Fascist, seditious elephants. And I love real elephants and do not want them mixed up in politics. New symbol needed for republicans...swastika made out of tiki torches?
Symbols should be easy to recognize. Yes, Elephants are honest and trustworthy. And have memories of family. Show love. The repugs could hold a bogus contest for a new icon. Skunk, hyena, snake?
Interesting, last evening just at dusk, I was walking in the meadow towards the beaver pond and saw a strange dark thing in the tall grass ahead. I paused and asked it what it was. It stuck up the biggest tail with white tips I have ever seen here. I started to walk forward a little and it moved and stuck its tail up further making it out to be a rather large skunk. It was so big, I did not mess with it. I backed up and it started moving towards me so I turned and walked quickly away. It then crossed the path I had mown a few days before and stopped and looked at me as I turned around to see where it was. It was a magnificent creature. But a creature to be very wary of when on your path. Same way I feel about republicans, minus the magnificence, except as a$$holes. To think I used to be a Montessori teacher and great role model. Now I feel like a seething, swearing Medusa in black leather wanting to exact revenge for our world. Geeze...I will channel all this rage, never fear.
Let's leave the animals out of all this; they've done nothing to warrant being associated with such a vile bunch of homo sapiens. I vote for the above suggestion of the tiki torch swastika.
I see Allen Hingston of Ukraine is here! Allen how are you and your family? Where are you now? There are no words for the evil Putin and his supporters are doing to your beautiful country and the bread basket of that area. He does not deserve to live another day.
Alice, thank you for sharing the map. I don’t like it at all. Way too much red. Too many poor elephants roaming the land, from sea to shining sea.
Fascist, seditious elephants. And I love real elephants and do not want them mixed up in politics. New symbol needed for republicans...swastika made out of tiki torches?
Symbols should be easy to recognize. Yes, Elephants are honest and trustworthy. And have memories of family. Show love. The repugs could hold a bogus contest for a new icon. Skunk, hyena, snake?
Interesting, last evening just at dusk, I was walking in the meadow towards the beaver pond and saw a strange dark thing in the tall grass ahead. I paused and asked it what it was. It stuck up the biggest tail with white tips I have ever seen here. I started to walk forward a little and it moved and stuck its tail up further making it out to be a rather large skunk. It was so big, I did not mess with it. I backed up and it started moving towards me so I turned and walked quickly away. It then crossed the path I had mown a few days before and stopped and looked at me as I turned around to see where it was. It was a magnificent creature. But a creature to be very wary of when on your path. Same way I feel about republicans, minus the magnificence, except as a$$holes. To think I used to be a Montessori teacher and great role model. Now I feel like a seething, swearing Medusa in black leather wanting to exact revenge for our world. Geeze...I will channel all this rage, never fear.
Let's leave the animals out of all this; they've done nothing to warrant being associated with such a vile bunch of homo sapiens. I vote for the above suggestion of the tiki torch swastika.
I see Allen Hingston of Ukraine is here! Allen how are you and your family? Where are you now? There are no words for the evil Putin and his supporters are doing to your beautiful country and the bread basket of that area. He does not deserve to live another day.
That's a good idea, Carol.