No! He's mine! mine! Did you see the Dial of Destiny? It was perfect. I smiled with happiness from beginning to end. The scene where they're trying to contradict each other to Archimedes in Ancient Greek. More seriously, have you seen his excellent youtube pitch for Kamala Harris?
I’m hugging you! You are a sister of my heart! I saw Dial of Destiny on opening day-as always, he was perfect! I actually went to Petra, Jordan a year and a half ago to see the setting of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade-beyond stunning AND I got to walk where Harrison Ford did. 😂. Can we share as his fangirls?
Thank you! How can anyone leave Indie off the list! My forever hero!!!! 😊💙
No! He's mine! mine! Did you see the Dial of Destiny? It was perfect. I smiled with happiness from beginning to end. The scene where they're trying to contradict each other to Archimedes in Ancient Greek. More seriously, have you seen his excellent youtube pitch for Kamala Harris?
I’m hugging you! You are a sister of my heart! I saw Dial of Destiny on opening day-as always, he was perfect! I actually went to Petra, Jordan a year and a half ago to see the setting of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade-beyond stunning AND I got to walk where Harrison Ford did. 😂. Can we share as his fangirls?
Oh yes!
Here's Han Indiana....
Thx for sharing this. Indie hates Nazis, and HF’s vote is against them, too. 💙💙💙💙