When we enter this world - this universe - this form of life…we seek, we look for, we hope that we have guiding light(s). We have no control over the number of, the degree of excellence or not so excellent the form that guiding light and/or lights will be. As we grow, we age, we gain knowledge, we live, we learn…we experience acceptance …
When we enter this world - this universe - this form of life…we seek, we look for, we hope that we have guiding light(s). We have no control over the number of, the degree of excellence or not so excellent the form that guiding light and/or lights will be. As we grow, we age, we gain knowledge, we live, we learn…we experience acceptance and rejection. At some point in our lives, we then take on the role of becoming guiding lights.
Well, our country to needs guiding lights…someone [and occasionally some thing or things] that tends to be our guiding light. America’s “founding fathers” were our earlier guiding light and along the country’s historical progression, we have had 46 presidents who have offered their knowledge, their life experiences, their service to help guide our nation - hopefully in the right direction or to keep on the tracks or the path to heading in the right direction. Change is inevitable. As one was known to say on a weekly basis for a while: “progress is our most important product”.
Today, the country nears the end of deciding who will be the 47th person to guide us along our path and on into our journey to the future…to tomorrow and beyond - for the next four or so years. Let’s hope that we - a sizable majority of us – make the right decision. Our country is in need of a superb guiding light at this time…and as individuals, for many of us, that superb guiding light just happened to have been our mothers!
When we enter this world - this universe - this form of life…we seek, we look for, we hope that we have guiding light(s). We have no control over the number of, the degree of excellence or not so excellent the form that guiding light and/or lights will be. As we grow, we age, we gain knowledge, we live, we learn…we experience acceptance and rejection. At some point in our lives, we then take on the role of becoming guiding lights.
Well, our country to needs guiding lights…someone [and occasionally some thing or things] that tends to be our guiding light. America’s “founding fathers” were our earlier guiding light and along the country’s historical progression, we have had 46 presidents who have offered their knowledge, their life experiences, their service to help guide our nation - hopefully in the right direction or to keep on the tracks or the path to heading in the right direction. Change is inevitable. As one was known to say on a weekly basis for a while: “progress is our most important product”.
Today, the country nears the end of deciding who will be the 47th person to guide us along our path and on into our journey to the future…to tomorrow and beyond - for the next four or so years. Let’s hope that we - a sizable majority of us – make the right decision. Our country is in need of a superb guiding light at this time…and as individuals, for many of us, that superb guiding light just happened to have been our mothers!