I like how you think. We just may be the Superheroes! Maybe it is time that the superheroes remove their masks and join us.
I remember that Stan Lee did a Spiderman story on a young man that had been sexually abused who is rescued by Spiderman; in conversation, Spiderman (aka Peter Parker) reveals that he, too, had been the victim of s…
I like how you think. We just may be the Superheroes! Maybe it is time that the superheroes remove their masks and join us.
I remember that Stan Lee did a Spiderman story on a young man that had been sexually abused who is rescued by Spiderman; in conversation, Spiderman (aka Peter Parker) reveals that he, too, had been the victim of sexual abuse as a young boy.
I like how you think. We just may be the Superheroes! Maybe it is time that the superheroes remove their masks and join us.
I remember that Stan Lee did a Spiderman story on a young man that had been sexually abused who is rescued by Spiderman; in conversation, Spiderman (aka Peter Parker) reveals that he, too, had been the victim of sexual abuse as a young boy.
There's a decent Chicago Times article on this: https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1985-02-10-8501080651-story.html
Also a Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries rundown of it: https://images.socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu/items/show/368
Wowee! Thanks for this, Ally!