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Most of what I write for this community comes ASTERISK-PRESENT-COMPANY-EXCEPTED since we are obviously strongly like-minded fans of Professor HCR’s work.
However, there seems to be a lot of glass-jawed pushback every time I make a comment about an experience that was based on personal reality. I’m thrilled for you and your lucky junior h…
© 2025 Heather Cox Richardson
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Most of what I write for this community comes ASTERISK-PRESENT-COMPANY-EXCEPTED since we are obviously strongly like-minded fans of Professor HCR’s work.
However, there seems to be a lot of glass-jawed pushback every time I make a comment about an experience that was based on personal reality. I’m thrilled for you and your lucky junior high kids that the bullying brigade did not include an administration filled with stupid, thuggish, dim-witted rural bigots. I’d speculate that might have to do with annual income average in the school’s zip code. However, now that we have all read that “not all men” or “not all schools” could we maybe accept that it’s luck and/or privilege to be a nice kid somewhere nice, but many nice kids aren’t (in this ANALOGY, which was obviously constructed ny Mike S to elucidate the greater problem facing US citizens who don’t want to be pawns of a fascist authoritarian theocracy)?
And then, could we talk about tactics or self-identify and take it offline to i/r/l to meet and strategize and DO?
Sure. Why not?