I have a long term friendship with a Haitian Lutheran pastor. It's been terrible in that sad country for so long! Our last conversation covered the catch 22 of having some money... There are supplies and food in the stores. However if you have money to buy such things, and walk into the store, then the roaming gangs know you have money and will take it. If you resist, you face death. It's a beautiful place, but such a long term problem. I believe the US allows it to go on because it is a nation of black people. Shameful.

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Very disappointed with this text. You are missing the point by not including the colonization of many African nations by China, so much so that they are establishing Their own culture and communities, much less having no limits on children. Please note you could have included significant Chinese infrastructure construction without cost except for taking natural resources. Our to little too late entre is a shame. Please update you blog.

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Thank goodness there isn’t someone in Office who considers places such as Kenya, “shithole countries”. Let’s hope that doesn’t come around again, ever.

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American stereotypes of Africa no longer apply. There are now, on the African continent, far more PhDs than victims of famine. I offer an introduction to the continent for people open to having their stereotypes challenged. https://jimbuie.substack.com/p/more-advanced-degrees-than-victims

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always informative,


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Wanted to make you aware of this effort in NC...apologize for being off topic. Just heard you on the Zoom call with Swing Blue Alliance for NC.

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