You are not alone in thinking this way. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the stupidity and anti democratic and anti humanity forces that bombard us daily. However, like in golf, whereafter you make one great shot, you are back at the next day. Time and again, day after day, Heather makes those great shots. Day after day I return, thanks to her (and others) who share their intellect and clarity, until the dark curtain rises.
You must mean the former “president” who kicked his errant balls back onto the fairway so often that the nickname “Pele,” was bestowed upon him by the caddies that worked at the club.
I wish that former "president" would get kicked hard enough in the balls, or anywhere, for that matter, to be launched into space. I can't wait for him to be in prison or dead.
I couldn’t agree more. I’m saving a nice Cuban cigar and a bottle of Pappy Van Winkle to celebrate he-who-shall-not-be-named’s incarceration or demise, whichever comes first.
Perfectly said, Jane! I would only add - please take good care of you, Heather! If you need an altruistic reason to resist sleeping sitting up and get your rest, I believe your knowledge, wisdom and gift of sharing that with regular folks are essential to the existence and growth of this "force to be reckoned with." When you take good care of you, you are taking good care of us!
PS. I'm honored to keep my commitment to share Heather's wisdom every day on FB and TwitterX.
Me too. We read you every morning without fail. Maybe you should quit your BC job and slow down a bit. You are too important to the country now. I just realize that you have more readers than most major newspapers! And thanks for sweet story in WAPO about Uncle Joe’s stay on Nantucket. Lovely.
It's not just the knowledge we've gained from you, it's the enduring sense that we're not alone as we grapple with all that's happened. Without your daily letters, I believe we'd feel caught in a rip tide sweeping us out to sea.
Agree, agree,agree, agree. Thank you HCR for helping us to see the light in the darkness. I raise my glass to your health, safety and dedication to democracy.
You, Heather, for the history and insight into the meanings of things, and Teri Kanefield for explanations of the often arcane law, are my North Stars!
You keep me grounded in sanity and reality and my appreciation goes beyond words.
Agree. I'm so grateful for your voice, Heather. Your work inspires me daily to continue the fight for our democracy even if in small ways. Our country and our communities are blessed by the work you do. Thank you.
Yes, you continue to make us feel hopeful (spell check gave me “horrible”) in the face of all this, and that is such a gift. By keeping the faith, you have helped so many others to do too. Consider yourself one of the mothers of the pro-democracy movement!
I put off reading for a bit today, so I could let all the folks who I've had the pleasure of virtually meeting post online. It's a pleasure to read your comments, Ally. Best to you and your wife, and however many feline housemates you share!
Truly, I don’t think I could have kept faith in our country without your astonishing wisdom, determination and generosity. Thank you.
I feel the same...Heather you have been a voice of reason, perspective and sanity during a very dark time! Thank you!
I certainly feel the same. My sanity has remain intact. Thanks to the epistles from Professor Cox Richardson.
You are not alone in thinking this way. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the stupidity and anti democratic and anti humanity forces that bombard us daily. However, like in golf, whereafter you make one great shot, you are back at the next day. Time and again, day after day, Heather makes those great shots. Day after day I return, thanks to her (and others) who share their intellect and clarity, until the dark curtain rises.
Yeah, it’s nice to watch a low handicapper like Dr Richardson go around the course so gracefully.
And she doesn‘t cheat like another golfer we know.
You must mean the former “president” who kicked his errant balls back onto the fairway so often that the nickname “Pele,” was bestowed upon him by the caddies that worked at the club.
I wish that former "president" would get kicked hard enough in the balls, or anywhere, for that matter, to be launched into space. I can't wait for him to be in prison or dead.
I couldn’t agree more. I’m saving a nice Cuban cigar and a bottle of Pappy Van Winkle to celebrate he-who-shall-not-be-named’s incarceration or demise, whichever comes first.
If I remember correctly the Pappy is terrific bourbon?
Thank you for putting a smile on my face!
You must have watched the YouTube video “Unfit”
Perfectly said, Jane! I would only add - please take good care of you, Heather! If you need an altruistic reason to resist sleeping sitting up and get your rest, I believe your knowledge, wisdom and gift of sharing that with regular folks are essential to the existence and growth of this "force to be reckoned with." When you take good care of you, you are taking good care of us!
PS. I'm honored to keep my commitment to share Heather's wisdom every day on FB and TwitterX.
It's a pleasure seeing your comments. A blessed holiday season to you!
Thank you, Miselle! I'm very touched by your comment. A blessed holiday season back to you!
Me too. We read you every morning without fail. Maybe you should quit your BC job and slow down a bit. You are too important to the country now. I just realize that you have more readers than most major newspapers! And thanks for sweet story in WAPO about Uncle Joe’s stay on Nantucket. Lovely.
It's not just the knowledge we've gained from you, it's the enduring sense that we're not alone as we grapple with all that's happened. Without your daily letters, I believe we'd feel caught in a rip tide sweeping us out to sea.
Well said
I cannot agree more. This letter is a beacon of sanity, either late at night or in the early morning, of my life. With gratitude . . .
I second that! Beyond all this, she has empowered us with knowledge to act. Thanks, Professor and all in this group!
Agree, agree,agree, agree. Thank you HCR for helping us to see the light in the darkness. I raise my glass to your health, safety and dedication to democracy.
You, Heather, for the history and insight into the meanings of things, and Teri Kanefield for explanations of the often arcane law, are my North Stars!
You keep me grounded in sanity and reality and my appreciation goes beyond words.
Agree. I'm so grateful for your voice, Heather. Your work inspires me daily to continue the fight for our democracy even if in small ways. Our country and our communities are blessed by the work you do. Thank you.
Yes, you continue to make us feel hopeful (spell check gave me “horrible”) in the face of all this, and that is such a gift. By keeping the faith, you have helped so many others to do too. Consider yourself one of the mothers of the pro-democracy movement!
Amen sister!
I put off reading for a bit today, so I could let all the folks who I've had the pleasure of virtually meeting post online. It's a pleasure to read your comments, Ally. Best to you and your wife, and however many feline housemates you share!
Thank you!
This goes for me as well. Thank you!
My faraway friends remind me how glad they are to read you. Thank you for your work.