Good choice. Naturally. I like the tiny figure of the reader on the hillside, puts it all into perspective. Breathe deeply. Breathe deeply, everyone. This America will still be here, even when the shouting has died down.

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Anne-Louise, I am more worried about the shooting and when will it die down? But thank you for your advice to breathe deeply....I am doing so right now! Have a great week...

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So very true! Thank you for this.

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Is there a hidden computer command that I can enter and instantly be transported to that hillside, gaze upon the water, contemplate nature's beauty, and imagine the better world our children desperately need?

Thank you for sharing Peter's photo. It puts things in perspective.

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Control Shift Paradigm

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wonderful! if it it only worked.

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Good one

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Michael, yes there is something called your brain....close your eyes, breathe deep and there you will be. Just your words got me there. We must all be zen for a few days.

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Apparently, humming also helps! ❤️

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I am going to breathe and hum like mad for the next 48 hours. Then I am popping some champagne when I see how many races we, The People, have won. Good to be part of this community. I feel like you all have my back and I have yours! Thank you, Melissa and Anne-Louise….

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I love this community so much. I think of our virtual community and classroom each day…I definitely have your back, Elisabeth. Keep breathing and humming.

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Sending you love from India!

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Oh thank you, Elisabeth! Love right back from Berkeley, California!

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Don't the people win all the races?

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well, they try, but so many things block sincere and wise choices - gerrymandering, an out of date electoral system, Citizens United$$$, conspiracy theories/lies, education curriculum short on civics and critical thinking...

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As wrong as voter suppression and gerrymandering are, they don't explain the Senate or Gubernatorial races going red.... Those should be in our power to capture. In 2020, our best showing ever for arguably our most important election to date, a third of registered voters still couldn't be bothered. In our blue county, voter turnout was only 49%!!!! If this midterm turnout passes the 2020 turnout, it will be a first. I'm afraid our biggest problem is internal suppression. When it comes down to it, too many Americans just don't care about America, or their fellow Americans.

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SCOTUS and Citizens United would beg to disagree with you

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? Chris, when dump won, we The People did not win.

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I'm just making the point that if we're going to be for democracy, let's be for democracy. It seems kind of hollow if we only consider some outcomes democratic, right?

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Only if they vote!

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True that! :)

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I veer back and forth between "we the people can do this" and "we the people are a gullible pack of scared white supremacists." At this point I can't wait for it to be over so we'll know what we have to deal with.

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There's something draining about the whole exercise. I feel like my attention has been hijacked. I really look forward to getting it back soon.

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or "we the people are already in process of being consumed by corporatocracy which is swallowing our democracy."

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"...humming also help!"


Or, om.

Or, aum.

Or, ahhhhuuuummm.

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If possible, find a field full of llamas.


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"....close your eyes, breathe deep and there you will be. "

Also results in time travel. Sometimes the future is actually better than the past (back when you closed your eyes.)

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"Beam me up, Scottie!"

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Most of us are surrounded by nature or can find it in some form. Go there and be at peace. God has seen our days, as have prophets. If we would turn ourselves to Him, there would be greater hope. There is a prophet on the earth now, Russell M. Nelson. I love and trust in God.

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I found the easiest way to not look at the TV all Tuesday.

I will be at my local Polling place working as a volunteer Clerk assisting my neighbors with their voting.

Ha! problem solved.

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Bravo, Bart!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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Glad to be able to do it.

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Thank you so much for volunteering at your polling place! I made sure to thank every volunteer I encountered and resolved to volunteer the next election year.

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I saw an election head in CO interviewed on This Week (?) yesterday. He wears a bullet proof vest. The great news, though, is a woman was also interviewed who was an election denier. She had worked apparently at least one election just to see for herself, and she was enthusiastically convinced otherwise. She now says they are secure with several safeguards in the process. What a concept!! Go check it out for yourself! Only a million more deniers to go…

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I am hoping that the experience will be so good that I to will do it next year??? Hahah

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Me too! Only this year voters can wear MAGA or BLM buttons inside the polling place- I live in SC so don’t expect of the latter. I decided I would wear a mask all day, even though voluntary, to hide my facial expressions.

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Thank you for volunteering. I'm overseas, so that is not an option. And I don't watch TV here at all. Still.....there's the online news but I will get results the next morning.

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Joanna, how can you bear the suspense? I will be online all of Tuesday into the wee hours. I live in India with a 10.5 time difference. Here’s toasting to the win of our lifetimes!

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I will be tied up all day at a polling location—glad to be spared news, conjecture, wild estimates, guesses, partisans, maps, etc.

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Thank you for your service!

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Thank You Bart!!

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Take a long rest ma'am. It's gonna be a heck of a week.

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Stunningly gorgeous photography. Yes, calming and uplifting. Just what we need to get through the next 72 hours. Thank you, Heather and Peter!

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I think this photograph shows a way (and a reason) to survive.

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I am so thankful to have your voice here in the wilderness. Tuesday will be a reckoning at levels we can’t predict but I’m hopeful that Blue rules. Calm before the storm indeed we need your guidance through whatever results. 💙🙏🏻❤️

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I agree Tim. We need her perspective and historical context.

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Through Sunday over 42 million have voted by mail which is roughly 1/3:of the total likely numbrr. Me too in CA with receipt of my ballot confirmed. FERN, any thoughts on facing history & ourselves -- at this time?

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Lovely to see a view from afar. Here’s another view of the beauty of our world, “From a Distance” there is harmony, and it echoes through the land…” Bette Midler with lyrics and slides, a reminder of possibilities. My favorite. The first time I heard this song, I was in a circle of teachers at a workshop learning about alternatives in education and curriculum that made a positive difference to students. In their love of learning and meaningful lessons. I could feel myself looking down from above. Think if we could all see our planet and people from a distance. There are a few lines I might change, but its message I share.


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The first time I heard this song my eyes started sweating to the max. Exactly the right song, at just the right time--what a sweet gift Irenie! In Gaelic your name means Peace....

Salva Ukraini.

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Thank you, Gus, it’s a lovely song, perhaps a prayer for PEACE. And yes, Irene means PEACE and it’s so perfect for me. ☮️

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Nanci Griffith was the first to record this song, and where I first heard and fell in love with it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KCzORgC1NpM

Not to poo poo Bette at all - just a different feeling of heart you may enjoy as well

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Brings tears listening to it. I would only change the lyric from “It’s the song of every man” to “It’s the song of every one.”

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That’s my change, too!

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"runragged" Nanci's version (and photos) are also powerful....thank you for sharing.....

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Nancy Griffith’s is one of my favorites. Thank you!

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Thanks Irenie! Love this song,,,Bette sings it perfectly....for such a time as this.

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Thank you for posting that, I watched it with tears in my eyes and hope in my heart....................

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That is one of my very favorite songs! Thank you for reminding me to listen to it again. Like many here, I dread and fear the outcome of this election more than any other in my 81 years. So much is at stake. My mother use to tell me to be careful what I wished for because I just might get it. I have to wonder if those following Trump and his minions have thought that far ahead. If the GOP is in full control and what it promised doesn't happen, what recourse will "We the people ..." have? Therein lies my deepest fear.

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Love the song, it should be on all lips

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Great song.

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This is actually a wonderful time for me, as I think I have been given some more time on earth to be what little support and help I can give to folks.

One week ago at this time I checked into Emory St Joseph's Hospital in Atlanta to have a repair made to my mitral valve. It has gone well with the only issue being fluid on the lungs. We were discharged on Friday afternoon to return this morning to have my lungs checked. By my account they are much better, excessive coughing is gone We have been staying at a local hotel 3 blocks from the hospital since home is 120 miles from here. If all goes well, a driver will take us home tomorrow.

So far A-Fib has not returned. Voted100 % blue on October 20 in NC.

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A true bluer from NC, so am I although in crazy TX now.

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Take care!

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Next door to you in ruby red TN. Best wishes for your recovery.

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Thank you, Heather. Have a great night. Loved the photograph. Because of you and Michael Moore, I am actually feeling very optimistic!

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Thank you for posting/sharing the photo. Please thank your friend, Peter for ensuring a peaceful and a needed reflection for all of us.

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Yes... submerged boulders, billowing clouds, and radiant light... an apt way to set the stage...

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So looking forward to to end of lie-filled political attack ads,

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Lord, so am I. The whining of the Dems and the outright lies of repubs make me heave. Trevor Noah said it best. There should be a law against lies in campaign ads instead of how many corn flakes in a box. What are we thinking.???

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I live in Pennsylvania and I can assure you: both sides are equal opportunity offenders when it comes to lying. The problem with laws against this stuff is pretty straightforward: who are you going to trust to determine which is which? That's why we have the First Amendment. It's not perfect, but it's way better than the alternatives.

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Cannot the broadcast networks at least put in ruling that will accept only political ads that say what you are For and what you have personally Done, with no mention of your opponent. I would call this “Greater Good Political Advertising”. But I realize it will never happen because the networks , like all media, make hand-over-fist money from anything-goes advertising.

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right... why would they? you answered your own question perfectly.

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Living in Florida as you do Herb I am so sick of them. I have to turn off the sound whenever Desantis and Rubio ads come on.

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That picture is going to need to be in my head all week. Buckle up, all. And thanks, Heather and Peter!

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Thanks for everything you do, Heather. x JTM

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We all need to rest to prepare for what's ahead. Times like this, it would be nice to be a bear. Hibernate until Spring!

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“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

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But the hurt and harm they can do is immeasurable

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As they did to the Mahatma.

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