I had the good fortune of studying the Gettysburg address in a freshman humanities course at the University of Minnesota circa 1972. My professor, Paul D’Andrea, assigned the Gettysburg address as being up there with Plato and other great orators, and as one of the most elegant pieces of rhetoric ever spoken. As it later turned out, D’An…
I had the good fortune of studying the Gettysburg address in a freshman humanities course at the University of Minnesota circa 1972. My professor, Paul D’Andrea, assigned the Gettysburg address as being up there with Plato and other great orators, and as one of the most elegant pieces of rhetoric ever spoken. As it later turned out, D’Andrea was an academic superstar. Such good fortune I had:
I had the good fortune of studying the Gettysburg address in a freshman humanities course at the University of Minnesota circa 1972. My professor, Paul D’Andrea, assigned the Gettysburg address as being up there with Plato and other great orators, and as one of the most elegant pieces of rhetoric ever spoken. As it later turned out, D’Andrea was an academic superstar. Such good fortune I had: