"Recuse himself"!


You mean to voluntarily step back from the fray?

Surrender to the degenerate hordes of liberal commies and socialists?

To declare himself unqualifed to judge on something he passionately believes god himself has trusted in him... volutarily?

To stand down and admit himself to be a bigot.... voluntarily?

To walk away in shame?

Like all his friends and closest advisors are urging him to do the right and honorable thing? Like as if he weren't corrupt?

Sorry, there is more chance of Donald admiting he is guilty of ANYTHING than either Alito... or Thomas... recusing themselves.

Let's be honest, please

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The undermining of the rule of law by Trump and his backers is truly outrageous. Even more disturbing is the lack of outrage in the public. Horror of horrors for North Carolinians, Trump is ahead by 7 points against Biden, and the governor's race between the excellent AG Josh Stein and far-right firebrand Mark Robinson is considered a toss-up. Surely this will change as swing voters start to pay attention. https://jimbuie.substack.com/p/will-reverse-coattails-help-biden

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Thank you Heather. I’m noticing many people live within their own bubble of religion, family and friends. Maybe that’s the Alitos who seem so convinced of their own righteousness.

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I can’t wait for the next one!!

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Live Updates: Trump Guilty on All Counts in Hush-Money Case

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Live Updates: Trump Guilty on All Counts in Hush-Money Case

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