What a fabulous picture! Please don’t give up your day job though. The tide is starting to turn. Dan Rather in his Substack really went after the media today for ignoring tfg’s crimes. The LBJ Library on YouTube has an excellent interview with Woodward and Bernstein and Robert Redford talking about what investigative journalists do and how the Post supported their work. I recommend both while we wait for Dr Richardson’s letter tomorrow. So appropriate for these times when a sociopath who committed treason among his other crimes is treated as an equal to Joe Biden who is mentally, physically, ethically and morally superior to the lying, cheating,smarmy criminal who not only denied Biden access to the government he should have had after the election, but carried out an attack of his own government. He SAID to let the rioters bringing guns into the Jan 6 rally that they were not after HIM. Whew. I’m going to take some deep breaths and stare at your sunset photo for a while. Thank you!

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Thanks for the link to Dan Rather's excellent substack post, Gigi. I'm going to try to find the LBJ Library interview. I don't like the anxious, thin -ice feeling that's been constantly with me since 2015 but I believe that this is how TFG feels all the time, as well. And the more he feels this way, the more threatening he becomes in his efforts to convince both himself and us that he's a big tough guy, the victor in his toddler-like re-enactment of an old vengeance against his emotionally neglectful parents. He's an angry two-year-old who finally has the "world" on his side, seeing his pain and rallying on his behalf. It's only in the restorative ambience of the roaring crowd that he feels a measure of vindication in his two year old heart. But the rest of the time he feels close to psychic annihilation and this inner state of emotional fragility, which he hides so well behind arrogance and threats to his detractors, is what we're feeling the echo of. So, the more fragile he feels the more anxious we become via his unconscious mode of communication.

But, as Dan Rather reminds us, the actual election just 6 days ago, brought out a strong Democratic voice which I trust is a harbinger of things to come in 2024. Unconsciously, TFG is scared but he acts as if he were indomitable. Consciously, many of us are scared also but we're setting democratic limits on how much we're willing to live in the grip of the fear he causes us to feel.

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I think it’s been many years since the psychopath had anything resembling normal feelings. I asked my clinical psychologist friend about doing therapy with a teen that had been diagnosed with a personality disorder. She said you would just manage him, otherwise you would have to tear down the walls and recreate, a very dangerous thing to do because he would likely become suicidal. Not immediately but the process would be long and arduous. That was a teen. My feeling is that chump’s wall is reinforced concrete, and a loss for him is indeed a chip in his armor. As we have seen. His response, in the end, may look more like Koresh or Jim Jones with a bigger boom. And, if he cheats his way back in, imagine how big that boom can be.

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Thank you! Mary Trump would say, and/or has said much of the same. What Trump has tapped into is the tantrum-prone child in far too many poor, sick Americans, long exploited by trickle down economics, Big Pharma, and Big Ag. I hope we hear more from Jon Tester and Rev Warnock about Biden’s farm bill (it sounds really good) and get free medical school for qualified candidates so we can begin to address real health in America.

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Real health in America, a dream for us, a reality for other countries. Thanks repubs

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Yes! Having experienced French health care and read Tony Judt on social democracy, plus seeing what’s happened to Medicare since 1995 (my mother’s Medicare was still a government function), I know what SCOTUS and Republicans have done to deprive US.

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Did you intend “real” or “rural” health? To be sure, we need both!

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The best health care possible for everyone, plus learning about nutrition and body care in school (we used to have that!).

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Tearing down the walls and recreating is dangerous; I had a therapist try that with me when I was in my mid-30s (for complex PTSD, not a personality disorder) and it damned near killed me.

I got a better therapist later on and learned how to manage myself.

What would be really cool? If we could change the cultural tendency towards brutality in child-rearing. Which I think is happening, but the fascist right wing is full of brutalized adult children who think they turned out just fine and want the rest of us to go back to old-fashioned spankings, shame, and fear of angry father gods.

TFG may well appeal to anxieties about racial/social hierarchy and economic uncertainty, but I think it is more personal than that with a lot of folks.

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Just thinking recently about some teens I knew 30 years ago who had been brutalized in one way or another. The are in their 50's now. Some I know are magats. "Brutalized adult children" really touched a nerve with me. Glad you survived a therapist who should not have been.

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Erik is 100% correct...physical, mental, and emotional abuse in childhood is the cause of much, if not most, violence in adulthood. Studies show that children, especially boys, who grow up in authoritarian households are more likely to support right wing political attitudes and policies, including violence. They are also more prone to feeling vulnerable and collecting guns in a desire to never again feel powerless. (That's a different meaning of the term, "Never again.")

Erik said it best: "...the fascist right wing is full of brutalized adult children who think they turned out just fine and want the rest of us to go back to old-fashioned spankings, shame, and fear of angry father gods."

*Sean Hannity admitted to being beaten as a child but only because "he deserved it." (Rationalization and identification with the aggressor.)

*Mary Armstrong's paper, "The Price We Pay for Shaming Little Boys" makes the connection between abusive childrearing and authoritarian politics.

*A film called, "The White Ribbon" dramatizes the kind of childrearing practices common in Germany approximately 20 years before Hitler took power.

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To Erik, Jeri, et.al.

First, I want to be perfectly clear...the concept of "tearing down" character structure is not remotely possible...it's an incorrect analogy. The beliefs that shape our character and personality as we develop from birth on, were formed in specific intersubjective fields with our specific caregivers. Repeated experiences between baby and caregiver form deep seated patterns of experience which harden into beliefs and "rules of human engagement" in unconscious realms of experience. The behavior we observe from the outside, is not because there are "walls" on the inside of a person. It's because BABY X did not get his/her emotional/relational needs met sufficiently at developmentally crucial times. There exists a continuum, a lengthy spectrum of trauma and insecurity; some people, like most of us on this thread, probably are somewhere towards one end of that continuum, and others, like TFG, Putin, Hitler, Mussolini, etc. are way towards the other end of the spectrum. People in the former group can often benefit from all kinds of psychotherapy or psychoanalysis, but people at the other end are not likely to seek therapy EVER, nor benefit in any way. Sometimes the developmental "water" is really under the bridge. There is a biological and psychological "window" of opportunity for a human child to develop a capacity for empathy with another, and that window closes at about age 3. If a child has not been treated with at least some amount of compassion, tenderness, concern for his/her needs and feelings by some caregiving person during the first three years of life, that window of opportunity can shut down completely.

Some people might find it hard to believe that the well-dressed children of rich people can sometimes be treated as "things," not as deserving, precious souls. No truly experienced therapist would expect to be able to alter the characteristics of someone like TFG who manifests multiple symptoms of sociopathy and malignant narcissism. What will save humanity is educating the public regarding how to spot the danger signs of sociopathy, the inability to empathize with others. Those people in our personal lives or political world are truly dangerous to us all.

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So very true, my psychologist friend would agree I feel sure. She just gave me a brief explanation as to why there were limits to expectation for that teen. I would say that rich kids are just as likely to suffer that fate as poor ones. Saw that when I went to work in an affluent school district after five years working in a very poor one. So shocked at the time. Rich kids more likely to “look better,” but the core is just as damaged. In my humble opinion.

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You got it exactly, the “anxious thin-ice feeling”. Thank you, I’ve been trying to find the words.

And I think your assessment of the emotionally deprived monster that is the irredeemable Drumpf ( returning him his actual name, grandson of a pimp) is acute.

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Madeline, here's the LBJ Library interview on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkbAayPUjtM

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Thank you, Lynn!

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Thanks Gigi!

Steady is a worthy read!

Here’s the YouTube with Woodward, Bernstein, and Redford.


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Thanks for the link Kari. Excellent presentation. Watergate was the beginning of my interest in politics and the realization that we always have to be vigilant. Watergate shook many of us out of our complacency. Starting at about the 1 hour mark, the comments of the three participants are especially interesting and relatable to the times we find ourselves in with tfg. So nice to see such an elegant, eloquent discussion!

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What a fabulous interview and talk by Heather Cox Richardson! So worthwhile to listen to, Kari!

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Just finished listening to this. Thank you so much, Kari, for posting the link. It is rich! I admire these three men and what they did for America by seeking truth. Fascinating discussion among them as they reflect on those Nixon days. Have to go watch that movie again.

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In Dan Rather comments section someone posted all of Tuberville's reach information.

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Yes, thank you, GiGi, for sharing the link. I’m heading there now.

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Thank you!

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Thank you

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What does Rather, Bernstein, and Woodward all have in common? They are old. We love them but for what they did when they were young. They were passionate, driven, and focused to help expose and bring down corruption and an end to the Vietnam war. The youth of this nation is sitting on a time bomb, and the first one will go off on the 17th. The second will be when Trump is found guilty of one of those indictments.

I was coming out of the Columbus circle subway on Saturday and a younger gentleman then I was putting up pictures of the Americans that were kidnapped by Hamas. They get torn down every night, he puts them back up in the morning. That’s dedication and a reminder of what anger exist in the city. They might not be Hamas, yet they are surely representing them by doing that. And there are other angry Trumpers so don’t beleive for one minute our democracy is safe.

So where are the Taylor Swifts? Busy chasing a KC boyfriend around. Or any talented young performer, or political figure. We don’t have any urgency here from the youth. No organized events or concerts or marches. I was so glad to March in NYC with the youth from Parkland yet they too seem to be silenced by thugs and NRA.

It takes months and money to organize a March in NYC. To set up a Woodstock. To get organized youth to flood the streets with pamphlets and messages about women’s rights, and the leading cause of youth’s death, or why church and statee need to be separate, why checks and balances are critical, and suppression of education for Americans, allowing other countries to fund thugs to come here and March with Nazi signs and tear down posters. That is not freedom of speech.

And I know that I’m writing to many folks that are retired, but I do work on my son and nieces. And you should to. They are the future; They are the votes we desperately need.

And please purchase and read heathers book. What is described about Nazi Germany and how Hitler came into power without being elected can very well happen. MAGA and Johnson want to re-write the constitution. When that happens, goodbye democracy.

Nice picture.

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'Kansas professors/fans: Musician Taylor Swift poised to raise political voice in 2024

Swift raising reputation as advocate by championing LGBTQ, abortion rights'


'Celebrities are becoming louder than ever in an effort to promote change. From Kerry Washington and Katy Perry to John Legend and Michael B. Jordan, here are some of the most active actors, musicians and TV personalities, many of whom have been longtime activists, and all refusing to stay silent.'


'6 of the loudest calls to action from youth activists in 2023 (so far)

The next generation of leaders continues to fight for rights, reform, and a safe, pro-democracy future.'


There are many, many more examples of political activists. John Baldwin. It's easy to find them because they are coming for you!

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I have posted this many times already, but I would love to see Beyoncé get her "hive" all registered and to vote. I am not minimizing the effect of Taylor Swift, KUDOS to her! However, I've read so much about disenfranchised young black women (and I used to overhear it at work also) and young black men, too. They are crucial for us, and for THEIR future as well.

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Yes! Taylor Swift is definitely a force for good! She posted something on Instagram (I think it was) that encouraged her fans to register to vote; suddenly there was an uptick of 35,000 new voter registrations! David Hogg, a young man who is a survivor of a mass shooting (Parkland), has started or at least is very involved in an organization that works to get young people elected ("Leaders We Deserve"), and I'm pretty sure he was one of the organizers of the March for Our Lives, who had an amazing rally in 2018:


and got an impressive array of stars on stage, including Lin-Manuel Miranda singing with Ben Platt. (The speeches begin around the 42 minute mark.) I also get a regular (fundraising) email from "Hollywood Democrats." Etc. ... Having mentioned Miranda: Heather, the night after we listened to your Forum interview, I had a dream that you were interviewing Miranda! That would be an amazing interview. And hey, he is co-owner of a bookstore! I could envision this happening! :-)

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I hope she actually stays with Kelce. That brings in the mid-west and football fans. But by far, we need Taylor. This is now our royalty.

Yes, Beyoncé is so important.

Who for young Latina singers? Bad Bunny, Shakira?

We have entertainment . They have boats, pick-up trucks, and American flags.

And yes I’m concerned over the youth’s plight, but registering to vote, and vote, may help them from a regime from happening. And we all lose, except for the dictatorship.


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The younger generation is saddled with low paying jobs that they cant leave and high rents they cant earn painting someone’s apartment over a weekend (and other stories from older friends who were young in the 60s-70s). It is absolutely unaffordable to be a young person today, they have little time free. And as you wrote when they do gather they are silenced by thugs. Why not point a finger at the Boomers who are retired? Get out there Boomers!

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I would say that most of us Boomers are already registered and already vote. We need to get the young people's voices in the ballot box.

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Gigi—in 2016, the polls convinced too many voters that Hillary could win without their vote. In 2020, Joe Biden faced an incumbent. In 2024, the American public is seeing on their news what happens when you totally outlaw abortions; the majority does not approve and is taking action. Even in Texas, the local news has covered the women suing the state government for preventing medical care when they partially miscarried.

Finally, some of TFG’s opponents are publicizing his gaffes.

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In Texas, every iota of truth counts. But so much BS piled high and deep…

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I really hope that the tide can be turned… I’m sorry to say I’m not optimistic, because I cannot see how Biden can prevent the Republinazis from drawing America into a government shutdown, and in doing so, shove the American economy off that precipice, and the entire western economy with it. Putin is already wringing his hands…

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With glee

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Does anyone else wonder if it is in the interest of the corrupt Republican Party to shut down the government and keep it that way up until the election if they are able (an election they will work to postpone)? At what point in time (a week, a month, 6 months?) does it mean the dismantling of our national unifying government has begun? And do the national representatives and senators continue to get a paycheck and their Cadillac healthcare benefits while the lower level workers lose their’s? Then what will those same still being paid useless so called national representatives offer us? National days of prayer? Will they tell us it is our own fault for not accepting Jesus in our hearts and killing little babies--and they’ll get back to us when they can? Just asking.

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It is in their best interest for a couple of things. As soon as Rump is reelected, it won't take more than 30 seconds before Rep. Tuberville has all vacancies in the army filled with Trumplodytes. And, of course, it just shows nicely that "democracy doesn't work" so we definitely "need a strong man to fix this". I'm pretty sure they are paid healthy sums of money from Moscow for all of this.

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I subscribe and I recall that when Rupert was invited in (with the express purpose to revamp our communication system), I recall that they went after Dan (Walter had retired) and Bill Moyers. Karl Rove, O’Reilly, Ailes and the whole gang were focused on destroying and rebuilding with the Foxified mess we have today.

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Isn't it odd that the media, both publishing and broadcast, whose very freedom is on the line, seem to be asleep at the wheel or unable to articulate the risk that Trump represents to our democracy.

The very first amendment to the Constitution, that provides the freedom the press enjoys, could quite possibly be a faint memory by the time some journalist are released from prison. How many wake up calls are required to get their attention?

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I heard Bob Woodward answer Ari Melber's question - what is journalism? His answer - reporting on what's really happening, in debth, resesarched, verified, sounded much more complex than what a lot of members of the media seem to be doing these days...not to generalize because there have been some good indepth stories, but really.....

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Somehow I started receiving TFG's emails grifting his flock. This is about the 3rd one that I got. To believe any of this one's sources of information could only be Fox, OAN, Newsmax, Alex Jones or some of the other conspiracy spewing outlets.

Here's the email:


History shows that evil only respects one thing: UNYIELDING STRENGTH.

So, it’s no surprise that evil is running wild now that the weakest man you could ever imagine occupies the White House.

Just 4 years ago, America was respected on the world stage, our allies paid their fair share, our enemies feared us, and instead of starting wars, we actually focused on improving the lives of our own citizens. What a beautiful thing!

To remind Americans that our nation can be STRONG again, I just approved a brand new ad that I hope you’ll watch.

After watching my new ad, please consider making a contribution to our Ad Fund to ensure every voter sees it before voting begins in only 9 weeks! (Can you believe it?)








Thank you,

Donald J. Trump

45th President of the United States

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"Respected on the world stage"?! What a crock.

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Ellen, (LOL) you state it so eloquently. [Thank you for the laugh.]

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Thank you for the free entertainment, Richard Sutherland! I am holding this💰💵 for the Democrats!

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You are very welcome, Fern McBride. I am using some of TFG's own words to help raise money for the Democratic clubs and caucuses here in Polk County, Florida.

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Well THAT didnt help the GOP much, did it!

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Richard, I read his e-mail that you received. Lies and grift. How do people keep falling for it?

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Great question, Helen. TFG's email is replete with lies. TFG only knows how to lie. The reason those people support him is because he shares their racist, misogynistic, anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic white authoritarian values. This was made very clear in "The Anger Games: Who Voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 Election, and Why?" Speaking of "why," one wonders why we are so invested in whatever "race" we are. We're all a hodge podge of everything, some more of this than that. My birth as a male and as a Caucasian was purely a matter of chance. Of course I understand that not everyone has such a nonchalant take on it.

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Richard-I do imagine what the world would be like if we didn’t make skin color a dividing line. Our psyche and politics would be totally different.

Americans need to realize as Ella Baker (1903-1986) said, “strong people don’t need strongmen”. Abolishing race (like we abolished slavery) will only make us stronger.

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Love that quote

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Great point, Gina: "Strong people don't need strongmen." Just when we think that we're making progress, the counter-revolutionaries fight back. This is what I posted a short time ago: Who could have imagined, even in their wildest dreams, that it would be the Christians and not the atheists who would be the greatest threat to American democracy? With the six Roman Catholics on the Supreme Court, a Speaker of the House of Representatives who wants the Bible to replace the Constitution, and the Evangelicals supporting a known insurrectionist who has promised to ignore the Constitution if elected, if power flows to their hands they will strangle the Constitution and the rights that it protects.

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I've been more afraid of Christians since the late 70s, when I left the Southern Baptist Church and started telling everyone I knew that they were working to turn the US into a theocracy.

And now here we are.

In the meantime, atheists have threatened democracy how, exactly? Mostly they try to keep state and local governments from sneaking Christianity back into places where it doesn't belong: public schools and land, government buildings and institutions.

Sure, some of them are blowhards in their own right: misogynistic and certain they are smarter than anyone else in the room because they are White Atheist Men, but honestly, in my experience, the "atheist" part is mostly incidental when compared to other blowhard Authoritative White Men.

Yesterday, another commenter posted this 1994 statement by Barry Goldwater, excerpted from John Dean's _Conservatives without Conscience_ (published in 2006):

"“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can’t and won’t compromise. I know, I’ve tried to deal with them.”

Who could have imagined?

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It’s like something that you had no say in is the thing you are most proud of. What bologna. Of course, it may be what allows one to skip to the head of the line, but in a fair world, that would be a minus instead of a feather in one’s cap. But there are those who are successful, but have been kneecapped before the starting line. They are the heroes if your name isn’t Clarence Thomas, Who was bought and paid for. Yep, money votes in our crazy world. “A hodge podge of everything, some more of this than that.” Exactly, wish we were earthlings, United to save our “pale blue dot.”

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Interesting, Jeri. I was thinking the other day, about the vastness of the universe. Is there intelligent life out there? Here on earth life started 3.5 billion years ago with LUCA. Several billion years passed before creatures actually developed. A billion is a big number. Anyhow, out of the billions of creatures that have occupied this planet, the vast majority (plants, bacteria) have no brains and of the others that do have brains (insects and animals, principally) only one has the brain power of a human. Who is to say that there is life out there and that it has a brain? It could only be plant life. This is what old men do sometimes since they have spare time. We may be it, not only the paragon of all creatures here on earth, but in the entire never-ending universe.

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Our vision seems so limited, always having to focus on immediate threats and having our vision muddied as to possibilities. I love Frank Bormann’s comment about the message he received. “Apollo 8 saved 1968.” 1968 was a morass of problems, so are we. Of course, Nixon and his political progeny have blurred our vision again. But “earthrise” continues..

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😵‍💫🤢🤮🤡💩(just a bunch of emojis indicating anger and nausea)...funny that tfg is talking about "paying their fair share" since that is what President Biden said about tax cheats. He repeated it 3 times which is like being very angry for him.

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I do like your form of expression, Gigi. TFG is a clown, isn't he, though a peddler of poison?

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I get emails from various repubs, they are not sent to my legitimate email addresses, but show up above where they are. I can unsubscribe to the ones to my accounts, but the others have no way to do that. They are worse than any hackers.

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Thanks Gigi! Here's another good one from Columbia Journalism Review on how the media is handling this. A point they made which I hadn't been able to articulate is that there should be a difference between reporting on the presidency and reporting on the politics of an election. But framing everything about Biden & TFG in the context of the election, they are "bothsiding" them, and leaving out Biden's accomplishments and TFG's increasingly disturbing, authoritarian-leaning rhetoric.


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Looking forward to reading it. That makes sense. There should be politics, the game to get elected and then public service, where all the people matter not just the ones who voted for you. Tfg will never care about anyone who is not a cult member. When will they ever learn?

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I'm not sure the current crop wlll learn it this go round. But I suspsect he won't be attracting too many new members. I hope, I hope.....

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I just listened to the Woodward, Bernstein and Redford interview and I am thankful of getting the chance. Thank you GiGi.

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Thanks for letting me know, Gail. I did not remember that Nixon was re-elected after the Watergate breakin. That came out in the discussion and set me back. Woodward, Bernstein, WaPo and honest republicans saved us. This time, we know the facts, we were eye witnesses to tfg's biggest crime but we are totally lacking in honest repubs. Furthermore, Nixon won by a huge margin over McGovern who had the same quiet strength as Joe Biden. So every single primary leading up to the election is a chance for Dems to show their strength and the msm will turn around I believe.

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Thank you!

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Heather, I see a heart in the stone poking out of the water on the left. How apt! Safe travels and have a lovely reunion in Maine.

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When I spotted that heart shaped space, I smiled at how apt it is for HCR, her travels and the message she brings to me each morning in this time of anxiety: Clarity, balance,

intelligence, and deep knowledge

among many other things. And I believe, love.

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Elisabeth, thought I saw a 💙 when I opened the email. Then thought it was my morning eye-opening (literally) vision. So I opened HCR's letter via the 'view in browser' version ... and there it was, clear as day. I even enlarged it to make sure it wasn't an illusion. Every now and then we're reminded something extraordinary can happen before our very eyes. May it be so ... on so many fronts on this planet of ours, near and (very) far from us.

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Good eye!

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That it is...

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Great eye!

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I had to go back to see the heart shape....was too focused on the birds and colors!

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I am always so envious when I see the beautiful pictures from Maine. But I was born in San Francisco and live just south of it now. Have seen sunsets over the Pacific many times.

Safe travels, Heather and thank you for coming out our way.

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Heather: Did you see this on Robert Hubble's Substack (the one I always read after yours)?

Gifting Heather Cox Richardson’s new book, “Democracy Awakening.”

In correspondence with a reader over the weekend, the reader noted her interest in reading Heather Cox Richardson’s important new book, Democracy Awakening. However, the reader also noted her inability to purchase the book because she is retired and lives on a fixed income. So, I am sending the reader my personal copy of Democracy Awakening (and I will purchase a replacement copy for my bookshelf—a happy outcome for everyone!).

If other readers would like a copy of HCR’s book but cannot afford to purchase one, fill out this form: Book Request Form. I will then ask readers of this newsletter to volunteer to purchase and send a copy of Democracy Awakening to readers who would not otherwise be able to purchase the book. I will share your address information with one reader only who volunteers to send a copy of HCR’s book to you.

For those interested in volunteering to send a copy of HCR’s book to another reader, hold off on contacting me until I know how many books we need to supply. And when we do move to the step of sending HCR’s book to other readers, let’s try to purchase the books from independent bookstores. See the Independent Bookstore locator here: Bookshop.org: Store Locator.

But—no need to wait! There are people in your life who would enjoy and benefit from receiving a copy of HCR’s important book—they just may not know it!

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If any of your readers want to participate, they should go to Robert's Substack: https://roberthubbell.substack.com/p/an-eventful-coming-week, and keep an eye out for what he does to include others.

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Count me in. Will you be posting Book Request Form?

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Not me, Jeri. You can keep an eye on Robert Hubble's Substack, as it's usually free for most access. He said he will eventually post a way to contact him to let him know you want to be one of the people to buy one book for one person. He will then connect you with the one person. I'm not sure how this will work exactly, but I'll be watching as I read him every day. If you're not a subscriber, when you go to his Substack, under "Subscribe," you'll usually see "No thanks." Click that for free access.

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I subscribe. Read immediately after HCR. Thanks

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A wonderful picture with the birds in flight at sunset. HCR, you sound free and happy as can be to see

old friends and meet new ones. I am going to try to catch your free spirit at least for today. Thank you for all your gifts of learning, understanding, participating and kindness. Salud!

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Beautiful shot of sunset with the pelicans flying in line. I love the Pacific at sundown.

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I love pelicans. About the only thing I miss from my Florida days.

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I live on the West Coast in Santa Cruz County. One of my greatest pleasures on my daily walks is seeing the pelicans, as well as the gulls, the other birds, the dolphins & now & then the seals. For a short while, the world seems peaceful.

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Me too, but all coastal states (Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific) and Utah's Great Salt Lake also have pelicans. Too bad they are strictly salt water birds so the Great Lakes miss them.

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Yeah, they don't come 'round to the mountains much, either.

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Unfortunately, no LOL

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We on the Left Coast love ya, Heather. I’m halfway through the audio version and my respect builds from chapter to chapter. I’m a tough critic of historical writing, and you swing for the fences. Fly safe. Get some rest. And come back strong. And if you get to Powell’s in PDX, I’ll crawl there to meet you.

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I’m there, too, Jack. Heather, you are most welcome to come to the Pacific Northwest where we can show you some great sunsets (between the raindrops). Powell’s Books in Portland is THE place to meet lots of new, adoring friends! After you catch your breath... Your columns and your book are keeping me sane and hopeful for our country. Thank you!

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You would probably have to crawl though a dense crowd, Jack. I read Heather's book in book form and loved the writing and clarity. I too have problems with histories that are turgid and poorly written... sometimes in the passive voice. I have a memory that Heather gave a talk fairly recently in Portland, but not a book tour talk at Powell's. I live in Oregon, one of the world's beautiful places. And i too thank Heather her to the point letters and what I call the serenity photos usually on the weekend.

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I was in the crowd for your talk last night. We all appreciated your artful characterization of what is happening, how it relates to history and the path forward. Your mission is so important. I am immensely grateful and have so much love in my heart for you... thank you!

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what about an english tour? you would be so welcome to stay here in the Cotswolds.

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The trouble with the Pacific coast is that the Sun sets into the ocean, instead of rising out of it like it’s supposed to.

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That's the wonderful thing about the Pacific!

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🤣🤣🤣 That’s one thing I do love about the Keys. I walk one block to see it come up and about three blocks to watch it go down. ALMOST makes me forget about the idiot governor.

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Those sunsets must be powerful....if they help you forget about Stumpy Boots DeSatan. I have an ex-student who lives near Sanibel Island and is a sane voice from that part of the country.

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Thank goodness we have a group of old Dems here. Unfortunately some former “libertarians” and the more open minded, especially the young, have become libertines. David Brooks had a pretty good take on it here. Gift article. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/12/opinion/ohio-abortion-republicans.html?unlocked_article_code=1.-Ew.ZCMQ.FrsjszEa11aH&smid=url-share

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My first visit to the east coast, I was turned around 180 degrees. The sun was in my wrong place.

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lol, ??? of course, i'm an easterner too. Just get on the east side of a bay and you get it:) take care

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But we’re looking west toward where we are going not east where we have been.

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So lovely!

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From coast to coast. From sea to shining sea!

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I loved your book! Thank you.

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Still reading. I read it at bedtime, but can only read a bit at a time because I don't want to get to angry (when it is time to go to sleep) at all of the injustices in this country historically and continuing!

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Which is why I read my political books in the morning. Bedtime reading has to be escapist.

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I was the same way with “How the South won the Civil War” ,“White Rage”, “Caste”, etc....good idea on switching to daytime reading!

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OFF TOPIC: I guess Larry Ellison can read polling data. Per Business Insider, Senator Tim Scott has been sctatched from the Republican Toy Horse race before reaching the IOWA starting gate.

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‘Moms for Liberty’ Fanatics Lose Out Big-Time

It turns out that most parents are repelled by howling red-faced bigots threatening teachers and trying to ban books.

"Republican got an up-close look at what the conservative movement is like these days, and reacted with slack-jawed horror."


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Ah ... the view of the sun nearly set on the cliff from 1090 Point Lobos Avenue, SF, CA

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