What a contrast—one potential 2024 presidential candidate meeting with service members and their families to thank them for their service and another signing a deal with a foreign company to enrich himself (he has said in the past that soldiers are suckers https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2020/09/03/report-trump-disparaged-us-war-dead-as-losers-suckers/ ).

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Thank you Heather.

It occurs to me that if Jesus was here in this time and place, he might not identify as Christian.

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I wish more people read you, Heather.

I’m sad that our Supreme Court has been trashed by those who place their agenda above the law.

The fact republicans focus on Hunter Biden while ignoring the trump family grifts shows they don’t really care about our country. It highlights their pettiness, lack of integrity, and unwillingness to do the important work. I believe (hope) voters will remember.

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I now better understand why the nation's highest court doesn't have a formal code of ethics and doesn't want one.

Instead of investigating the court's second leak centering on reproductive rights, perhaps Roberts should initiate an investigation into his fellow, hypocritical, right-wing colleagues.

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I want to thank all my friends on LFAA for their support as Tanya and I and Lucky are making our way home. It really helps.

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We are in the Frankfurt Airport waiting for our counters to open so we can check in. We arrive in Regina at 12:30 am Nov 23rd. Lucky will arrive at 5:30 am. Reunions in heaven will never be as joyful.

Leaving him yesterday in the care of strangers was difficult for all concerned. It had never happened before. Nothing on this trip ever happened to him before. He is a very smart boy so has learned many new things very quickly.

We stayed at a good hotel and had a good supper to celebrate the last day of our 12 day journey.

I will stay at a friend's place in Regina with Lucky until we move into a small house with a yard and that will be home for the foreseeable future.

Tanya will buy a big comfortable bed for Lucky. And I will sleep in it because he will sleep with Tanya in our Queen bed. I have pictures to prove it. Ask Fern.

My thanks to Fern and Rowshan for posting stuff to keep you up-to-date. Tanya and I and our "$10,000" dog appreciate your support so much. It has been an adventure. A fried on FB has suggested I write a kids book called Luckys Big Adventure. I think I will do that. I have both an illustrator and someone with publishing knowledge in my family. Maybe sales from the book will help pay for his big adventure.

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That Supreme Court Historical Society is nothing but corruption. One gets invited to join and participate in events by making a substantial cash donation to the organization.

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Seems like the foxes ( SCOTUS) are guarding the hen house ( Democratic law and justice)

Religion has seeped its way in and the righteousness of the court , the very thing the original constitutional founders warned us about, is co-opting and corrupting… a seeping spreading stain

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Professor, thank you for accurately sorting out the 2014 Hobby House-Schenck-Alioto insider information machinations & subsequent attempted merger of church & state in "Operation Higher Court". Roberts will not step up as Roberts has completely lost control of his role as Chief Justice. Fortunately, the Dems have control of the Senate & have demonstrated how to reveal historical truth to the nation. Full disclosure, I am a member the largest defacto US political group, independent.

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This past evening, on Lawrence O'Donnell's show on MSNBC, there was extended discussion about how Justice Samuel Alito leaked the outcome of the Supreme Court's Hobby lobby decision to a wealthy couple who would donated heavily to the Supreme Court Historical Society. Apparently, today's coterie of conservative justices have been hobnobbing with ultra-wealthy right wing people who use their donations to the historical society as a wedge to gain influence on the court. So much for John Roberts' outrage that Justice Alito's decision in the Dobbs case was leaked to the press. He is no less hypocritical than any of the others in that bunch. They all think that they are some sort of royalty.

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It is about time that Congress does their job and takes on the Supreme Court. This is the kind of investigation that is going to lead to a lot of dirt I suspect. Clarence Thomas is also someone who should be investigated. If our court can be compromised like that they are also subject to blackmail, and while being investigated Alito should be recusing himself on all cases. Thomas should be investigated too, and the same thing should happen. Another thing that should be investigated in the Gerrymandering in any state where the state court said the map was illegal. The Supreme Court cannot have it both ways. If the states should decide on abortion they should decide on voting too. Or, not! This court has made such a mockery of the word JUSTICE! We need to find some now!

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Use this Relationship Map to see how evangelists infiltrated the Supreme Court to overturn Roe and why the Supreme Court so badly needs a Code of Ethics.


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Nov 22, 2022·edited Nov 22, 2022

It's hard not to wonder whether Middle Eastern countries that have invested in the Trumps to buy influence may be having buyer's remorse. Why? Trump's chances of winning the White House are fast becoming the fading light of dusk. He still has a fervent MAGA cult following, but its numbers won't deliver the presidency. What is Trump without the levers of governmental power? Maybe he and his family still have allure as veteran money-launderers.

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Another treasure of news and background from our esteemed Professor. Thank you. Our Democracy is always at risk because there are those who are influenced by power and money at any cost. Those who are racist or antisemitic or jeopardize human rights because of their “religious” beliefs that spill into our courts and elected representatives. And we know from history that even a Civil War did not prevent institutional racism. We have abundant examples. I just finished listening to R. Maddow’s podcast special about the fascist/Nazi infiltration of our government in the 1930s and 1940s. The antisemitism. About one government investigator: “And he offers a prescient warning about an American criminal justice system that is ill-equipped to defend democracy from those who seek to destroy it.” True story and the whistle blowers were ignored or lost jobs. Maybe we’re not there yet, but we have serious problems when (some) elected and appointed officials are in the pockets of the Saudis or take their party conference to Hungary and invite Orban to speak in Texas. Or fight over CRT and ban books. Maybe same show just a new cast. “Plot Against America” about Lindbergh in 30s (Roth) fiction based on true sociopolitical events. We all know those stories. They are not just entertainment. Just like the news, information, research and resources Professor Richardson analyzes, shares with us and the world, we need to know who and what to trust and then the next steps to protect our Democracy and our people. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rachel-maddow-presents-ultra/id1647910854?i=1000582122699

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thank you Heather... so frightening, all. so damn discouraging.

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Man did I need the news about Chocolate and Chip in a daily barrage of traitors and skullduggery. 🦃🦃🦃🦃🍗🍗🍗🍗🥕🥕🥕🥕🧅🧅🧅🧅🍂🍂🍂🍂🍁🍁🍁🍁

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