Journalistically speaking, this is a save-it-for-posterity opening for a story: β€œDonald Trump, who tried to overthrow the results of the 2020 presidential election and inspired a deadly riot at the Capitol in a desperate attempt to keep himself in power, announced he is running again for president in 2024.”

Nothing but the facts. Hats off to Domenico Montanaro of NPR.

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I am going to repost that quote everywhere possible.

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Domenico Montanaro of NPR indicated that Trump might not enjoy the same uncritical coverage he received in 2016 when he began his story on the announcement: β€œDonald Trump, who tried to overthrow the results of the 2020 presidential election and inspired a deadly riot at the Capitol in a desperate attempt to keep himself in power, announced he is running again for president in 2024.”

INSPIRED A DEADLY RIOT? πŸ€‘πŸ’©πŸŽƒ planned and controlled an hours-long deadly coup against the government and his own vice-president in a desperate attempt to keep himself in office and avoid jail, announced he is running again for president in 2024. The January 6th Committee has proved beyond a doubt that he is a treasonous piece of pond scum.

Please, NPR, no more mulligans.

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Unfortunately TFFG has not been "proven" and convicted of planning and controlling that riot so I understand NPRs very carefully worded coverage.

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I love how the hearings were organized rather like legal briefs. (Not quite, but organizationally they were similar. Got my 880 page J6 book on preorder. 12th Night (Dec 6) is coming.

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Please tell me the details so I can order my Chanukah present.

Thank you!

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I've seen 3 different J6 books! One is 752 pages, another 500 something. Haven't seen the 880 page one. Which to choose?!

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How many biographies of John Adams have been written? Which one is "truth?"

Everyone has bias, but treating Trump as an evil dragon to be slain is the biggest mistake on the part of Democrats. It only empowers him.

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And treating you like a well-meaning commenter just empowers you.

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:: grumbling about the trolls ::

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Damn, I could have sworn that I have been subjected to hours of testimony to that effect. And he claims to have been the driver of the evil; not convicted but guilty as sin in my eyes

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Here's a good carefully worded headline-- "TODAY'S TOP MADDOWBLOG POSTS

Scandal-plagued suspected criminal launches presidential campaign

The new frontrunner for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination in 2024 is a suspected criminal."

Can we all agree that he did nothing for hours during the riot? Anyone who watched it on tv OR WAS AT THE CAPITOL knows this. People have been thrown in jail for much less.

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Interesting quote by tfg stating that our country is in β€œgrave trouble” since he’s the reason for the severe divisiveness πŸ™„. Don’t forget...he wanted to withdraw the USA from NATO. Can you imagine what our world would look like if he succeeded?

Dangerous guy🚨

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His β€œgo to” has always been to blame someone/something else. How many times does he have to tell us that…. My mama would have taken us to the woodshed.

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See, that's why I always feel deep pity for him.* He didn't get a proper fetchin's up, and I blame the parents.

*I bet he HATES pity...

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He also said that there may never be another movement like this one (his MAGA movement), or something to that effect. I hope he's right.

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What about a bowel movement?

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He certainly needs one.

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Thought Experiment: Trump withdraws us from NATO, Putin invades Ukraine which gets no help from USA-Trump, Europe is in disarray without us in NATO and Putin starts to steam roll small Eastern European members of NATO after subjugating Ukraine. Was that the Putin-Trump plan that Biden derailed? LOL Putin probably regrets not spending more money backing Trump!?!

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Let's hope that that means that all of mainstream media will not be showing us FPOTUS all day every day as they did in the past. I'd like to be able to watch television news without seeing his face or hearing his voice from now until 2024β€”or, actually, ever again.

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Agree. A media blackout would be welcome. No more free publicity. No more feeding the massive, horrible ego.

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As I have said for seven years, if you do not feed a narcissist with grandiose attention, their giant, victimized ego soon shrivels and dries up, a quivering little raisin moping in the corner. Duck l'orange's corner need to be an 8x10 prison cellβ€”for life. No mirror. He will not last long and leave the world a saner place. But the GQP will have to decide if they want wacko authoritarians or an actual functional democracy, which appears right now that they just want to be the all powerful, top, rich, white supremacist, misogynist guys and keep the status quo of colonization. I don't think so...misters, and a few even more bizarre misses. I cannot even fathom what Clarence Thomas or Hershel Walker think. Appears to me, like hostages, they identify with their white captors, clueless of their modern enslavement.

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Those were my thoughts exactly. That whiny voice makes me want to puke. We were watching a basketball game and only saw written accounts of his announcement as breaking news. Didn't read any of them. We have stayed away from national news for at least a week and may continue that until they at least get past his running for 2024. And I hope they do.

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Mim, 1,000%! I cancelled Dish, effective 11/22 in case the election went violent or something. I don't want to hear or see tfg ever again either. Prefer to read what I need to know on SubStack or print media. We'll see how long I last.... Thanks!

Slava Ukraine.

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'Trump to Try for Historic Third Impeachment'

'PALM BEACH (The Borowitz Report)β€”Stating that β€œno one’s ever done this before,” Donald J. Trump announced plans to be impeached for a historic third time.'

'Speaking to supporters in a ballroom at Mar-a-Lago, the former President claimed that he and only he could bring impeachable offenses back to the White House.' (Satire, NewYorker)

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And I can't wait for SNL to skewer him with its take on "Anybody remember Angela Merkel?" The pathetic way he focuses on the pronunciation of " Angela" as if it's a dirty word.

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I look forward to the day when we say, "Anybody remember Trump?"

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MaryB, I emailed a friend, a translator and poet, deeply knowledgeable about drama and history, asking him who created DJT. The former president arrived to punish us and burn the country down. Could he be a concoction of Putin's or whomever created Putin? Finally, I think we so-called 'normal' people, particularly. the young ones among us. have caught the ogre. Watching the monster decompose; that will be a show!

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Decomposition is definitely apparent right now. An ugly but long-anticipated and well-deserved fate. It's hard to watch, and I wish I could look away. Soon we all can and should!

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MaryB, I thought he'd be caught within two years of his presidency. I've been waiting for him to go naked, screaming into the dark night longer than most. As an avid audience member for the coming spectacular, I am eager to see it happen

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The monster and his party. Party is a joke. His crooked pals, also elected by the unfortunate voters who do not understand they not only vote for TFG and yesterday’s failures of that party but their own best interests. Our Constitution allows unqualified candidates. Just to teach or work for civil service requires more preparation, experience. Education. I know this is just a rewind of thoughts and wishes. Only a miracle and a change to the Constitution will change the requirements. https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/the-executive-branch/

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Nov 16, 2022
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Academy Award!!!

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Thank you Liz!!! I've never seen this!! Now I have to share!

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I tried to watch. Couldn't get past the four lies in the first paragraph. I am so grateful to put this in the context of 11/8 and all the good energy that showed up in election results. It's a good start!

BTW, I broke my "no snark" rule when I saw a tweet from Kari Lake that Trump has "her complete and total support." I replied, "Complete AND total?" Sigh....no one is perfect!

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I didn’t watch either. Why give TFG one more tally. He or his buddies must keep track. They are interested in numbers, $$$ and votes, not substance and Truth and the USA.

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Two Hail Mary's should do it Chap.

Go in peace.

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I wish there was a laugh emoji here!!! Thanks for the LOL - it's been decades since I've been given a penance....so I said two Hail Mary's right after reading your comment....in Latin for good measure!!!

This reminded me of something I had forgotten about - about ten years ago in a class on creating solo performance pieces, I wrote and performed a one-act play, Father John Says a Hail Mary, about a 50 year old Catholic priest who was struggling with his homosexuality. I have no idea where he came from. But he showed up when the teacher told us to invite our next character to our consciousness. And today, the Senate moved the Respect for Marriage Act forward!!!

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The right and freedom to love who you love. A most sacred thing indeed.

And a big wow on the Hail Mary's in Latin!

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Yes, and thank you...it was fun to call up that memory from over half century ago!!

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Chaplain Terry Nicholetti, I didn't watch his announcement. Self-protection is vital. I'll be on the cheering squad when he limps naked into the dark night.


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"Self-protection is vital." I couldn't agree more! I saw a news clip today that people were trying to leave his speech and security wouldn't let them.....I wonder how long this agonizing "death" will take.

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Fern, I love Andy! Maybe he’s our next candidate for something important. Like president.

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No, no Irenie. He's one of our best mouthpieces!!

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Fern, good point. He’s only beholden to the Truth.

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…and to laughter!

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We need laughter! ❀️

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Nov 16, 2022
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We'd like to see a picture of that, Pat!

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Nov 16, 2022Edited
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Too graphic, you ass ____!

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Fern, I think Pat's comment was an epic understatement!πŸ˜„

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Let Pat "air it all out."

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Pat, and flabber-gassing!

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This is very good to hear. I continue, however, to wait for NPR to stop calling the extremist, anti-democratic, pro-autocracy Republicans "conservative."

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"Conservative" is correct. They want to conserve their money and power.

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I think HOARDING GREEDY is more "on the money"

Conservative too mild

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Excellent point!

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"riot"?? You can call it what it was - Insurrection or attempted coup.

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you are so right

PERFECT opening paragraph

Right up there with " It was the best of times and the worst of times..." Dickens Tale of two Cities

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"Biden said that he updated leaders at the roundtable meeting β€” which included French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Council President Charles Michel β€” on his earlier calls with Duda and Stoltenberg.

In a readout of Biden’s call with Duda, the White House said Biden β€œoffered full U.S support for and assistance with Poland’s investigation” and β€œreaffirmed the United States’ ironclad commitment to NATO.”

Thank You President Biden for your quick and measured response.

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Thank You President Biden......as an echo.

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And may I say once again: thank god we have a President Biden and not the other guy...........

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And thank heavens we have such an experienced, knowledgeable President.

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Don't forget that the U.S. is the most powerful member of NATO, not just an interested party. It's time for negotiations to stop this Russian attack on Ukraine and also stop U.S. corporations that make weapons of war from becoming even more filthy rich.

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No one seems to see Russia as ready to seriously engage in negotiations, but my understanding is that the US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has reestablished contact with Russian military head Shoigui. That is a move in that direction.


Russia seems more interested in digging in and making Putin's wishes come true. He has the audacity to send an oil lobbyist to appeal to nations at COP27 for relief from fossil fuels sanctions. An offensive move in all senses of the word.


So glad that the elections show Putin that even if he messes with our elections Americans care about democracy!

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It is by now believedβ€”as I’m sure most readers knowβ€”that the errant missile was fired by Ukrainian forces attempting to shoot down a Russian missile.

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Yes. So wonderful to not have this escalate. Cooler, calmer heads prevailed. God Bless NATO.

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Until republicans truly throw him under the bus very publicly, I will keep believing that they will all vote for him if he is the nominee. They voted not to remove him after a murderous riot. So I put nothing past them.

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That is on brand for Republicans. They are a walking purse, looking for anyone who can bring the votes. They’re lemmings, all of them.

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Nicely put......walking purse. I will have to remember that one.

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DeSantis is being trotted out as a big winner without the press, or the pundits really giving the context. I see this as a disinformation campaign by the press. "A sweep" is hard to identify when you remove a lot of people last minute from the rolls, and Gerrymander your state to erase almost all democratic districts from a majority, and intimidate people in the remaining ones when they vote by refusing to allow the Federal oversight that was called for to poll watch. Given the circumstances, I don't consider that a sweep, but a steal. Until the press brings that up, I feel that their reporting is inaccurate.




That is not the only state where Republicans created election laws making it very difficult for Black democratic voters to vote. The massive disenfranchisement of voters in several states is the election steal story! We should be saying this. Then, the Republicans don't need to throw Trump under the bus because in fair elections I think Democrats have shown that they will prevail. Maybe not in Texas, but then hardly anyone votes in Texas. According to a Texas friend of mine the winner wins out of 14-18% of eligible voters voting . I cannot do anything for that sorry state of affairs. Neither can Beto O'Rourke.


Even so, there were some Democratic and diversity gains.



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I agree, Linda. Just this morning, Wednesday, I heard NPR talking about DeSantis' win and never once mentioned the gerrymandering done there. BIG omission. Everyhone needs to see that!

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My theory is that they are not so much supporting him, but afraid to lose the votes of his base. They are a bunch of unprincipled cowards and don't deserve to be in public office.

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That's a really good point Susan. However the end result is the same if they vote for him. Voting while holding your nose counts just the same.

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Agreed, which is why they are cowards!

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The best thing about Trump being the candidate is that he might be in the position of being a convicted felon by the time the election cycle rolls around. That might mean that even more people will switch back to the Democratic party. All of the Reagan Democrats who then became Republicans will have to now give pause. They did this trying to show how business savvy there were, even though they were just greedy fools, and now they see that being behind Trump is starting to look like having a loose screw!

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Nov 16, 2022
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May be beyond redemption? Looking back in hindsight, the Republican party has been beyond redemption ever since Eisenhower.

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Yep, one could even go back to the coup of 1933…. FDR and HST knew them well.

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"attempted" coup of 1933, aka, White House Putsch or Business Coup.

Fortunately, Sen Prescott Bush approached a patriotic Marine General (Ret).

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Don’t know about Eisenhower, but certainly since Nixon’s Southern Strategy in 1968.

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Happened when they embraced W/Dickie, in my humble opinion

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They are beyond redemption and i agree with the post from Matt below. They are the party of death and will be until and if they show some care for ordinary people and not the filthy rich. Of course that's who funds them, so I am not holding my breath.....just continuing to support and vote for Ds.

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Oh, good grief!! Now we have to put up with seeing tfg on the daily news again. AG Merrill Garland, where art thou?!!!

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Did you not notice that nobody but Faux Snooze carried the announcement and even they cut the live feed? Trump only knows his old hits - people will be easily bored. The media has decided to ignore him. Which should only drive him more nuts.

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Just the facts: Murdoch & Faux cut the feed when he tfg was started in on a rant about Angela Merkel.

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I’ll be happy when they don’t cover him at all, Bryan.

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And yet his legacy will live on in academic discussions of abnormal social psychology.

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Which won't be published in the popular press.

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For sure!!!

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Nov 16, 2022Edited
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Thank you for the links I will look at later. Three mediate thoughts is that certinly one of the dynamics of authoritarianism is the installation of persistent PTSD over "thoughtcrime" (as "1984" illustrated), commercial advertising often uses psychological research to cultivate narcissism, thus consumption, and at base, the scientific method is epistemological, a commitment to intellectual integrity. Everything we do involves decisions of value as well as veracity. We go to the moon and do other things because we care about them, as well as learn how to do them. We don't (from by perspective) have a good framework for understanding the integration of empiricism , which we desperately need, with a lucid way of speaking about lived human experience (The mechanics of thermodynamics is also the sensation of sunshine on my shoulder, that ball of fusing hydrogen is also "rosy fingered dawn"). I suspect that wisdom is not only a well educated guess guess about what is really real, but also, what ultimately matters most, to us as sentient beings.

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Me too.

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Me too

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Me, too!

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Rupert and son have cut his lifeline. He will flatline soon.

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Tfg managed to kill the 'crazy right' in 19 key Senate, House & Governorship elections in contested states . Of course, Murdoch will pull the plug and/or cut his oxygen. Could get very ugly.

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Without the oxygen, maybe his balloon will suffer a prick and SPUTTER to the orange blob that he is

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