Elizabeth, It was thoughtful of you to respond. There is no protocol with reference to comments and replies on the forum, except to behave respectfully toward one another. I observe behavior and patterns...observant by nature. I was expressing my thoughts about a few patterns on the forum, and seeing Ally this late morning reminded me…
Elizabeth, It was thoughtful of you to respond. There is no protocol with reference to comments and replies on the forum, except to behave respectfully toward one another. I observe behavior and patterns...observant by nature. I was expressing my thoughts about a few patterns on the forum, and seeing Ally this late morning reminded me of them. She faithfully looks over comments, I surmise not reading them all, but scrolling for what pricks her interest and what she would like to reply to. I appreciate that practice and try to follow it. Most subscribers who come later, simply post when they arrive and often their comments are not read. One reason for that has to do with subscriber/readers come and go at different times. and many seem to come early. Another reason is that some subscribers just read a few comments at the top. I noticed as well that a small number who do not come early make it a practice to hookup with one of the early commenters. Most often there are good reasons to hook up with a comment, adding info, another perspective, etc. Some may just want to make sure that what they have written is read and or collect a good number of 'likes' - a matter of self-esteem?
I have found jewels in the back of the bus, so try to get there. Most if not all of us don't have the time to stop at most posts. We all have our favorites. I was signaling that there is value back there.
Elizabeth, It was thoughtful of you to respond. There is no protocol with reference to comments and replies on the forum, except to behave respectfully toward one another. I observe behavior and patterns...observant by nature. I was expressing my thoughts about a few patterns on the forum, and seeing Ally this late morning reminded me of them. She faithfully looks over comments, I surmise not reading them all, but scrolling for what pricks her interest and what she would like to reply to. I appreciate that practice and try to follow it. Most subscribers who come later, simply post when they arrive and often their comments are not read. One reason for that has to do with subscriber/readers come and go at different times. and many seem to come early. Another reason is that some subscribers just read a few comments at the top. I noticed as well that a small number who do not come early make it a practice to hookup with one of the early commenters. Most often there are good reasons to hook up with a comment, adding info, another perspective, etc. Some may just want to make sure that what they have written is read and or collect a good number of 'likes' - a matter of self-esteem?
I have found jewels in the back of the bus, so try to get there. Most if not all of us don't have the time to stop at most posts. We all have our favorites. I was signaling that there is value back there.