Heather What about “priority recognition” by the VP bypassing McConnell? I am re-posting a comment made by Joan Friedman who said we could share this information. It would seem foolhardy not to use this opening out of nicey niceness when so much is at stake and vulnerable for beneficial legislation to be squelched let alone brought before congress. No? Joan FriedmanNov 21

There will be a way to break McConnell's chokehold even if the Republicans maintain a Senate majority. To quote a post on FB by Linda Brown: "Even if the Democrats don’t win control of the Senate, there is a legal, Constitutional way to strip Mitch McConnell of his power for good: priority recognition.

According to Article I, Section 3, Clause 4 of the Constitution, the Vice President is also the President of the Senate. The Majority Leader is not a position that exists anywhere in the Constitution. The reason that the Majority Leader has near-dictatorial powers to control floor votes is because of a tradition that dates back to 1937. The tradition is that the Vice President gives the floor leaders priority recognition. Most notably, this is not a rule in the Senate.

As President of the Senate, Vice President Harris could give any senator priority recognition. That senator could then decide on all legislation that is brought before the entire Senate. Even with a minority in the Senate, Vice President Harris could simply give Chuck Schumer priority recognition. He could decide what is voted on and what isn’t.

This would change everything. Without Mitch McConnell to hide behind, the moderate Republican Senators would be forced to vote down every Cabinet member, bill, resolution, everything that Harris would want done. Without McConnell, anything even remotely popular with at least two senators would pass. Including getting a cabinet assembled.

I see some debate as to what the Senate rules do and due not permit. I encourage everyone to read this article on the actual written rules and why the Majority Leader is so powerful today. It should be noted, however, unlike the House of Representatives, a large part of the Senate rules is tradition. As Mitch McConnell will gladly tell you, tradition is not written rule.

Also, This wouldn’t be the first time Schumer has done something like this. And yes, while there’s the possibility of rule changes, they cannot change the Constitution. At the end of the day, Madame Vice President Harris is President of the Senate. Period. Not Mitch McConnell."

Ms.Brown is correct - this chokehold stands on a mere custom introduced in 1937. https://www.senate.gov/reference/Sessions/Traditions/Priority_recognition.htm

Given the past, present and clearly intended future abuse of this custom by McC, VP Harris would be wise to adopt a different custom.

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There couldn't be a better pick for Secretary of Treasury than Janet Yellen. She has done research and papers on poverty, on the gender wage gap, on income disparity and policy responses, and importance of trade liberalization. And this position will give her the Triple Crown of Economics. If she could put in place policies that will stop and reverse income disparity I will be a very happy camper!

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OMB Pick Neera Tanden Draws GOP Fire

“I think in light of her combative and insulting comments about many members of the Senate, mainly on our side of the aisle, that it creates certainly a problematic path,” said Sen. John Cornyn (R., Texas) on Monday. He said Republicans were willing to work with Mr. Biden, but Ms. Tanden “strikes me as maybe his worst nominee so far.”

- WSJ 30 Nov 2020

And here we go ...

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This Wisconsinite is pretty proud tonight. I'm treasuring this feeling because I know it's a long way to January 20th and we'll have to hear much more whiny treacle from 45 and his flunkies (I'm looking at *you*, Ron Johnson.) Related question: how do we recall an incompetent senator that keeps pushing conspiracy theories?????

Thank you, Heather. You are my touchstone and keeper of my sanity these many months.

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Such a hope-filled letter tonight! 🙏🏼

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Thank you, Heather.

There was just one tiny typo.

I hope your power returns soon. Meanwhile, I hope the generator runs long enough to keep you warm so you can sleep well tonight.

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Wrap yourselves up in plenty of warm comforters. We have 51 days for this storm to continue to brew.

Happily, the states who Fake 45 ordered a recount, all certified that Biden won. Unfortunately, we will not see the last of him because he will place himself in the state of Georgia when the runoffs are supposed to go on.

Kudos to Biden for putting together a strongly diverse female communications team. So far, even though Joe has appointed familiar faces, there are still many positions that can be filled with young progressives and I truly hope that happens.

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I am beginning to believe more clearly that Ossoff and Warnock might just prevail. The way tRump, Loeffler and Perdue have gone after the voters of GA suggesting their votes didn't count may end up biting them in the ass. Trying to influence Raffensperger may have angered enough voters that they will be certain to vote. Someone here suggested maybe Biden should make a visit to the state as we get closer to the election. Not a bad idea. I heard yesterday already a huge number of requests for vote-by-mail ballots have been received...."and you know who is more likely to be asking for them," so the reporter said. You know that Stacey Abrams is working 24/7 to get those voters out and to the polls. I continue to write 5 postcards daily asking people to vote, vote, vote...that their votes will be counted and meaningful.

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Thank you. I wonder what the chances are that both Ossoff and the Reverend will both win. Trump has decided to campaign in Georgia for his candidates.

Its a shame that the Democrats apart from ejecting the circus clown have been soundly thrashed in the down ballots and senate races (Cunningham , Gideon et al). I don't think we really connect with the people wants and work with them.

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The Council of Economic Advisors nominees, Rouse, Bernstein, and Boushey, are progressives, not centrist, and that's just what we need in these troubled economic times with growing income and wealth inequality and with too many "you're on your own" ("YOYOs") voters we need the "We're In This Together" (WITTs) gang to shake things up and stand up for the little guy.

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Thank you Heather, be safe. We all must help by donating Time and Dollars for the Georgia Democratic Candidates for Senate. It is our only hope to neutralize McConnell.

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I was just reading Neil Irwin's Upshot piece in today's NYTimes https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/01/upshot/economic-boom-possible-covid.html?action=click&module=Well&pgtype=Homepage&section=The%20Upshot

and it struck me that, contrary to what the GOP has been pushing for years, it takes more than tax cuts for the already well off to create/sustain an economy. Like most structures, it begins at ground level. Without a strong ground level foundation, there can be no penthouse suite.

The Wall St. moguls have spent forty years telling us to kowtow to the 'creator class' - them. But all they do is make money from money; they don't produce a damn thing. It's not as if we're still buying shares of ownership in REAL blood and guts companies with our 401ks. We're participating in the Wall St. casino, and you know what they say about who always wins in the casino...........................

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Looks like Neera Tanden is going to be the "sacrificial lamb" to the GOP in confirmation, i.e., she goes down and the rest get approved.

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Thank you - and your generator! Stay safe and well and warm!

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As glad as I am to see the certifications of election results prove that the votes went to Biden/Harris we will not be done with the orange monstrosity in the WH until Jan 20, 2021,sigh.

I had read the article about priority recognition that is mentioned earlier by Martha Opdahl, https://www.senate.gov/reference/Sessions/Traditions/Priority_recognition.htm and while this would seem to be a very logical answer to the morass in the senate, we can all help to make the run-off election in GA tip blue and make this an unnecessary option.

Prof Richardson I hope you have power this morning.

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Thank you! Hope you get your power back.

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