"It is not a joke and when this goon is president he will you this info for his own power. Poor pitiful America. What a great idea it was"
The odd 'typos' and degrading sentiment make this comment suspect. But on face value. The United States of America was a great idea. And overall it has proven a great form of government. A democratic republic founded on a declaration of equality and constituted by coming to consensus through reasoned debate of empirical evidence. Enduringly making progress towards fulfilling these aspirations. Repurposing it as a corporate clerical fascist state, a la the GOP is a very bad idea. As shown by Russia.
I'm not throwing in the towel, Peter, and neither should any of us. Totalitarianism depends on us being disheartened. Courage, mes braves, et aux barricades.
If you mean Trump, then I wouldn't bet on him never being elected again. But I'm certainly working to keep Trump from being elected again. By those on the right and the left.
In 2016 everyone was saying "He can't win." From field work, by early Summer, I was certain that he would win. So it inordinately worries me when people say that - I miss any nuance.
Yup. I watched MSNBC the other night out of curiosity, having long ago quit the station after the loss of Maddow's daily slot. ( I do still watch everything she puts out). I concluded that the prevalence of too much "blathering" by a few of the other commentators just added up to wasted time. So the commentary the other night was about how the poles were not changing and the fact that "no one" was watching or caring about the tfg trials with the predictable air of shock and amazement. That a character challenged, lawless and antidemocratic individual, with the rap sheet he most certainly deserves, could be given continued air time as a credible election challenger just solidified my desire to never watch TV for news again, nor to consider the current crop of Repubs as a serious party. The news I has already read about that day was that a few Repubs had actually announced their inability to support tfg. IMHO, this is BIG news, but they spent valuable screen time on how strong "the base" is for tfg. I seriously question management objectives. I will not watch it again. Not interested in fetid hot air generated over a sleaze bag. Hence my comment. I will follow any source that values the basic tenets of our Preamble to the Constitution and reports the facts commensurate to those tenets. Hence, my one liner of hope. Btw, it seems to me that you do some amazing responsive work here, lin, among many, of course.
It is not a joke and when this goon is president he will you this info for his own power. Poor pitiful America. What a great idea it was
"It is not a joke and when this goon is president he will you this info for his own power. Poor pitiful America. What a great idea it was"
The odd 'typos' and degrading sentiment make this comment suspect. But on face value. The United States of America was a great idea. And overall it has proven a great form of government. A democratic republic founded on a declaration of equality and constituted by coming to consensus through reasoned debate of empirical evidence. Enduringly making progress towards fulfilling these aspirations. Repurposing it as a corporate clerical fascist state, a la the GOP is a very bad idea. As shown by Russia.
America is STILL a great idea, and a great Country! Use your towels to dry off after a bath or shower - not to throw-in on the playing field or floor!
Peter, beautifully expressed. Our democracy is not Past Tense! (Capital Letters for emphasis!)
I'm not throwing in the towel, Peter, and neither should any of us. Totalitarianism depends on us being disheartened. Courage, mes braves, et aux barricades.
Indeed! Be courageous and brave!
He’ll never be elected President again.
"He’ll never be elected President again."
If you mean Trump, then I wouldn't bet on him never being elected again. But I'm certainly working to keep Trump from being elected again. By those on the right and the left.
lin: I am certainly no seer,
it was just my fervent refrain….
Mine too.
In 2016 everyone was saying "He can't win." From field work, by early Summer, I was certain that he would win. So it inordinately worries me when people say that - I miss any nuance.
Yup. I watched MSNBC the other night out of curiosity, having long ago quit the station after the loss of Maddow's daily slot. ( I do still watch everything she puts out). I concluded that the prevalence of too much "blathering" by a few of the other commentators just added up to wasted time. So the commentary the other night was about how the poles were not changing and the fact that "no one" was watching or caring about the tfg trials with the predictable air of shock and amazement. That a character challenged, lawless and antidemocratic individual, with the rap sheet he most certainly deserves, could be given continued air time as a credible election challenger just solidified my desire to never watch TV for news again, nor to consider the current crop of Repubs as a serious party. The news I has already read about that day was that a few Repubs had actually announced their inability to support tfg. IMHO, this is BIG news, but they spent valuable screen time on how strong "the base" is for tfg. I seriously question management objectives. I will not watch it again. Not interested in fetid hot air generated over a sleaze bag. Hence my comment. I will follow any source that values the basic tenets of our Preamble to the Constitution and reports the facts commensurate to those tenets. Hence, my one liner of hope. Btw, it seems to me that you do some amazing responsive work here, lin, among many, of course.