Carla, don't be so hard on yourself. All of us are sorely lacking information on where we came from as a nation. We barely got the Cliff's Notes version of history in school, let alone the level of detail and nuance HCR has brought to these letters and the discussions thereby triggered!
There was a time that people read biographies o…
Carla, don't be so hard on yourself. All of us are sorely lacking information on where we came from as a nation. We barely got the Cliff's Notes version of history in school, let alone the level of detail and nuance HCR has brought to these letters and the discussions thereby triggered!
There was a time that people read biographies of great men (and women) and thorough histories of countries and whole civilizations, and this was considered a well-rounded education. Now we watch "Survivor" and such, and no one (present company excluded!) seems to have any intellectual curiosity anymore.
Carla, don't be so hard on yourself. All of us are sorely lacking information on where we came from as a nation. We barely got the Cliff's Notes version of history in school, let alone the level of detail and nuance HCR has brought to these letters and the discussions thereby triggered!
There was a time that people read biographies of great men (and women) and thorough histories of countries and whole civilizations, and this was considered a well-rounded education. Now we watch "Survivor" and such, and no one (present company excluded!) seems to have any intellectual curiosity anymore.
So true.