We are so grateful you have continued these letters past the 100 days after the inauguration. You are giving clarity to major issues that some are trying to ignore.

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After such a rollercoaster week, an extra hour is most welcome. I go to sleep dreaming that this provides President Biden an extra hour to get a social infrastructure bill through Congress and then the John Lewis voting rights bill, once Manchin and Sinema agree that voting is a right, not a Republican privilege.

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Might we see Wheelock's Socialistic Comedy Revue rolling into town any time soon?

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Fern Scant chance. My wife tells me that I should be dignified and act mature for our grandkids. If I can pull that off, I should be nominated for an Oscar.

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Hi Wheelock: Okay, but grandkids like to have fun, too. I'm sure Georgia, knows best because you're plenty funny anyway. I'm laughing already!

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Tell me more Fern?!

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...and you, Cynthia, spirits, health, mobility? Salud!

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An imagining, Cynthia. Let's see what Keith has to say about it. Cheers!

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History always has lessons. Still we are surprised and maddened by how humans can come up with new ways to ignore those lessons and repeat the sins of our past.

I read a covid19 story in the Washington Post last night that memorializes the state of our nation. A woman in Washington State wrote how she warned her

brother and sister to get vaccinated and then mourned their unnecessary deaths, even fighting their doctors as they died. They were good people, she said, just misled. The brother caring and considerate of others except for covid19. The sister, a successful military nurse veteran and business entrepreneur, just not successful with covid19 healthcare.

On the one hand, we have the medical ability to ascertain a pandemic and recommend proven methods to manage and minimize its spread. And then we have the scientific ability to quickly design effective vaccines and the manufacturing and distribution ability to make them available to our entire nation. This is only a small part of our ability to help mankind. My cousin in Idaho, who moved there for his "independence" and has been an anti covid19 masker and vaxxer is surviving pancreatic cancer, a disease that was fatal a few years ago, because of medical science. Meanwhile he puts himself, his 90 year old parents and family at risk. Kansas is reported to be generating 42% of its electric power with wind generation with easy potential to generate 100&, but the don't has the transmission capability to distribute it because distribution is tied up in private hands that operate independently of the generators and the public, unlike our 1950s interstate highway system born in an another age of good will and public participation.

On the other hand, we are living in an age of unimaginable political and commercial power and wealth forged in propaganda and cult worship for money and power. A condition that is even more dangerous than covid19, because it thwarts the application of all of our immense capabilities.

The world suffers from this plague of obstruction, indifference and out right destruction. But some countries, like Asian countries seem to be better at maintaining their cultural discipline, faculties and perseverance, powers that the US once displayed. They have worked their way through covid19 with far fewer hospitalizations and dealths.

When we look back at the most difficult times during the 20th Century, far more challenging than today, we couldn't possibly have survived the Great Depression, WWII, overcome small pox, polio and the many deadly childhood diseases with today's culture of politically and commercially induced ignorance and selfishness.

I look for metaphors to help me understand. It feels like we are in a washing machine spin cycle where one group has decided to pack their wet clothes on one side of the washing machine drum until the belt breaks, the motor burns out and the machine flies apart. Or are we experiencing an out of control autoimmune disease where our national and world bodies are killing themselves fighting diseases that don't exist while healthy organs are trying to figure out what went wrong and how to survive this senseless suicide?

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“Politically and commercially induced ignorance and selfishness.” Says it all. As I was watching a PBS show re the Pearl Harbor attack yesterday, I thought that FDR may have felt some degree of gratitude to the Japanese. Nothing else could have United the country in a flash. There were plenty of Nazi lovers and fascist admirers for him to deal with. (The Nazi rally at Madison Square Gardens in 1939, the Coup of 1933, for starters). I know Churchill danced a jig. Same with 9/11, but that United us on the side of the military industrial complex. As long as the monied rule the airways (Fox and clones) with division as their agenda, there will always be those who use their stimulus buzzwords to get the desired emotional division, for which no amount of logic will impact. “Cult worship for money and power,” damn, you nailed it 100%.

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Anyone remember the Golden Calf????

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If nothing else said idol worship- that should have clinched it!

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By focusing on immediate satisfaction and external remedies, or fixes, our nation is losing its soul.

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Yes, to diffuse the propaganda machines will require plugging up sources that are anti-democracy, anti-Truth and bent on mind-control. We all know who they are and twitter has taken some responsibility. We need all media machines to stop this fascist rising or be taking off air. They are the cogs in our wheels of hell.

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Propaganda machines...how well described! (See my earlier post from the Guardian about main stream media making people believe the sky is falling). But I was sorely disappointed at last night's Showtime presentation of "The Circus" (John Heilemann's show) which also was gloom and doom on steroids. I expected more of John and his crew.

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So well stated. Thanks especially for the washing machine metaphor!

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Boy, can I relate to the washing machine thumping away from skewed load, ha

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Funny - Fall back never bothers me. Spring forward leaves me in a daze for at least a week. Thanks for the beautiful fall colors!

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Sara! Finally, I have a kindred soul. Everyone I know likes DST, but I lose that hour in the springtime and I just never seem to catch up. Now there's talk of making DST permanent. What about those breaking dawns, those quiet transitions to daylight, I say? Dark at night? All the more reason to snuggle in bed early and keep warm.

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I HATE daylight savings time. I once read that the dst legislation should be called the golfers convenience act. My husband doesn’t think that’s funny.

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Throw "griller's convenience" and I'll agree with that! ;-)

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When Nixon was President, one year the transition between standard and DST was delayed until late November. It was going to save money for businesses. Children walking to their school bus stops in the dark were hit and killed by drivers who didn’t see them. Let’s not try that again.

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Joan, when I read your comment just now, I felt a quibble. The bad consequences surely were due more to the lack of preparation for an unusual circumstance - clocks not turned back when they always have been - than the circumstance itself. I also distrust arguments that appeal to the emotions. I think there are good arguments for and against the practice of adjusting the sun for our convenience, but I don't agree with this one.

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Becky, I was driving school buses the year this happened. It had nothing to do with confusion about clocks. It was dark. Automobile drivers did not see small children crossing streets in front of them to get to their school bus stops. Cars hit and killed children. As a result, the nation went back to standard practice. Everyone was clear about it at the time. Certainly I have some strong emotions about that, and don't want to see it happen again. Other than this one important factor, I don't care one way or the other how we set our clocks.

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Can't resist this. Consider Alaska. (Part of US now but a Territory when I was young).Those of us born and raised there know well the dangers of walking to school in the dark and running into moose. Those of us who are hunters, fishers, and gatherers know the frantic activity during the summer because the darn sun won't go down and welcome the months of dark and rest. Seems like your body adjusts to natural light, or not, and artificial controls on the sun deliver a jolt to the body that takes considerably manipulation to recover from.

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Why do you say "artificial controls on the sun?" You know that industrial time(clock time with all its conventions), no matter how it shifts, does not affect the sun at all.

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Wow, you were right there in the middle of it. I'm sorry. It must have been terrible for you and all the other drivers out at that time of day. But why are schoolchildren, especially young children, crossing busy roads at any time without crossing guards or other adults to protect them?

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Becky, funny you mention "crossing guards". My Mom was very active in the Elementary School that was in walking distance from our house. In a meeting she attended, it was announced that the Crossing Guard at the corner near our house was retiring. The School Board asked my Mom if she was interested. Given she knew all of the children and it was literally 2 houses away, she said, " yes, until you find someone permanent ". Decades later, she was still doing it. In the beginning, the 1950's , that position was part of the School District. It then became the overview of the Police Department. She and the Police Chief worked together to develop that umbrella. She was the Norma Ray of her time. Together, they got the crossing guards pensions and health insurance through the Syracuse Police Department as well 100% funding, so they were not paid out of the school budget. To my knowledge, this stands today.

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why are there ever latchkey kids?

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I agree, medical research shows that forcing people out of bed against their natural circadian rhythms causes an increase in heart attacks and car accidents. Making children wake in the dark and walk to school in pre-dawn, or not-really-light, is dangerous and it’s bad for adults, too.

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Everyone that lives off the land and the sea appreciate having daylight to work in. It’s the 9-5 crowd that find it an inconvenience. I would like to see the country rally for once around the laborers who harvest our sustenance

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If we rallied around the laborers who produce our food, that would be a first. Heretofore, we have always treated them as expendable. SO WRONG! Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity.

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I don't know if that is entirely true, Christy. DST began in WWII to aid maximum productivity and farm work, especially. I would agree with that. However, it was only a few months long to coincide with summer light. There is nothing that prevents outdoor laborers from adjusting their hours seasonally since farming is a seasonal effort anyway. It's the office workers/businesses who benefit from more light at night to be out and about, such as shopping after work. It lasts far too many months now, and we run into the dark in the morning and dark at night anyway, especially if living in northern latitudes. It's true that time changes mess with circadian rhythms, and it's a health hazard.

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From someone who has lived for years in 24 hours of winter darkness, the sun in the morning is the best way to start your day. Public Health officials agree. If you want to enjoy some outdoor sunshine outside of work time try doing it before work. It makes a huge difference. Also maybe we should create a work environment that allows for a bit of outdoor time midday. Pretty sure productivity would be increased. From wiki: “Experts in circadian rhythms and sleep caution against permanent daylight saving time, recommending year-round standard time as the preferred option for public health and safety.[120][121][122][123]“

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I am just the opposite. The fall colors have been wonderful here in the Pacific Northwest too.

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Just an anecdotal recitation of my world:

I have always adjusted to these changes pretty quickly; for the better part of my working career, I worked overnights (ranging from 8:00 p.m. to midnight starts, and 6:00-8:00 secure). I always got paid for a full shift (springing forward) and an hour of overtime (falling back). As a rule, I prefer the longer evenings of daylight (gardening, grilling, boating) rather than having the sun rise at 4:40 a.m. This is especially true now that I am retired.

Oregon is looking for a change to permanent DST, which I endorse. I was in high school in 1973-1974 when they monkeyed around with keeping DST into the winter. I got a lot of practice in nighttime driving in first period Driver Ed (remember that relic?) that year.

I have found that this year, I am more attuned to a rhythm of familiarity rather than what is showing on the clock. It is my awakening time (when my brain starts running and I cannot calm it down) that has been constant; it was 0500 it is now 0400. I am working on changing that, but it has been hard staying awake late enough.

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Once Upon a Time, many years ago while taking in the beauty of Rock Creek Park, that 1700+ acres of "peaceful refuge" nestled between the Maryland suburbs and Washington, D.C., a hiker stopped to ask if I knew what time it was. "No," I replied. "Isn't that great?"

That said, many thanks, Dr. R, for YOUR time!

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Thanks again for shepherding us through the craziness.

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Nothing from HCR today? Chew on this. David Leonhardt's newsletter in today’s New York Times (Nov. 8) reported that In October, 25 out of every 100,000 residents of heavily Trump counties died from Covid, more than three times higher than the rate in heavily Biden counties (7.8 per 100,000). October was the fifth consecutive month that the percentage gap between the death rates in Trump counties and Biden counties widened. Could this be the direct effects of the politicization of vaccinations and masking, something which should never have happened.


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Thank you for the reminder, Professor - I wonder if digital clocks will 'self-correct' ...

Since we have an open blog today, here is a list of most of Politics Girl's videos - there are more, and doubtless will be more to come ... just in case you don't have time to explore her site, these links will give you easy access ... enjoy!!













POLITICS GIRL - About/Contact




The woman in California Leigh McGowen, who calls herself politics girl with the kind of messaging a lot of Democrats might love to hear from the party chair, Speaker, Majority Leader perhaps the President himself.






















Tails we win. Heads you cheated.


“They cheated! Unless we won, then never mind.”

Republicans are like the boy who cried wolf but, if they’re so concerned about election integrity why do they keep voting against election integrity?


Republicans Can Win Without Winning


Part of ‘The Importance of Voter Rights’ series. Post Census Redistricting & Partisan Gerrymandering.

#Redistricting #Gerrymandering #census #voter #voterrights


Republican Power Forever


Part of ‘The Importance of Voter Rights’ series.

Partisan gerrymandering allows politicians to pick their voters rather than voters to pick their candidate. It’s drawing the lines so you can’t lose and the Republicans are in a prime position to win back the House in 2022 by just making impossible for Democrats to win.

#gerrymandering #republicans #cheating #politics


So, How Do We Fix It?


Part of ‘The Importance of Voter Rights’ series. Part 3.

Knowing the Republicans can win back the house without actually winning more voters, what do we do? Hard Work & Passing Voter Protections. Including the For the People Act if we can get it.

#Indivisible #ForThePeopleAct #VoterProtections #democracy #politics



Political Cheating - TikTok 1


This is the stuff I think about as soon as I wake up. www.politicsgirl.com

#politics #trump #biden #vote #census2020 #gerrymandering #cheating




Stop asking Joe Biden if he’s going to pack the courts. The courts are packed. www.politicsgirl.com

#politics #SCOTUS




This SCOTUS hearing is a sham for many reasons.

#politics #scotus #trump #ACB #vote #Roe



POLITICS GIRL - Election 2020 Series: The Argument Against Democrats


ARGUMENT #1: Democrats spend too much money


They want the government in every part of our lives.

Lots of people think the Democrats are the big spenders. Turns out that might not be entirely true. In fact, over any length of comparison period (say, 25 years more), by pretty much any economic measure (job growth, debt, deficit), Democrats have outperformed Republicans for a century.

So, why do the Dems keep getting saddled with the big spender nametag?


ARGUMENT #2: The Democrats want to get or give everything away for free.


They are in your pocket and live from cradle to Grave.

The image of the Welfare Queen living off the Government Dole is embedded into many Republican tropes but who is the biggest Welfare Queens in America if you look at the numbers? Dem or GOP the money is going to be spent. You have to ask yourself what do YOU think it should be spent ON?


ARGUMENT #3: Democrats want to defund the police.


They hate the police and want them abolished.

This just has no basis in reality but where did the idea stem from and who benefits if people believe one party is law and order and the other is the party of the anarchists?

Can you respect the police and still ask more from them?


ARGUMENT #4: Democrats want to release all prisoners and abolish jails.


Again, no basis in actual reality. How much sense would that make?

But, should prisons be reformed? Do people profit from prisons? If so, who? And who do they support and why?


ARGUMENT #5: Democrats want open borders.


Democrats definitely have far different ideas on immigration than Republicans but, open borders certainly aren’t one of them. We have a wonderful country but Democrats believe it’s important to also be a benevolent country. You can’t keep saying America is the best country on earth but giving the middle finger to anyone who wants to come here.


ARGUMENT #6: Democrats want to take your guns.


Nope. Well, for the most part…nope. But should we have stricter laws? Maybe.

Can we have guns and a safe society? Democrats think so.


ARGUMENT #7: Democrats are anti-Christian.


I’m not even sure where this one came from but, it seems to be a concern so, let’s address it.

What is freedom of religion?

What is the separation of church and state?

Do other faiths count or is it just Christianity?

Is is freedom if one religion gets to impose it’s laws on others? How would you feel if that religion wasn’t Christianity. If you had to conform to Muslim law or Buddhist law?


ARGUMENT #8: Democrats are pro-abortion.


Democrats are pro-choice not pro-abortion. What’s the difference? Shouldn’t wanting to protect the unborn be without question?

How can anyone argue against that?


ARGUMENT #9: Democrats are Socialists


There is a big difference between having well funded, useful government social programs and being socialist. The idea of socialism is a boogyman the Republicans have been using for almost a century to scare voters away from social programs - including social security, medicare and unemployment insurance. Real socialism, where the government is authoritarian and runs the private economy is light years away from the responsible capitalism suggested by current Democrats or even the democratic socialism that Bernie Sanders and members of the “squad” favor.


ARGUMENT #10: Democrats want to get rid of your Cars, Planes & Burgers


This idea is part of the current talking points of modern day Republicans to scare voters into thinking Democrats are nuts. The ideas come from cherry picking line items from the original ‘Green New Deal’ proposed in 2019. What needs to be noted is that particular bill wasn’t written to create legislation but, conversation. To point us in the direction the party believed we should be going if we wanted to really address climate change and economic inequality in America.

#politics #greennewdeal #AOC #GOP #EdMarkey #Democrats #Biden2020


ARGUMENT #11: Democrats are Unpatriotic & Anti-Military


Democrats aren’t Anti-Military they’re just not Pro-War. I’d argue that Democrats are deeply patriotic but, it’s our love for the county that makes us question who we are and if we can be better. Self-improvement is one of the biggest indicators of self-love. You can’t improve without coming to terms with the fact that you need improvement. As Maya Angelou said, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

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... and, just to deepen perspectives ...:

Rick Steves' The Story of Fascism - YouTube


So ..., anybody feel like voting - while it still might make a difference ...?

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OMG, thank you so much for sharing! She is on point. Now, I have another reason, aside from Dr. Richardson's letters to be late for work every morning.

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😃😀😃 ... I would love to be so swift - on point every time!!

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Thank you so much for this, she speaks for me

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Me too, Jeri - check her story and associated blog - powerful!!


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indeed it is, happy to get her take on this insanity

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Thank you for your continued perseverance in writing such insightful and helpful posts as we navigate our way through these perilous times. Wishing you a wonderful autumn.

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I turned my clocks back to 1992!

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Beautiful image! I'm so grateful for your generosity of time and spirit in these Letters you publish regularly, and hope that you will never hesitate to take as much rest as you need. Yours is the quiet but eloquent voice of reason and sanity in these *interesting* times we live in. Thank you, Dr. Heather! 💜

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Fall evenings are special indeed! Sleep well, and thank you for all your research and letters. They are a lifeline to sanity.

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Funny, in Florida our darkness happens incrementally, and we don’t experience the dramatic darkness that you do. That being said, what was light last night at happy hour time was dark tonight. Can you do some research on daylight savings time and get us straight? LOLOL. I vote to eliminate it.

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“ Existing data support the elimination of seasonal time changes in favor of a fixed, year-round time. DST can cause misalignment between the biological clock and environmental clock, resulting in significant health and public safety-related consequences, especially in the days immediately following the annual change to DST. A change to permanent standard time is best aligned with human circadian biology and has the potential to produce beneficial effects for public health and safety,”

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Thanks for that info!

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Heather, thank you again for giving us so much of yourself.

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Thanks for staying with us this week.

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Yours is a much needed voice of clarity and context.

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