The night democracy dispelled darkness.

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I thought the exact same thing! Such a bright and beautiful beacon. :)

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I'm glad my Democrat friends are finally happy.

The balance of power is intact. Democracy was never at stake.

Please try to be more civil.

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Democracy was ... is .... will continue to be be at stake. PS: SF DA Brooke Jenkins won her Election for another term as District Attorney for the City & County of San Francisco. Jenkins will represent the People at the status Hearing on 11/28/22 in the criminal case of the man who brutally sttacked the 82 year old husband of our House of Representatives Speaker. Like all defendants (at least in CA state courts) the defendant will get full due process of law in a "civil" sociey.

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GandolfGrey thrives on attention. I suggest the best response to him is to ignore him & scroll on. If his baiting doesn’t provoke a response, he may get bored & move on.

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Why ignore or minimize diversity of thought that we (you and I anyway) do not agree with or share perspective with?

Should we not welcome those who think and look different from us? Are they not equal to us? Those that make us uncomfortable? Those that challenge our own perspectives, since, frankly, anyone can be wrong at anytime about any perception?

Diversity of thought is what keeps the United States a healthy democracy.

I welcome any solid Republican view that is published here without abuse, foul language and especially if it is well written. I welcome a good discussion.

I might make a friend.

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Mike, can you point out any civil discussions Gandolf has participated in? What I have read of his comments are taunting, arroganct and marinated with superiority which does not fly well for good, civil discussions. At least in my mind.

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I agree that his posts use words that appear to bait a more aggressive response. No doubt.

But, part of that sense of baiting that I get anyway, is because, frankly, I strongly disagree with either the basis of his questions or his comments.

So, I have to be careful to distinguish what is truly an external baited sentence from what is my own internal hacked off desire to respond.

Since, it is very hard to separate whether it is his fault that I feel baited, or my fault, I just assume it is mine. Then, my post is civil, although, in my post today, I did border on disrespect for Trumpty.


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Visit my substack and read my disclaimer.

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All diversity is not created equal. Anti-democratic thought does not make the U.S. a healthy democracy (which IMO it never has been but which many of us aspire to make it) -- although, come to think of it, it has played a role: if anti-democratic thought, and the words and laws that flow from it, are a disease of the body politic, the body politic has mobilized antibodies to fight it.

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Especially folks who complain about their 'freedom of speech'- being curtailed- in order to marginalize others' 'freedom of speech'.

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Yes, as in the repeated doses of the Gen Z vaccine.

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I attempt that path from time to time in the interest of discussion. It does not take long to discover when “discussion” is not on their agenda; however it costs only time to try

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After 7 years of attempted, vacuous "discussion" with these attention seeking entities, I would prefer to reclaim my time.

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Everyone does. It's an accepted debate mechanism.

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The root word of ignorance is ignore. Discussion brings people together.

You cannot read the posts in these pages and not agree it becomes very uncivil much of the time, approaching violent threat at some times.

We're better than this. We should all be happy that the balance of power is intact. We should all be celebrating, but yet I see bitterness in these threads that there is not total dominance by one party.

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Have you thought of changing your handle to Saruman? I don't remember Gandalf sitting down to talk politics with Sauron.

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I don't see anyone here as Sauron. I see Democrats treating Trump as though he were Sauron.

It's silly to attribute such power to him. He is living in their heads, and in their posts 24/7/365 for about 6 years now.

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Then deported back to Canada.

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....after lengthy prison term

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You came this morning with the memory of injury, the pain covering the land of America, our care and the rule of law, Bryan Sean McKown. Thank you for so reminding us. Peace.

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I am grateful & proud of the LFAA Community; I came here to get healed; the patient's condition has improved greatly.

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It’s wonderful Jenkins won, Bryan! The hearing should be interesting.

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The Feds have a separate action, but it appears to me that Brooke is coordinating with the US Attorney so as not to be stepping on each other's jurisdiction. Each can gain valuable evidence in the separate matters.

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So did Tish James of New York.

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Go hose yourself. (If you don't think that was civil, you don't know me)

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Just before you appeared on my screen, I was reading of Juneau being torpedoed. 'In an enormous explosion, the cruiser broke in two and disappeared in 20 seconds.' Good morning, Tom.

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Good evening, Fern :-)

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"Go hose yourself" is civil???

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Democracy was and still is very much at stake. The people here who defend democracy and the ideals of our constitution are very much civil as anyone who has ever been on other blogs and sites knows. So I am puzzled by someone who makes this plea on this particular blog. Never since the Civil War has our country been so imperiled from within.

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The greatness of America

Is that it does survive

Attacks upon democracy

Whose flame it keeps alive.

The laws that blossom from the words

The Founding Fathers wrote

Still serve us well today to keep

America afloat.

This doesn’t happen by itself,

We cannot wish it true,

The bottom line, my friends, is that

It all depends on you.

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Can you be specific as to the nature of this peril?

The balance of power is intact. What more do you want, complete dominance?

Complete dominance by any party is much more dangerous.

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If you are a regular reader of this letter and the comments, then you know why people are concerned. I am not going to repeat the many, many points they have made. Read carefully your last sentence.

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He is and usually has opposing views.

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This is a forum where opposing views may be posited and discussed respectfully. Anybody trying to strike sparks by friction needs to seek pleasure elsewhere.

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Opposing views are better than having an echo chamber, trust me.

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Once again, Democracy is not in peril. We have a balance of power. Why not enjoy it for a while and be celebrate that we have a Democracy?

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First, cool name.

Second: "Can you be specific about the nature of this peril?"

Sure, in 2020, a fat white male, long pickled in inherited wealth and corruption, named Donald Trump, lost a free and fair election to Joe Biden, who, was born working class and has been working for a living ever since.

Lost. Loser Trump was. As he has always been since middle school when he was the worst player on his baseball team.

However, the pickling with inherited wealth of Trumpty Dumpty and his long experience breaking laws successfully in NY City corruption, provided him a platform to call up an all white army of people after feeding those poor people lies that the election had been "stolen".

These poor suckers, not realizing that the fat white rich boy was lying to them, marched on the Capitol AND are now going to jail because of their mistake, while Trumpty's big, fat, white arse sits at Mara Lago growing ever larger by the day.

So, now, IF calling up a civilian army to overthrow the government by a fat white Trumpty male is NOT a threat to Democracy, then, perhaps, you are not willing to step into the reality that other Americans, now going to jail, stepped into.

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Let's not leave out the theft of government documents, a crime for which you or I or any mere mortal would have already been tried and sentenced.

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Sharon, good point. Theft is a more insidious threat to our Democracy.

Plus, it threatens our allies security.

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Try finding something from the non fiction section, please.

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Ummmm, Gandalf, civil disorder occurs quite commonly on Planet Earth. I know that the Shire in Middle Earth was a relatively peaceful place as were the Elf Kingdoms, but here in the US, We, the People hold elections to choose our leaders who are then allowed to “rule” for a specified number of years. We, the People have established rules and procedures to administer fair and impartial elections and, if there is some possible discrepancy, a “losing” candidate has legal recourse. Donald Trump, in SCORES of instances, pursued those legal procedures and failed to overturn the Will of We, the People. We have a specified procedure that governs the Peaceful Transfer of Power. Mr. Trump and his supporters (you know the folks who broke into the Capitol, carrying Trump flags and defecating in the hallways, etc.) failed to honor that Peaceful Transfer of Power, not only on January 6, 2021, but before and after that date.

No, We, the People don’t want Complete Dominance, we want Complete Adherence to the Rule of Law. I’m sure you agree, right, Great Wizard?

Also, you say “Complete dominance by any party is much more dangerous.” Please note (and our Founding Parents subscribed to this as well) that “balance of power” is not a numbers game. Even though one political party has more Senators or Representatives (for example) that does not mean the balance of power is skewed. The POWER is with We, the People. We ELECT those Senators and Representatives (etc.). Every candidate has an equal chance at being elected. The BEST IDEAS and the BEST PERSUASIVE ABILITIES should be the deciding factors.

BTW, I sincerely hope I will read your considered response to my comments. Thank you. Say HI to Bilbo and Frodo for me. I love those rascals!!

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You failed to mention that the most powerful man in the country was leading the charge via lies to the courts, lies to the media, lies to his own insurrectionists, lies to the DOJ, manipulation of government agencies against his enemies, and the theft of national secrets

If that does not present as a threat to Gandalf, it might be interesting to hear what does

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Yeah, I really hope that Gandalf spends some quality time responding to our thoughts about these very important issues. I hope he doesn’t pass his responses off to Smeagol/Gollum. Just Sayin’

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Yes, I agree with the rule of law. I am not happy that the Supreme Court would not give the evidence a hearing, but that's now water under the bridge.

I believe the idea of balance of powers is the balance between the executive, Congress, and Senate, with the Supreme Court being the arbiter where the application of law is vague. All of these are intact and well balanced in my opinion. I feel less safe when one party controls all.

We certainly need to reform the way we handle elections. I'm not just a whiner, I like to propose improvements. See my substack article "Doubt Relief". Feel free to comment and/or offer your own suggestions for improvement.

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Why do you believe the Supreme Court has not heard “the evidence” presented by Trump on election fraud, Gandalf?

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Re “give evidence a hearing”

What evidence?

What issue?

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GG - were you involved in the Jan 6th insurrection?

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No. I have watched the video, at least what is available. It looks like a typical New Orleans mardi gras parade to me.

The Kavanaugh insurrections troubled me more. With the backing of Democrat legislators, the proceedings were taken over by radicals who occupied the halls of congress and the congressional office building.

Again, certain of our elected officials invited insurrectionists to interrupt the business of government for an entire week. That is concerning.

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You're a persistent fuckwit, aren't you? Go crawl back to Flyover Loserville where you belong, senile old white male boom-boom.

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TC, I would offer that my response respects his request for an example.

Take a look.

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My response to your post is simple. Free speech is an amazing thing. It allows each of us to seek common ground and, at times, to make complete asses of ourselves.

It helps the community to know which end of the donkey we're looking at.

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Trust me, everyone here knows which end of the donkey you are.

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Boom Boom Man | Juni X Tooni | nursery rhyme | for Kids | Littletooni | English toddler


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Sealion off the starboard bow!

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For GandalGrey:

I'm not sure where you find your information, who you actually listen to or watch, but you are absolutely under educated in these times. If governments around the world were predicting the end of democracy in America. If those in the Republican Party have plans to take away women's right to choose, take way social security and Medicare, work towards ending the voting rights of America by letting state legislatures determine who our President would be, get rid of President Biden's Acts which hold drug companies to lower drug costs, infrastructure rebuilding -- everything the majority of Americans want - -- THAT is the end of democracy in America. Those who are uncivil are those who are in leadership positions on the right who spew lies on Twitter. Ted Cruz with a violent purple face, screaming with rage, on Fox that the ¨left wing nuts¨ got the young voters to turn out. Read his tweets. Read those of his colleagues. Lies upon lies. But, you know, you have your beliefs and we have ours. Although ours are based in facts.

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Facts... exactly!

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No, not really.

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The things you describe are not democracy, they are a wish list for the Democratic Party. Our ability to vote is what makes us democratic. We have voted and no one has a dominant majority. The balance of power is intact.

If what you really want is full control of all houses, and the ability to pass any of your preferences, that is the antithesis of democracy.

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You are out of tune. I've no wish to waste any more time here.

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Scroll on!

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To fix that comment, grammatically at least, use a lower-case "d", except for "Democratic Party".

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Ha...haven't had my coffee yet.

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You mean like making a joke about an 80+ yr. old man being beaten with a hammer? That kind of civil?

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Where did I do that?

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Ummmm, Gandalf, I agree that a decent degree of civility is required as we discuss the various solutions to Life in the US and the world. We CAN disagree without being DISAGREEABLE. HOWEVER, as a reader of the comment sections of several “right-leaning” news sources and after listening for six+ years to the most UNCIVIL LEADER of the Republicans, I am hoping that you will spread your wizardry in MAGALAND as well.

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Hear, hear and HERE!

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Ha ha...I do.

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See you over on Newsmax, OK, Gandalf? I’m “Facts Unlimited.” What’s your handle?

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I'm not going to cross connect my handles. Sorry but it's a strict policy.

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That’s fine. I sincerely hope you spread your expect decency from the MAGA portion of the GOP, including, the MAGA Leader, whom you must agree has demonized many, many fine upstanding and Patriotic Americans, which then has the “opening the dam” effect on his followers.

My point about that the difference between Civil Discourse on THIS site versus Newsmax (for example) is monumental. I hope you also have a “strict policy” on urging the MAGA folk to remain civil. Complete transparency on that claim would, indeed, be monumental.

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OK. I'll bite.

Democracy is "at stake" every hour of every day. It always has been and it always will be. The enemies of true representative government have been embedded in our society since before the Founding and will be ready to pounce at the first sign of non participation and gullibility of the public. If we get lazy, they take power. If we get complacent, they harvest the nation's treasure. If we ignore their existence, they become ever more powerful.

But thanks for your good wishes. Are you preparing for the Blue Tsunami that will sweep the nation two years from now? Join us. We sleep well and definitely have more fun.

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Democracy was very definitely at stake...and we must remain very vigilant....it still is...

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Not even close. Very evenly distributed.

Yes, we must remain vigilant, but there is cause for celebration and perhaps civility, at least until the next election cycle.

If ever there were an opportunity for civility, it is now.

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You are Just Wrong....nothing more to say to you on this ..Democracy was and remains at stake...

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Suit yourself. I think some folks are habituated to feel constantly under threat.

I sometime wonder if television is not capable of mass hypnosis.

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I wish you hadn't written the last six words.

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I admit I was angry but, I have practicsed over 30 years as a litigator & trial attorney & fully understand the fiduciary duty an attoney owes to the jury, the judge, clients, witnesses, the bailiffs, colleagues including opponents and never thought the legitimacy of our democracy with all its so-called "inefficiencies" would ever be at stake. It's not over despite the many recent hard working recent accomplishments. Of course, you were right Anne-Louise.

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Jeeze Bryan, you are ruining my penchant for lawyer jokes. You are the fifth attorney In my 72 years that has garnered my respect and leads me to believe there are good men and women in your profession out there. We depend on your wise counsel. Thank you sir.

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You should see my ex-law practice partner in action; she is still practicing. Like this LFAA community, the sum is greater than its parts.

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Hell, you were entirely right to use those last six words. You don't owe some escapee from Flyover Loserville a damn thing. What they need is found in the Beatles song "Piggies." The last line.

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I think she was referring to me. Why would I delete a comment pleading for civility?

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because you're being a smart ass.

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Thank you for your opinion, jaded as it may be.

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Since you don't have the ability to delete squat here, you persistent moron, why don't you go stick your head back up your ass where you've kept it for the rest of your life there in Flyover Loserville?

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I most certainly do have the ability to delete my own content.

I am also very happy with the election results. Democracy is intact. We're all on the same page, so why not enjoy it for a while?

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Boy are you a joke. But not funny by any measure. Love those election results deniers, huh?

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I am with you st this point Jeri.

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Not to cavil, well, to cavil only a little bit, I think you mean Democratic friends. The use of “Democrat” for the party is a subtle but unmistakable slur that Republicans have employed since the 1940s. It shows a lack of respect for the party, as if Republicans need not bother to learn it’s name. Individually, we are Democrats, but the collective is Democratic. Thanks.

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I switched party affiliation during the Kavanaugh insurrection week.

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And some of my best friends are still Democrats. We debate openly and honestly, without demonizing one another. Several of us had lunch and went to early vote together.

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I was a Democrat for a long time. I've seen it slip to the far left of JFK's party.

When the Democrat Party eliminates the elite superdelegates I may resume respecting the label "Democratic".

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Guess you haven’t listened to who is saying what--must have been drowned out by the gunfire in the background.

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Gunfire last night off campus in Idaho & an incident in Virginia this am. No details so I will NOT re-post main stream media chirons.

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OMG ! I'm bending over from cracking up. If you are sincere, then bless you.

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Give us a break!

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Give the planet a break!

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Nov 14, 2022
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I brought a few of them with me to early voting. Treated them to lunch too.

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Full moon and a lighthouse. My evening is complete.

Thanks for taking a rest, and this photo is just exquisite.

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As a long time photographer, I will say that the picture is spectacular no doubt.  

However, the photographer, to obtain a properly exposed moon in a concomitant properly exposed terrestrial farm scene, had to do a fair bit of work compositing two separate photographs.  One photo of a properly exposed moon.  A separate photo for the properly exposed terrestrial scene.  As part of that compositing  process, I do believe he may have, a bit more than slightly, increased the size of the moon.

The real scene's dynamic range of light is way too large for a single photo to capture it all as it looks here.  

However, because sometimes the moon really does look huge when closer to the horizon to the wide dynamic range detector of the human eye, it is all good!!  It looks real, minus the somewhat too large moon.  

Now, there is one possible single picture alternative method. He may have used a giant telephoto lens, exposed for the moon, thereby underexposing the terrestrial scene, but, pulling the terestrial scene out of the shadows in Photoshop.

Not sure which one, probably the first though. More control.

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As an artist you understand the poetic effect of redimensioning a little...but don't tell everyone the secret! I think we've all earned a little wallow this week... :D

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The secret is not so safe with me Anne.

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OK, I did read all that - and yours is safe with me! Wonderful!

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I was pretty much thinking telephoto is how this was arrived at. Could be wrong.

The light, shadows, reflection and shades as well as a certain amount of compression make it look pretty natural to me.

No matter how though, I really like it.

For details though, one could always ask the artist. The post processes included with modern cameras are pretty seamless and amazing for sure.

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Thank you!!!! When I saw this photo my first thought was 'lovely.' Second thought 'how?' It drives me nuts I can't take a decent pic of the beautiful & elusive moon. Have learned a lot from you. 😊👍🏼🦅

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So noted. Still a wonderful look.

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Absolutely. Modern Photography is vastly creative.

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Fantastic shot on what is turning out to have been a fantastic night. Thanks for sharing it and it's good to see you taking an early evening every so often. Your letters are so appreciated, but it's the evenings you take a break that get the most likes, which tells me your readers (and I among them) recognize that you are a rare and precious gift which must be savored and protected.

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Heather, this has nothing to do with the wonderful full moon picture you sent.

I'd really like you to do a column on how many federal laws the Republicans have called "socialism" over the course of the last 90 years. Start with Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security...the list is endless. Every time they say that, there is no Democratic response.

Republicans similarly waved the talisman of “socialism” at Democrats in an effort to block the enormous progress ordinary Americans had made under the administrations of President Roosevelt and President Truman. “Give ‘em hell, Harry,” speaking from the rear platform of an observation car, gave one of his greatest whistle stop speeches in response to Republican claims of “creeping socialism.”

“Socialism is a scare word they have hurled at every advance the people have made in the last 20 years. Socialism is what they called public power. Socialism is what they called social security…Socialism is their name for almost anything that helps almost all the people.”

I'd really like you to write a column that suggests that President Biden and the Democratic Party should stop cringing every time "socialism" is hurled at good progressive legislation the by the Rs. The list of progressive legislation over the course of the last 90 years that the Republicans have called "socialism" must be enormous. And it's all the law of the land now, and has been for decades.

As you will no doubt recall, Harry Truman won that 1948 election in an upset victory, maybe the greatest upset ever.

I think this would make a helluva column.

Thanks for your great work. Keep it up.

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I've had enormous fun with my GQP patients over the past few months, letting them know that the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, passed with zero GQP support, will make any indicated vaccination free as of January to Medicare and state Medicaid patients. That currently may cost hundreds of dollars most don't have, though recommended. But before they recover from that cognitive dissonance, I point out the huge economic advantage there is to preventing disease, instead of just treating it, so it really isn't socialized medicine, it's economics, or is socialized medicine just really fiscally sound? You may be amazed they have all agreed. No, I would never talk politics in the office, in case you're wondering.

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Why John, you little devil you! I love it!

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John, I have to tuck your thought/statement “the huge economic advantage there is to preventing disease, instead of just treating it, so it really isn't socialized medicine, it's economics, or is socialized medicine just really fiscally sound” into my memory vault. Excellent!

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I expect that Pfizer will be happy to hear about the free vaccinations. Yes, socialized medicine is very sound for their bottom line. No more need to support the nightly news with ad revenue. A few bribes to the federales, and they will be home free. Much less paperwork involved.

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Free to patients at the counter, not free. Money those patients don't have, and for that reason many needed vaccinations they go without. Vaccine producers will be paid, duh, though negotiated to end the gouging, and such a huge investment in We The People's health is the smart money. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine for the stupidity and ethics vacuum of those who defend making profits off people's illnesses.

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Yes. The Democrats could relabel tax breaks for thé wealthy “Socialism for the Rich”

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Another term in use is wealthfare!

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Good one, Jennifer.

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Tax breaks for the wealthy combined with construction contracts for their construction firms, combined with the Paycheck Protection Program (which dwarfed Welfare and Social Security)?

All socialism, no doubt.

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Which it most assuredly is.

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Indeed it is the end result of socialism.

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Agreed! “Socialism” is hurled like a swearword, a huge put down. I would be very interested in reading such a letter.

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Thanks for repeating my favorite HST quote. Their blather has not changed in 90 years. Sadly, Rupert’s bull horn just made the lies louder and tinged with hate.

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Most of my friends who are Democrat are not ashamed to admit that they are socialists. A major wing of the party calls themselves "Democrat Socialist". Bernie Sanders, who would have been the nominee but for the undemocratic elite superdelegates, is not ashamed of the term.

I think all Democrats should be honest about it, and call it what it is. The fact that some are ashamed of it is somewhat telling in and of itself. Too much emphasis on appearances.

The safety nets are social policies, and most are in trouble as with most any socialist state, but we tolerate them. The real work of paying for the safety nets is done by the other side of the economy. They cannot survive without free market capitalism.

Ask the Venezuelans seeking refuge at Martha's Vineyard how well socialism works. Give them a job in the fisheries and they will show you how to run a market economy. Some will become millionaires. Yes, it's a dream that won't happen at Martha's Vineyard because they are a sanctuary in name only.

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It definitely has been quite a week…democracy prevailed! Thank you Professor!

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In addition to being such a delightful picture, it tells me that instead of voting on the schedules we now follow, we should schedule voting to coincide with full moons, whose forces pull us from the brink!~

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Welcome home, indeed! Thank your friend, Peter, for sharing the photo! Rest well, and thank you for your guidance as always!

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Beautiful shot. I look forward to your post every day.

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Stunning! Welcome home to all.

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Beautiful. And as it wanes, we have Pence's first interview since January 6 (on ABC) and long overdue public statement that TFG's words were "reckless." "It was clear he decided to be part of the problem."

To be clear, there is much to loathe Pence about, but buried under all that is actually a glimmer of hope as he says, "I turned to my daughter, who was standing nearby, and I said, 'It doesn't take courage to break the law. It takes courage to uphold the law.'"

Of course, he has a book coming out. What is with all these patriots, and I use the word sarcastically, who would reveal the disasters in our government in books months and years later, and only to the relative few who read them? Like Melania's jacket, it's like they just really don't care, nor do the journalists who should be breaking these stories to the public at large.

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They don’t care and are far as Pence goes, he simply hasn’t read the crowd. He kept his mouth closed for way too long about Trump. He should’ve condemned him for inciting the crowd, especially since they were seeking his hanging! I can’t help but think of him as a Ken doll...one with no balls.

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He kept his mouth closed for 4 years too long! For a "Christian" man to go along with the crap that trump was doing and saying makes him a hypocrite not a Christian. I'm assuming he justified it by saying he was doing it for the "greater good" or the end game. As far as I'm concerned, he's as bad as trump.

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IMO these books are a twisted form of a confessional portraying themselves as the hero. Oh yeah- and money.

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Wow, that is a gorgeous picture. Thanks for sharing another of Peter's stunning images. Rest well, everyone, for tomorrow will be another busy day. 🌕🌌💛

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what a thrilling, evocative photo..brings tears to my eyes. Thanks for posting it.

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Precious photo, momentous date! Thank you, Peter Ralston! Ahhh...The man in the moon is smiling and I also see bunny dancing! Time to take out that book of moon legends of cultures around the world.

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The Moon's features are remarkably clear.

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Yes, which probably prompted my comment. A beautiful photo, yes?

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I thought it, but it was your comment that prompted me to add it in agreement. When I was a little girl, my Canadian-born mother gave me a beautifully illustrated book of the legends of the Native Americans. It was called "Redskin Morning." This tinted moon reminds me of that book.

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What a wonderful gift

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I just love this photo! I will forever have this evocative photo to associate with Most of America coming home to Democracy!

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Sweet dreams and a celebration to the awesome Moon and back. And an “Election poem” for young people from Poets.org. Just a little political humor.

Exquisite Candidate

Denise Duhamel - 1960-

I can promise you this: food in the White House

will change! No more granola, only fried eggs

flipped the way we like them. And ham ham ham!

Americans need ham! Nothing airy like debate for me!

Pigs will become the new symbol of glee,

displacing smiley faces and "Have A Nice Day."

Car bumpers are my billboards, billboards my movie screens.

Nothing I can say can be used against me.

My life flashes in front of my face daily.

Here's a snapshot of me as a baby. Then

marrying. My kids drink all their milk which helps the dairy industry.

A vote for me is not only a pat on the back for America!

A vote for me, my fellow Americans, is a vote for everyone like me!

If I were the type who made promises

I'd probably begin by saying: America,

relax! Buy big cars and tease your hair

as high as the Empire State Building.

Inch by inch, we're buying the world's sorrow.

Yeah, the world's sorrow, that's it!

The other side will have a lot to say about pork

but don't believe it! Their graphs are sloppy coloring books.

We're just fine—look at the way

everyone wants to speak English and live here!

Whatever you think of borders,

I am the only candidate to canoe over Niagara Falls

and live to photograph the Canadian side.

I'm the only Julliard graduate—

I will exhale beauty all across this great land

of pork rinds and gas stations and scientists working for cures,

of satellite dishes over Sparky's Bar & Grill, the ease

of breakfast in the mornings, quiet peace of sleep at night.

From Exquisite Politics. Copyright © 1997 Denise Duhamel and Maureen Seaton. Reprinted by permission of Tia Chucha Press.


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Great, if dark, poem!

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Made me cringe on so many levels…

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Enough moonlight to navigate—like enough success to push us to keep striving to inspire others to be their better angels (and to pass laws to deter them from chaos and anarchy).

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Laws that attract them away from chaos and anarchy.

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