I remain incredulous that America elected this psychopath in the first place, and even more so that so many still support him after these past four years. I cannot understand how so many of us support our own destruction. For surely that is their goal. Hundreds of thousands of Americans dead. Even more destroyed economically. Our natural resources plundered and some gone forever. Our children’s educations degraded. And more. To what end? So a few fat, old, white men can have more power, more dollars??? Again, to what end? I thought America was better than this. I completely bought into the WWII era and later propaganda that we really were that “shining city on a hill”. My faith in this nation is shaken, devastated. We are dying in record numbers and still they obstruct. Once unimaginable behavior, now commonplace. Truly, an American tragedy. Our Founders must be weeping in their graves.

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It was good to hear from Biden and Harris today. They should continue holding press conferences so that the daily news will be on them and the American people can hear and see what they plan and are doing. They need to be front and center!

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"[US and NATO Military commanders'] concerns are that the removal of US troops will permit Taliban fighters to take control of the country, permitting terrorists to use it as a base."

That is exactly the scenario leading up to 9/11.

Meaning that 20 yrs of US blood and treasure went for.....nothing?

That is indeed a Saigon situation, Senator Rubio.

Even so, I have no fear of foreign terrorists. They need only sit back and watch as the USA self-destructs. It's our home-grown terrorists that scare me.

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Thank you Heather for this breakdown of another day in Crazytown. Although, golf and complete hand washing of this pandemic are the only priorities that Trump has on a daily basis, he is still dangerous as hell. In fact, more so now than anytime in the last 4 years. I am a life long resident of the State you mentioned, New York. The Republicans take over, or atleast the grifting of the funds is a reality. I feel any other Governor would have buckled by now. Hats off to Cuomo for spitting in Trumps and the GOP faces.

I count the days until sanity moves back into the White House. January can't come soon enough. Until then, I still sleep with one eye open and an unhealthy level of anxiety.

The Biden/Harris team will have their hands full for sure, but we must do all we can to retrieve the Senate.

Be well, be safe, be viligent.

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From now until Inauguration news operations need to do a "Trump Watch"....a specific segment at the top of each hour reporting on his desperate and destructive machinations behind the green curtain. Repeated over and over through the day instead of buried among other stories. We are lulled into complacency thinking he is just sulking, "doing nothing" or playing golf. Bullet points will do but we need to know, for instance, that he is even floating the thought of a military strike on Iran's nuclear pile!!! This is why HCR is so critical....she digs into his veiled movements and tells us about them.

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I had always thought DT would bankrupt America somehow. Now that Heather has explained this has been a Republican goal for years McConnell's actions make sick sense. Thank are dismantling the FDR's New Deal and all the social programs like Social Security and Medicare that go with it. And, so the biggest RINO of them all, Donald J. Trump, and the Republicans are the real culprits trying to Defund of the Police and First Responders. So much for states rights which I thought was another Republican policy position. It always comes down to power and controlling the wealth. The Republicans are destroying America and 70 million people are unknowingly being useful idiots in their plot against democracy.

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"AHA!" moment here when you explained why the Republicans are so hot and bothered to have states declare bankruptcy. How dastardly to allow people to lose their homes and go hungry just so you can control their state! On Trump's part I think he just wants to leave as big a mess as possible for Biden and Harris to clean up out of spite. He's the tenant trashing the apartment after receiving an eviction notice.

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Having lived in Latin America for 15 years and seen systemic corruption and rigged elections, I am horrified by what has taken place in the USA over the last 4 years. While I did everything I could to get Joe Biden elected, I feel helpless as I watch Trump and McConnell continue to work as fast as they can to further their own agendas, with no regard for the American people. If the Democrats could win both Senate seats in the upcoming Senate Runoff elections in Georgia, that would give Biden a much better chance to quickly right some of the wrongs forced on us by a corrupt Trump administration. Joe Biden will do his best, but he is not a miracle worker. He will be much more effective if the Democrats have a majority in the senate. After some research, I have donated to the campaigns of R. Warnock, J. Ossoff and to Fair Fight, in the hope that more Georgian citizens will be registered and vote. The time to do that is now so that all donations can be put to their best use. In addition, anyone, including non-Georgia residents, can work phone banks and text banks for the candidates. Let’s actively work together to give Biden a Democratic majority in the senate, which would also clip Mitch McConnell’s wings.

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Is anyone else amazed that our government, which has been in existence for over 240 years, can be undone in 4 short years, by one individual and his minions including low level employees, with no Republican standing up and trying to stop it? This, I think, is the most frightening thing of all to me.

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It stuns me how callous the GOP is. I am not so stunned about Trump. People are suffering, losing their homes, going hungry, dying, and the GOP, Trump and his henchmen only want to punish anyone who didn’t vote for Trump. All for power and egotism. A pox on them.

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...and the Bannon plan continues to play out...the destruction of our American government.

As the actions of this administration become more and more dangerous and clearly a threat to our national security, who is to stop it? What checks and balances do we have? If Congress is blocked by Mitch McConnell from halting crazy and destructive plans from this White House, then what?

Could someone please suggest the next move from the sane people who believe in the sanctity of our American representative democracy? Lawsuits, force, the 25th amendment?

Is anyone out there listening? Where are the good guys? 😔

(Thanks Heather, but this is a scary one...💔)

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I wonder the proprietary of a Senator making comments to an election official in another state about how that official is managing the election. But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that Sen. Lindsay Graham is trying to put pressure on the Georgia Sec. of State. Of course it's Georgia Sec. of State Brad Raffensperger's word against Sen. Graham's as to what exactly Graham said, but it seems quite clear what Raffensperger thought he meant. And if we read between the lines, what Raffensperger believed he heard from Graham was right out of Reconstruction. Graham wants Raffensperger to de-legitimize African American votes.

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One thing you can say for the Republicans - they are masters at playing the long game. And they are also masters at designing strategies that not only benefit themselves, but kneecap their opponents in the process.

The suggestion that states declare bankruptcy reminded me of what happened when Detroit declared bankruptcy (under duress, as I recall), after the housing bubble crash.

The Bush administration put in a 'manager', if I remember correctly, and that person forced exactly what Heather described - cuts to pensions, gutting services, and letting the bond holders off scott free.

Listening to a talk show during that period, someone said that the municipal retirees would still have their Social Security, so what was the big deal? But many municipalities, and Detroit was one, do not participate in Social Security; they have a separate retirement system. So, there were thousands of retired employees who were, literally thrown into chaos, through no fault of their own.

There seems to be no moral center in the Republican Party anymore. I get their pro-business focus. They've always been pro-business. But they used to understand that business includes all stakeholders, not just the shareholders and boards of directors. Employees, customers, without whom there wouldn't BE a business, are disregarded as being incidental.

Some years back, again, during the aftermath of 2008, I heard a CEO of a multi-national corporation interviewed, and he said he felt no particular loyalty to the United States, because, as his company was international, they - and he - could make it anywhere, and didn't need the U.S.!

My first thought was, "How can we take this fool's citizenship away from him?"

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I imagine you are exhausted after today’s events... me too. Annoyed at this Murphy woman for being such a blind Trump loyalist in not allowing Biden’s staff to conduct much needed business. She can add “major obstructionist” to her LinkedIn page.

Bless the Sec’y of State for being so forthcoming about Ms. Lindsay calling him! Let the infighting of the Republican Party begin!

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Here’s hoping that the voters in GA are angered by mcconnell and his steadfast unwillingness to put the Heroes Act up for a vote, as well as the Republicans efforts to decide the fate of tabulated ballots. Here’s hoping they vote blue in large numbers for the runoff election.

Nothing would please me more than knocking mcconnell out of the position he holds. He is so richly undeserving of it.

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How can Republican Senators sleep at night? I have students whose families are on the verge of eviction from the hotel they’ve been living in for over a year. One family has FIVE CHILDREN. They have nowhere to go but their car. I would really love for Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz to live in that hotel for one month on $12/hour. I find them to be despicable.

We need a modern Dorothea Lange to document the misery out there now.

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