This veteran says thanks back at you. Just a bit concerned that my Army and National Guard service may have been in vain with this president elect. I swore an oath to defend against all America's enemies, foreign and domestic. And so what now?

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On this Veterans Day, let’s spend sometime remembering those who have served this country. I’ve stepped away from campaign analysis and dire predictions, to listening to President Biden’s concession speech and veteran stories on Sunday morning news. The heroism and patriotism serve as an example of what Americans value and should work for, regardless of election results 🇺🇸

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I’m a veteran. Not a sucker or a loser. Our country has faced greater threats than Trump and come through just fine. Stay calm and carry on.

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Hmm...I can't think of a greater threat if you consider the past world burners were in other countries, now we have one running our government.

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The Civil War?

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Hmm...We had a Civil War that cost many lives and was a needless tragedy. However, what did we learn other than erecting Jim Crow,, rewarding white wealthy confederate southerners with property, towns and schools named after them, and distorting American history though the school system? I say after the Civil War, we entered a Civil Cold War which has enabled the events of the past 20 years to unfold. To Quote Franklin D. Roosevelt: 'In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.'

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I was just thinking of the Civil War as a threat that nearly tore our country apart. The Civil Cold War is an interesting concept. Maybe we are still in that cold war going on 200 years later. Slavery was abolished at the end of the Civil War but racism is still very much with us. Maybe Professor Richardson could weigh in on this.

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Huh? Slavery abolished? Check this out https://www.livescience.com/61886-modern-slavery-united-states-antoinette-harrell.html. We have changed the name of slavery to "human trafficking". Sounds much nicer that way. Check this https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/human-trafficking-rates-by-country. Look where we are as a country........

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You have shifted away from writing about the election to history that’s important. The results of the election are painful to most of your readers. There are many reasons that I despise DJT, but today hits home for me as a veteran. I received my commission in 1968 while in graduate school. I served my entire career as a Clinical Psychologist, so I never faced hostile fire, but I have treated and still treat veterans over the course of my career in service and private practice from the wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq, and I know the terrible toll of those veterans and contractors in those conflicts. DJT’s attitude toward our service members is despicable. None of us are suckers and losers. We did it out of love for our country and caring for service members and their families, often ignored for their sacrifices.

I read a lot of historical novels. I particularly appreciate those written by Jeff Shaara for his unique approach through the experiences of 4 -5 characters. Wilson told General Pershing not to commit American soldiers to action until the entire American Expedition Force was assembled. He chose, against the wishes of the French to attack a German promontory much like the Bulge of WW II. He tossed the French plan of 400 pp. and followed George Marshall’s 12 page plan. American infantry went into battle with Captain George Patton as tank commander and Captain Harry Truman as the commander of the supporting artillery. Who knew? Shaara researches prodigiously. My contribution to the knowledge of history.

In the British comedy Doc Martin, he is called to evaluate a woman for dementia. He asks her when WW II started, and she correctly answers November 11th, 1918. The Treaty of Versailles was the impetus for German resentment that fueled the rise of Adolf Hitler.

Thank you for your recognition of veterans.

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Foreign and domestic. No obscurity there. What's left is how.

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Armistice Day/Veterans Day/ and Remembrance Day are important culturally to honor the service and sacrifice of military veterans. The all-volunteer American military has experienced shortages for several years, which conservatives attribute to it becoming too "woke." But the Biden administration's DOD just announced that the armed services recruited "12.5% more people in fiscal year 2024 than in the year prior despite a challenging and disinterested recruiting market." Forces increased from 200,000 to 225,000. Let's see if the incoming Trump administration can do as well in recruitment as the Biden administration, given what Trump said about "suckers and losers." https://open.substack.com/pub/jimbuie/p/on-veterans-day-military-recruitment?r=7j6hq&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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On behalf of my father & father-in-law who served with in the Army Air Corps & the Navy respectively during WWII, I thank you for your reminder of why ,every year, we honor them and all who served our country. They are no longer with us, but both would be appalled at how the ex, soon to be president again, disrespects those men & women who selflessly serve their fellow citizens, our country and the world. He is ignorant of the fact that he is one of those citizens, and has the wealth & power he has only because of those he calls suckers & losers. I fear what might be the future of our nation with him in charge, but I also have faith in the resilience of the American people. I agree with Jeff. Our country has seen worse, and if we stand together we will survive this next few years and hopefully come out the other side stronger.

Thank you to all who have & continue to serve America. You are all national treasures.

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