Remember how American voters so hated Project 2025, the playbook for a second Trump term written by the Heritage Foundation and other right-wing institutions, that Trump said he had nothing to do with it, and then one of its key architects, Russell Vought, told undercover filmmakers that Trump was only running away from the project as political cover?
If DJT is Putin's Puppet... Then Putin is succeeding Brilliantly in Damaging the U.S., and Europe... DJT will not always be with Us, but the Damage that DJT has done will persist...
trump lies. He changes his mind more often than a baby has his diaper changed. Republican then democrat then republican. Was for abortion (even late term) now he avoids the issue by assigning it to the states. How many people has he "don't really know him"? he says he is a great advocator for the environment then destroys it with his Wall and golf courses. Trivial but how many wives and dalliances?
"Campaigning to destroy NATO; opposing aid to Ukraine; demolishing the free world’s confidence in America’s ability to keep top secret information confidential; utterly destroying our seniormost intelligence and military agencies; installing Trojan horses to lead them: Trump’s goal appears to be, to paraphrase Ron DeSantis, to “Make America Russia.”
They want to gut the country, create chaos similar to Yeltsin’s time in Russia, and steal the country blind, plus takeover companies and industries at their pleasure. Forget the unelected bureaucrats. What about Elon and Vivek? Who elected them to make decisions.?!
In one election the undoing of the USA. Thanks to all you who voted for this mess. You will have successed in, among othe issues, keeping a trans from using the bathroom of their choice. Good going Americans, I hope you are happy now.
I've seen allegations of Putin's techies having hacked pro-orange felon votes at the top of ballots which Musk provided to them -- with no down-ballot voting on them at all.
Have also seen allegations of some millions of Dem inner city (black) votes having been suppressed as illegitimate, set aside as provisional, then unceremoniously dumped.
That is entirely believable. Why the silence about the obvious potential for enormous election fraud from the Democrats ? The only reason that seems acceptable is that the Intelligence services reports argued that the potential loss of life and US state cohesion from a bloody uncontrollable insurgent civil war breaking out when Trump lost was thought to be a greater threat than the slow burn loss of life and US state cohesion when he was returned. I am hoping that this is what is called a Golden Bridge event. Allowing your mortal enemies an acceptable retreat via a seeming gain. If not, than Kruschev and his loyalists have indeed played a blinder that will go down in history as one of the greatest and most successful Intelligence operations in modern history. The political capture of the USA without a shot being fired.
Stephen Spoonamore, cyber security expert explains it all...It does seem plausible. I hope I'm not so desperate that I'm buying into a conspiracy theory.
I have been following him too. Heard his interview with Thom Hartmann and then went to his SubStack You know, he blames the huge number of bullet ballots in the swing states as being invalid. And as a statistition, he has proved it. But the problem is, only Kamala Harris can ask for a recount of those states! She’s hard to get in ahold of right now, sadly. I believe that today is the last day he met. The man can be made.
No need to get this complicated. This is the effect of voter suppression laws that passed in Georgia and Alabama in the wake of Trump's 2020 loss and the voter roll purge in Pennsylvania this fall, as well as a bunch of last minute rule changes that did not go into effect but created confusion nonetheless. The entire question of "what did the Harris campaign/Democrats/Biden do wrong?" is predicated on the counter factual that this was a free and fair election; it was not.
Phil, I'm sure when you say "allegations" you are using the term to avoid being castrated in court for defamation or false accusation, even tho you actually watched the driver, whom we all know ram his car into the crowd. So, I would rather state the source. I just hate it when credibility of "allegations" surfaces disclosing a legitimate technicality that would arouse DOUBT as to the accusation..., thus making it appear 'trumped up' and subsequently resulting "it" being dismissed. I hate it when that happens. Newsroom love it because it gives them something to publish, promising "facts at eleven.., stay tuned". No? So, show me the gotttdammmned ballots! AND>>> please, not photo-shoped versions. The frustration-level I'm implying, surely doesn't just rest with me. Just the facts maam.., please. (Dragnet - Joe Friday, Det)
The trouble with this, other than its extreme unlikelihood, is that it is a case of fighting the last war. We need to figure out how to fight the next battle. Thinking about mistakes we made in the last battle will be useful. Grasping at straws to say that those mistakes did not make a difference won't.
If you read that "Duty to Warn" letter, it reports that there is enough of an anomaly in one key area (votes on 600,000 ballots in key swing states that push the margin of victory past the recount threshold; these votes list only a vote for Trump; no other candidate, office, measure, etc.)
I would call that "compelling evidence" that any of tfg's cries of fraud lacked.
Ally, why did Kamala folod like a cheap card table? Did she know something the rest of us didn't?
I notice a number of trolls and bots on here defending the count, which is expected. The fact that "the ballot counting machines were not connected to the internet is not necessarily true. There was lots of time between 2020 and 2024 to change as Musk said one line of code.
As others have noted, the race was about race. That seems to be all that most Trump voters cared about, enough so, to win him a plurality, and the election, with the help of the rural, depopulated, and small state bias inherent in the Electoral College system provided for by the Constitution. It wasn’t about the economy. It wasn’t about Project 2025. It was not even about Leadership in any positive sense. There is no question but that the Democratic Party and its candidates focus their appeal, or at least are seen to, on Americas increasingly urban multiethnic, tolerant, contented and homogenous society. Like Dillinger said, ‘It’s where the voters are’. Trump played on this and focused his appeal on the opposite. And he won, with Pennsylvania being the most glaring example of strategic failure for Kamala Harris. As Kremlin experts understand, racism is alive and well in America. There is no reason not to expect it to be. It is an enduring aspect of human social behavior. What Trump has done, with the help of the likes of Ron DeSantos, is to legitimize racism once again. It is ok for American society once again to think and act in these terms. Why ? Because everyone’s neighbor is doing it, but no one can be stopped from doing it, because laws and rules have been passed declaring it dead. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris went to north Philadelphia to hold a rally that attracted thousands from the neighborhood, and Trump went to Hersey where few gathered to listen to him. And then proceeded to insult Philadelphia, and New York, and Bridgeport, and Newark, and Baltimore, and urban America generally, at Madison Square Garden, that architectural travesty and disgrace to the Nation that should be torn down. But I digress.
1992, black journalist Joseph Boyce, " at one time the last thing anyone wanted to be called was a racist, whether you were or not. It was a mark to be avoided. And today I don't think people really care that much, some of them, you know. They'll say, ' yeah, I'm a racist, so what, so what are you going to do about it?'"
I think this reductionist view misses the point. Lots of data out there to disprove that latent racism moved the election to the orange side. There is more to it, for one we need to figure out how to message to people who are not interested in politics.
And I’m criticized for being angry because after all, it was our side that didn’t rise to the occasion and prevent this monster from destroy everything good in America. And when I suggest that the last chance to save America is to encourage or hope the good generals who still obey the constitution temporarily suspends it and declare a military coup in order to preserve the original concept of the constitution. And I’m criticized for being an asshole. Go ahead, call me an asshole. You are about to be put in your place.
(From "Donald's Vanity Tantrums")
Welcome to The New Snazzy Nazi States of America
(Introducing The Goose-Step, Two-Step March)
A new dance craze is sweeping the nation called, The Goose-Step, Two-step March. This invigorating new exercise is easy to learn! First, link arms on the dance floor. As you move backward in line, turn your head to the right and lift your left leg straight up as high as it will go. Then step forward as you turn your head to the left and lift your right leg straight up in the air.
It's very similar to square dancing or line dancing. Soon the dance floor will be filled with goose-steppers. Forward, backward, round and round. If you step out of line, you are tagged, the caller detains you, interrogates you, strip searches you, and sends you off to detainment camps for disloyalty.
This new dance craze is not to be confused with serious charges of criminal activity. By the time the youngins reach the age of reason, they will be quick to form into lines upon request for impromptu Goose-Step, Two-Step Marches and other forms of family entertainment
I guess we could ask them, "Since you, like Trump, tried to deny his connection to Project 2025, so you know it is bad, and since you now know Project 2025 is in play, what will you do to help us stop it?"
As a retired federal employee- HUGE understatement. If they do all the Project 2025 plans we will have a depression in 6 - 8 months. Not a recession- a depression, 1929 style.
And they will blame it on the aftermath of Biden’s failed policies and tell us to wait for Trump’s policies to take effect and cure things. And the fools will believe them.
I believe we should be watchful of our finances and begin to go into defensive mode. The irony is that anyone who has any degree of wealth should be allright since this whole revolution is really a money grab.
Another government imposed Shock Doctrine (see The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein). It will cause massive poverty, political violence, suicides, and decimate the middle class further, increasing our already sky-high inequality. All to benefit the already rich. It's dystopia.
Except they don’t keep their money lying around in cash and 99% of their wealth is on paper; stocks and options. When things go south if they don’t cash that in before the millions of little people like us sell their values sinks, their companies struggle.
We had a neighbor who bragged constantly about how much wealth they had in stock and real estate. Suddenly a dot come bust wiped out all the stock they were too complacent to sell, options were worthless because they were higher than the current stock price and then shortly afterward afterward a massive real estate bust making their properties under water. We watched them sink into despair as they lost almost everything.
Trump is a pauper, he lives on borrowed money and current stock values that he can’t pull out. He has massive bank loans coming due. This is why being POTUS is so important to him.
Trump’s (less than) half of America has trouble with cause and effect. I guess it has to be right in their face for them to notice. And then they will shift the blame elsewhere probably, just like that cult leader, who is DARVO - all the way down.
Sadly, that is the goal of Musk. He thinks destroying our economy will allow him to reshape our society to his will. He'll teach us to live within our means.
The unprofessional journalists and news agencies who allowed the Republicans to keep Project 2025 a secret for 12 months leading up to the Nov 5th election is to blame. Project 2025 is a regime change that crushes our democracy to bits, and allowed the GOP to camouflage this as a zealot Christian National program, plus allowed Trump to avoid being transparent with disclosure is a major backstab from MSM to all of America. The angry public should threaten civil protest and force Biden and Harris to support us.
I always felt that If Trump managed to get into office again, there would be general strikes all over the country. I don't see the appetite, sadly.
Joe Biden welcomed Trump into the Oval Office with a smile. (That was devastating to me, a lifelong Dem - I mean, I don't want Dems to obstruct the transfer of power, but did he HAVE to do it with a big smile? Knowing the contempt Trump has for him? )
I keep thinking of the Tolerance Paradox: the more one extends tolerance to the intolerant, the more the tolerant are treated poorly until they're eventually overcome.
You're talking about an American public, of which 40% cannot read and comprehend the instructions on a bottle of aspirin, and a total population of 60% reads at a 6th grade level or less, 80% of whom have no idea how the government works. Do you think any of these Gammas know what a "general strike" is?
We have been in this fight since 1954, when Brown v Board began the dismantling of Jim Crow, a dismantling that produced the festering White Resentment that has now given us the Groper-in-Chief.
Technically speaking all kinds of people have been in this fight since the beginning when those prejudiced Pilgrims first spied the Native Americans.
In keeping with the topic of this election I was referring to the time period of 2016 to now. At this moment the data points of how this madman is still around are numerous. But. It is the biggest lie ever that this election was not about hatred of the other. That hatred begins with people of color and spirals outward to anyone not white, rich and male.
Yes Barbara, worn out, worried and other responses too. I can't say anyone else will enjoy this video of John Oliver's response as much as I did but I offer it as an example of robust creativity and looking squarely at so much that few of us want to deal with. I was lit up smiling as I watched the post-election episode of "Last Week Tonight", .
Joan Lederman -- Regretfully I am not able to watch this because of restrictions from Canada (where I live). I'm going to continue try to find a back door. But, do you have the actual date of this episode? You only said "post-election". Anything else?
Will see how worn out they are after he starts interning his perceived enemies! Who else will fill the privatized prisons/interment camps after the demonized and vilified immigrants are deported!?
Louis it has been 16 days since the election that will have such catastrophic results. We are stunned and numb as the takeover is flashing before our computer eyes. People will rouse. Even the people I trust to know the most about the world we find ourselves in such as Dr. Richardson and Simon Rosenberg are openly expressing how exhausted they are.
Yes, the Tolerance Paradox sums it up perfectly. I completely agree. Of all the thing that have been so alarming since the election, Joe Biden smiling and welcoming 45 was absolutely crushing. I don't understand why we continue to pretend this is just another election.
I wrote a piece on the White House visit. You can click on it on the name "Trilogy" besides my name. Not trying to drum up business but that is where my thoughts are. I was devasted as well at President Biden's poor play of the White House visit.
I agree - they should be shouting WTAF from the roof tops. I felt the same way when Hakeem Jeffries was saying how he would 'reach across the asile' They should be shouting about the sexual predators nominated for top positions - it's like the Dems are deer caught in headlights and frozen in place.
It's too bad American voters didn't dislike Project 2025 enough or care to protect their government services enough to vote for Harris/Walz.
Understatement, Angela.
They were lied to, Angela.
They were not informed. Rather disinformed.
"forgive them for they know not what they do".
This could turn out to be the greatest fifth column operation in history. They work from St Petersburg.
If DJT is Putin's Puppet... Then Putin is succeeding Brilliantly in Damaging the U.S., and Europe... DJT will not always be with Us, but the Damage that DJT has done will persist...
Divide and conquer. Putin wins. He needent have invaded Ukraine to take it over, he just need to get tRump elected.
You said it well.
Trump told us that he had nothing to do with Project 2025. So he has no mandate to carry it out!
Trump lied. Again.
trump lies. He changes his mind more often than a baby has his diaper changed. Republican then democrat then republican. Was for abortion (even late term) now he avoids the issue by assigning it to the states. How many people has he "don't really know him"? he says he is a great advocator for the environment then destroys it with his Wall and golf courses. Trivial but how many wives and dalliances?
"Campaigning to destroy NATO; opposing aid to Ukraine; demolishing the free world’s confidence in America’s ability to keep top secret information confidential; utterly destroying our seniormost intelligence and military agencies; installing Trojan horses to lead them: Trump’s goal appears to be, to paraphrase Ron DeSantis, to “Make America Russia.”
They want to gut the country, create chaos similar to Yeltsin’s time in Russia, and steal the country blind, plus takeover companies and industries at their pleasure. Forget the unelected bureaucrats. What about Elon and Vivek? Who elected them to make decisions.?!
In one election the undoing of the USA. Thanks to all you who voted for this mess. You will have successed in, among othe issues, keeping a trans from using the bathroom of their choice. Good going Americans, I hope you are happy now.
Make Russia Great Again
It made me sick reading this!
My thoughts exactly.
Remind me never to fly Delta again (not that I'll have the money to take a plane trip anytime soon).
The goal of Putin and Trump and the Heritage Foundation which is filled with Christian Nationalists, is to destroy the USA. If you want to understand more about the CNs, I recommend you read Andra Watkins' Substack.
I've seen allegations of Putin's techies having hacked pro-orange felon votes at the top of ballots which Musk provided to them -- with no down-ballot voting on them at all.
Have also seen allegations of some millions of Dem inner city (black) votes having been suppressed as illegitimate, set aside as provisional, then unceremoniously dumped.
That is entirely believable. Why the silence about the obvious potential for enormous election fraud from the Democrats ? The only reason that seems acceptable is that the Intelligence services reports argued that the potential loss of life and US state cohesion from a bloody uncontrollable insurgent civil war breaking out when Trump lost was thought to be a greater threat than the slow burn loss of life and US state cohesion when he was returned. I am hoping that this is what is called a Golden Bridge event. Allowing your mortal enemies an acceptable retreat via a seeming gain. If not, than Kruschev and his loyalists have indeed played a blinder that will go down in history as one of the greatest and most successful Intelligence operations in modern history. The political capture of the USA without a shot being fired.
Stephen Spoonamore, cyber security expert explains it all...It does seem plausible. I hope I'm not so desperate that I'm buying into a conspiracy theory.
You are buying into nonsense.
I have been following him too. Heard his interview with Thom Hartmann and then went to his SubStack You know, he blames the huge number of bullet ballots in the swing states as being invalid. And as a statistition, he has proved it. But the problem is, only Kamala Harris can ask for a recount of those states! She’s hard to get in ahold of right now, sadly. I believe that today is the last day he met. The man can be made.
Yeah, well Russia did help elect a traitor to the presidency. Let that thought marinate.
Phil, might you be referring to Spoonamore's "Duty To Warn" letter?
Yes, JohnM.
We know the there has been a lot of voter suppression. The question to what degree did it make a difference???
Sure, but we’ll never know because the DOJ has failed us again.
So Trump is correct in wanting to abolish it unless he hsa total control?
No need to get this complicated. This is the effect of voter suppression laws that passed in Georgia and Alabama in the wake of Trump's 2020 loss and the voter roll purge in Pennsylvania this fall, as well as a bunch of last minute rule changes that did not go into effect but created confusion nonetheless. The entire question of "what did the Harris campaign/Democrats/Biden do wrong?" is predicated on the counter factual that this was a free and fair election; it was not.
Phil, I'm sure when you say "allegations" you are using the term to avoid being castrated in court for defamation or false accusation, even tho you actually watched the driver, whom we all know ram his car into the crowd. So, I would rather state the source. I just hate it when credibility of "allegations" surfaces disclosing a legitimate technicality that would arouse DOUBT as to the accusation..., thus making it appear 'trumped up' and subsequently resulting "it" being dismissed. I hate it when that happens. Newsroom love it because it gives them something to publish, promising "facts at eleven.., stay tuned". No? So, show me the gotttdammmned ballots! AND>>> please, not photo-shoped versions. The frustration-level I'm implying, surely doesn't just rest with me. Just the facts maam.., please. (Dragnet - Joe Friday, Det)
The trouble with this, other than its extreme unlikelihood, is that it is a case of fighting the last war. We need to figure out how to fight the next battle. Thinking about mistakes we made in the last battle will be useful. Grasping at straws to say that those mistakes did not make a difference won't.
Why—other than that you find it pleasing—would you believe such charges any more that you believed Trump’s allegations of vote-rigging?
If you read that "Duty to Warn" letter, it reports that there is enough of an anomaly in one key area (votes on 600,000 ballots in key swing states that push the margin of victory past the recount threshold; these votes list only a vote for Trump; no other candidate, office, measure, etc.)
I would call that "compelling evidence" that any of tfg's cries of fraud lacked.
Read Robert Hubbell on Today's Edition (Substack) for an effective rebuttal.
Ally, why did Kamala folod like a cheap card table? Did she know something the rest of us didn't?
I notice a number of trolls and bots on here defending the count, which is expected. The fact that "the ballot counting machines were not connected to the internet is not necessarily true. There was lots of time between 2020 and 2024 to change as Musk said one line of code.
Call it what ever want it. I'll call it bullshit.
As others have noted, the race was about race. That seems to be all that most Trump voters cared about, enough so, to win him a plurality, and the election, with the help of the rural, depopulated, and small state bias inherent in the Electoral College system provided for by the Constitution. It wasn’t about the economy. It wasn’t about Project 2025. It was not even about Leadership in any positive sense. There is no question but that the Democratic Party and its candidates focus their appeal, or at least are seen to, on Americas increasingly urban multiethnic, tolerant, contented and homogenous society. Like Dillinger said, ‘It’s where the voters are’. Trump played on this and focused his appeal on the opposite. And he won, with Pennsylvania being the most glaring example of strategic failure for Kamala Harris. As Kremlin experts understand, racism is alive and well in America. There is no reason not to expect it to be. It is an enduring aspect of human social behavior. What Trump has done, with the help of the likes of Ron DeSantos, is to legitimize racism once again. It is ok for American society once again to think and act in these terms. Why ? Because everyone’s neighbor is doing it, but no one can be stopped from doing it, because laws and rules have been passed declaring it dead. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris went to north Philadelphia to hold a rally that attracted thousands from the neighborhood, and Trump went to Hersey where few gathered to listen to him. And then proceeded to insult Philadelphia, and New York, and Bridgeport, and Newark, and Baltimore, and urban America generally, at Madison Square Garden, that architectural travesty and disgrace to the Nation that should be torn down. But I digress.
1992, black journalist Joseph Boyce, " at one time the last thing anyone wanted to be called was a racist, whether you were or not. It was a mark to be avoided. And today I don't think people really care that much, some of them, you know. They'll say, ' yeah, I'm a racist, so what, so what are you going to do about it?'"
I think this reductionist view misses the point. Lots of data out there to disprove that latent racism moved the election to the orange side. There is more to it, for one we need to figure out how to message to people who are not interested in politics.
Trump apparently did that.
And I’m criticized for being angry because after all, it was our side that didn’t rise to the occasion and prevent this monster from destroy everything good in America. And when I suggest that the last chance to save America is to encourage or hope the good generals who still obey the constitution temporarily suspends it and declare a military coup in order to preserve the original concept of the constitution. And I’m criticized for being an asshole. Go ahead, call me an asshole. You are about to be put in your place.
(From "Donald's Vanity Tantrums")
Welcome to The New Snazzy Nazi States of America
(Introducing The Goose-Step, Two-Step March)
A new dance craze is sweeping the nation called, The Goose-Step, Two-step March. This invigorating new exercise is easy to learn! First, link arms on the dance floor. As you move backward in line, turn your head to the right and lift your left leg straight up as high as it will go. Then step forward as you turn your head to the left and lift your right leg straight up in the air.
It's very similar to square dancing or line dancing. Soon the dance floor will be filled with goose-steppers. Forward, backward, round and round. If you step out of line, you are tagged, the caller detains you, interrogates you, strip searches you, and sends you off to detainment camps for disloyalty.
This new dance craze is not to be confused with serious charges of criminal activity. By the time the youngins reach the age of reason, they will be quick to form into lines upon request for impromptu Goose-Step, Two-Step Marches and other forms of family entertainment
General Milley, Where Are You?
We need Ike, sad to say
Thank you. It could be done although a radical thought. I would so easily put my faith in them then what we are about to experience.
This is what I call serious humor.
Well… it comes out of my head that way. I’ve just begun Part II on the crazy appointments being made.
Kudos to you. Frankly, I think you're talented.
Bill Katz, I share your anger, your frustration, and your dread.
Not criticizing.
It was easy to see through the lies, though. But most couldn't be bothered to take a few moments to check.
How can we engage those people??
I guess we could ask them, "Since you, like Trump, tried to deny his connection to Project 2025, so you know it is bad, and since you now know Project 2025 is in play, what will you do to help us stop it?"
more like from the boardrooms of some if not many corporations and right wing think tanks.
But they were dumb enough to believe the lies.
How about "do not forgive them, for they either know what they do or choose to not know what they do".
Nope.....not forgiven. I attempted with 2 relatives. They didn't want to know. Enforced ignorance doesn't give anyone, even relatives, a pass.
I can forgive small things but not the big things. Damage is damage no matter what the reason and people must suffer through it.
Trump lied that he didn’t know anything about it
As a retired federal employee- HUGE understatement. If they do all the Project 2025 plans we will have a depression in 6 - 8 months. Not a recession- a depression, 1929 style.
It will be VERY painful for everyone. If Project 2025 is even partially implemented, I suspect the depression of the 1930's will seem tame.
Musk and his vicious sidekick have declared that there will be a period of "pain - but then we will be safer." Safer from what?
We need to be safe from them.
If consumers can’t afford products, then yes, we tip into a depression.
"you will own nothing and be happy.."
Those 2 are safe. They have nothing to worry about given their wealth. But everyone else has to tighten their belts….
And they will blame it on the aftermath of Biden’s failed policies and tell us to wait for Trump’s policies to take effect and cure things. And the fools will believe them.
I believe we should be watchful of our finances and begin to go into defensive mode. The irony is that anyone who has any degree of wealth should be allright since this whole revolution is really a money grab.
Bill, a lot of people are already very worried about their finances. And yes, only the very wealthy will be safe.
Which is the plan.
Another government imposed Shock Doctrine (see The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein). It will cause massive poverty, political violence, suicides, and decimate the middle class further, increasing our already sky-high inequality. All to benefit the already rich. It's dystopia.
A depression won't affect DonOLD and his billionaires cabinet..
Except they don’t keep their money lying around in cash and 99% of their wealth is on paper; stocks and options. When things go south if they don’t cash that in before the millions of little people like us sell their values sinks, their companies struggle.
We had a neighbor who bragged constantly about how much wealth they had in stock and real estate. Suddenly a dot come bust wiped out all the stock they were too complacent to sell, options were worthless because they were higher than the current stock price and then shortly afterward afterward a massive real estate bust making their properties under water. We watched them sink into despair as they lost almost everything.
Trump is a pauper, he lives on borrowed money and current stock values that he can’t pull out. He has massive bank loans coming due. This is why being POTUS is so important to him.
I've been reading about Warren Buffett selling loads of his stocks and he's sitting on $300B in cash...he's probably preparing for a depression
Yes, I’ve been following his moves. I often wonder why he isn’t richer that Musk.
Trump’s (less than) half of America has trouble with cause and effect. I guess it has to be right in their face for them to notice. And then they will shift the blame elsewhere probably, just like that cult leader, who is DARVO - all the way down.
Sadly, that is the goal of Musk. He thinks destroying our economy will allow him to reshape our society to his will. He'll teach us to live within our means.
Remember Musk said “it’s going to hurt for a while at fist”
Ditto, Judy.
The unprofessional journalists and news agencies who allowed the Republicans to keep Project 2025 a secret for 12 months leading up to the Nov 5th election is to blame. Project 2025 is a regime change that crushes our democracy to bits, and allowed the GOP to camouflage this as a zealot Christian National program, plus allowed Trump to avoid being transparent with disclosure is a major backstab from MSM to all of America. The angry public should threaten civil protest and force Biden and Harris to support us.
I always felt that If Trump managed to get into office again, there would be general strikes all over the country. I don't see the appetite, sadly.
Joe Biden welcomed Trump into the Oval Office with a smile. (That was devastating to me, a lifelong Dem - I mean, I don't want Dems to obstruct the transfer of power, but did he HAVE to do it with a big smile? Knowing the contempt Trump has for him? )
I keep thinking of the Tolerance Paradox: the more one extends tolerance to the intolerant, the more the tolerant are treated poorly until they're eventually overcome.
You're talking about an American public, of which 40% cannot read and comprehend the instructions on a bottle of aspirin, and a total population of 60% reads at a 6th grade level or less, 80% of whom have no idea how the government works. Do you think any of these Gammas know what a "general strike" is?
People who did vote for Harris are beyond stunned. And worried. We have been in this fight since 2016. People are just plain worn out.
And yet, Barbara, we somehow summon our resolve to resist and persist!🗽
We have to.
"We have been in this fight since 2016"
We have been in this fight since 1954, when Brown v Board began the dismantling of Jim Crow, a dismantling that produced the festering White Resentment that has now given us the Groper-in-Chief.
Technically speaking all kinds of people have been in this fight since the beginning when those prejudiced Pilgrims first spied the Native Americans.
In keeping with the topic of this election I was referring to the time period of 2016 to now. At this moment the data points of how this madman is still around are numerous. But. It is the biggest lie ever that this election was not about hatred of the other. That hatred begins with people of color and spirals outward to anyone not white, rich and male.
Yes Barbara, worn out, worried and other responses too. I can't say anyone else will enjoy this video of John Oliver's response as much as I did but I offer it as an example of robust creativity and looking squarely at so much that few of us want to deal with. I was lit up smiling as I watched the post-election episode of "Last Week Tonight", .
Thanks for this Joan.
Thanks, I was a bit afraid to even watch John Oliver last week, although I love him. But this was what I needed this morning.
Joan Lederman -- Regretfully I am not able to watch this because of restrictions from Canada (where I live). I'm going to continue try to find a back door. But, do you have the actual date of this episode? You only said "post-election". Anything else?
Will see how worn out they are after he starts interning his perceived enemies! Who else will fill the privatized prisons/interment camps after the demonized and vilified immigrants are deported!?
Louis it has been 16 days since the election that will have such catastrophic results. We are stunned and numb as the takeover is flashing before our computer eyes. People will rouse. Even the people I trust to know the most about the world we find ourselves in such as Dr. Richardson and Simon Rosenberg are openly expressing how exhausted they are.
yes, it's all about education.
No critical thinking or basic logic - maximum gullibility
Please provide the source of the percentages you use.
Also, would you define what you mean when calling someone a Gamma and how that relates to ignorance about what a "general strike" is.
Gammas - read "Brave New World."
Yes, the Tolerance Paradox sums it up perfectly. I completely agree. Of all the thing that have been so alarming since the election, Joe Biden smiling and welcoming 45 was absolutely crushing. I don't understand why we continue to pretend this is just another election.
I wrote a piece on the White House visit. You can click on it on the name "Trilogy" besides my name. Not trying to drum up business but that is where my thoughts are. I was devasted as well at President Biden's poor play of the White House visit.
Thank you Barbara. Your piece is extremely thoughtful and I couldn't have articulated it better.
I agree - they should be shouting WTAF from the roof tops. I felt the same way when Hakeem Jeffries was saying how he would 'reach across the asile' They should be shouting about the sexual predators nominated for top positions - it's like the Dems are deer caught in headlights and frozen in place.