It's pretty cut and dried, as you say, Lynell. I'm personally more concerned that Cannon doesn't seem to know enough pertinent law or proper trial procedure to be at this particular helm. I wish she'd realized it herself and recused, but she didn't, and none of us know why. For that huge misjudgment on her part, I say take her off the bench forever.
It's pretty cut and dried, as you say, Lynell. I'm personally more concerned that Cannon doesn't seem to know enough pertinent law or proper trial procedure to be at this particular helm. I wish she'd realized it herself and recused, but she didn't, and none of us know why. For that huge misjudgment on her part, I say take her off the bench forever.
It's pretty cut and dried, as you say, Lynell. I'm personally more concerned that Cannon doesn't seem to know enough pertinent law or proper trial procedure to be at this particular helm. I wish she'd realized it herself and recused, but she didn't, and none of us know why. For that huge misjudgment on her part, I say take her off the bench forever.