Do you have a transcript of audio. I prefer to read rather than listen .

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Check your emails. She usually posts the article in written form the day prior. She just recently began doing the audio as well. Both are being appreciated widely.

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I find it very frustrating that lying has become so accepted. The dumbing down of the educational system has worked and the rise in social media is actually helping to keep many uneducated. It is all about "influencers", "clicks", and being "liked". Truth does not matter to many and, for many, even if it does, they no longer know how to determine what is true and what is made up. It is very sad. Many on the Maga side, even if they actually know deep down that these are lies, are not willing to admit it or change their focus just in case they may "lose power" in whatever circles they falsely believe they have it.

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So what we are seeing is that... unlike in the old days.... the state of the economy is irrelevant, and they are winning.

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The state of the economy is not irrelevant but it is being lied about loudly. Also we simply do not hear enough about corporate greed and high cost of goods, of which without the controls that have been stripped over the years by primarily republicans starting with their savior Ronnie R has pushed us slowly to this edge that is now teetering. Jim’s questions are well taken. But Jim did you get those 2 students to change their minds and at least give investigation and critical thinking a shot before coming to their conclusion?

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Conversing about the economy provides us with teachable moments for Americans not well-versed in economics if we ask incisive questions. These can be widely shared. https://jimbuie.substack.com/p/10-questions-on-the-us-economy

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I prefer the audio. My eyes don't work well anymore but my hearing is fine.

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For many, “the state of the economy” is determined by the supermarket, the dollar store, the gas station, and increasing charges on their credit or debit card. Yes, the economists’ state of the economy is getting substantially better, but day-to-day many aren’t experiencing it.

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Ditto what Karen says...prefer transcript. Thanks


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Both are available..... I get both.

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