Thanks for another great start of this Monday. The other is HRC's letter. On our way to our home in Rome tomorrow. What a fabulous description of my fellow Italians where when a bus comes we often say "un miracolo".
Thanks for another great start of this Monday. The other is HRC's letter. On our way to our home in Rome tomorrow. What a fabulous description of my fellow Italians where when a bus comes we often say "un miracolo".
Thanks for another great start of this Monday. The other is HRC's letter. On our way to our home in Rome tomorrow. What a fabulous description of my fellow Italians where when a bus comes we often say "un miracolo".
Well that is a character-building tale . . . for me, *Purobi. Learning yet again to manage being pea-green with envy. 😉
EDIT: please forgive my mis-spelling your name, Purobi. 🤞