" Faking signatures for political purposes, who knew??" But who's surprised? Not me. Probably easier to do in some states than others. Our local Registrar of Voters (San Diego CA) samples a random 10% of signatures for initiatives and I wouldn't be surprised if they check all signatures on petitions for candidates to be on the ballot her…
" Faking signatures for political purposes, who knew??" But who's surprised? Not me. Probably easier to do in some states than others. Our local Registrar of Voters (San Diego CA) samples a random 10% of signatures for initiatives and I wouldn't be surprised if they check all signatures on petitions for candidates to be on the ballot here in California. The required number of signatures for candidacy is relatively small depending on whether local or state-level.
" Faking signatures for political purposes, who knew??" But who's surprised? Not me. Probably easier to do in some states than others. Our local Registrar of Voters (San Diego CA) samples a random 10% of signatures for initiatives and I wouldn't be surprised if they check all signatures on petitions for candidates to be on the ballot here in California. The required number of signatures for candidacy is relatively small depending on whether local or state-level.