an issue than I understand , I believe.
I wish you well in your efforts in West Virginia. But I sadly think that they will be in vain. Joe Manchin Is the only statewide Democrat to be elected in West Virginia in a long time and and he is really hardly a Democrat.. Trump won west virginia by something like thirty points in 2020 and will probably win again.. the likelihood of any Democrat senator winning in West Virginia this year other than Manchin is horrifically low and it saddens me to think that this is likely going to turn the Senate back to Republican control. This is a bad year for Democrats in the Senate. 20+ seats that are up for election are held by Democrats currently including the seats in Arizona, Montana, Nevada and West Virginia.The odds of picking up enough seats to hold the senate is very low and while we obviously need to try, we shouldn't be stunned if it doesn't happen.
Yes, but that took a LONG time and Virginia is NOT West Virginia. West Virginia went for Trump in 2020 (the year he LOST) by almost 39%.
Virginia went for Biden 54% to 44% while W Virginia went for Trump 68% to 30%. Virginia and West Virginia are virtually not at all alike other than the name Virginia. The thought that a Democratic Senate candidate can win in WV is so unlikely (other than Manchin) that I wouldn't even donate money there, sigh.
I have learned for a long time (since 1960, the first Presidential election I really remember when I was 9) that you have to be brutally realistic about our political system. There are VERY few surprises. To be honest, the most extreme surprise in my adult lifetime was the narrow "victory" achieved by Donald Trump in 2016. Even moreso than Bush's election by a hanging chad in Florida in 2000. But if you look at the state-by-state results, it becomes much easier to see (at least in retrospect) and of course makes it easier to see Biden's victory in 2020. Although I am virtually 100% certain that Trump will win in W Virginia in 2024, I think his chances nationally (assuming no nefarious conduct by either election officials or the political parties) are still much worse than even in 2020. Biden, as weak a candidate as I think he is, will squeak out another relatively narrow decision, and Trump will squawk about it as he did in 2020. However, in the Senate, I think there is virtually no way for the Democrats to carry a majority in 2024... that will have to wait this time until 2026 when the electoral map is once again in their favor (with 20 seats up for the GOP vs 13 for Dems). Fortunately the demographics at the individual level continue to grow in the Democrats' favor with each succeeding year as the older population dies off and the younger population (which is much more significantly Democratic) grows larger and as long as the MAGAts remain in control of the GOP I expect that trend will continue well into the future.
I think all is not lost in the United States, but it will take time (as change inevitably does, something I learned a while ago as I was growing up LOL). The biggest obstacle (at least IMHO) is the possibility of the entire government falling into autocratic hands who then exert unprecedented control that causes even the best of trends to break down. I.e., in short it means that the biggest challenge we have in front of us is making sure Trump does NOT win in 2024. THAT, as I see it, is the single biggest challenge we face today.
What kind of low-life supports cutting food access to people in need? The majority who benefit from SNAP are children. Literally taking bread from the mouths of babies. What defect in a person's character makes this OK?
The disconnect between words and deeds could not be more profound than that between those who claim to be Christians and their efforts to destroy the social safety net, which I see as the secular fulfillment of the admonitions of Matthew 25:31-46.
Like "The Party" in Orwell, these scammers pretty much label everything the exact opposite of what it is, no? The helpers are (insert epithet here), while patently self-serving liars are our nation's salvation. It seems to be a con as old as human history, but some in every society and every generation perpetrate and fall for it.
I refer to those people as Revelationists [sic]. They go from the vengeance of the Old Testament, cherry pick quotes from the New that support their hard-right political values and await the Rapture so they can gloat while the rest of us suffer through the Apocalypse. They wouldn't know a Beatitude if it slapped them upside the head.
When I was much younger I spoke to a right wing preacher whose sermon on eye-for-eye vengeance (he was advocating it) I had just heard. I cited the "new covenant" of Jesus. His reply was that the Bible is the "word of God" and therefore every word of it is true. Therefore "eye fir an eye" is questionably the true word of God, and since "God cannot contradict himself" it is the true word of God. It's from memory, but I think that's a pretty fair representation (in my memory, word for word) of what he said.
Also racist and misogynist: I continue to believe that racism and misogyny, along with dark money from the plutocrats' lobby, are at the root of it all.
Over the years I've noticed that white people are often reluctant to identify racism as racism, and men are often reluctant to identify misogyny as misogyny. So I think it's good to be specific. Also, since both racism and misogyny are group-related ailments, I'm not sure that "narcissism" or "sociopathy" apply.
I have some awareness that racism and sexism is more pervasive and more subtle that I am in a position to be aware of, and that is this a problem, but I am not saying the either of these traits are any less real or consequential for being seen as delusions of superiority. Sociopathy is when one has no regard for the welfare of others, may even get a thrill from hurting others, racism and sexism are probably its most common and impactful form. I see it as an individual trait, but it can also be cultivated in societies, and has been with monstrous consequences.
Well, in following Heather, we are reminded that back then it was the Southern Slaveholding oligharchy. The international corporatists came later as the Industrial Age took off. You name it, it has been going on since before the Romans wrote the Bible to scare the outlying masses into submission.
Exactly. For every “I Object” from Tuberville, cash pours in. Every time MTG goes on a vicious rant, cash pours in. This is the end game, NOT governing. I want to know who they’re really working for, the Koch’s, Leo Leonard, Russian oligarchs? They all seem to be pro-Putin. So is Trump.
As evidenced by their refusal to fund SNAP, a refusal that hurts many Americans far beyond recipients of SNAP because it's part of the far larger Farm Bill.
I thought Christians were instructed to love their God, feed and clothe the poor, comfort the sick and all that they did in aid of their bethren was as though they did it for Him.
A subset of Christianity for selfish know-it-alls who think they are superior to everyone else. Very easy to join—throw away your thinking cap and your softheart.
I agree with your basic point about the right-wing extremists who are sabotaging democracy and doing everything they can to shackle the federal government from serving the people.
But are they stupid? They keep making progress in achieving their goals. And let's face it: this same behavior is evident in many states.
There is certainly shameless cunning behind this, plus a lot of manipulation by controlling information, what is said and what is not; the tyrannosaur in the room. Nixon was corrupt, but the former "Republican" Party closed ranks and directly conspired to undermine democracy with Reagan.
They say....they say they’re doing well? I say we’re doing far better..far more quietly but steady.
Keep your eyes on the ball !
Push to pick up more seats ...the trends are increasingly favorable.
We. Can. Change. This. Script....we need to see our numbers in that which will take the votes to 1) strengthen the rules needing shored up 2) eliminate the money temptations (electorate out!) , 3) pass and codify safety laws/mechanisms from individual ability to bottleneck majority rules.
I DO believe there is sufficient strategy tactics to timely intervene and implement. WE have a HUGE backing of good minds who watch and advise.
From my experience as a mental health therapist, there are some people that no matter what tools you use to help them change their harmful behaviors, they first have to hit rock bottom. So perhaps these extremists' poor thought-challenged constituents who keep voting for them need to experience what will happen to them if the government shuts down. But then again, did the government employees who found themselves in food bank lines during the trump shutdown learn anything? The sorry part is that we will have to suffer with them....
Spot on, Tina. The mission these people have is nothing else than to destroy democracy: their wealthy donors are paying them to do just that, all in line with Putin’s plans. I’m certain of it: as soon as the US falls, Putin starts his invasion of Poland. And the Republicans won’t give a sh*t when that happens: they’re in it just for the money.
Republicans have more in common with Yegeny Prigozin and Vladimir Putin than they do with regular Americans. Republicans are only responsible to their donors, NOT their constituents. How else do you explain how a mediocre wrestling coach from Ohio has a net worth of 30 million after gaining office? Of course they aren’t there to govern. They are their to get paid! Their job is to take the money and let the government burn while their people burn with it.
The Republican Party is on the Road to Extinction ... Patience is required, but as you point out, can a Majority of the House get to Vote on the CR before the Country runs off the rails and into the sea?
I m changing my mind. As long as people exist without checks on their power, these forces will always plague us. Corruption and self service of the powerful at the expense of the less powerful is NEVER going extinct. Otherwise it just comes back. That’s the lesson of human history.
Power tends to corrupt, thus checks on power are essential. Centralized power corrupts absolutely, so we theoretically divide authority into equal shares (the vote) and grant necessary governmental powers with accountability. There will always be cheaters, so we have the duty of keeping them honest, whether on our "side" or otherwise.
The Party is very much on the Road to Extinction. The killer question is how many innocents they will take down with them? In the worst case, our whole species is the "collateral damage". That is not outside of the realm of possibility unless we play our cards right. I am optimistic, but cautiously so.
The 8 in the House, plus how many in the Senate ( ? + Braun the Chicken), are not so Dumb, just so self-cock-assured of themselves, that I am expect National Heroics will be necessary to avoid their "collateral damage" ... if we can.
If there are any compromises, the dems will be the one to do it just to keep the government running. Republicans love to take time off at the most inappropriate times. Didn't they take 2 weeks vacation when the debt ceiling needed to be worked on?
They are very similar to the Russians. They like Putin and Orban ( ruler of Hungary not Turkey like trump said. They like censoring things (books newspapers, schools). Dissents
and protests are punished (better watch out on that a lot of people have disappeared or are in jail), personal freedoms are limited AND you can't believe them. They do not adhere to agreements.
I see this more as a five bell opportunity than a five alarm fire. Really - is this tiny minority playing from a strong hand? Do they have public sport? Have they given themselves room for flexibility going forward? Is there a part of the Bible that speaks to continuing resolutions?
A small group in a large body can have compelling ideas and evangelize brilliantly. They won’t be small long. That is not the situation. This is a group just begging to get their asses handed to them on a plate. (Metaphorically “begging” - they are too dumb to recognize that God isn’t at their back, if indeed there is a God who watches censoriously over the US Congress).
It could be ugly. I grant that. People could get hurt financially (although if this could cut back on dangerous absurdity that Black Friday has become, it might not be all bad).
Eight losses over Dobbs have not taught the MAGA crowd that one governs at the pleasure of the people. They will soon find out. In the meantime, let’s not give them the pleasure of enjoying the big dust storm they feel they have kicked up. Their day is coming and it won’t be pretty for them.
And where is Mike Johnson and why did he adjourn the House as a federal government shutdown looms? At a conference in Paris of far-right politicians. Of course.
Is there anyone on this thread who doesn’t believe that the ‘non-running’ Joe Manchin will suddenly show up running for ‘president’ on the ‘No Labels’ ticket? He is perfect, with his ‘liberal’ bona fides (Oh, qwitcher giggling!) as a ‘Democrat.’ If you listened to him ‘bowing out of the senate race’ he stuck in a non-sequitur about how he doesn’t like Trump. He’ll pull votes from Biden. I’d love to keep an eye on his bank account!!
No Labels is funded by some democrats, but mostly Republicans. It's dark money. They want to bring the country together but play by the old rules. There is no transparency. Manchin knows West Virginia won't elect a Democrat. At a time when we need to be a united front he bales for the $$ greener pastures.
What Democrats are funding No Labels? No Labels is a dark money PAC funded by the likes of Harlan Crow to defeat not only Democrats but Democracy as well. This group is a fascist trojan horse. They are dangerous.
I use it often instead of something like BS. I have used it for years and can't remember where I first saw it. But feel free to has a nice dismissive sound.
Former Democrat Joe Lieberman, whose ego matches Manchin's is part of No Labels. Former Rep. Dick Gephardt (D-Iowa) is leading a group, Citizens to Save Our Republic, to push back against No Labels.
He's a great guy, but he is running in a virtually 100% solid GOP state where the ONLY exception in 20 years has been Manchin and once he is gone, there is almost no chance that the state will elect a Democrat for Senate.
No Labels did not suddenly appear this year. They have been around for several years by backing Congressional members with a history of crossing the aisle to work with members of the other party (Democrat or Republican) to fashion compromise. They have worked to prevent such people from being taken out in a primary by the far right or far left extremes.
No Labels has not even committed to entering a candidates (although they are making all the noises that they will) let alone who they would be. What if they put up Charlie Baker (former Gov of Massachusetts), Larry Hogan, or even Lynn Cheney as the presidential candidate and Manchin as VP. Would you still feel the same?
Third party and their candidates are cop outs. 3rd parties would rather keep the delusional blinders on, rather than acknowledge the hard truths and real challenges this democracy faces. Don’t fall for that nonsense. Choose an issue, or better several, learn the facts and work like hell to make this the country you want, and know in heart what it could be.
A third party is a mortal danger at this time -- a divisive device much used by Putin who learned its usefulness in Communist East Germany.
A time may come when the present GOP will have completed its work of self-destruction. Then, a third party could become useful, a dynamic force of opposition, an alternative, keeping the Democratic Party clean, alive and on its toes, kicking it out when necessary.
Any one-party State would be a corrupt rust-pile disaster. Consider the Communist parties of the Soviet empire, Putin's pseudo-party One Russia, Orban's criminal enterprise Fidesz, Iran, Mexico and the long history of its comically named Institutional Revolutionary Party...
Thank you Heather. "This is a five-alarm fire." -which is the objective of the fringe 'burn-it-all-down' extremists who have taken over the GOP -as well as Putin and all other adversaries of the United States.
Heather is deeply concerned about what is not taking place in the House of Representatives.
She usually doesn't dedicate as much space to her opinions. And she is correct to do so. The Republicans are totally clueless and incapable of governing as she explains.
If there is another CR, then it will likely be loaded with many poison pills.
This will not end well even if they somehow kick the can down the road again.
They are NOT clueless, people should stop calling them that as it absolves them from taking responsibility for their intentional thwarting of democracy. They know EXACTLY what they are doing. What they ARE is CARELESS and INHUMANE and hateful and greedy and STUPID
Add: malicious, depraved, anti-American, treasonous, lazy, superfluous, and all the adjectives Dumas attributed to the monarchy before the French revolution.
And getting rich at the expense of every American.
Some are becoming rich enough to dramatically distort our whole society, the agenda under the hood of "Reaganomics": Make America "Gilded Age" Feudalistic Again. Some are scammers, and some are dupes, but all promote plutocracy and authoritarianism.
"No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time..." - Churchill
The owner of Home Depot ( BIG DONOR) says he supports trump because of anti regulation laws. I wonder how much he made from the tax cut?
Absolutely correct. They are not clueless. They are the arsonists behind the current five-alarm fire.
And their fire hoses are loaded with gasoline, and they just keep pouring it on, then standing back and being proud of themselves.
I wonder just how many actual people in the US they represent, or think they are doing good work.
Far too many, but not for the first time a self-entitled minority of the powerful has tried to overthrow our nation's "better angels".
Gasoline because All of the GOP are funded by BigOil and its friends in BigChem, BigAg, BigPlastic, etc etc, whether they are as dumb as Boebert or as brilliant and slippery as McConnell.
Thanks, nail on the head. And led by a Facist Plan weakening our ability... couldn’t do it one way so here’s your sign.....
Whether we can ‘hold out’ until 11/24, and by what a question for all Dems and for many Republicans who see what they DO want ‘ their party’ (loosely phrased ) won’t listen to.
🗣️Hey you folks ..they.don’
I just joined Zack Shrewbury’s PAC, he is running for Senate , a Democrat, for WV! 🙌🙌🙌
Doing what I can plus voting💙 I don’t feel hopeless but this is going to be far more an issue than I understand , I believe.
Thanks Heather, we hear you🫶☮️
And bring your own buckets of water if they unfunded the water pumps.
Or worse-firemen. Want to defund police so firemen could soon follow. hmmmm
Much to be said for ‘gravity feeds’ much akin to grassroots.
Ha! Let's hope.
I wish you well in your efforts in West Virginia. But I sadly think that they will be in vain. Joe Manchin Is the only statewide Democrat to be elected in West Virginia in a long time and and he is really hardly a Democrat.. Trump won west virginia by something like thirty points in 2020 and will probably win again.. the likelihood of any Democrat senator winning in West Virginia this year other than Manchin is horrifically low and it saddens me to think that this is likely going to turn the Senate back to Republican control. This is a bad year for Democrats in the Senate. 20+ seats that are up for election are held by Democrats currently including the seats in Arizona, Montana, Nevada and West Virginia.The odds of picking up enough seats to hold the senate is very low and while we obviously need to try, we shouldn't be stunned if it doesn't happen.
Statewide Virginia turned all blue
Yes, but that took a LONG time and Virginia is NOT West Virginia. West Virginia went for Trump in 2020 (the year he LOST) by almost 39%.
Virginia went for Biden 54% to 44% while W Virginia went for Trump 68% to 30%. Virginia and West Virginia are virtually not at all alike other than the name Virginia. The thought that a Democratic Senate candidate can win in WV is so unlikely (other than Manchin) that I wouldn't even donate money there, sigh.
I hate to be a realist but that is what I am. :(
Thank you Jon. It’s a long run game, and your points are valid plus real. I hope there’s a good surprise for both of us.
I have learned for a long time (since 1960, the first Presidential election I really remember when I was 9) that you have to be brutally realistic about our political system. There are VERY few surprises. To be honest, the most extreme surprise in my adult lifetime was the narrow "victory" achieved by Donald Trump in 2016. Even moreso than Bush's election by a hanging chad in Florida in 2000. But if you look at the state-by-state results, it becomes much easier to see (at least in retrospect) and of course makes it easier to see Biden's victory in 2020. Although I am virtually 100% certain that Trump will win in W Virginia in 2024, I think his chances nationally (assuming no nefarious conduct by either election officials or the political parties) are still much worse than even in 2020. Biden, as weak a candidate as I think he is, will squeak out another relatively narrow decision, and Trump will squawk about it as he did in 2020. However, in the Senate, I think there is virtually no way for the Democrats to carry a majority in 2024... that will have to wait this time until 2026 when the electoral map is once again in their favor (with 20 seats up for the GOP vs 13 for Dems). Fortunately the demographics at the individual level continue to grow in the Democrats' favor with each succeeding year as the older population dies off and the younger population (which is much more significantly Democratic) grows larger and as long as the MAGAts remain in control of the GOP I expect that trend will continue well into the future.
I think all is not lost in the United States, but it will take time (as change inevitably does, something I learned a while ago as I was growing up LOL). The biggest obstacle (at least IMHO) is the possibility of the entire government falling into autocratic hands who then exert unprecedented control that causes even the best of trends to break down. I.e., in short it means that the biggest challenge we have in front of us is making sure Trump does NOT win in 2024. THAT, as I see it, is the single biggest challenge we face today.
What kind of low-life supports cutting food access to people in need? The majority who benefit from SNAP are children. Literally taking bread from the mouths of babies. What defect in a person's character makes this OK?
The disconnect between words and deeds could not be more profound than that between those who claim to be Christians and their efforts to destroy the social safety net, which I see as the secular fulfillment of the admonitions of Matthew 25:31-46.
Like "The Party" in Orwell, these scammers pretty much label everything the exact opposite of what it is, no? The helpers are (insert epithet here), while patently self-serving liars are our nation's salvation. It seems to be a con as old as human history, but some in every society and every generation perpetrate and fall for it.
MisTBlu. Don't want to wait for judgement day. Want the goats gone NOW,
A right wing "Christian".
I refer to those people as Revelationists [sic]. They go from the vengeance of the Old Testament, cherry pick quotes from the New that support their hard-right political values and await the Rapture so they can gloat while the rest of us suffer through the Apocalypse. They wouldn't know a Beatitude if it slapped them upside the head.
When I was much younger I spoke to a right wing preacher whose sermon on eye-for-eye vengeance (he was advocating it) I had just heard. I cited the "new covenant" of Jesus. His reply was that the Bible is the "word of God" and therefore every word of it is true. Therefore "eye fir an eye" is questionably the true word of God, and since "God cannot contradict himself" it is the true word of God. It's from memory, but I think that's a pretty fair representation (in my memory, word for word) of what he said.
Those two words should not in the same sentence.
The same ones who want children to be born
Also racist and misogynist: I continue to believe that racism and misogyny, along with dark money from the plutocrats' lobby, are at the root of it all.
All three are forms of malignant narcissism, the sociopathic pretense and/or delusion of "supremacy" lacking both compassion and conscience.
Over the years I've noticed that white people are often reluctant to identify racism as racism, and men are often reluctant to identify misogyny as misogyny. So I think it's good to be specific. Also, since both racism and misogyny are group-related ailments, I'm not sure that "narcissism" or "sociopathy" apply.
I have some awareness that racism and sexism is more pervasive and more subtle that I am in a position to be aware of, and that is this a problem, but I am not saying the either of these traits are any less real or consequential for being seen as delusions of superiority. Sociopathy is when one has no regard for the welfare of others, may even get a thrill from hurting others, racism and sexism are probably its most common and impactful form. I see it as an individual trait, but it can also be cultivated in societies, and has been with monstrous consequences.
As it has been since the 1930s.They haven't given up. They just can spend more and the T-Rump is their new face.
Well, in following Heather, we are reminded that back then it was the Southern Slaveholding oligharchy. The international corporatists came later as the Industrial Age took off. You name it, it has been going on since before the Romans wrote the Bible to scare the outlying masses into submission.
For their equivalent of chump change one can purchase all the deplorables you can 'use.'
Exactly. For every “I Object” from Tuberville, cash pours in. Every time MTG goes on a vicious rant, cash pours in. This is the end game, NOT governing. I want to know who they’re really working for, the Koch’s, Leo Leonard, Russian oligarchs? They all seem to be pro-Putin. So is Trump.
Yes. Yes. And YES!
As evidenced by their refusal to fund SNAP, a refusal that hurts many Americans far beyond recipients of SNAP because it's part of the far larger Farm Bill.
I thought Christians were instructed to love their God, feed and clothe the poor, comfort the sick and all that they did in aid of their bethren was as though they did it for Him.
A subset of Christianity for selfish know-it-alls who think they are superior to everyone else. Very easy to join—throw away your thinking cap and your softheart.
I agree with your basic point about the right-wing extremists who are sabotaging democracy and doing everything they can to shackle the federal government from serving the people.
But are they stupid? They keep making progress in achieving their goals. And let's face it: this same behavior is evident in many states.
There is certainly shameless cunning behind this, plus a lot of manipulation by controlling information, what is said and what is not; the tyrannosaur in the room. Nixon was corrupt, but the former "Republican" Party closed ranks and directly conspired to undermine democracy with Reagan.
They say....they say they’re doing well? I say we’re doing far better..far more quietly but steady.
Keep your eyes on the ball !
Push to pick up more seats ...the trends are increasingly favorable.
We. Can. Change. This. Script....we need to see our numbers in that which will take the votes to 1) strengthen the rules needing shored up 2) eliminate the money temptations (electorate out!) , 3) pass and codify safety laws/mechanisms from individual ability to bottleneck majority rules.
I DO believe there is sufficient strategy tactics to timely intervene and implement. WE have a HUGE backing of good minds who watch and advise.
Let’s not forget KARMA😉
Hold steady,Mates
From my experience as a mental health therapist, there are some people that no matter what tools you use to help them change their harmful behaviors, they first have to hit rock bottom. So perhaps these extremists' poor thought-challenged constituents who keep voting for them need to experience what will happen to them if the government shuts down. But then again, did the government employees who found themselves in food bank lines during the trump shutdown learn anything? The sorry part is that we will have to suffer with them....
Perhaps better described as irresponsible, cruel, sadistic, hateful, greedy and yes, stupid. Very, very stupid.
And, evil.
Spot on, Tina. The mission these people have is nothing else than to destroy democracy: their wealthy donors are paying them to do just that, all in line with Putin’s plans. I’m certain of it: as soon as the US falls, Putin starts his invasion of Poland. And the Republicans won’t give a sh*t when that happens: they’re in it just for the money.
I'm sorry Tina. but careless and inhumane is what you get from those carrying out orders from Vladimir Putrid.
Tina, bless you.
Bingo, Tina. Thank you.
Republicans have more in common with Yegeny Prigozin and Vladimir Putin than they do with regular Americans. Republicans are only responsible to their donors, NOT their constituents. How else do you explain how a mediocre wrestling coach from Ohio has a net worth of 30 million after gaining office? Of course they aren’t there to govern. They are their to get paid! Their job is to take the money and let the government burn while their people burn with it.
We need to be rid of this turbulent party. I hope that we last until 11/2024
The Republican Party is on the Road to Extinction ... Patience is required, but as you point out, can a Majority of the House get to Vote on the CR before the Country runs off the rails and into the sea?
Yup. But the danger is they take us all over that cliff with them.
Absolutely, so we need to intervene.
I m changing my mind. As long as people exist without checks on their power, these forces will always plague us. Corruption and self service of the powerful at the expense of the less powerful is NEVER going extinct. Otherwise it just comes back. That’s the lesson of human history.
Power tends to corrupt, thus checks on power are essential. Centralized power corrupts absolutely, so we theoretically divide authority into equal shares (the vote) and grant necessary governmental powers with accountability. There will always be cheaters, so we have the duty of keeping them honest, whether on our "side" or otherwise.
The Party is very much on the Road to Extinction. The killer question is how many innocents they will take down with them? In the worst case, our whole species is the "collateral damage". That is not outside of the realm of possibility unless we play our cards right. I am optimistic, but cautiously so.
The 8 in the House, plus how many in the Senate ( ? + Braun the Chicken), are not so Dumb, just so self-cock-assured of themselves, that I am expect National Heroics will be necessary to avoid their "collateral damage" ... if we can.
The Jan Sixers seemed confident enough of their own righteousness invulnerability that they took selfies for the prosecution.
@ Patty Rickard...From the first play about a stochastic terrorist!
If there are any compromises, the dems will be the one to do it just to keep the government running. Republicans love to take time off at the most inappropriate times. Didn't they take 2 weeks vacation when the debt ceiling needed to be worked on?
They are very similar to the Russians. They like Putin and Orban ( ruler of Hungary not Turkey like trump said. They like censoring things (books newspapers, schools). Dissents
and protests are punished (better watch out on that a lot of people have disappeared or are in jail), personal freedoms are limited AND you can't believe them. They do not adhere to agreements.
It will end as Hakeem Jefferies said, or it will not end.
I see this more as a five bell opportunity than a five alarm fire. Really - is this tiny minority playing from a strong hand? Do they have public sport? Have they given themselves room for flexibility going forward? Is there a part of the Bible that speaks to continuing resolutions?
A small group in a large body can have compelling ideas and evangelize brilliantly. They won’t be small long. That is not the situation. This is a group just begging to get their asses handed to them on a plate. (Metaphorically “begging” - they are too dumb to recognize that God isn’t at their back, if indeed there is a God who watches censoriously over the US Congress).
It could be ugly. I grant that. People could get hurt financially (although if this could cut back on dangerous absurdity that Black Friday has become, it might not be all bad).
Eight losses over Dobbs have not taught the MAGA crowd that one governs at the pleasure of the people. They will soon find out. In the meantime, let’s not give them the pleasure of enjoying the big dust storm they feel they have kicked up. Their day is coming and it won’t be pretty for them.
And where is Mike Johnson and why did he adjourn the House as a federal government shutdown looms? At a conference in Paris of far-right politicians. Of course.
I do hope Heather comments on this Paris junket at such an inopportune time. More people need to know.
Yes, just what are our Congress-critters up to? There is method in the madness, and it's not a pretty sight.
Why did Michael Johnson adjourn the House for the weekend? He may be planning to burn down the Reichstag.
I thought he had no (reportable) financial assets?
Is there anyone on this thread who doesn’t believe that the ‘non-running’ Joe Manchin will suddenly show up running for ‘president’ on the ‘No Labels’ ticket? He is perfect, with his ‘liberal’ bona fides (Oh, qwitcher giggling!) as a ‘Democrat.’ If you listened to him ‘bowing out of the senate race’ he stuck in a non-sequitur about how he doesn’t like Trump. He’ll pull votes from Biden. I’d love to keep an eye on his bank account!!
Main additional danger at this time: a third party.
Who finances Manchin and to what end?
No Labels is funded by some democrats, but mostly Republicans. It's dark money. They want to bring the country together but play by the old rules. There is no transparency. Manchin knows West Virginia won't elect a Democrat. At a time when we need to be a united front he bales for the $$ greener pastures.
What Democrats are funding No Labels? No Labels is a dark money PAC funded by the likes of Harlan Crow to defeat not only Democrats but Democracy as well. This group is a fascist trojan horse. They are dangerous.
Do not be fooled by this group's bs. labels exposed
Here’s the full link
Thank you. I'm a techtard. I was trying to paste it and wouldn't work. I'm sure it's me.
The link won't open the article. Bring the Country together?! These are fascists! Their rhetoric is empty platitudes. Where is their policy?
There plan is to have a kumbaya moment. Then dismantle everything Biden did for Americans.
Yes it does open the article. You just have to click thru a couple ads!!
From the above:
So far, No Labels has gotten onto the ballot in four states: Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, and Oregon.
There goals are to be in every state.
Some of their dreck started appearing on my feed on Facebook and that was some time ago. I recognized immediately that it was BS.
I love your word "dreck"! Think I will borrow it!
I use it often instead of something like BS. I have used it for years and can't remember where I first saw it. But feel free to has a nice dismissive sound.
Former Democrat Joe Lieberman, whose ego matches Manchin's is part of No Labels. Former Rep. Dick Gephardt (D-Iowa) is leading a group, Citizens to Save Our Republic, to push back against No Labels.
Link to Gephardt's group:,Greed%20and%20ego%20be%20damned.
Any dark money is typically from? The oil industry and oil oligarchs.
Zack Shrewsbury is an ex Marine, running for WV Senate. He’s a newcomer, I sense a ‘good guy’ , and will need a lot of advertisement. I’m onboard.
He's a great guy, but he is running in a virtually 100% solid GOP state where the ONLY exception in 20 years has been Manchin and once he is gone, there is almost no chance that the state will elect a Democrat for Senate.
No Labels did not suddenly appear this year. They have been around for several years by backing Congressional members with a history of crossing the aisle to work with members of the other party (Democrat or Republican) to fashion compromise. They have worked to prevent such people from being taken out in a primary by the far right or far left extremes.
No Labels has not even committed to entering a candidates (although they are making all the noises that they will) let alone who they would be. What if they put up Charlie Baker (former Gov of Massachusetts), Larry Hogan, or even Lynn Cheney as the presidential candidate and Manchin as VP. Would you still feel the same?
Third party and their candidates are cop outs. 3rd parties would rather keep the delusional blinders on, rather than acknowledge the hard truths and real challenges this democracy faces. Don’t fall for that nonsense. Choose an issue, or better several, learn the facts and work like hell to make this the country you want, and know in heart what it could be.
I said "main danger AT THIS TIME".
A third party is a mortal danger at this time -- a divisive device much used by Putin who learned its usefulness in Communist East Germany.
A time may come when the present GOP will have completed its work of self-destruction. Then, a third party could become useful, a dynamic force of opposition, an alternative, keeping the Democratic Party clean, alive and on its toes, kicking it out when necessary.
Any one-party State would be a corrupt rust-pile disaster. Consider the Communist parties of the Soviet empire, Putin's pseudo-party One Russia, Orban's criminal enterprise Fidesz, Iran, Mexico and the long history of its comically named Institutional Revolutionary Party...