I came here to listen to Heather say “guilty” 34 times.

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me too

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Reminds me of Cersei”s walk in Game Of Thrones





Trump has no soul though so can’t understand that concept

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yep, was very satisfying

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May 31·edited Jun 1

Me, too! It was more enjoyable than reading Heathers written letter.

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It sounded like a broken record. That is a lot of “guilty”.

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True, but her voice had a hint of joy as she read the 34's!

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Thank you for your concise and penetrating piece summarizing Trump’s criminality. It’s hard to believe the Speaker of the House and other leading republican politicians can ignore the rule of law on which our nation was built. Is this what the march toward fascism feels like?

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Yes it is.

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Gotta love hearing the word "guilty" that many times.

The self proclaimed "Very innocent man" meets his match,,, the rule of law supported and respected by common citizens.

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Guilty X 34...YES!

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I wanted to hear her say it! Guilty, Guilty, Guilty....

I hope he doesn't have it overturned in appeal. I wish his followers would hear the truth about this and not the spin trump and his followers put on it.

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As this developing nation teeters under its own hatred, there is hope for us, yet.

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How effective — wonderful decision to repeat what he had to stand and listen to — the verrdict under the rule of law, thirty-four times.

Now his "dicsiples" react as a crew of Judas goats trying to herd those conned toward the cattle shutes. No matter the hype arising in media seeking clicks, remember that there is a sucker born every minute, but there are more of us.

Discourage profits from the hype, do not encourage it by reading the click bait... when it fails to be profitable, we will see it as a footnote.

Pass on this wonderful audio and quietly feel relieved that no matter the slow pace, the rule of law has prevailed. More to come —

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disciples and verdict — sorry about the qick post

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quick — too

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Facts. Just the facts.

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Perfect rallying cry at all debates, political rallies (including Trump’s) and group meets: “34 COUNTS! 34 Counts!! 34 COUNTS!!!”

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45 34

45 34

45 34

One hell of a call and response if you ask me.

46 4 more years

46 4 more years

46 4 more years

Much better.

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Finally, some accountability for Trump! Predictably, Trump's most fanatical supporters are calling for riots and violent retribution on social media


and even civil war. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-hush-money-verdict-maga-civil-war-1906671

Trump may try to intimidate with a big crowd at the July 11 sentencing and exhort them to "fight like hell, or you won't have a country anymore," like he did for 1/6/2021.

I recently gave a lecture on the prospects of violent conflict in the U.S. soon, and ways we might help calm tensions. An outline and a recording are available on my Substack. https://jimbuie.substack.com/p/violent-conflict-in-us-soon

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Thank you.

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I listened to it twice .. just to hear her say Trump is a convicted felon. Hearing Heather repeat “guilty” 34 times was the icing on the cake. Truly 💙

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Thanks Heather.

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I could not resist playing back Heather’s recitation of the verdicts a couple times. So soothing. For the moment, at least.

Now we have to go to work to make sure every American votes on election day.

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Loves hearing Guilty 34 times!

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