I lived in the 12th congressional district in San Francisco. I voted for Nancy Pelosi when she first ran for Congress, and in every election thereafter until I moved to Connecticut in 2003. Before I retired I took enormous pleasure in pointing this out to my more conservative fellow construction workers, especially later on the Trumpists. I liked to watch the steam come out of their ears.

The Affordable Care Act should more rightly be nicknamed Pelosi-care for all the effort she put in to get it passed.

Never has so much been owed by so many to one petit little woman.

We thank you, Speaker Pelosi. We thank you.

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“American Democracy is majestic—but it is fragile. Many of us here have witnessed its fragility firsthand—tragically, in this Chamber. And so, Democracy must be forever defended from forces that wish it harm,” she said, and she praised the voters last week who “resoundingly rejected violence and insurrection” and “gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.” Despite our disagreements on policy, she said, “we must remain fully committed to our shared, fundamental mission: to hold strong to our most treasured Democratic ideals, to cherish the spark of divinity in each and every one of us, and to always put our Country first.” ❤️Rep. Nancy Pelosi

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Such glorious words and thoughts! So befitting of this one-of-a-kind, Speaker of the House!

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TV/Newsmedia commentators have been referring to a rejection of Republican violence and anti-democracy efforts. How can these commentators ignore that almost half of all voters supported the overthrow of our democracy?

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Because it was almost half, not more than half. Historic victories are often won by small margins. Think of JFK in 1960.

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Jon, agreed, a 55/45 election is considered a drubbing. But isn’t it still beyond normal - actually extreme - that so many Americans are casually-willing to go back to King George’s Britain? In effect, this was a vote btwn Putin and Biden, not btwn McCain and Obama.

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Division in this country does not surprise me but what does is so many of half of the population seems to be anti-democratic. This is my very emotive statement, Kevin McCarthy makes me sick!

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I have been nauseous every day since Election day at the thought of it. Horrific and appalling.

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Amen. And again I say AMEN. “From housewife to Speaker of the House” I believe I heard her say. What a blessing that as a child she was steeped in Democracy, faith, service, a love of Creator and Country. Her ability to see a path forward in the midst of chaos? To not think twice about picking up the phone to call military leaders to help handle J6, when other leaders seemed immobilized or were purposefully tacit? The hours and thousands upon thousands of calls to people who likely didn’t want to hear from her as she called in favors or laid down undeniable truths? She did hard things with guts and fearlessness.

Fearless. Tireless. Relentless. I used to say my children embodied those qualities. Pelosi models them at an entirely different level than any other human I’ve ever seen. And we are all the better for it.

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And she does it all for the cbildren.

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Her North Star is the children, all of them.

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The exact quote was, “When I first came to the Floor at six years old, never would I have thought that someday I would go from homemaker to House Speaker.” Thanks for such a clear, compassionate, and accurate comment.

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It can’t be easy for Pelosi, a Baltimore girl, not to see through more policies designed to build a strong economy and broad and deep enough for all ships to rise.

Tempering competing demands is job #1 for House speaker. So many loud and insistent voices. Yet she has done it with adroitness and patience.

Contrast McCarthy, no friend of Taiwan and Ukraine, voluntarily tied to « Freedom » Caucus demands for cuts in Medicare and Medicaid, and Majorie Taylor Greene’s intemperate calls for investigations  of those who, like the majority of 2022 voters, called out Trumpism. McCarthy would happily walk away from democracy here and abroad in order to please that Caucus and its bedmate CPAC in order to keep his job. No patriot he.

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That debt, maybe to another petite-ness, RBG. But then, she was not time and time again elected to her high office.

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It takes a woman …

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Bill, sadly, RBG didn't voluntarily step down when she could have helped our country the most. We will live with the repercussions of her decision for a long time.

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Incorrect. ALL blame goes to Mitch McConnell. He is the one who blocked Obama's nomination of Garland - and would have blocked all others as well!

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Yes . She saw McConnell would hold the seat until a judge of the Federalist Corporation choosing could control it. That’s fairly obvious now.

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True. Gotta love her and DAMN, she was hanging by a thread, resilient as she was. And who knows. McConnell found more ways to thwart Obama than the law should ever allow. A hypocrite’s hypocrite, it’s hard to imagine Moscow Mitch following the rules even if she had resigned years earlier.

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This is Nancy Pelosi's day and she has earned and deserves all the laurels. But I bet she would be among the first to say, that she is only one of many women who have stood out in the Democratic Party over the last 40 years (modern political history.)

It is hard to imagine how any women could support the Republican Party, but we know there are a few and I observe nearly every single one of them to be weak, shallow, vindictive and self-serving women. None of those women could find a home in the Democratic Party. The Democrats historically have attracted smart, strong-minded, self-assured, and savvy women - moderates and progressives alike. These women could make it anywhere doing anything. I sure hope at least half of the leadership positions in the party go to women, preferably a generation or two younger.

It is fascinating to me how different the people are in each party. There have been a couple crossovers in the past but there are profound differences in personality and character. Recently, there has been talk of Liz Cheney crossing over but I believe she would never feel at home in the Democratic Party.

Anyway, I'm here to say Nancy Pelosi was an exceptional woman in a party that attracts exceptional women. And, let me be clear here - I am not saying they are exceptional only because they are women!

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--->>> Pelosi-care <<<--- 💙

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She is an amazing lady! Always, a lady!

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For the House Republicans, governing is theater. Taxpayer-funded play-acting for the cameras. The upcoming hearings won’t seek truth but rather cheap political points. I think it will backfire. Most of the nation wants productive action to solve problems, not contrived red-meat drama for MAGA.

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Think you are correct Michael; the "Slim Majority" is a new House political dynamic with only a handful of R's needed to join D's to get matters done. First, Qvenin has to be formally sentenced to the role. Nancy Pelosi is still in the room. Gen Z makes its first appearance in young Max Frost. Hakeem [!] Jeffries has done good work over the decades. 2023 --- bring it on.

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I agree… but let’s get it right - It’s Hakeem Jeffries.

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Jeffries has done good work for corporations, that's for sure. If the Dems are stuck with him as House leader, all of us committed to economic justice better stay on our toes. I hope some of his shortcomings are brought up in coming weeks, but meanwhile here's Alexander Sammon's article on him from a year ago:


and Robert Kuttner's comments from earlier this month:


Others have pointed out that having both the Senate and the House leader from the same part of New York City might not be a great idea.

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Thank you Susanna.

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R's are always complaining about wasting tax dollars, but they are always eager to waste our money on trumped-up (pun intended) "investigations" to "own the libs" and accuse mostly innocent people of committing the crimes they themselves are guilty of. 😡

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The MAGA II sequel is losing audience share

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God I hope, Tx and Fl still in the thrall

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I drove south yesterday to Florida. It is a route I have driven before. A few years ago I saw all too many Trump signs, huge ones.

Yesterday I saw one DeSantis sign and one Trump 2024 sign, both modest in size.

I think gerrymandering makes Florida seem redder than it actually is.

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I agree with you that gerrymandering does make Florida seem redder than it actually is. However, you must not have driven far enough south to see the signs that are everywhere in Southwest Florida. The day that Trump was to announce he was running for president, huge flags were being flown on a major intersection in Fort Myers. Most said "Trump 2024," but there were also large

"F--- Biden" signs flying high along with other MAGA flags. It makes me sick to my stomach to realize that I live among these people—very nice people who are incredibly angry and full of hate for the "libs."

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I have met and know these "very nice people" as well. They can be kind and bring you a casserole when you are sick. But that's just a veneer. They have been programmed and trained like robot dogs to hate "libs" and all the "others".

I would feed them to the gators, but they would spit them out because the "nice ones" are so bitter. How they reconcile the bile they spew with claims of being faithful and praising Jesus is a mystery to me.

I am lucky enough to currently live in a very blue world. No one here ever flew a flag or posted a sign that said "F--- Trump. We just worked hard to oust him in the next election.

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Bill, ”They have been programmed and trained like robot dogs to hate "libs" and all the "others".” That’s one of the biggest challenges in governing today. How do we overcome institutional ignorance? At least in time to make a difference, to further the work of and for the people ?

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I refuse to spend a nickel any farther south than NC and that’s only because I have family there. ( there and Wheeling WV. I love shopping there and I live close in PA). You speak the truth about the “very nice people”. They’re viciously petty and white supremacy rules the day.

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They hate not only libs but everyone who doesn't look and live like they do- so a majority of the country's population.

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Soooo true!!!

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I differ on one point. Those are not very nice people at all; they are despicable.

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But wait! They wear crosses and call me "dear" and "honey"!

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They are very nice to each other, to people most like themselves. They are suspicious of anyone else and not curious to learn about them. When they travel they want things to be what they are used to at home. Most of my distant cousins found by 23andMe still live in the South as did our third and fourth great-grandparents.

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My. Neighbor's grown daughter, the High School effective Debate Champ, She migrated to Miami Dade. Gen z, lIkes sun & deep blue.

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Along with the corporate media that promoted the sequel with engineered "polls." Good riddance to both.

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Almost 50% of voters supported fascist overthrow of our democratic system. This fight isn’t over.

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The key phrase is 50% of voters, not 50% of the people, although not voting also contributes to the outcome. There are many people who might swing more liberal, but they've given up on or never believed that voting was important. If we can convince young people to vote, then often they become voters for life.

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So true! In fact, according to the California Secretary of State website, only 26% of registered voters cast a vote in Kern County, home of Kevin McCarthy. https://electionresults.sos.ca.gov/returns/maps/voter-turnout

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Wow, that’s really sad. Presumably McCarthy’s win margin could have been smaller, if many more in his district had voted. I’m guessing all the Dem Get Out The Vote organizations put their all out efforts into swing states ans districts that could affect the balance of power, those efforts being finite and precious.

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Another perspective is that nowhere near half of the Republicans in Kern County thought Kevin worth going to the trouble to vote for.

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It’s my understanding that young people’s turned out improved significantly. But no demographic group turns out well in the US…except maybe for those whose paychecks are signed by incumbents!

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Got it J, V for L.

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I've been waiting for the "backfire" for nearly 30 years. When I hear it, I'll believe it. It's not that I don't expect it to happen Michael, it's that Democrats never have a counter against the nasty and damaging Republican attacks. You would think that decent people would rise up and shout enough but apparently millions of America thrive in the filthy muck of politics. If they haven't figured it out in 30 years, what will change now?

Personally, I have no stomach for it anymore. I'll be stepping back even further to preserve my sanity. I wanted you to know that I've always respected and appreciated your observations, Michael. You're a more resilient man than me.

For those of you who are Pelosi adherents, she may be stepping down, but as long as she is still in the House, she will still have enormous power and influence. Like Hillary, she is a juggernaut for Democratic fundraising. If we learned nothing over the last 40+ years, it is all about the Golden Rule.

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What will Rupert do?

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In his role kingmaker, he needs to find Mr Disruptive that will continue to create chaos, which translates to ratings and profit. DeSantis is in the running but its always about keeping the children entertained with rage

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Always, a moneymaker for the cretins

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I trust this will be true Michael.

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Showing her deep and abiding commitment to the ideals our country, Nancy Pelosi's farewell speech was one for the ages. Truly, a great lady. I hope those who come after her are taking meticulous notes.

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A speech that I hope resonates far and wide

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I’ve been thinking all morning that, sadly, no one from the MAGA Party will ever hear it.

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Marjorie Traitor Goon and Jockstrap Jordan and the rest of the mental defectives of the MAGAt caw-cuss will be the gift that keeps on giving with their public celebrations of ignorance, mendacity, maliciousness and malevolence.

And as Carlos Curbelo pointed out, the ten new members elected from districts won by Biden in 2020 that he'll win again in 2024 are not going to commit political hara-kiri for the likes of these morons. They'll want to work across the aisle with Democrats to come up with things they have done, to take back to their districts in 2024. There won't be 218 votes for any impeachments.

The inbred trash like Comer - who is even more stupid than that stupid accent makes you think he is - are going to be disappointed to find out no one is interested in "the prostitute."

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“BUT WHAT ABOUT INFLATION?!” should be our mantra at every interview, press conference, etc of these despicable underminers of democracy. Follow them down the halls of congress asking this question.

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I have already asked my MAGA Representative that! He had no answer.

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Meredith, his reticence is likely because he knows, deep down in his imaginary heart, that inflation is due to corporate greed. That’s the quiet part that NONE of them will say out loud.

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Corporate greed indeed. The moral compass is $$$ for most corporations.

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His imaginary heart... well phrased.

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Of course not! Thanks for asking!👍

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At. Every. Single. Interview! Rinse. Repeat.

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Any Republicans confronted now with “But what about “inflation”?” would totally miss the quotation marks and the attempt to skewer them with the irony. These are the people who were born without the neurons to perceive irony or self-parody, to understand what “hypocrisy”means, or to feel embarrassment or shame, ever. They would just use that confrontation to speciously try to pin inflation on Biden and Democrats again.

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The only possibility for confronting them would require making the question much more explicit. "Before the election, your caucus went on and on about how inflation was huge, America's biggest problem. But now that the election is past and you lost the Senate, again, and you barely won the House, you're launching all kinds of Benghazi-style investigations into all sorts of issues you claim are important, like Hunter Biden. And yet, the one topic you have NOT said you will investigate--neither the actual causes nor what practical measures by the government could actually make it better--is inflation. Inflation was super important to all of you three weeks ago. How come it's nowhere on your priority list now?" Even then, when they couldn't possibly misunderstand the overly-explained question, I still think it would be pointless to ask them. Because they're never going to say, " Uh, well, uh, because inflation wouldn't be a good basis for the kind of inflammatory political theatre and bellowing and chest-beating we're planning to spend all The People's time on for the next two years."

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So understated.

Please do not underestimate that, as with the Trump administration, the GOP three ring circus center stage does much irreparable harm, while Republican backstage machinations do worse.

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BUT....the Senate. Mitch McConnell made it his declared aim to block everything he felt like blocking that came up from the House. The boot will be on the Democratic foot for the next two years

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Nancy Pelosi is a grand woman. She rose to the occasion of having to broker legislation for Americans from men who still believe women are second class citizens. A stateswoman who stood fast to her convictions that life can and should be better for all Americans. She will stand with men who’s accomplishments are far less compared to her’s and men who’ve championed her unwavering efforts to maintain democracy, Liberty and Justice For All.

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I wonder if his position as minority leader grinds on him as his showboating colleague takes the Speaker's Gavel. He may find the incoming new GQP senators may not be as interested in his obstructionist attitudes.

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Steel-toed boot

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But the Republicans keep losing elections. 2018, 2020, 2022.

We could go out on a limb here and say this is where the Republicans Party imploded upon itself. This bunch doesn't know how to legislate. And they will eat each other alive.

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They don't want to legislate. Their goal seems to be to hamstring government, leaving business and churches alone to do what they want, while stuffing their pockets.

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The GQP has begun it's spiral dive. WE will talk about ways to help Americans cope with inflation and a disintegrating health care system. They will talk about fantasies and lies. They will compete for a presidency based on hate for US and each other. Yes, they are about to be cannibals.

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True LIn, and made effective by a complicit mainstream media who will normalize the bizarre in an effort to sell or retain subscribers.

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But what about Hillary's emails that must be on Hunters other laptop still hidden in the non existent basement of a pizza joint that traffics in sex slaves and pedophilia?

Get out the jack hammers! There is a basement there...somewhere...

Seriously TC, you are spot on. Most people will be bored by the real witch hunters. Most people are looking for productive legislation. Congress can't fix inflation. But it certainly could help people pay the higher bills of health care, child care, and housing. And we all know where the money is. Since the Reagan years (Raygun, right?) $50 trillion has been transferred up to a handful of people. Time for a claw back. Guess that will have to wait a couple of years.

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too funny Bill.

what about her emails in the basement of the pizza joint?


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I agree with you only IF there is a cascade of indictments followed by convictions coming from the Department of Justice in the next few months before the next Congress is seated. Taking out Trump alone will not be effective in stopping the Republican goal of establishing a de facto plutocracy. The Republican Party is rotten to the core, and they are shielded by most in the mainstream media. The hearings will get plenty of play in the media, and red herrings and whataboutism will abound.

I imagine any state indictments that don't result in incontrovertible convictions will be passed off as inconsequential in the minds of Republicans. We know that Republican voters are zombies living in an alternate reality. Let's not forget, the Republican Party has a long history of throwing anybody under the bus who becomes an embarrassment or distraction to their number one priority. For example, Trump and Graham are expendable.

The only play Republicans have left is to impugn the integrity of the entire justice system. They have a gone a long way toward that goal by placing on the Supreme Court Justices who are willing to ignore standing and redefine stare decisis. Roberts was the last to fall but he's on board now. (See Ruth Marcus' editorial from earlier this month.) And, there's a legion of bought and paid for radical right-wing judges in the lower courts who are willing to ignore their oath of office in service to the Republican Party.

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I'd never heard of Comer until yesterday when he was trying to chastise reporters to keep the topic on Hunter Biden. Stupidity on steroids.

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Southerners always complain when we non-southerners say they sound stupid. Then they open their mouths and prove it with what comes out.

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Weeehhhooolll, as a naadiv Teeeexan I tend to agree 😈

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Although one of the absolutely smartest people I know has the strongest West Texas accent I have ever heard. Funny thing is, she was born in Boston and didn't arrive in west Texas till she was eight when her father moved the family there. And she was only there till age 12 when they moved to Austin. Which must be a demonstration of how strong that accent is.

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It's much less strength accent than stage of maturation. Twelve years old is around the age at which it becomes harder to acquire another language's (or dialect's) phonetics without deliberate effort. There is also an individual component: I knew things had gotten really serious between a native San Diegan woman and her Western Canadian fellow when her speech started sprouting audibly Canadian vowels.

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That's very interesting.

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Yea, you can't cure stupid.

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Right on...but couldn’t you have found another word for ignorance starting in m? That would have made a 4 word alliteration phrase!

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moron :-)

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The torch has been passed…. What a standard Pelosi has set. She once stated she learned many of her skills for successfully handling such diverse representatives from her kids—5 kids in 6 years.

I will miss Pelosi’s characteristic, subtle slice when she oh, so, politely skewers—ignoring Trump altogether while naming Bush, Obama, and Biden.

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Loved her dramatic exit from the WH in that red coat and she put on her sunglasses with such flair!! I think that’s the same one where she stood up and shook her finger at tfg. Now THAT was a “don’t-mess-around-with-mom-when-she’s-mad” moment for the ages (and she dealt with him as a impudent toddler).

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Still my favorite picture of her. Wouldn’t it be cool if all the Democratic women in the House showed up in red coats and sun glasses?

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What if there was a day when everyone walked around in red coats and sunglasses! Through our local Walmarts - ha ha!

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Stroke of genius, may it not be her last.

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I will miss the outright defiance: tearing up the speech, pointing a finger, and continuing to count the vote on Jan 6.

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That video of her, running the country in the absence of the first two people in the Chain of Command, is absolutely priceless.

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Thank goodness we had commander-in-chief who was commanding!

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Nov 18, 2022Edited
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I know. I loved watching her.

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And the prettiest face masks! Love her!!! She’s the greatest speaker ever!

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An elegant tribute to a great leader of the House!

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Thank you for this, Heather Cox Richardson.

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Nancy Pelosi is a tough act to follow. Her leadership has been inspiring. I do hope some good young people come through that can move the country forward.

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Tina, Hakeem Jeffries is a good place to start. I worked with him in the 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s until 2010 when I retired, on improving public education in New York City. He is a great person!

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Thank You for this assurance, and your service, Elisabeth!!

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Yup, Hakeem Jeffries would be a great choice for Speaker or something else. This is a Golden Opportunity for the House Democrats to begin the process of developing the next group of House Leaders. Steny Hoyer, Jim Clyburn….. The House is full of capable individuals. In fact, giving AOC some administrative responsibility might be a wise learning opportunity.

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Agree with the above, except for AOC. She is not a team player, and helped bring down major Democratic leader Chris Maloney in New York State. Read what he says about her. She doesn't even pay her dues to the Democratic Party. Forget about it.

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Yeah, I agree that she is not a team player. I guess my thought was to provide her an avenue to “join the team” might get her to get on board.

Lately I’ve been touting the idea of a major energy initiative that I would like to see how AOC would react. Of course my idea is not something that I have been hearing from anybody. This is all in my imagination. In case you haven’t seen my energy rant, here’s a brief summary:

My notion would pretty much downplay/eliminate the Fossil vs Green battle. The federal government would provide assistance to oil, coal, and natural gas companies to begin to be Total Energy Companies. They could ensure their present and, most importantly, their futures by also generating energy from “green” sources and Green Energy Companies would be partnering with the Fossils in this process. For example, EXXON (not to pick on them) has acres and acres of land with those pumpjacks lazily going up an down. How about also erecting wind turbines and solar panels alongside those pumpjacks. (Similar arrangements can be made for Peabody Coal fields and Chevron gas fields, etc.) The manpower and expertise of the Greenies would provide the know how and the entire project could be co-managed. The result would be that when you pull into your local EXXON gas station, you can hook up your Electric Car and get energy generated from EXXON’s pumpjack fields. ETC.

Not only should that make the AOC’s of the nation happy, but think of how excited Joe Manchin will be when he sees how his Enersystems, Inc. can make more money. Kyrsten Sinema’s Solar Technology Developers in AZ will also profit.

Plus, we can Make America’s Energy Future Great Again - with everyone a winner and nobody a loser.

Thoughts, Jane?

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Yes, he is the person who keeps coming into my mind when I think of who will be next. He is so good in so many ways.

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You have to acknowledge that Pelosi reigned supreme because she had the support of Democratic centrists (aka corporate appeasers.) No bona fide progressive could effectively lead the Democratic Party as currently constituted.

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Wow you were up earlier than me or you just went to bed. In any case, so grateful for your work. There is nothing like it that I’ve seen. Brava Heather and Brava Nancy Pelosi, women who have worked hard to enlighten us!

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I haven't had a chance to watch her speech but Lisa DeJardin noted on the News Hour that even at obvious applause lines, like the ones about the Capital, the right side of the chamber was largely silent. What a bunch of babies. I predict Ole Kev will be eaten alive by a caucus over which his control is tenuous, at best. He may even be more feckless than Paul Ryan, who at least had plans he wanted to enact.

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They actively hate her because she's sooo good.

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And because she is a WOMAN.

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No. 1 reason

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Nov 18, 2022
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Sometimes, that sort of language is called for. Brava.

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They hate her because Pelosi is a woman who is smarter than any of them. She has made fools of most of them, and Trump and McCarthy are notable.

I'm editing my comment to add this. Haven't you noticed the type of politicians that Republicans attract. Most are flaming narcissists with fragile egos. They are thin-skinned nincompoops. And, I believe they are the proverbial losers; Trump being the biggest loser I've ever observed.

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Even when Republicans have an effective leader, they accomplish nothing that benefits the American People. It's all a sham designed to siphon more money, wealth and power to those who have most of it already. The Republican Speaker of the House is simply the lead player in a satirical play about helping "all Americans." As P.T. Barnum said "No man ever went broke overestimating the ignorance of the American public."

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Too often, leaders believe that no one is capable of replacement. This dignified stepping away from the table was a tearful pleasure to watch. At 75,I am pleased to see a rare bird that can still fly. God Bless, Madan! As for integrity, and investigation, we'll see if the new year brings an Orange Indictment.

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"I have enjoyed working with 3 presidents..." is an oh so Pelosi line that is too subtle to resonate down through the ages, but certainly resonates now. Thank-you Nancy Pelosi, for your honor, brilliance, work-ethic, political acumen, and grit. There is not a foot in the world that can fill your shoes, but we will try. Salud.

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"honor, brilliance, work-ethic, political acumen, and grit." Perfect description of Pelosi.

Hopefully, no one will try to fill her shoes, but instead chart their own path forward in the nasty partisan environment of politics today.

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Thank you, Heather. A wonderful history of Nancy Pelosi and how hard we must work to protect our “fragile democracy”. The People United, Shall Never Be Defeated!

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TC in LA gave a wonderful history as well.

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That he did!

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Won't a partisan GOP investigation binge against Hunter Biden and other targets undercut Trump's defense that lawsuits against him are politically motivated?

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Indeed, it will to those with common sense and basic critical thinking skills. But to the willfully ignorant, they will hear what they want to. In the same way that these pseudo-Christian "conservatives" are staunchly anti-Choice and "pro family values", but hey, when their deeply-flawed puppet candidate from Georgia who's running for Senate has paid for abortions and sired children out of wedlock, it's okay.

The GOP is always "rules for thee, but not for me," and the Venn diagram of the willfully ignorant + self-righteous eats it up. (Another great triumph of the GOP in the their long-running quest to defund education. It's part of their long-term strategy to replace our democracy with an authoritarian ruling class of the moneyed oligarchs and angry peasants blaming each other for their struggles instead of the s.o.b.'s who have stolen their wages, their pensions, their health care, their air and water, while also making them pay for their recklessness and mismanagement (oil spills, financial crises, opioid crisis, climate disasters.)

Hopefully, we remain wise and tenacious in 2024 and beyond to keep the self-serving sycophants who have been captured by the 1%, the gun lobbies, the oil lobbies, and the pharmaceutical lobbies from the massive socio-economic destruction they wage on our country every time they have power.

The GOP are not legislators--they are political terrorists.

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Call them what they are Stacey. Having watched this for 60 years, you nailed them. Ike was the last Republican, and they piss on his grave today. He warned us…

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Hell, they piss on Reagan's grave these days.

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Indeed he did.

I hope you're holding up. You're in my thoughts this week.

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Very, very well written and I completely agree with your analysis of the Republican Party and Republican minions.

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I always try to "Be Nice" as my mom insisted, and have compassion for others. But, I'm done. You're right, Stacey.

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Stacy, that is a spot-on assessment. The combination of "rules for thee but not for me" and the "willfully ignorant" describes them so well. Their willingness to back the puppet candidate is also demonstrated in their willingness to provide abortion to those that they inconveniently impregnate themselves.

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Any investigations conducted by Democrats are “witch hunts” while those carried out by Republicans are noble efforts to expose and punish corruption and “election fraud.,” which only happens when Democrats win. That’s the plot of all Republican drama, and, sadly, one that most mainstream news sources amplify.

When TFG began his reign of terror, I consoled myself with the fantasy that the Courts and the Fourth Estate would be the handrails of Democracy. But all along, it was We The People who “gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.” I never found those words so stirring as when they came from Nancy Pelosi’s lips. Those, and, when she said in a candid moment, “if he comes here, I’m gonna punch him in the nose.” As far as I’m concerned, she’s one of our great American heroes - one of the first to see the greatness in Barack Obama, I might add. Vive Madame Speaker!

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"Any investigations conducted by Democrats are “witch hunts” while those carried out by Republicans are noble efforts to expose and punish corruption and “election fraud."

Absolutely great sentence. Thanks.

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Of course, the truth is the complete opposite. Republicans routinely accuse others of what they are guilty of in spades. Blatant hypocrisy and double standards should be shredded at every opportunity by Democrats. It's clear that there's no cure for stupid, but maybe a few Republicans are reachable when faced with overwhelming facts and evidence.

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Anytime she went up against the orange menace, he lost ground. And she gained stature…

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Right you are. Pelosi's strengths unveiled Trump's and McCarthy's weaknesses.

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You would think, but accusing the opposition of what they are doing is an old tried and true Goebbels propaganda tactic. My first recall of republicans using it was Karl Rove in Tx in 1994, to foist W on the nation.

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No. Republicans reek of hypocrisy!

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My remark about implications of GOP hunting a Biden son was intended for a legal context (law suits), not a political one. In any event, maybe the House GOP is more concerned with smearing Biden than with protecting Trump.

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I may not have always agreed with her, but she was, is and will continue to be a force to be reckoned with in this country. That she is not leaving Congress is a relief and her willingness to serve as a mentor to younger less experienced and less savvy members of her caucus says a lot about her determination to serve. Even though she will no longer carry the title of Speaker of the House, Stephen Colbert said it best last night.....her new title should be Obi-wan Pelosi.

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Obi-wan Pelosi!! May she continue to shape congress even though she isn't in a leadership position.

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I’m beginning to think that America should become two countries instead of these constant dramas to gain dominance. I’m so tired of the GOP!!

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Kristin, I actually like the other 330 million citizens of the US. A few I might not have dinner with, ever, but most of The People are fine by me. The fact that nine Americans on the SCOTUS can determine life for the rest of us must change. Republicans have ruined things for a long time, for their own benefit. We just have to keep on voting them out.

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However...they blatantly cheat and are supported by the American corporatocracy and hostile foreign entities. It is a battle we are in and we cannot let up. AND we need to change some rules to protect our country from GQP terrorists and have mechanisms to weed them out more quickly when they cause Constitutional crises, such as the attempted overthrow of our democracy. Why are they still working in our democracy, being paid by our taxes, if they hate it? Power. Greed. Narcissism. Money. We must change this and have a mechanism to fire their a$$es when they break their oaths of office. And not seven or eight years later.

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We need to start with the Federalist corporation. Churning out corrupt judges, recruiting those most susceptible to fascist influence.

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Texas and Florida have accomplished what others rejected. May the MSM stop lauding the cretins who suppressed votes enough to “win” and give oxygen to the billionaires and MAGAts. I rejoice for the wins of Dems in other states, but the “voter integrity” laws served their purpose in Tx and Fl.

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