This is now feeling more like the close of the 2008 Obama campaign when he and Joe beat McCain and Palin. It has the energy and the "we can make history" vibe about it. We were holding our breath then...Palin was soooo bad. I REALLY want to see history made tonight again and let's elect the first woman to be POTUS....and let's get rid of…
This is now feeling more like the close of the 2008 Obama campaign when he and Joe beat McCain and Palin. It has the energy and the "we can make history" vibe about it. We were holding our breath then...Palin was soooo bad. I REALLY want to see history made tonight again and let's elect the first woman to be POTUS....and let's get rid of Donald from the political stage forever. That's my dream and hope. Bless you all for participating in this forum. It's been an education and a place to vent. Heather is the BEST.
I love it. I've never worked one of his events....and hope that after this week there will never be any more. I really do wish that I had been working at one when he started his Fake News , Enemy of the people routine...I'd say fine...turn off the camera and walk away and encourage the others to do the same thing.
I came really close to walking off of a very conservative gig one time, 5-6 years ago, because it was so vile and hateful...the only thing that stopped me was professionalism and my desire to not hurt the rest of the crew. A lot of us work freelance and the younger guys don't want to hurt their careers. We work on events for both sides. Especially in DC. At this point I'd walk out on Trump or Vance just to make a point.
... or, as that cameraperson did, show the truth of empty seats. Sometimes he has referred to thousands who can't get inside and I have heard he will say that even when no one is outside, so I have longed for someone to step outside and show us. Some camerapeople have panned around rooms to show us reactions by people aside from the few selected to sit behind 45 who are putting on a deliberate show and rarely actually listening to the words. There are so many ways to creatively resist, and those who can see, appreciate.
There's a YouTube podcast of someone (I wish I could remember who), Miselle, saying that the felon's complaints about tech malfunctions are a standard part of his schtick to avoid paying the venue. I think if was David Pakman's podcast.
That's very possible. A lot of venues won't allow him back in because of unpaid bills. I worked with a guy who did staging and he would never erect the stage until he got cash or the check cleared. I actually had a rock & roller who supports Trump pay me several checks for a gig...which all cleared and then he stopped payment on the last check...which was the largest. I wanted to sue him, but he lives in CA and my attorney told me it would cost more in legal fees than it was worth.
Absolutely! In fact while we are watching 45 bitch about a microphone we are hearing every word and the faces of the people behind him tell us they are, too. So what's the problem? I absolutely thought it's just like his performances setting up the lie that the election was stolen, and he's just setting up the lie that the facilities aren't meeting contractual specs so he can refuse to pay. He's so transparent I can't imagine why anyone would rent to him unless they want to use it as a way of making a donation off the books or works for him unless they've never seen the underside of a bus and have a yen to.
It's possible to be able to hear the TV feed but for the venue PA system to not be working right...or for the opposite to be true. I did a gig where PBS was next to me...and my feed was fine and the house sound was fine, but they had no audio and had to fix their issue. In a large situation like these rallies the audio is routed to a lot of different pathways...and it's entirely possible the house sound crew was messing with him on purpose.
Hmm... interesting. He does have a history of finding reasons not to pay (or not paying regardless of having a reason or not) but it is possible someone was messing with him... I know I'd be tempted!
I suspect I am not alone in worrying about jinxing the results. But I also have the same intuitive feelings as you. I want to "Believe" that America will reject hate and bigotry. Reject crazy.
I woke up this morning thinking the two paths that will follow the Harris/Walz victory. THE NUMBER ONE issue for the new administration must be addressing the Climate Catastrophe - reducing carbon release, mitigating the impact of extreme events, creating new energy jobs, subsidizing sustainable sources of energy instead of fossil fuels..taking the science seriously.
And then, implement programs that provide desperately needed assistance for those in the "sandwich" - child care assistance and elder care help to keep seniors in their homes. These are issues that surmount any political leanings and are a universal burden on almost every American family.
A simultaneous priority should be the further investigation of all those involved with the attempted coup of January 6, 2021. There are members of Congress who should have been charged, tried and punished - who still threaten our democracy and the legitimacy of our democracy.
And speaking of crimes, Jack Smith should find a new venue, a new judge to oversee the treasonous theft of Top Secret Documents by a private citizen. This crime alone should have made it impossible for Trump to seek office. He should have been incarcerated and held without bail - a flight risk. How would any one of us be treated if we removed boxes of Top Secret documents and stored them in a bathroom available to guests in our home? How is it that such a dangerous and flagrant act such as this goes away because of one obviously biased judge in Florida? This case needs to go forward with vigor and new energy.
A full on, no holds barred response to Russian and Iranian disinformation campaigns in the US that undermine our democracy. Portray Putin as the "Stalinesque murderer " he is. We have the tools to reveal him for the thief he is. Russia needs our assistance in bringing democracy to Moscow. The forces of evil led by Putin will only respect power and strength.
Make it painful for Putin. Ask why he had to import troops from North Korea. Reminds me of the much hated Hessians used by the Redcoats during our Revolution. Another sign of weakness - that they have been using their own young men as cannon fodder.
So, after we reject the crazy and the hateful, so much to get back on track about. Climate, help for the overly burdened working middle class, justice for coup plotters and traitors, and a campaign that shows Russia what American can really do with AI and a comprehensive project to discredit an Oligarch who has stolen billions from his own people. The Truth is Out There. We need to use it.
Bill I'm TOTALLY with you on your agenda. I so wish that Jimmy Carter had gotten 2 terms and that Al Gore would have won. We'd be so far ahead on climate policy and that is THE crisis for all of us and our children. Republicans aren't a collaborating other point of view any more. They just obstruct and act like bullies. Lock him up...but if that gets close, I believe he'll fly away. Orban would take him in.
Orban wouldn't be bothered with Trump if he's defeated. If he loses, he immediately has zero value any more. No political power. No billions to wave around. And nobody actually likes him for himself.
If he tries to leave the country, he's going to find very little interest in any country accepting him. He can't promise anything because he's hemorrhaging money as well as political power. Who wants a deflated old entitled man fresh off a public humiliation?
Russia would take him in for propaganda purposes. The way he's been calling America a garbage country and lying about deep and hidden evil corruption in our government systems so every challenge he faces is a witch hunt they would love to take him and use him to back up their narrative the way they used Tucker Carlson, only 45 would be Sooo much better for them.
He will fly away only if his pilot will fly him, knowing that he would be done flying anyone ever again. Seize his plane and he’s going nowhere. You watch, he’s going to become radioactive, he already is for most of us here. Prison is the only place where he’ll be going soon. 💥🙏
That's a good point about the pilot...unless the money is huge...Yes, he is pretty toxic already. Prison would just make my day...we shall see soon enough.
Bill, excellent recommendations. I like all three. I especially like your previous recommendation. Nominate HCR as our next secretary of education. Maybe then, civics will become part of the curriculum from grade one through high school. The level of ignorance among the people supporting tRump has no low.
Eadie, while I like your sentiment...I think HCR is way too valuable as an be captive in the ED SEC role. I would LOVE to see history taught well and to all...that's an overhaul we desperately need.
Mike, my immediate response to Bill Alstrom's comment was the same as yours. However, on further reflection, I thought the country needs someone who can change the trajectory of our educational curriculum. I can't think of a better person to fill that need. It's a historian in that job that will not only benefit our educational system, it will impact unfair voter suppression purges launched by billionaires, it will address the need in rural communities that need unbiased information they can understand and it will once again give us the respect of our allies in the world.
I still think she's much too valuable outside the system to research and write as she does. This next period may be somewhat like reconstruction after the CW...MAGA is not going away. I'd find a strong Sec of ED from NY or CA...or even MD...and someone who believes in History and Art.
Ah, but she'd only be in the position for a few years and right now she handles being a teaching professor alongside writing the newsletter and books. I expect she could do both although she'd probably have to save the books for retirement. She would reach more people by helping to shape the education system, appoint underlings, and advise the cabinet. I do agree it's going to be like reconstruction, but that could be why she would be especially valuable - to point out what worked, what didn't and why. She's even got the sensibilities you desire with respect to art as shown in her appreciation of photographic beauty.
I've had friends who worked at the Fed Dept of Ed and it's a tough job no matter which party is in control. The far right has had an agenda for years and that's not going away. These cabinet level positions need to be "professionals" with the right resume and the personal power to be effective. Heather needs to be free to think and write. She's the best.
Number one: I'm just going to add that when guests in the home include foreign dictators who are allowed to leave the country with unsearchable diplomat bags, then it is just oh so much worse.
Number two: I'd like to see Merrick Garland obligingly step down in favor of a more assertive DOJ head, and I'd like to see the SCOTUS expanded so there is one Justice for each US district: Thirteen. If necessary, put Garland in one of those new seats, although I am somewhat off of the man - if he wouldn't stand up any better than he has to the current MAGA indignities against the law, how could we feel like he would be assertive enough to stand up for the law against the very aggressive current far right justices? I am not even interested in crafting a left leaning court so much as a court that simply decides cases based on law not politics - a situation we clearly do not currently have.
Number three: Not one blooming thing to add here! Yes, all this!
Isn't it a surprising way to elect our first female leader, Mike? There's a delicious irony that ,LA built her coalition on the back of the felon's horror show. We owe Emperor Tang a great debt of gratitude.
The Universe is like that. I believe in my heart that this is how it was destined to be.... Obama was a gift and I feel Harris is also. Trump has shown us the underbelly and what goes with it. Tune in for the results....
This is now feeling more like the close of the 2008 Obama campaign when he and Joe beat McCain and Palin. It has the energy and the "we can make history" vibe about it. We were holding our breath then...Palin was soooo bad. I REALLY want to see history made tonight again and let's elect the first woman to be POTUS....and let's get rid of Donald from the political stage forever. That's my dream and hope. Bless you all for participating in this forum. It's been an education and a place to vent. Heather is the BEST.
Mike, when I saw this clip, I thought of you.
I don't know who that cameraperson is, but they are a patriot!!
That cameraman was doing a good job!
I love it. I've never worked one of his events....and hope that after this week there will never be any more. I really do wish that I had been working at one when he started his Fake News , Enemy of the people routine...I'd say fine...turn off the camera and walk away and encourage the others to do the same thing.
Mike, it seems that complaining about the tech people at every one of his rallies has been his latest rant.
I always think "I wish those people would just walk OFF the job.".
What is there to lose? They probably aren't going to get paid anyway.
I came really close to walking off of a very conservative gig one time, 5-6 years ago, because it was so vile and hateful...the only thing that stopped me was professionalism and my desire to not hurt the rest of the crew. A lot of us work freelance and the younger guys don't want to hurt their careers. We work on events for both sides. Especially in DC. At this point I'd walk out on Trump or Vance just to make a point.
... or, as that cameraperson did, show the truth of empty seats. Sometimes he has referred to thousands who can't get inside and I have heard he will say that even when no one is outside, so I have longed for someone to step outside and show us. Some camerapeople have panned around rooms to show us reactions by people aside from the few selected to sit behind 45 who are putting on a deliberate show and rarely actually listening to the words. There are so many ways to creatively resist, and those who can see, appreciate.
There's a YouTube podcast of someone (I wish I could remember who), Miselle, saying that the felon's complaints about tech malfunctions are a standard part of his schtick to avoid paying the venue. I think if was David Pakman's podcast.
That's very possible. A lot of venues won't allow him back in because of unpaid bills. I worked with a guy who did staging and he would never erect the stage until he got cash or the check cleared. I actually had a rock & roller who supports Trump pay me several checks for a gig...which all cleared and then he stopped payment on the last check...which was the largest. I wanted to sue him, but he lives in CA and my attorney told me it would cost more in legal fees than it was worth.
The cost of pursuing justice in this country in our legal system is a big reason justice so often only serves the rich.
Absolutely! In fact while we are watching 45 bitch about a microphone we are hearing every word and the faces of the people behind him tell us they are, too. So what's the problem? I absolutely thought it's just like his performances setting up the lie that the election was stolen, and he's just setting up the lie that the facilities aren't meeting contractual specs so he can refuse to pay. He's so transparent I can't imagine why anyone would rent to him unless they want to use it as a way of making a donation off the books or works for him unless they've never seen the underside of a bus and have a yen to.
It's possible to be able to hear the TV feed but for the venue PA system to not be working right...or for the opposite to be true. I did a gig where PBS was next to me...and my feed was fine and the house sound was fine, but they had no audio and had to fix their issue. In a large situation like these rallies the audio is routed to a lot of different pathways...and it's entirely possible the house sound crew was messing with him on purpose.
Hmm... interesting. He does have a history of finding reasons not to pay (or not paying regardless of having a reason or not) but it is possible someone was messing with him... I know I'd be tempted!
I suspect I am not alone in worrying about jinxing the results. But I also have the same intuitive feelings as you. I want to "Believe" that America will reject hate and bigotry. Reject crazy.
I woke up this morning thinking the two paths that will follow the Harris/Walz victory. THE NUMBER ONE issue for the new administration must be addressing the Climate Catastrophe - reducing carbon release, mitigating the impact of extreme events, creating new energy jobs, subsidizing sustainable sources of energy instead of fossil fuels..taking the science seriously.
And then, implement programs that provide desperately needed assistance for those in the "sandwich" - child care assistance and elder care help to keep seniors in their homes. These are issues that surmount any political leanings and are a universal burden on almost every American family.
A simultaneous priority should be the further investigation of all those involved with the attempted coup of January 6, 2021. There are members of Congress who should have been charged, tried and punished - who still threaten our democracy and the legitimacy of our democracy.
And speaking of crimes, Jack Smith should find a new venue, a new judge to oversee the treasonous theft of Top Secret Documents by a private citizen. This crime alone should have made it impossible for Trump to seek office. He should have been incarcerated and held without bail - a flight risk. How would any one of us be treated if we removed boxes of Top Secret documents and stored them in a bathroom available to guests in our home? How is it that such a dangerous and flagrant act such as this goes away because of one obviously biased judge in Florida? This case needs to go forward with vigor and new energy.
A full on, no holds barred response to Russian and Iranian disinformation campaigns in the US that undermine our democracy. Portray Putin as the "Stalinesque murderer " he is. We have the tools to reveal him for the thief he is. Russia needs our assistance in bringing democracy to Moscow. The forces of evil led by Putin will only respect power and strength.
Make it painful for Putin. Ask why he had to import troops from North Korea. Reminds me of the much hated Hessians used by the Redcoats during our Revolution. Another sign of weakness - that they have been using their own young men as cannon fodder.
So, after we reject the crazy and the hateful, so much to get back on track about. Climate, help for the overly burdened working middle class, justice for coup plotters and traitors, and a campaign that shows Russia what American can really do with AI and a comprehensive project to discredit an Oligarch who has stolen billions from his own people. The Truth is Out There. We need to use it.
Bill I'm TOTALLY with you on your agenda. I so wish that Jimmy Carter had gotten 2 terms and that Al Gore would have won. We'd be so far ahead on climate policy and that is THE crisis for all of us and our children. Republicans aren't a collaborating other point of view any more. They just obstruct and act like bullies. Lock him up...but if that gets close, I believe he'll fly away. Orban would take him in.
Gore did win. The Brooks Brothers insurrectionists and SCOTUS reversed the outcome and turned over the presidency to a nitwit.
How true...
Orban wouldn't be bothered with Trump if he's defeated. If he loses, he immediately has zero value any more. No political power. No billions to wave around. And nobody actually likes him for himself.
If he tries to leave the country, he's going to find very little interest in any country accepting him. He can't promise anything because he's hemorrhaging money as well as political power. Who wants a deflated old entitled man fresh off a public humiliation?
Russia would take him in for propaganda purposes. The way he's been calling America a garbage country and lying about deep and hidden evil corruption in our government systems so every challenge he faces is a witch hunt they would love to take him and use him to back up their narrative the way they used Tucker Carlson, only 45 would be Sooo much better for them.
He will fly away only if his pilot will fly him, knowing that he would be done flying anyone ever again. Seize his plane and he’s going nowhere. You watch, he’s going to become radioactive, he already is for most of us here. Prison is the only place where he’ll be going soon. 💥🙏
That's a good point about the pilot...unless the money is huge...Yes, he is pretty toxic already. Prison would just make my day...we shall see soon enough.
Bill, excellent recommendations. I like all three. I especially like your previous recommendation. Nominate HCR as our next secretary of education. Maybe then, civics will become part of the curriculum from grade one through high school. The level of ignorance among the people supporting tRump has no low.
Eadie, while I like your sentiment...I think HCR is way too valuable as an be captive in the ED SEC role. I would LOVE to see history taught well and to all...that's an overhaul we desperately need.
Mike, my immediate response to Bill Alstrom's comment was the same as yours. However, on further reflection, I thought the country needs someone who can change the trajectory of our educational curriculum. I can't think of a better person to fill that need. It's a historian in that job that will not only benefit our educational system, it will impact unfair voter suppression purges launched by billionaires, it will address the need in rural communities that need unbiased information they can understand and it will once again give us the respect of our allies in the world.
I still think she's much too valuable outside the system to research and write as she does. This next period may be somewhat like reconstruction after the CW...MAGA is not going away. I'd find a strong Sec of ED from NY or CA...or even MD...and someone who believes in History and Art.
Ah, but she'd only be in the position for a few years and right now she handles being a teaching professor alongside writing the newsletter and books. I expect she could do both although she'd probably have to save the books for retirement. She would reach more people by helping to shape the education system, appoint underlings, and advise the cabinet. I do agree it's going to be like reconstruction, but that could be why she would be especially valuable - to point out what worked, what didn't and why. She's even got the sensibilities you desire with respect to art as shown in her appreciation of photographic beauty.
Agreed. Much as I hate the way it sounds, we really do need seasoned bureaucrats in cabinet positions.
I've had friends who worked at the Fed Dept of Ed and it's a tough job no matter which party is in control. The far right has had an agenda for years and that's not going away. These cabinet level positions need to be "professionals" with the right resume and the personal power to be effective. Heather needs to be free to think and write. She's the best.
Number one: I'm just going to add that when guests in the home include foreign dictators who are allowed to leave the country with unsearchable diplomat bags, then it is just oh so much worse.
Number two: I'd like to see Merrick Garland obligingly step down in favor of a more assertive DOJ head, and I'd like to see the SCOTUS expanded so there is one Justice for each US district: Thirteen. If necessary, put Garland in one of those new seats, although I am somewhat off of the man - if he wouldn't stand up any better than he has to the current MAGA indignities against the law, how could we feel like he would be assertive enough to stand up for the law against the very aggressive current far right justices? I am not even interested in crafting a left leaning court so much as a court that simply decides cases based on law not politics - a situation we clearly do not currently have.
Number three: Not one blooming thing to add here! Yes, all this!
" We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of the few, but we can't have both" Louis D. Brandeis
Thank you, Mike, and Bless You and these United States of America!
Isn't it a surprising way to elect our first female leader, Mike? There's a delicious irony that ,LA built her coalition on the back of the felon's horror show. We owe Emperor Tang a great debt of gratitude.
The Universe is like that. I believe in my heart that this is how it was destined to be.... Obama was a gift and I feel Harris is also. Trump has shown us the underbelly and what goes with it. Tune in for the results....