Yes, Georgia. The Post and the Times headlines get it wrong frequently. But there is a lot of information in those publications, that if it were lost, we would suffer. They are more than headlines - they are engines of information. If we don't like their focus, tell them. If we want more information about a subject, tell them. Our "media…
Yes, Georgia. The Post and the Times headlines get it wrong frequently. But there is a lot of information in those publications, that if it were lost, we would suffer. They are more than headlines - they are engines of information. If we don't like their focus, tell them. If we want more information about a subject, tell them. Our "media" has a lot of problems. The incessant Biden vs Trump obsession drives me nuts. The polls are ridiculously obsessed with what could be a non-existent match-up. Trump is fading. Joe could change his mind. And why would he announce his departure before he had to? He would only "lame duck" himself. President Johnson announced his decision on March 31, 1968. Let's stop the speculation and know that if Joe did step aside there are dozens of wonderful candidates who would rise to the occasion. Or...Biden could follow the Diane Francis suggestion of replacing Harris with Newsom - talk about a campaign booster! I digress...but please compare our media with that of the UK or other nations. We could be a lot better. But we are also a lot better.
And only "Two issues at once"? I think most of us can think about several issues during the day. What haunts me is that every minute there is a story about the horrors of Ukraine, Israel, Palestine, our House Of Clowns - we are not talking about the destruction of our home.
A recent PBS Newshour segment highlighted the hypocrisy and horror of our so-called "recycling" of plastics to other countries. In the story, an authority in Thailand said that 70 to 80% of the plastic it receives is not processed or repurposed. It is taken to landfills, burned or simply dumped into waterways that lead to the ocean. OUR plastic. This is a disaster.
A recent story revealed that the largest percentage of microplastics in our oceans comes from vehicle tires - tiny bits of the tires flying off as we drive - washed into our water ways. The resulting pollution is found in our food supplies and now us. We are now walking talking plastic people. BTW, the heavier the vehicle, the faster the wear. EVs generally weigh 30% more than conventional autos. With the right focus and the right science, we could fix this.
All of what Senator Schumer proposes should be easy peasy logical legislation. And then we could get back to saving our home - that we are currently treating like a dump.
Bill Alstrom, yesterday I wrote that in effect, cancelling the NYT is like cutting off your nose to spite your face. It got around 20 “likes.” (Sorry I don’t have an exact count.) Thank you for writing at length.
We aren't going to cancel ours, Virginia, because of the many aspects of the Times I enjoy. I confess to not reading the op ed pages or most of their news, but my husband reads that part of it.
Yes, I too enjoy a lot of the Times, but am often infuriated. I have written many letters stating this but nothing really changes. The huge spread they did the other day on who Trump might pick as is VP was one such article. I looked at the reader’s comments. Huge numbers of them were really furious!
I keep my blood pressure low by not looking at articles like that. And it is infuriating. The guy is a criminal with 91 indictments and hopefully will be in jail sometime next year. Also he is increasingly senile and it shows despite his handlers trying to hide it. He goes off script and then it's bonkers time.
I have a huge file of recipes from the NYT. I do sometimes cook them. I also belong to the Burlap and Barrel spice blog where people are cooking up astounding things. The WaPo now has a way to access their recipes.
Bill, that plastics/old -technology- parts story was also on CBS Sunday morning. It was a devastating indictment of our developed world's wasteful lifestyle. We dump our waste on other, poorer countries whose people( including lots of young men and children) do " urban mining" in very toxic landfills to find copper and other components which they sell for a pittance. It was such a disturbing and horrific story. One suggestion was that the makers of the products be held responsible for and reclaim the waste they produce. Samsung was the only company to give an interview and they have begun, and are extending, projects to do just that.
The "outsourcing" of our trash should be illegal. Maybe if we had to deal with it here, we would change our ways. Our recycling programs are not serious. There are very few restrictions on single use plastics. Our town does not permit single use plastic bags at retailers. The town next door will not allow the sale of bottle water in plastic containers (it's not really healthier, anyway). It's a small something.
The process of "single stream recycling" is a joke. There are places where glass, plastic and paper products are completely separated. It's easy to do. But we are lazy.
True. But we outsource our rubbish because we are a self-serving first world behemoth, of course. The outsourcing doesn't include the megatons of plastic trash we dump in the oceans. But it's all good because we've got wind farms and EVs. Next we'll ship our crap to other planets, no doubt.
I too am questioning the reporting of the "news." Why is it that at the beginning of this Israeli/Hamas mess, we were told that the Palestinian prisoners freed 3 to 1 Jew were terrorists and criminals and that just yesterday I learned that that many of the 3000 Palestinians detained by the Israeli authority are women and boys under the age of 18? Why were they abducted and detained and given no reason? Why is this group referred to as prisoners and not hostages? Why don't we hear about the pain the Palestinians feel after having their family members abducted? Why don't we hear how the Palestinians in the West Bank feel having Israeli soldiers running around with machine guns (a very powerful symbol BTW) harassing them? Why are Jewish settlers encouraged to land-grab in Palestinian neighborhoods? It is the Israeli government that is to blame for hate crimes against innocent Jews around the world and the US is complicit! No more 3 billion/year carte blanche for the Israeli government!
Its a truly awful disease - I had a cousin diagnosed at 80 and a friend who passed away last year after a fairly short time with it - it just completely wiped him out. And I'm not surprised that its linked to plastic pollution. I watched the story on Sunday morning too (Carol mentioned above). What destruction this technology brings down on other countries just so our consumption can keep on!
Yes, Georgia. The Post and the Times headlines get it wrong frequently. But there is a lot of information in those publications, that if it were lost, we would suffer. They are more than headlines - they are engines of information. If we don't like their focus, tell them. If we want more information about a subject, tell them. Our "media" has a lot of problems. The incessant Biden vs Trump obsession drives me nuts. The polls are ridiculously obsessed with what could be a non-existent match-up. Trump is fading. Joe could change his mind. And why would he announce his departure before he had to? He would only "lame duck" himself. President Johnson announced his decision on March 31, 1968. Let's stop the speculation and know that if Joe did step aside there are dozens of wonderful candidates who would rise to the occasion. Or...Biden could follow the Diane Francis suggestion of replacing Harris with Newsom - talk about a campaign booster! I digress...but please compare our media with that of the UK or other nations. We could be a lot better. But we are also a lot better.
And only "Two issues at once"? I think most of us can think about several issues during the day. What haunts me is that every minute there is a story about the horrors of Ukraine, Israel, Palestine, our House Of Clowns - we are not talking about the destruction of our home.
A recent PBS Newshour segment highlighted the hypocrisy and horror of our so-called "recycling" of plastics to other countries. In the story, an authority in Thailand said that 70 to 80% of the plastic it receives is not processed or repurposed. It is taken to landfills, burned or simply dumped into waterways that lead to the ocean. OUR plastic. This is a disaster.
A recent story revealed that the largest percentage of microplastics in our oceans comes from vehicle tires - tiny bits of the tires flying off as we drive - washed into our water ways. The resulting pollution is found in our food supplies and now us. We are now walking talking plastic people. BTW, the heavier the vehicle, the faster the wear. EVs generally weigh 30% more than conventional autos. With the right focus and the right science, we could fix this.
And what about drinking water? Need I go on?
All of what Senator Schumer proposes should be easy peasy logical legislation. And then we could get back to saving our home - that we are currently treating like a dump.
Bill Alstrom, yesterday I wrote that in effect, cancelling the NYT is like cutting off your nose to spite your face. It got around 20 “likes.” (Sorry I don’t have an exact count.) Thank you for writing at length.
We aren't going to cancel ours, Virginia, because of the many aspects of the Times I enjoy. I confess to not reading the op ed pages or most of their news, but my husband reads that part of it.
Yes, I too enjoy a lot of the Times, but am often infuriated. I have written many letters stating this but nothing really changes. The huge spread they did the other day on who Trump might pick as is VP was one such article. I looked at the reader’s comments. Huge numbers of them were really furious!
I keep my blood pressure low by not looking at articles like that. And it is infuriating. The guy is a criminal with 91 indictments and hopefully will be in jail sometime next year. Also he is increasingly senile and it shows despite his handlers trying to hide it. He goes off script and then it's bonkers time.
For the first time online I have the recipes! May not cook any, but they’re lovely to read!
I have a huge file of recipes from the NYT. I do sometimes cook them. I also belong to the Burlap and Barrel spice blog where people are cooking up astounding things. The WaPo now has a way to access their recipes.
Bill, that plastics/old -technology- parts story was also on CBS Sunday morning. It was a devastating indictment of our developed world's wasteful lifestyle. We dump our waste on other, poorer countries whose people( including lots of young men and children) do " urban mining" in very toxic landfills to find copper and other components which they sell for a pittance. It was such a disturbing and horrific story. One suggestion was that the makers of the products be held responsible for and reclaim the waste they produce. Samsung was the only company to give an interview and they have begun, and are extending, projects to do just that.
The "outsourcing" of our trash should be illegal. Maybe if we had to deal with it here, we would change our ways. Our recycling programs are not serious. There are very few restrictions on single use plastics. Our town does not permit single use plastic bags at retailers. The town next door will not allow the sale of bottle water in plastic containers (it's not really healthier, anyway). It's a small something.
The process of "single stream recycling" is a joke. There are places where glass, plastic and paper products are completely separated. It's easy to do. But we are lazy.
True. But we outsource our rubbish because we are a self-serving first world behemoth, of course. The outsourcing doesn't include the megatons of plastic trash we dump in the oceans. But it's all good because we've got wind farms and EVs. Next we'll ship our crap to other planets, no doubt.
Well done.
I too am questioning the reporting of the "news." Why is it that at the beginning of this Israeli/Hamas mess, we were told that the Palestinian prisoners freed 3 to 1 Jew were terrorists and criminals and that just yesterday I learned that that many of the 3000 Palestinians detained by the Israeli authority are women and boys under the age of 18? Why were they abducted and detained and given no reason? Why is this group referred to as prisoners and not hostages? Why don't we hear about the pain the Palestinians feel after having their family members abducted? Why don't we hear how the Palestinians in the West Bank feel having Israeli soldiers running around with machine guns (a very powerful symbol BTW) harassing them? Why are Jewish settlers encouraged to land-grab in Palestinian neighborhoods? It is the Israeli government that is to blame for hate crimes against innocent Jews around the world and the US is complicit! No more 3 billion/year carte blanche for the Israeli government!
And then there is this. I now know several people who have (or who had)
My brother-in-law lost his Dad to Parkinson’s, and I have a friend whose Parkinson’s set in at 60.
Its a truly awful disease - I had a cousin diagnosed at 80 and a friend who passed away last year after a fairly short time with it - it just completely wiped him out. And I'm not surprised that its linked to plastic pollution. I watched the story on Sunday morning too (Carol mentioned above). What destruction this technology brings down on other countries just so our consumption can keep on!