Hakeem Jeffries, take a bow. You win the award for the best and briefest description of Republicans in Congress: “they major in demagoguery and minor in disinformation.” And he signaled an aggressive approach to calm them out.

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*call them out. In other words, show that they lie endlessly.

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Indeed. And his general eloquence is amazing. Looks like we will be in good hands. I also love the fact that the three new leaders (if elected) are a "team". Jeffries makes me proud.

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IMO, the House Democrats are an "embarrassment of riches". So many fine people to chose from. I am a dyed in the wool Democrat, but trying to look at it apolitically, there is a gulf between the quality of our Democratic leaders and the Republican leaders. McCarthy versus Pelosi is exhibit "A". Comer, Jordan, the list goes on.

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To paraphrase an old Ann Coulter book title, If Republicans were any good, they'd be Democrats.

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Agreed, 100%! They major in crude agitation/manipulation and minor in 🤥! Perfection!

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Update from Allen Hingston who is in Germany -- on his way back to Canada:

“We have been crate training Lucky so he can fly Cargo. For three days we tried patience, toys and treats. He would go about 3/4 in then grab whatever and back out. Today we used what has always worked on Lucky. Make him do it once or twice. So he went part way in. I pushed him the rest of the way and shut the door, gave him a treat. No fuss at all. And let him out shortly after.

About half an hour ago, he stole a pillow from the bed. Tanya gave him a scolding, opened the door to the crate and in he went on his own. She shut the door and he is still in there. Quiet if not content.

He likes the crate and goes in on his own. It is his safe place.

We left him alone for a couple hours and he was content but very happy to see us.”

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Poor baby needs a safe place, as do we all.

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Please don’t use the crate as a punishment place. It will confuse him. We have a German Shepherd and a Standard Poodle. They love their crates. The poodle gets in hers if there’s a thunderstorm, the shepherd happily naps in his with the door open.

If you give Lucky any treats during the day, consider tossing them in the crate and leaving the door open. Dogs were cave dwellers, so the crate seems like a safe spot to most of them.

Been training dogs for 20+ years.

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Tom Our 12-year-old dachshund recently had an emergency back operation. Though he is recovering well, his activities must be extremely restricted until his back heals. Bruno enjoys his crate and the blanket inside. We all are awaiting friskier days.

My comment about a crate for Boebert relates to a wild animal, not a much-beloved pet.

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HA! Let me provide the lock and key for lil’ Miss BoPeep!

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So sorry. I was actually responding to someone else who was new to using a crate and mentioned that his dog was currently in his crate as punishment for stealing a pillow. I didn't mean to chide so much as add my own experience/perspective. Sometimes Substack makes the statement -- response thing a bit unclear.

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Does Allen have a big enough crate for Boebert’s return trip to Washington? It would require a large holster for her gun collection and a self-feeding/watering gizmo, since airline attendants are not vaccinated against such rabid animals.

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Love the visual, Keith!

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Three cheers for Lucky. Allen must be so relieved. Traveling is tough enough without worrying about the canine member of the family. And they are "family" aren't they? Our Sophie won't go to her bed at night until she sees us both tucked in...

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Both of ours dogs insist on sleeping in our room, one on his bed (sometimes he puts himself to bed at dark) and the other, an aging Aussie, on the floor next to,her daddy’s side, With her head under the bed. ?

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Thank you, Rowshan, for this welcome update. I'm so happy that Allen, his wife, and Lucky are safe and on their way to a "safe place." Lucky isn't alone in needing one. If only all of Ukraine had one, so that they could begin the herculean task of rebuilding their country.

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Thanks again Rowshan--so good hearing their progress ☮️💟

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We had luck with clothing we had worn several days in a row, and then put inside the crate. It’s all about the scent and of course, treats!

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My neighbors' labs always have several stuffed teddy bears they love. They take them into their crates at night or nap with them on their large pillows in daytime. One likes to, eventually, tear them apart while the other keeps them intact. I gave a different friend's old blind and deaf dog a teddy puppy and she takes it everywhere. It really helped her with her anxiety and separation issues.

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My daughter’s dog, Harley, has many toys, but there is one squeaky stuffed ball that is her favorite. She too finds it when she’s stressed. Just like small children, who have a blanket or favorite stuffed toy.

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Thanks for the update. So glad Lucky is acclimating. ❤️👏

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Thanks Rowshan and congratulations to Lucky and family.

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It’s quite the process but so worth it! Hope the trip is successful for everyone

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Love that, Rowshan!

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Democrats should consider the continuing presence of Republicans like Boebert and Greene in the House as ever-present reminders of what Jeffries points out, the Republican agenda of demagoguery and disinformation, in the absense of anything even barely constructive.

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I think it's a good thing that if the GOP has a majority, it's a majority filled with egotistical maniacs who will be doing everything but governing. This will allow the Democrats to remind voters to compare what the GOP House isn't doing for their constituents, they're doing it to get top billing on the next Fox News show.

Democrats need to spend as much time as they can in their districts talking to constituents about all the missed opportunities to improve their lives and how Republicans who ran. on inflation, crime and immigration are doing nothing about any of them other than just talk. "Show me the legislation" could be a good buzz phrase for Democrats.

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Democrats must get much better at messaging. That’s #1!

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They are in some places, Fetterman in PA, just about all the Democrats in Michigan, and Perez in SW Washington. They are bringing the normal back and meeting people at the kitchen table.

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I voted for Fetterman, not for his communicative capabilities, but rather because he is a no BS kind of guy and I expect him to really call out Rs in the Senate every time Mitch’s team prods the Ds efforts without coming forth with alternative solutions. Obstructionism for the sake of obstructionism won’t fly on his watch.

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If only buzz words could kill. It's a good descriptor, let's hope the media picks it up and runs with it also.

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I love Katherine Clark. The first time I met her was when I went up to New Hampshire to canvass for Hillary. The had on a plain sweater and jeans, and no makeup. She’s the real deal.

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Thanks. I knew nothing about her. Need to know more, but this is a good start.😊👍

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T-5 years!!! Justice matters…right. WTH?? How can there be so many Americans supporting this lot of evil people? Crazy and downright scary.

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When it comes to my thoughts about the future of Kyle Rittenhouse, I have to say "If my thought dreams could be seen/They'd probably put my head in a guillotine."

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Kyle Rittenhouse! that news item has sunk me into a deep hole again. These people are all frighteningly alike. It's as if invisible spores had been planted inside the Capitol on 6 January.

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Frighteningly alike, at least when it comes to talking points, is what you expect from a cult. Cults demand conformity. Free and open societies thrive on solidarity. The Heaven's Gate cult committed mass suicide reportedly to join the putative "spaceship" hidden in the tail of the comet Hale-Bopp. Clearly cult mental malware was in command. A cult does not have to be violent, but it is very likely to be delusional. When delusions motivate violence toward others, it is the most dangerous form of humanity on earth.

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Can someone differentiate for me why Christianity (or Islam or Judaism) is not a cult? Is it because millions of delusional ppl believe it instead of hundreds make it legit? Why is it a "religion," whereas the ancient Greeks who believed the same a "mythology?"

To me, if you believe in a sky wizard who meddles in the affairs of mortals and even impregnates mortal women to make demi-sky wizards, that is at least a gateway cult.

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There are many who follow these faith traditions that do not believe in the literal stories but use them as reminders of the higher values that Jesus, Mohammed and Moses taught. They then, often in community, can live these values more fully.

For those who have difficulty doing this, the Unitarian Universalists have provided a fine option.

Unfortunately, concrete thinkers miss the point entirely.

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To me spirituality is what should be important no matter what form that takes. For some it might be a formal religion; for others, something else. I prefer the thought of a universal energy. All members of formal religions are not the same either and as in all human endeavors, they can be used for good or ill. The most grounded person socially aware person I know is a devout Christian. Just being around her is calming. I am a reiki practitioner and I find that helps me feel better literally. I also admire the Dalai Lama and I have a hard time seeing him negatively. I had a go around with an atheist on Facebook recently where he insisted in calling all religious people stupid and to make matter worse, negatively addressed someone who had had a near death experience which was very meaningful to him. To me this is not being a thoughtful compassionate person no matter what he believes or does not. In my book, there are good people and bad people and often their belief system (and that includes atheism) tilts them one way or the other.

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Most of the hateful “Christians” who spout scripture, rarely quote from Matthew, Mark, Luke or John. They always quote from Paul’s writings proselytizing to his flock not to sway from his interpretation. So they are actually Paulists (Like the Puritans) and not actually Christians. I had an uncle in MS, who was deacon in his Southern Baptist church and was also in the KKK. What would Jesus say?

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Attempted like. Signed, UU refugee from the Presbyterians

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Religion is a socially sanctioned delusion. The only difference I can see between a cult and a religion is the size and longevity of the group. Everyone who believes in the present day sky parents are also atheists, since they too don't believe in previous gods. The very sad thing is that when a person accepts a religion they give up their right to think. Another sad fact is that the same characteristics that make people susceptible to todays' MAGA nutty ideas, are the same ones that make them susceptible to religious beliefs. Most people who are religious are absolutist thinkers, which is usually the way children think. It's a sign of maturity when a person can appreciate all the grays between.

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Been saying this for years, Never understood why seemingly smart valuable members of society buy into this stuff. Have wondered if it is the tradition? I have friends that follow traditions they don't enjoy following bc it is a family 'tradition'.

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Religion is how people deal with their terror of physical death.

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I’ve thought it odd that folks can’t comprehend not “being here” any longer, when they didn’t consider that they weren’t here “before” (reincarnation beliefs notwithstanding). As I have long said, the only reason I’d want to live forever is to see how it all turns out. I think, ultimately, I believe in what Joni wrote & CSN&Y sang: “we are stardust, we are golden, we are billion year old carbon”. Yeah, we just get recycled & to me that’s “the Force”…however it might work. OK by me!

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And uncertainty.

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Closest I can come to an ultimate deity is “may the Force be with you”. In this vast expanding Universe, we know/comprehend so little…..

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I was going to post the same. Magical unicorns indeed.

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Thanks for this…just signed up! [Oh no….one more thing in my ‘inbox’…]

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If you have HBO, watch Bill Maher’s movie Religulous--funny and scary.

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Celebrating KR in the wake of the UVA murders, where my granddaughter and the entire college community remain traumatized over witnessing the deaths of their friends. There lies the dark heart of America's gun epidemic. Did you know Congress has a Task on Gun Violence Prevention, sizable group with no Republican members that I can see. https://www.billtrack50.com/committee/8844 I have written to them and continue to contact all in a position to enact laws, training, procedures that protect America's students from being murdered in school.

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Foreigner speaking: this is a very evenly balanced Congress - you are all represented. So, are Americans writing to their representatives - not as Republicans or Democrats, but as their lawmakers? As you say, that's what they're there for.

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Ignore it (kyle). Landfill material. Apply the "Silence Treatment".., Silence, being the watchword regarding their words or announcements. But keep an eye on things in that camp.

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Hey - the heart's back!

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Mine would be right there. I still have a pic of his parents in my head. Armed to the teeth and being good parents by indoctrinating their son into their insanity. He has made them proud by being as vile and horrible.

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Somewhere in their family history, someone misspelled Rottenhouse.

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Good one. First smile of the am.

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My thoughts mirror yours TC. As a Wisconsinite I cringe at the mere thought of that little shit and his fake crying who got away with murder. Dear god the thought of him in congress makes me laugh or vomit depending on my mood!

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At this point TC, it's the thught that counts.


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TC, you never fail to make me laugh with your dark humor/truth!

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Nov 19, 2022
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The line about "put my head in a guillotine" is very good for nowadays.

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"But, it's all right Ma, it's life & life only".

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"Lot of water under the bridge, lotta other stuff too." Back to Bob's original theme: "Times Have Changed".

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perhaps we need to keep public records of just “how many” supporters the crazy caucus actually has. It might improve our perspectives.

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The off-the-rails sorts may be a minority, but virtually the whole contemporary Republican Party colludes with them. For example:

"Whereas, Representatives Cheney and Kinzinger are participating in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse, and they are both utilizing their past professed political affiliation to mask Democrat abuse of prosecutorial power for partisan purposes, therefore, be it resolved, That the Republican National Committee hereby formally censures Representatives Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois and shall immediately cease any and all support of them as members of the Republican Party for their behavior which has been destructive to the institution of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Republican Party and our republic, and is inconsistent with the position of the Conference," - The RNC., NOT the Onion

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The only true part of the RNC's statement here is that Reps. Cheney and Kinzinger's "behavior...is inconsistent with the position of the Conference." And the rest of us are immensely thankful that it has been.

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So much of what I’ve read sure feels like the Onion. Hard to tell sometimes!

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New York Post non-front page Write up of Trump announcement priceless. Florida retiree…from his classified documents library..

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Nov 19, 2022
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Good one! Not hard to imagine that it was real too.

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Repubs say it out loud now.

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Beautiful, "off the rails". So nicely regurgitated. They, the RNC, need to be not taken issue with. Relegated, to the Silence treatment. Treat them like the proverbial fart in a windstorm, a windstorm of their own making. Don't enter.., It'll drive them nuts. Their own kids questions are driving them nuts. But, every damn one of them needs to be taken to task. Like Jordan, like Walker, like Gaetz, like Cruz, like 'the donald'!!! Etc. We need to look at these clowns quietly. Wasn't a leader in the RNC identified as an "agent" of the Russian Gov't? Obviously, there's a fungus amongst us.

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Not sure about the “off the rails sort” being a minority. The GOP is a monolith of immorality. They know not “the golden rule”.

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Their rule is get as much power and money as possible and to hell with anything else. Morally bereft.

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And really depress us, we know because we have cult family and friends, pray for the youth to look to the future. Us oldsters have taken our eyes off the prize if seems. Well, some of us.

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How would we do that? How accurate would it be? Is it legal or a violation of privacy rights? I’d love it though.

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Patricia, they are “public servants” emphasis on both words. We pay their salaries. We should know where our money is being spent for such incredible stupidity and harm.

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They are our employees. We are "private citizens". That all gets complicated, but like hiring a lawyer, or a doctor, or someone to build our house, we need to keep an eye on what they plan for us. If it is really to be government of the people, by the people, for the people.

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A Full WHAMMMO, Elizabeth. Slam dunk!

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Let’s hope Biden hears us and really reins in these idiots, MadRussian!

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Yes, but what happens if we don’t remember the real ratios of crazy to sane, we can fall into despair. That is why we must keep the ratio in mind when they spout such drivel. Rite house is simply another spoiled, privileged kid enabled by his so-called parents.

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Evelyn: Until we have a legal system to do that, it is much more important for us to keep in our heads what the real numbers are in relation to our numbers. It’s one way of keeping our balance under circumstances such a Boebert et alia.

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I’m still not convinced we know the real numbers.

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You could begin with looking at the statistics of this last election. Total votes; demographics of voters; voter affiliation. That is the positive side. Then there is the Republican held House. The R House speaker was challenged by only 35 Crazy Caucus members out of 218 Republicans (I think — it’s late feel free to connect my numbers. Also, look at the votes that protected states from having election deniers as Sec. Of State. They make a lot of noise, they can still do stupid things, but they are not as powerful as they would have you believe. This battle was never going to win the war, that will take a generation at least. We have to focus on incremental changes and keep doing what got us these last mid-term results. That is what I mean by knowing “real” numbers. 70% of U of Arizona students voted for Democrats — Not as Democrats necessarily, but as believers in Democracy. That is another real, and promising number.

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Yes, I’m onboard and am as happy as one can be with the results of the midterms. Yet, we have much to do. I hope people will stick with the fight. It can make one weary. I don’t think I’ll see the “win” before I am ashes though and that makes it sad for me. I couldn’t vote until after 1971 but I marched and protested for the causes I believed in. Once we got through the mid 60s/early 70s it seemed we were headed in a better direction. Headed, but not there.

I did not ever expect to witness such a backsliding of our Democracy. That it could happen in the US was not in my thoughts. Maybe I took it for granted that any movement would always be in a forward direction.

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Ha, regarding your question Evelyn. I'd offer this as part of the reason.., Talk radio, and the repeaters. Meaning the ones who believe the (phoney facts), the garbage. They repeat the garbage to their 'buds' etc who, given the friendly source, believe it or some embellished version of it. They then, proceed to repeated the embellished garbage to their friends. And so it goes...friend to friend... adding of course some demeaning comment about our President. The twisted narrative is impossible for the crazies to dispute due to the way they are wired. The only way I see to beat these "evil people" is to take a higher road which employs a carefully engineered psychological approach. From what I am reading, the Democratic Party, and our current administration is catching on.

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It never worked as well as during the 2016 election, when Cambridge Analytica held Facebook’s data secret sauce. It was new to social media users, and it made connections to social media that have never been repeated.

It is time that discerning thinkers look more critically at sources of misinformation and disinformation. It is also time for MSM to cover sources with the background research readers deserve.

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His statement is arrogant although I am sure he will find a very red district. I am tired of people using the Second Amendment to defend murder. Oregon passed a strict gun measure and of course, gun sales are way up. Plus we have several sheriffs announcing that they will not enforce it. The Marion County sheriff gave some ambiguous statement. They are all for law and order until it has to do with guns. I have decided that LE really likes to go up against well armed citizens. It will also go to court and i am sure when it reaches the Supremes, they will negate it. And with every shooting, people wail about what can be done. Bottom line: owning guns meant for the battlefield and large capacity ammo holders is more important than anyone's life. And owning any gun even if the person should not is also more important than anyone's life.

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"I am tired of people using the Second Amendment to defend murder." - YES.

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Yes indeed. An update: Here in Oregon some gun entity has already filed a suit against the new law. I knew it wouldn't take long.

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He does have to be elected first.

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Yes, but with the cult he belongs to I don’t see that as impossible.

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And "evil" is the term we should use.

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They're raising the next generation of fascists.

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A young murderer being encouraged to kill more. Disgusting!

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Rupert Murdoch and his ilk, not to mention the MSM, following money rather than the truth of the cretins

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Read this and wanted to throw up

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Another narcissist thinking he/she should run the country.

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Just a niche comment here about the “2019 fire that shut down a refinery in Pennsylvania.”

I live about 3 miles from the now shuttered Sunoco/Philadelphia Energy Solutions refinery. It was actually an explosion that released hydrofluoric acid, and if I recall the correct number, had the potential to kill hundreds of thousands of people, and harm up to a million.


Thanks to economic headwinds, this debacle, and hard work by environmental justice grass roots groups - this awful sh*thole is being redeveloped into something less harmful. Of course it’s situated in a minority/poor neighborhood. I would pay $50 a gallon if it meant we could keep this place closed, and keep transitioning away from cheap oil.

This was my Google review 4 years ago of the refinery:

“A terrible company, polluting the city, contributing over 70% of toxic air emissions, and increasing cancer, asthma, and heart disease rates. Sucking tax payer dollars to stay open while poisoning a city. Needs to be shut down.

From State Impact PA:

"In an EPA screening-level model, which analyzes factors that contribute to human health risk including the amount of chemicals released, the degree of toxicity, and the size of the exposed population — the PES refinery has a score almost 10,000 times higher than the petrochemical industry median."

Anyway, great article as usual. I couldn’t help myself with this tangent. Just maybe correct the “fire” to “the potentially catastrophic explosion which almost released a cloud of hydroflouric acid that would have harmed or killed hundreds of thousands, on top of the thousands of deaths the refinery’s pollution has contributed to over the years, and most importantly - could have increased national gas prices by 5 cents.”


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Many thanks for this post. I had no idea this plant even existed much less its environmental impact.

I just read the article at the link. WOW.

I guess many, many people had some good luck the evening of the explosion.

And, yes, South Philly, the heart of the Black community. So, honestly, nobody would care except immediate relatives, the local hospitals and the people burned.

Your post is why I read these comments. Very informative and thank you.

and yes, we need to push gas prices into the stratosphere. We are killing our planet, we all know it, and, we are just not "looking up".

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Awesome comment back, thank you for your interest in local Philly stuff, and going so far as to follow that link! All politics are local, and local environmental problems can affect global. Your comment is another reason I comment and read these comments, too! How meta, sorry...

I joined some demonstrations and really tried to help the neighborhood groups standing up to this epic polluter, so it was a thrill to see it close in a David vs Goliath moment. The explosion might have been an errant stone, but it hit the mark and helped topple this monster.

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Unfortunately, we will soon have House leaders dedicated to thwarting any initiatives coming from the current administration or House and Senate Democrats. This, tragically, includes anything related to the environment/climate change.

I agree with Representative Jeffries when he said:

“the opposing party appears to have no plan to accomplish anything meaningful. If the Republican Conference continues to major in demagoguery and minor in disinformation, their bankruptcy of ideas must be aggressively exposed on an ongoing basis.”

Obstruction is not governing. Real problems will not be addressed. This needs to be exposed ad nauseum. Thanks for your post!

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IIRC, four refineries were shut down in the US in 2020. Don't recall it being a point of argument for why this happened in Trump's last year in office, or its impact on gas price inflation. Seemed pertinent.

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Good lord, had no idea. Thought Texas was the only place to be so devoted to petrochemical

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I grew up in Texas City amongst Monsanto, where my dad worked, Amoco, Union Carbide and others. The odors emanating were most unpleasant to say the least. Reading Ryan McCormick's linked article gives me the willies.

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Thanks for calling this out, Ryan!

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" If the Republican Conference continues to major in demagoguery and minor in disinformation, their bankruptcy of ideas must be aggressively exposed on an ongoing basis.” OK - Hakeem is officially "my guy". I had some doubts, but that's the right attitude. Also the push on promoting values and aiming programs to help all Americans. When you make a program aim to help everybody, it's a lot easier to build support (as witness the IRA and bipartisan Infrastructure Bill).

As to the Republicans and their "investigations," Democrats should respond as the Republicans have. Don't recognize the subpeonas, fight then, make these scum fight for every micromillimeter of advance. Give them a dose of their own medicine. And always point at them and laugh at their stupidity to their faces.

The special counsel seems to me a guy we should be happy is handling things day-to-day,. rather than Garland. I particularly liked the answer he gave a reporter back in 2011 when he took charge of the public intergrity unit at DOJ. To the question was he concerned about the political pressure those he would be investigating could bring to bear, he replied "If I was someone who could be cowed, I would have sought a different line of work."

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“…make these scum fight for every micro millimeter of advance. Give them a dose of their own medicine.” Here, here

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Instead, let’s be the party of the rule of law. Show up, be candid. Short of executive privilege let’s continue to be the performing, not performative, party.

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Actions speak louder than words!

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Well said!

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I agree with respect to the tack that the Democrats should take with respect to these subpoenas. If the R's don't have to come to play, then neither do the D's.

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Yea, and cite Mark Meadows or Steve Bannon or Donald Trump or the other 100 traitors who refused to testify. Take the Fifth and at every opportunity kick the can down the road for the next two years. Make up stupid excuses like I'm sick or I have family emergency or any other preposterous excuse. At every opportunity cry witch hunt and be sure to quote Republicans who said the same thing. Play their games against them. The goal would be to showcase their hypocrisy at every turn.

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I disagree on the method for fighting the Republicans. I want the Democrats to continue to preserve and fight for values, the Law and Democracy. You can't do that wrestling in the mud with evil.

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Fight smart is my recommendation. That means riding the tallest, badass horse. Be straight forward about everything and repeat, repeat, repeat what is your position. Be more visible and sound and honest. Hit hard, don't twist off message or let the insult stand, figuratively if not literally. Take the sopena and publicize it on MSM and talk shows. Drive the narrative. Dismiss the spit and snot of the Jordans and Boberts with glee. Do not try to outscum the rats beneath you feet.

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When I speak of taking the gloves off and throwing punches, I'm talking figuratively. Democrats have been pulling their punches and refusing to engage the vile and crude Republicans. Republicans keep on lying and continue their non-stop hypocrisy. Call them out for what they are - blatant liars and hypocrites who have forsaken their oath of office. All those representatives in the House should have been censured right after the new Congress was seated. Those Senators that tried to stop the counting of electoral votes should have faced disciplinary actions. Those Republicans who refused to acknowledge the facts and truth about Biden's win should have been called out as being traitors and accused of fomenting a coup. I could go and on, but the reality is Democrats have not stood up to the lies, misinformation and blatant hypocrisy that has been pervasive in the Republican Party for at least 30 years. That's what happens when you take the high road leaving it to largely clueless voters to parse the truth.

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If Ukraine took the high road with Putin their country would be occupied by Russian troops and under Putin's rule. You can argue it's not the same, but some of us think it'd close enough.

I don't think you can come to a rational or reasonable agreement with Republicans about anything. They have pledged and demonstrated that they will oppose everything the Democrats support. They don't believe in fair and honest elections and they are all too willing to cheat to win. Most of them believe that Biden is an illegitimate president and they have threatened to impeach him. The Republicans have repeatedly demonstrated that they will stop at nothing to rule America. How do you fight that if you're unwilling to get your hands dirty? How do you fight that if you're on the high road and they are undercutting you every step of the way.

History is replete with examples of those who took the high road and were crushed. Need I remind anyone that we fought World War II to defend democracy against fascism. It was good against evil.

There is a fundamental disagreement in the Democratic Party about this and it needs to be resolved one way or the other. The key to resolving this is determining just how dangerous is the threat by the Republicans to turn this country into a fascist-type state. Personally, I think it is urgent if not imminent and we need all hands on deck to fight. Others believe that over time and numerous elections, the Republicans can be defeated.

At my ripe old age, the trajectory is clear. Things are much, much worse today than the days of Reagan. i.e. we are going backwards. But if seems more people are better off today and just think that politics is just more of the same. Given the outcome of this election, it looks like Republican fascism lives on to fight another day.

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I was responding directly to TC on his very specific suggestion. Pulling in the whole picture of national and international relations in response to my extremely brief comment precludes any and all nuances and applications in other scenarios.

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Who said we should "wrestle in the mud" with these deviates. What I am hearing is: treat them as a non-entity. Give them the silent treatment. And don't hesitate to rub their nose in their excretions (remarks) and deviant behavior. However, my friends, in all these comments, not one has dared to associate any of their crazy "behavior" to "pressure" from the religious right, wherein the real unspoken of pressure is xxxtimes heavier than that of the petroleum industry. It has become omnipotent! Re: ..one nation..., under god. Yup, Take it away.. Jesus. Wwwhoa... now cometh a problem..for them. Jack Smith, a man who "won't be cowed". By whom or what, may we ask?

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I disagree. I think the Democrats need to take the higher ground. Hillary Clinton is a good example. Obey the law. Nobody likes a hypocrite.

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I think they should respond that they will get in line and allow those subpoenaed first to go first.

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I prefer, Republicans major in hypocrisy and minor in blatant lies. Easy to build on this statement with daily examples.

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I’d prefer a description that includes their monolithic inability to treat others under the “golden rule”.

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While there's a certain satisfaction in matching the Republicans' scorn for decorum and the rule of law, I'm mindful of the line from "Gandhi" (which came from the pen of the screenwriter, not the mahatma himself): "An eye for an eye and soon the whole world is blind." We're already on the slippery slope to autocracy but will we find the footholds that can save us from going all the way to be found in the tactics practiced by those who long for that eventuality? I don't know.

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Could someone explain why Adam Frisch did not ask for a hand count of the ballots? Lauren Boebert is not dealing with a full deck.

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It looks like the recount goes on regardless. That’s good because there _might_ be some monkey business with the votes. Duh!!


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You may be right, Gigi. While I know many highly intelligent high schoolers, I am convinced Boebert is all talk because she has little substance. From Wikipedia, about her:


Rifle High School (Did not graduate); GED

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I do think we have to stop assuming that higher education implies intelligence. Remember, Ted Cruz and other really scummy GOP leaders graduated from Harvard. It isn't Boehbert's lack of formal education, but her wilful ignorance and glorification of violence that makes her so atrocious.

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Never suggested that higher education implies intelligence. Only wanted to comment that I know many high schoolers who are very intelligent, excluding Boebert. But I would agree with you: higher education does not necessarily imply intelligence. And we can suspect tfg's SAT scores and college grades are not available for a reason.

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Their broadcast their deliberate ignorance, and assume that enough others suffer the same malady

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This is the only one she’s holding 🃏

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Plus of course, the guns.

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I believe Frisch felt he was too far behind for a hand Recount to change the result. Nevertheless, I personally am sorry he did not push for it.

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Nov 19, 2022
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Thanks Janet. I had just googled it but it’s great to hear from a local. My fingers are crossed.

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Mine too. This news of Rittenhouse made me absolutely nauseous, same with bimbo Bobert, who has no place whatsoever in congress. Her only agenda seems to be guns.

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Her only agenda is antagonizing people with her willful stupidity. It's in fashion in some parts of the country.

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Guns and Jesus.

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Nov 19, 2022
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No need to bad-mouth Hooters 😉

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Nov 19, 2022
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Boebert is an embarrassment to the human species, not just Colorado!

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I wonder if she'll still feel the need of her glockenspiel to defend herself in the House?

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Is this a clever riff on Boebert’s hand gun of choice, a Glock, or a humorous autocorrect?

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Boebert: la "bell" dame sans merci?

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Janet, I think you are presuming there will be elections in the future. I don't have that faith in this Country.

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And some jackals running scams were online soliciting money to help Frisch pay for a recount when they knew full well the recount was mandated and paid for. I hope the Colorado Attorney General prosecutes every officer in these groups for fraud, and they all do prison time.

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Took a page outta the Rs grift playbook!

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Nov 19, 2022
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Nov 19, 2022
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Politics attracts them.

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Nah...hapless MARKS attract them.

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Isn't it "southeast Colorado"? Last time I looked, my oldest friend, who lives in that district, is outside of Walsenburg, which is south of Pueblo on the east side of the Continental Divide.

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Nov 19, 2022
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And if that restricting had been done appropriately, boebert would be gone. How many points did Neguse win by, 50? That restricting committee did a horrible job in a state that gets bluer by the month. All they did was strengthen the incumbents. Downright criminal.

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Nov 19, 2022
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Seems like a lifetime!😢

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My maternal grandfather homesteaded in the San Luis Valley outside La Jara. My mother grew up there. I was there a couple times as a kid on visits because my gandfather kept the farm despite having had to abandon it for permanent living in the 30s.

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My husbands maternal grandparents were from Walsenburg. A shade of its former self - he has wonderful memories of it in the 50’s/60’s.

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Yikes! I looked at the map in the Wikipedia link and it appears to cover close to 1/2 of the state!!

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Thank you! I am glad the automatic Recount kicks in. I respect Frisch so much for running!

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I, too, wondered why Frisch demurred. Thanks for explaining.

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Yes, always good to hear from the people most affected by events....will he run next time do you think?

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After several years of following the lousy journalism of the WP and NYT as they concluded the not popular Biden administration is doomed, I’ve decided to end my subscriptions to both, writing that they have lost all perspective on responsible journalism. Furthermore, I cannot bear to hear one more word from the House democracy -abusers, that I’m sure the Press will faithfully copy daily ad nauseam. Not to mention the rallies, rants, and rages coming from the past President! I will continue to subscribe to you and Robert Hubbell, and find a way to read about the remarkable results coming from the actions of this administration, largely because of Nancy Pelosi. I live near San Francisco. I hope her steps are soon covered with large bouquets of gratitude.

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You know, I thought the same thing. The sad fact is that the press is constructed to cover the real and the fake investigations with equal measure.

I agree with you about their mid-term speculation. CBS This Morning brought on Mick Mulvaney as a Republican consultant LAST YEAR because they were sure Republicans were going to win big in the mid-terms, and they wanted to get ahead of the curve. I think I have seen him twice, (it didn’t go over well with viewers).

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Not me, still pissed.

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I know most (really all) morning tv is bs, but I still try to take in the first 10 minutes. It’s all they devote to straight news.

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Brava, Diane.!

Good move.

I switched to The Guardian...


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I'm no longer subscribed to both, but I still have limited access to WAPO. I use that access to make comments on writers I like - Dana Milbank and Jennifer Rubin. I often suggest to them that they start their own Substack where they will be free of the tarnish on WAPO. I don't have access to the NYT but if I did, I would love to see Michelle Goldberg get her own Substack. I don't know why Frank Bruni doesn't have a Substack because he left the NYT over a year ago. Nick Kristof is amazing, and I was sad to learn that he returned to the NYT. Great opinion writers are being stained by their association with WAPO or NYT. Independent writers are judged on their work alone which is the way it should be. The WAPO, NYT, Guardian and others always have the option to print guest articles. Robert Reich is frequently in the Guardian. (Maybe he is not a "guest" writer and has a contract with them.) I like the idea of ala carte selection of writers I respect.

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I was dismayed to hear that Michael Gearson died this week. I enjoyed his strong ethical columns. A loss for WaPo readers.


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After being diagnosed with cancer which was roughly about the time Trump came on the scene, Gerson had an epiphany. Before that he was a Republican neocon and helped Bush get us into Iraq. Before he became a speechwriter (powerful position) for Bush, he was with the Heritage Foundation and of course he's a prominent Evangelical. In short, Gerson was instrumental in the rise of the Tea Party and the Freedom Caucus. Those morphed quickly into Trump's MAGAts. And we all know well the scandalous hypocrisy of Evangelicalism. The last think I would think of Gerson was that he was moral or ethical. In very recent years, he had his epiphany but sadly for him it was too late. History is unforgiving.

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I understand your view and take on him, the whole span of his work. I found some of the ephiany in the columns and conversations on PBS in the past few years, no Abernathy for sure, but jjust a more rational tone. Was he being apologetic for the hand you point out that he had in getting the right to where it is today? Possibly. His having Parkinson’s at his young age makes me sympathetic to his present ideas and postures. Reading him and John Pavolitz I've found useful in not discarding present religious thoughts on the influence that one's (and their community) has on increasing or diminishing the divide in political positions of Christians.

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WOW! Diana Lumiere! Your radical action is a wakeup call for me! I've been highly disappointed particularly in the NYTimes, but my New York snobbism has held me back from even thinking of unsubscribing. Month after month. $$ after $$. I still prefer WAPO anyway, except for their non-support (lack of vision) of President Biden. What an uphill trek he has had. Thankfully, he is not affected by it, at least publicly. So, truly thanks for your cold glass of water in my face! Cancelling NYTimes today.

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👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋

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DOJ published an "immediate release statement" by newly appointed Special Counsel, JACK SMITH who promised to complete the DOJ investigations & pursue the facts & law "without delay". I expect Mr. Smith to conclude the "NARA Lago" matter soon given the ongoing national security risks and the statutory penalty against a Perp that bars a convicted defendant from holding "any office". Per "The Guardian Staff" this afternoon, after 2018 Jack Smith was the Chief Prosecutor at The Hague of war crimes "... in Kosovo, in the Balkans". Right prosecutor now with right job.

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Mr.Smith comes to Washington. It’s time.

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Itenie; good one; I love film references

... we could use Jimmy Stewart 'bout now.

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One more, if you want to see the “real” Mr. Smith.” As real as another impersonator we know. But this takes us a step to the truth. https://youtu.be/J6QCHJ2pK9E

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Yes, that would be a break. So here’s more film: “Truth Stranger Than Fiction is a 1915 American drama film featuring Harry Carey.” Wikipedia of course. And if we need more distraction, Harry Carey?

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I guess that film was a "One Reeler"; I hope that film is kept in a vault at the UCLA film school as those old films are combustible. Yeah, Harry Carey was the "bad guy" ... I think.

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And: Hari-cari, Japanese ritual of suicide. We won’t let this political climate get to us. Stay in the fight for Justice and Truth! Cultures and times are windows into our past and history. If we are paying attention. https://www.google.com/search?q=commit+harry+carry+mean&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari

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I love the fact that Garland, yet again, called Trump's bluff.

Trump: I want a special master

Garland: Okay fine, but you have to pay $500 per hour to Judge Dearie's associate and you can't wiggle out of that bill.

Trump: I'm running for president so neanerneaner, you can't touch me.

Garland: Slow your roll there, buddy. I'm appointing a guy who eats war criminals for breakfast to oversee not one but two prosecutions against you. Have a nice day.

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Mis TBlu, I nominate you for the LFAA Belly Laugh of the whole day! My belly is aching from all the shaking!

Keep it up--I think it's a cash award....

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Thank you for the nomination. I'm humbled and grateful. 😇

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We have a great chance to show the country just how little republicans can govern and help the citizens of this country.

People are already sick of the BS and if all the republicans do is have sham investigations (especially with no real results) for the next two years, it will only lead to less republicans getting elected.

Especially if Democrats stay on topic.

They should be blasting everywhere about everything they and the Biden administration is doing.

On a side note, ya notice the farmers are in DC asking for a path for undocumented immigrant to get citizen or some type of way for them to be treated like normal people.

We need immigrants in so many areas and people who don't understand that really shouldn't be in power. Looking at abbot and desantis for sure.

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Remarkable thoughts Beth. Especially about the farmers and immigrants. Thanks.

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Shades of the Nunes’ defamation lawsuit.

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It is hard for me to express how disheartening it is to hear Kyle Rittenhouse's name mentioned, and to see that killer being lauded and talking about being elected to Congress makes me wonder if we will ever make progress to bring peace and unity to this deeply divided country.

It is more and more evident that the CRT that is NOT being taught in schools nonetheless is continuously proving there is "baked in racism" and white privilege for over four hundred years. Rittenhouse's took a weapon he could not buy legally and placed himself in a position where he could claim self-defense - BUT if he had stayed HOME no one would have died that night!

The hysteria over CRT, banning books, and muzzling educators is based on the example of those who don't want their children and grandkids to know they were the ones screaming at Black kids simply trying to get a better education, kids like Ruby Bridges and the Little Rock Nine.

To make the current situation even worse, two Senators in particular - Cruz and Graham - have been crying and making irrational claims about a person who is "observably stupid" according to comedian Dave Chappelle in a biting monologue on SNL. To support Walker for the Georgia U.S. Senate seat of Raphael Warnock (who DID complete his university degrees) is flat out trying to USE Walker in Congress.

The double standard of men whining and blubbering when women are accused of being "too emotional" or "angry" or while crude references to menstrual cycles are slung about during political campaigns is simultaneously laughable and infuriating.

Add to that Graham in particular is acting like Walker is some paragon when Graham's colleague from the same state (!) is an actual intelligent and principled Black conservation Republican, Graham claims Walker is the model for Black children to grow up to be Republicans. How come Graham isn't saying that about Tim Scott instead? It seems he has virtually never mentioned or recommended Scott for advancement in Congress.

Meanwhile ONE PERSON with money can tank a globally impactful business - the Bird App - that has not only allowed connections of individuals and groups, but been demonstrated to be one of the most effective tools for emergency crises' information and response coordination. That amount of money, so many point out, could have lifted millions of people out of intolerable life circumstances. Trickle-down economics is a falsehood.

We still have SERIOUS racial problems in the country,

no matter what happens to the disgraced, twice-impeached, insurrection inciting, government document stealing, election denying, tax-evading grifter that thinks public office puts one above the law.

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Until we acknowledge that our country was founded and achieved its wealth in a relatively short time based on the genocide of the Indigenous Peoples and on the backs of Black slaves, we are going to be stuck in those "serious racial problems" or (as referenced elsewhere) "baked in racism" situations.

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Yes two trauma's we haven't dealt with. They leave generational scars. Perhaps this country needs a good therapist.

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I nearly lost my coffee reading about Rottenhouse's welcome at whatever gun-toting schmuckfest he was honored to be at. Still not over the fact that he got off scot-free - it truly sickens me.

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Off topic, but AP has called the race in California's 47th Congressional District for Katie Porter!

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Yes! And, Katie Porter has sent a heartfelt 'thank you' email out to all supporters, many here at LFAA. 🙏

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And why was it so close? She’s awesome.

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The district lines were changed after Census and we lost her! She wound up in a district heavily populated by far right voters...both the MAGA types and those who vote their portfolios. Baugh has always been political scum, but she had an uphill fight due to all the money used against her. We were assaulted by lying ads making her look “evil.” It was stressful for so many of us who had campaigned for her in prior elections. We kept the money coming, but couldn’t vote. The sadder thing is that our new district was so strung out that our great candidate, someone new on the scene, lost to a really obnoxious incumbent.

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Sue, you all 'done good' continuing to support her! The whole country needs Katie Porter. I let out a few whoops every time I see clips of her at work. Thank you.

We will repay the favor by sending Rev. Warnock back--the whole country needs him as well. Not for the score, but for the individual person....

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We’ve been donating to him all along and are continuing through this stressful period. Beyond comprehension that his opponent is still in the “game.”

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I live in "safe" Burbank but was disheartened at the redistricting and feel for her previous constituents. There are some reelected loony a-holes around here, for sure, but am thankful for Katie Porter's success.

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Sorry about your new district, but grateful Katie will still be in Congress.

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When I was growing up, Walter Knott (of Knott's Berry Farm fame) was still alive, and "right" to "far right" could be predicated of pretty much anywhere south and east of Hollywood. California's reputation as a historical hotbed of leftwingery is largely undeserved.

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Smack in the middle of the 51.61 to 48.39 47th District CA per Orange County Registrar of Voters. The District next door was 68 to 32 Dem. All precicts have reported 100 % & the final Registrar's Tally will be next Tuesday. Recognizing 2nd term Representative Porter.

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So, for all the rhetoric about crime, inflation and the border, and the willingness of the Republican base to buy into that, and presumably vote for their candidates based on that, the focus in the House will be on obstruction and revenge. What a bunch of suckers!

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The Renegade Caw-cuss in action.

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Exactly what we can expect, unfortunately.

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Well said.

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One would assume that a former president under investigation for inciting a violent, deadly insurrection on his government should not be allowed to run for the job again. WTF. Merrick Garland and Special Council guy, please give me the best Christmas gift of all and take tfg away for good. Hurry up!

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It has to be all the treasonous MAGAts, not just Trump. More and more reports that Trump is becoming stale bread. If Trump is gone one way or another will not end the Republican's mission to establish a de facto plutocracy. The Republican Party is on the ropes; now is the time to crush them.

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Just Jane, yeah--WTF!

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The reduction in the price of crude oil is, I'm afraid, one of those good news-bad news situations. The good news is that it eases the financial burden on ordinary Americans. The bad news can best be stated by Jevon's Paradox, which says that the cheaper an energy source is, the more it will be used. For fossil fuel, that is definitely not a good thing.

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There are a couple of other advantages to lower crude oil prices.

1. Exploration and the development of new wells is directly related to the price of crude. The lower the price, the less incentive there is to develop new sources and wells.

2. Putin's war in Ukraine is largely funded by oil revenues. This is the most effective way to reduce their ability to prosecute the war.

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Except when your competition is the greedy GOP bturds, we have to keep our democracy intact to have any hope of a future, so in the short term cheap gas was pretty essential to that goal. Sadly we are a shortsighted lot.

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Christy, short memories as well....

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Understood, but the biggest problem is members of Congress who are beholden to the Fossil Fuel consortium, especially the oil producers.

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Did you also note that Heather was reporting on the things that were driving inflation (no pun intended)? That these signals come so close following the election has me wondering whether we just might see Fed policy actually breaking the grip if not perceptions of the public about the economy. Maybe by year's end? What an opportunity for Democrats to drive the next year's efforts to build upon successes in contrast to Republican intents to turn everthing around. Biden could have a very good first year of the 118th Congress.

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All that good economic news, and no mention of it in the on-line edition of the NY Times this morning. I scanned it from top to bottom; special prosecutor (top story) to no beer at the World Cup (gasp!) to Thanksgiving recipes. Not a word.

I hope that the new Democratic House leadership team, while callig out the dismal failures of the Republican Party, “they major in demagoguery and minor in disinformation,” will also shout out the serial successes of the Biden Administration, since the MSM only seem to care about Biden's low approval ratings. Jeez, why do you suppose that is?

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Promoting deliberate ignorance

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Willful ignorance and prideful stupidity.

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NY Times did report the oil prices yesterday:

Oil Prices Slide as Investors Worry Energy Demand Is Slowing

The U.S. benchmark oil price fell to about $80 a barrel on Friday, and gasoline prices in some states are now close to $3 a gallon


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President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party are demonstrating Servant Leadership for the freedom and care of our country and our world. The Republican Party sadly only represents chaos and the exact pattern of how to fail America. They have clearly demonstrated their respect for dictators. I regret having spent too many years giving my vote to Republican candidates and supporting their agenda.

By the way, I am still Pro Life, I just include the mother's ability to make a choice, since she is often abandoned by the "father" and she is left often alone. She is often the one to carry the hurt and shame following a rape. Those who want to support Pro Life can still participate in their "calling". Just don't abandon the mom and children after perhaps the child is a year old. No one is closing Pro Life centers.

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You don't glorify the life while it's in the womb and then throw it away after it's born.

I think if the state, or anyone, is going to compel a woman to bear a child she can't properly care for, the state is required to care for mother and child for much more than a year. A child and mother need a secure home, proper nutrition, clothing, and healthcare. Anyone preventing a woman from obtaining an abortion needs to provide all these things for both mother and child together until the child is 18 yrs old, without stigmatizing both as welfare chiselers. I haven't heard of any pro-lifers stepping up to provide these things.

BTW, what is a "Pro Life center"?

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Excellent. Thanks.

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When someone says pro-life movements are a "calling" that's when the mix of religion and Government gets messy. That's when someone imposes their belief system on another person all in the name of religious feel good. When someone makes a unilateral decision on what is best for a Mother and Child that touches on religious nationalism and authoritarianism.

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Ralph what I do is post the information in a comment I make on an article. I do the same thing in numerous publications.

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🤌 it's all about the miney....

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Gosh, golly, gee willickers, prices are dropping in the first ten days after the midterms? You'd almost think corporate America and its mates were trying to stick the shiv into Biden this fall.

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