A good description of today's Treason & Trump Party, formerly known as the Republican Party:

"It was almost no trick at all, he saw, to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into abstinence, arrogance into humility, plunder into philanthropy, thievery into honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism, and sadism into justice. Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. All it required was no character."

-- Joseph Heller, "Catch 22"

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In reading that Heller quote at first I’m thinking how perfect for the idjt repugs —then thinking even the word character is fading away as a value in our corrupt society.

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Unfortunately, too true.

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The PERFECT description.

But of course this is FICTION, old, old fiction...

No possible connection with any persons living in today's squeaky clean America.

Post it on billboards and telescreens. Read it on radio.

The people need LITERATURE!

Besides, no one like that EVER existed in America... Only Russian commies...

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🤣 Catch-22 was one of my favorite books in my teen years, and about the only book taking place during WW2 that I willingly read. And the film, although significantly toned down from the biting satire of the novel, was also brilliant. All of the characters cold be transported to today and would find footholds in the political-military-industrial universe. Thanks Peter!

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Heller always claimed that the novel was "pure fiction." However, a study of the 57th Bomb Wing, of which the 340th Bomb Group in which he was a bombardier, will show that each event in the book is based on a real event: the bombing of the airfield that Milo Minderbinder sets up is the bombing of the base in the last German air raid in the Mediterranean Theater, which happened a week before Heller arrived on Corsica (the island he claims is the group's base was a small island off Corsica one could see from Alesani airfield, where he was based); the scene where the crews are sent to bomb an innocent village to block the road, and are shamed into doing it when Cathcart tells them he can always drop the "milk run" and subsitute a mission to Verona (well-known for a heavy flak defense) is based on the Settimo Bridge incident, down to the pilot who drops his bombs in a field, and no one turns him in. More importantly, it turns out that in all likelihood Heller wrote the novel out of self-loathing for having said "yes" to the deal Yossarian says "no" to. At the end of September 1944, he virtually disappears from the 340th's war diary of crews on missions, flying only 8 more, during a period when the group was flying "The Battle of the Brenner" an "all hands" effort - it turns out he got picked to be a "cast member" for a documentary on training replacement aircrews that 1st Lt. Wilbur Blume was making for the real Col. Cathcart - Blume in his diary described the project as a "boondoggle" and he deliberately took his time with it, working on it in November-December at the height of the initial missions in the Brenner Pass. Then, at a time when the "tour" was set at an irreducible 70 missions, Heller got to go home with 60. That he would be upset with himself for that squares with what Buck Henry (who wrote the screenplay) told me about him being "the angriest guy I ever met." If you're interested in the whole story, it's in my book "The Bridgebusters: the True Story of the Catch-22 Bomb Wing." Feel free to buy a used book - I don't want that @#$%$#@! publisher making any more money they don't report as profits to me. (It turns out they're cheap up there now) You can find it here:


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Bookseller I chose won't make much off the one I bought. Probably should have ordered a copy of Catch 22 while I was at it- not sure where my copy is. But that's easy to replace/borrow. Suspect if mine's not here, it's at my daughter's house. I knew that Heller based it on his own experiences, but did not know how closely until now. Looking forward to reading your take on it.

Funny, I have had the feeling for weeks of living inside that book. Suspect, though, that a lot of folks our age feel that way. Talking to a 21 year old a few weeks ago. She asked me if I'd ever heard of a book called "Catch 22". She told me she'd been seeing a lot of mentions of it and wondered if I thought it was worth reading. Absolutely. Later realized that what she is living through might qualify her to relate to it even more than our generation did. Next time I see her I'll ask if she's read it and what she thinks of it. Or lend her whatever I come up with.

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TC this is fantastic info. Thanks so much!

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All it required was no character.

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Thanks for the reminder of that quote! Perfect!

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Thank You for this TC. May have to dig out my copy. In the meantime, I will copy and post that all too apropos quote."

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Copy and post away!

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Ugh. So true

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Thank you Heather.

The utter disengagement from the reality of January 6th by the GOP is puzzling. I am reminded of an old lawyer adage, "never ask a question you don't already know the answer to". Is their fear the fact that they know who was involved and when that is uncovered they won't beable to twist the narrative to their advantage ?

Texas seems to be hell bent on taking away all they possibly can from women's rights to their own bodies to the weekly $300 additional unemployment funds. I thought yesterday's photo op of signing away women's rights a.k.a. abortion bill was particularly biting with the token women smiling in the front row surrounded by the men that did the bidding. What's the word I'm looking for 🤔 ......disgusting.

You left us too soon Ann Richards.

Be safe, be well.

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The solution is for Gov Abbott to get pregnant with already 3 children to feed and shelter on the wages of a employee in the service industry. And be living in Texas.

Oh that’s right. He’s not a woman. He’s a man who thinks he can tell us what to do with our own bizness by signing that nasty bill.


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The party of small government in action. No oversight of corporations, but oversight of the most intimate areas of life.

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Schmuck. Ha. I can think of more suitable descriptors, some printable, some not.

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Ya, but they all start with F.

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Actually, I'd go with "Putz" - "a penis that thinks it's a person."

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So did her buddy Molly Ivins, who knew just the right words to skew politicians, esp the Texas legislators. A couple quotes: “As they say around the Texas legislature, if you can’t drink their whiskey, screw their women, take their money, and vote against ‘em anyway, you don’t belong in office.” “I believe that ignorance is the root of all evil. And that no one knows the truth.” Once, years ago, I spent an evening drinking with her, listening to her stories. Such a fun, astute woman.

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I so miss Molly Ivins. I read her stuff faithfully.

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I thought it was hilarious when she called George W. “Shrub”!

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I am so jealous. I saw her speak in Richmond, Virginia, years ago. She was brilliant, even though she had to sit down to take questions. Only the good die young.

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I’m jealous of myself. It was a one-night relationship, made possible only because I was responsible for chauffeuring her to and from a speaking engagement. Fortunately, she wanted to find a bar on the way back to the hotel.

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Molly was quoting Jesse Unruh, father of the modern state legislature: "If you can't drink their booze, screw their women, take their money and then vote against them with a smile on your face the next morning, you have no business in this business." I had the privilege of working for him for a short while after he made his comeback as state treasurer. A politician of the old mold, of which we could do with a few reincarnations.

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I loved Molly Ivin's. What a fireball.

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Isn't the state also moving to "re-write" history and insure that any reference to 1619 is eliminated from teachings?

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The worst aspect of that is that Texas is such a large market for textbooks, the books tend to be written to Texas’ specs. So what Texas wants will be what students in many other states get, too. 😢

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California is fighting back on this with success.

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Yes and it needs to stop.

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Pam is that "re-write" or "re-white" history?

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Good, Linda. Very good

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The truth is somewhat embarrasing as it contradicts so many myths which are so useful...not only were the key actors on the Texan side of the Alamo supposed to have died....when at least Boone was actually captured by Santa Anna before being executed but they were also slave traders.....as were many of the signatories of the Constitution/Declaration, including Washington. This list can go on as it would also have to include Andrew Jackson in his less "honourable" pre-Presidential persona.

Cambridge University has finally come to its senses on the issue of eradicating the memory of all involved in Slavery and have instituted a "remain and explain" policy with regard to "difficult" previous financiers or indeed College founders. They managed thereby to save the Statue of Rhodes.

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They have a LOT of 'splainin' to do with Leland Stanford.

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But at least they are nolonger either denying or whitewashing history.

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Crockett, not Boone - you're mixing up your frontier backwoodsmen. :-)

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Too true, thanks. But the point was made.

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Commissioner of Educ in FL Corcoran and Desantis already have the door wide open for him to legislate it right in.

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Here's the latest on our despicable Governor. Let's hope we can get him out of office before 2024!


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How many times have we heard "leaders" in various places around the world make this kind of claim, and then have to outrun the backlash when the "unexpected" but inevitable surge of Covid arises? Ego gets in the way, and people like DeSantis seem to think they can magically escape what others have been unable to. I hope not too many people are harmed by this arrogance.

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I so loved Ann Richards!

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It was a female Texan legislator that introduced it.

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Often (but not always) people who push abortion restrictions are doing so from a religious standpoint. Why should how you practice your religious faith have ANYTHING to do with MY decisions about my physical health or the size of my family? Talk about infringement on a person’s freedoms?!!!

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'The first amendment to the US Constitution states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." The two parts, known as the "establishment clause" and the "free exercise clause" respectively, form the textual basis for the Supreme Court's interpretations ...'

(The Constitution | The White Househttps://www.whitehouse.gov › our-government ).

Your question, JennSH, merits an amendment to the 1st, which would state freedom from religion. Our framers couldn't have anticipated all our sins.

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Freedom from religion was exactly the point the framers of the Constitution had in mind. Their concern in separating church and state was to ensure that no church could become an "official" church, with the power to impose their beliefs on others through the government. Their intent was freedom to practice religion as one chose, which meant no religion could be supreme. It protected both religious practice and exploration AND a government free from the coercions of religious test. Remember that these were intellectual people who challenged the religious status quo.

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Annie, JennSH pointed out that anti-abortion bills are supported by so-called religious beliefs, and I believe that she is correct. ' In his 2005 book, Jerry Falwell, the firebrand fundamentalist preacher, recounts his distress upon reading about the ruling in the Jan. 23, 1973, edition of the Lynchburg News: “I sat there staring at the Roe v. Wade story,” Falwell writes, “growing more and more fearful of the consequences of the Supreme Court’s act and wondering why so few voices had been raised against it.” Evangelicals, he decided, needed to organize. Some of these anti- Roe crusaders even went so far as to call themselves “new abolitionists,” invoking their antebellum predecessors who had fought to eradicate slavery. But the abortion myth quickly collapses under historical scrutiny. In fact, it wasn’t until 1979—a full six years after Roe—that evangelical leaders, at the behest of conservative activist Paul Weyrich, seized on abortion not for moral reasons, but as a rallying-cry to deny President Jimmy Carter a second term. Why? Because the anti-abortion crusade was more palatable than the religious right’s real motive: protecting segregated schools. So much for the new abolitionism.'

'Today, evangelicals make up the backbone of the pro-life movement, but it hasn’t always been so.' (Polico, 5/2014)

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Fern, what you say is true- now. But it really is a fairly recent perspective. Abortion was fairly common in colonial and early republic days. It was considered women's business, and women who knew herbs the providers. One of my 3rd great grandmother's was a "healing woman" and midwife, with a wide following. "Quickening" was usually considered the dividing point (right up until I was a young woman, in fact). Even in my youth, not all states forbid abortion, and there were "workarounds" in others. It was done quietly, listed on the surgical schedule as "routine D&C", reason often simply "polyps" or "gynocological problems." I was then in training to be a nurse (didn't take: I wanted science in its full glory), and this was a common procedure in the hospital I trained at. The rest of what you say is I absolutely agree with. The anti-abortion movement was all about power, and it was used as a political tool, as it is again now. I will say this out loud: if it comes to that, I will be part of an underground railroad to help young women keep control of the decisions about their own bodies.

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True, and those religious beliefs belong to *some*, not all,


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David French wrote an interesting article documenting this change from focus on segregation to abortion in the Evangelical religion/churches. https://frenchpress.thedispatch.com/p/fact-and-fiction-about-racism-and

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There is no clause stating 'Freedom from religion' in the Constitution, Annie.

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I am taking that concept from reading the writings of the framers of the constitution, Fern, and from knowledge of the cultural history of the time. It is also useful to know that not everyone were churchgoers during that period: some estimate that only about 25-30% were members of churches (partly because of the persnicketiness of many churches of the time, including, I am sorry to say, many Quakers). Many (probabl the majority) of the founders were deists, and did not consider themselves Christian. Atheism was an acceptable topic of conversation, and educated people even included Islam (by different names), Buddhism and other faith paths in their discussions. They were interested in learning about different ways of thinking. We do need to be careful not to assume that the way people define things now is the way they did then. Or vice versa. Or that everyone thought the same way then.

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There are religions - including mine - that do not forbid abortion. Therefore, anti-abortion laws based on someone else's religion interfere with my freedom to practice my religion.

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Yes but as far as they are concerned....they know that they are right and you are wrong and it feels so good to them to impose their riteous stupidities on you. That's power and nothing to do with religion. As far as they are concerned, a servant's place is beneath the stairs and women belong in the kitchen.....unless you are one of their chosen few of course.

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"A woman's place is in the House (of Representatives)"! I actually like being in the kitchen, it just needs to be a choice not a requirement.

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For most FundieScum, their "religious freedom" is directly related to infringing on yours, since yours is obviously "wrong."

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Thanks, TC, for adding some color to my reply.

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Ovaries are, alas, no guarantee of intelligence or empathy.

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The same goes for testicles

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Especially if you are rich enough to go elsewhere or of an age not to be concerned physically. The moral concern and solidarity with other women is hardly their "forte".

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A REPUBLICAN "female" Texas legislator. "She knows her master's voice" as well as being taught from Sunday school about "a woman's place."

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Sadly, Texas has far too many of its own Marjorie Taylor Greenes and Lauren Boeberts. I don't know which is worse - a white male supremacist or a white female supremacist. I stay away from both as much as possible.

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Ah, Ms. Ann, you are indeed missed. Your comments on Texan "governance" brought Molly Ivins, another sadly-missed Lone Star daughter, to mind. Commenting on Bush W.'s continual praising of the troops during his disastrous war while at the same time cutting budgets for their healthcare, housing, and education, Molly quoted Lily Tomlin: "No matter how cynical you get, it's impossible to keep up." The only way the Abbott/Paxton clan differ is that they don't bother with the sugar-coating.

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They don't like wasting the sugar......they need it to become "sugar dadies" à la Gaetz!

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Revolting? Repellent? Subservient? Demeaning?

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Marty, your right. It could be any of those words.

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I wish the companies that moved their operations to Texas, would leave. The CA employees that made the move should be outraged!

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Time for full-page ads in the NYT, WaPo, WSJ, USAToday, etc., with the January quotes by Cornyn, McCarthy, et. al., compared to what they are saying now. The lack of integrity is appalling, but also disheartening. But at least I know what I'll say when I call Cornyn's office tomorrow: Do you not have the courage to stand by your words?

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And in Fox News and social media and wherever Trumpians get their "news" (they don't read the Times nor the WaPo--not even USA Today). Perhaps The Lincoln Project could help with this... what are they up to lately?

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Yes, especially those "news" media. The LP is still making good ads, though not as many (perhaps with reduced donations now). I have a feeling that they are working behind the scenes, so far, on something useful...

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That would be welcome news!

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The Franklin Project

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Turning up the heat!

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The Lincoln Project is very active and there is a new The Franklin Project as in Benjamin Franklin.

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they had a few "harassment" issues to deal with internally!

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That's too bad...

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Do you think that supporters of McConnell, McCarthy, Cornyn, etc. read the NYT, WaPo, WSJ, or even USAToday? In fact, do they read any newspapers at all? Do they depend entirely on right wing internet sites, Fox, OAN, Newsmax and Sinclair-controlled broadcasting? Full page ads that preach to the choir do little good. They have to be directed to those who have been fooled into opposing democracy in the United States. Reaching them is more difficult. I wonder if right wing media would even accept such ads.

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Yes -- I understand this point of view.

It's unlikely, however, that those who watch the media outlets you list are open to accepting views contrary to their own. (Social science research confirms this about human nature: once we believe something, facts don't sway opinions.)

Educate those who are on the fence. Activate those who revere the US Constitution. Engage those who seek to retain our democratic republic.

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Historical experience also indicates that people believe pretty much anything they keep hearing over and over again. We should be a broken record about this treason.

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Exactly. And from what I am reading on the Daily Kos, these violent factions are ramping up again.

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They are more likely to read their local papers and complain in the comments about the liberal left partisan slant of such paper

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And billboards!

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And in every gossip rag at the grocery check out.

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Something to hide, indeed.

After all the back-pedaling, these folks must be 5 years younger! The absence of integrity and ethics is stunning.

Write letters. Make phone calls. Take action.

Filibuster has to go.

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5 Calls




Americans of Conscience Checklist (actions to take, scripts)


Questions? Folks here will happily help!

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Thank you so much Ellie. I have been wanting something like this. I have called my senators about voting for an investigation. Neither Senator had a position yesterday. I am confidant King will support the investigation but Susan Collins is questionable. I did have a good conversation with her staff who answered the phone. Thanks to my Learning yesterday from this group that the staff may have influence I changed my approach.

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Good going, Susan. It does no good to yell or get snarky when you make calls, send a letter, or post something to a politician or their aides- it just puts up a barrier. You did a great job, and provided an excellent example. Congratulations!

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Can you give us some idea of your revised approach?

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I approached her aid in a friendly manor to engage in conversation. I kept my outrage under control with the thought I want to enlist him to convey my points to the Senator in a way that might have an impact on her.

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So something like “I’m concerned about xxxx issue and would like to be able to best share that concern ... what do you think?”

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5 calls link is excellent Ellie, thank you! Call number 1: national security, investigate the CAPITOL POLICE. Their coup attempt failed, they resigned, not enough! Was it Ben Franklin who said, "We all must hang together or we hang separately"? Well, looks to me like Capitol police leadership did not enlist enough of their rank and file policemen to pull off their little Insurrection. Thank God, now, WHO organized this attack?

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and what of the capitol police suicides? I understand there were 2.


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Lots of unanswered questions.

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You are the best. Thank you Ellie.

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Thanks, Elie. Copied that and put it on my to-do list!

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Same here.

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Love me some REsist bot. Super. Done.

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Charlie. Did you ever find out the author of the revisions that asked about the other day?

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Nope, unfortunately, not yet.

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You are the best Ellie! I know what I’m doing today.

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Thanks for resource reminder, Ellie. 5calls is excellent

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Thank you!

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May 21, 2021
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Liz, I will be looking up some of these podcasts!

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Filibuster has to go.

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Biden has to lead

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Ummmm. He is leading.

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Dr. Richardson's letter from today illuminates the big lie and the repercussions of it, i.e.

Rome is burning! Meanwhile, Biden's news is driving new electric trucks and bestowing a medal of honor.

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I refer to her letter dated May 21st

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As with the former president, if they have nothing to hide, why are they working so hard to hide it?

All of this says more about the Republican constituancy than the lawmakers themselves. Are the phones of Republican lawmakers burning up with Republican voters calling for an investigation? Had Hillary Clinton been president on January 6th they would be.

Had January 6th been a BLM demonstration that got out of control the bodies would haqve been stacked like cordwood and the 3rd or 4th investigation would have been started by now.

As far as I'm concerned, the Republican Party at the national level has become an ongoing criminal enterprise, and not one of them gives a damn who knows it.

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I sad to my husband year I am at the point where I deplore anyone who IS a Republican, who ascribes to the party beliefs. Hate to have to say that, but there it is.

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Marcy, I don't like to use the word "hate" as I find it so very negative, but, like you, I have come to hate way too many people. Wish I could just turn my back on them, but they turn my stomach!

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Please, please, Pam, don't dirty your mind hating wretches whose behavior is beneath contempt. Hate the doers and you risk bringing yourself down to their level. By all means detest their deeds, but even there, be careful. Like radiation, disease and filth call for cautious handling and protective clothing.

Like hatred itself, these people are dangerous, the world needs to be protected from them and their activities.

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So true. Hate begets hate. Like a virus it spreads. I can never forget the movie “Fallen” with Denzel Washington. Evil spreads so easily. We need a force field of LOVE.

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But they do have something to hide.

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I believe the data about who was involved, and to what degree, is already out there. I suspect continued pushback on the Commission, then whoopsie doodle, things get leaked, media goes bonkers and well, 'some people will be going through some. things'.

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I have wondered if one of Congress had actually been harmed by the mob if they would be singing a different tune? Would that have made a difference?

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A Capital Police officer was killed! My god, if that isn't enough, nothing is. The Republicans have become a party of sociopaths. The Mafia is more honorable.

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Americans are getting to see the true stripes of the Republican Party. Post-Trump, they can’t say with a straight face that the party is for fiscal responsibility or even law and order. They may claim that the January 6th insurrection was by Antifa and BLM, but if they really believed that they would have been hollering for hearings and a guillotine months ago. My congressperson happens to be Jaime Herrera Beutler, whose testimony was read into the second impeachment trial as witness to the conversation Qevin McCarthy had with Trump. McCarthy’s response to Trump was allegedly, “Who the f—- do you think you’re talking to?” Now, with his gaslighting and denials, a lot of us could be asking McCarthy the same question.

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But they are saying it with a straight face. No problem for them!

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Was just asking that question, out loud, yesterday to Kevin McCarthy. His comments yesterday so smug his face is melting.

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Morning, all!! Morning, Dr. R!! Regarding the perceived labor shortage being due to federal stimulus payments, one journalist highlights a fix that could solve the dilemma. Unfortunately, I forgot to copy the link from which these quotes came. But I thought the solution was so simple, I just had to share:

“When a company is struggling to find enough labor, it can solve the problem by offering to pay a higher price for that labor — also known as higher wages. More workers will then enter the labor market. Suddenly, the labor shortage will be no more.

“Corporate profits, on the other hand, have been rising rapidly and now make up a larger share of G.D.P. than in previous decades. As a result, most companies can afford to respond to a growing economy by raising wages and continuing to make profits, albeit perhaps not the unusually generous profits they have been enjoying.

“Sure enough, some companies have responded to the alleged labor shortage by doing exactly this. Bank of America announced Tuesday that it would raise its minimum hourly wage to $25 and insist that contractors pay at least $15 an hour. Other companies that have recently announced pay increases include Amazon, Chipotle, Costco, McDonald’s, Walmart, J.P. Morgan Chase and Sheetz convenience stores.”

For those who want a break from the news, here's a news story that should lift everyone's spirits. Some may want to save this for later reading...after you've had your fill of the heavy. Spoiler Alert: Who remembers Simon Says; Red Light Green Light; or Mother, May I? Smiles all around on this one!


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Thank you Lynell. As a school leader and having the opportunity to have trained many teachers on a variety of classroom management techniques, I said in many a training that teachers can be wise to find a way to use a particular segment of the day long ignored as an opportunity for learning while playing....RECESS!

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When I taught school, I loved playing games with my kids (1st & 2nd graders). They loved jumping rope (as l did in elementary school.

All kinds of games that kept as many as possible of them physically active at the same time.

If we played team games, I numbered the kids off so no one was picked last. We had so much fun!

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Thank you for your wise teaching, one of the cruelest moments in grade school for many of us was enduring the choosing of teams, knowing no one wanted me.

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Oh, dear, Elizabeth. Truth be told, I sometimes bribed a team leader with candy so she would pick me (first!) to be on her team.

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You done good way back when, Jenn!

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Good advice, Christine, for all ages!

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Robert Reich has been pushing this, too, Lynell. I don't do Twitter but he shows up i my FB feed being shared by friends who do. The entire presentation by rich entitled people that the working poor should be virtually enslaved to the interests of the Walton family, Jeff Bezos (at least he does pay a decent wage and provides healthcare but he is still a feckin' horror), and whoever owns the local McDonalds franchise is so revolting it is almost surreal. But we are talking about mega corporations whose CEOs make at minimum tens of millions a year and recommend to their hourly wage employees that they apply for food stamps in order to supplement their substandard wages. Lasalle's and Ricardo's Iron Law of Wages was shown to be patently false by 1900, yet it was revived under Reagan and has been the tool of oppression by the kleptocrats ever since.

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"...recommend to their hourly wage employees that they apply for food stamps in order to supplement their substandard wages." The ultimate corporate welfare. Why should our tax dollars support this?!

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“ Jeff Bezos (at least he does pay a decent wage and provides healthcare but he is still a feckin' horror” - and the $500,000 plus (just to build not to maintain) yacht!!!! This is just so GROSS! The problem is that the people at the “top” have not idea, orno memory(?)

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Ugh, Substack wouldn’t let me finish/edit!!!…no memory of what it is like to struggle. I live well now and have done for years, but I remember well having to choose between spending my few pennies on some food, or save them to put in the gas meter and have heat. It’s not fun!

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I hear you Mary! The late great Kurt Vonnegut, in an homage to his friend the late great Joseph Heller, wrote a poem that encapsulates my feeling about wealth and the obsessive accumulation of it:


True story, Word of Honor:

Joseph Heller, an important and funny writer

now dead,

and I were at a party given by a billionaire

on Shelter Island.

I said, “Joe, how does it make you feel

to know that our host only yesterday

may have made more money

than your novel ‘Catch-22’

has earned in its entire history?”

And Joe said, “I’ve got something he can never have.”

And I said, “What on earth could that be, Joe?”

And Joe said, “The knowledge that I’ve got enough.”

Not bad! Rest in peace!


I wish we all had enough. Unfortunately, there are always people in the world who consider people like me to be disposable. And who are selfish gits whose parents never taught them how to share.

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Linda, great story. I like “The knowledge that I’ve got enough!” I remember when I first came to the US, listening to the radio, and being bemused by the advertising, which so often finished with the line…”and much much more!” And I couldn’t quite understand the emphasis!

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I remember arguing with a company president that a worker should get a 25 cents an hour increase. He was adamantly opposed.

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Thanks, Kelly. This is the article I read. I never would have found it without you!

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It really wasn't anything difficult to find. Copy & paste into the Google machine and "viola"!

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Good morning, Lynell! Great post, and thank you!

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Morning, again, Ally!! I am glad you had a bit of respite from my post. Looking forward to more wise "musings" from your Mrs. in the coming days. You two are a force to be reckoned with, for sure!

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Thank you for this feel good moment! But that aging thing?!?!? LOL

Sometimes the principal had to teach her staffers, too: “The millennials don’t seem to know ‘Mother, May I,’ ”

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Helloooo, Lynell! I was tickled pink to see the old school games being played at one of your local schools!

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Hey, Daria!! It was a fun trip down memory lane, for sure. It was heartening to read that once social distancing was adjusted to allow for closer contact, many of the kids preferred those old-fashioned games to the standard ones. Kudos to that good principal!

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Texas is one of the states ending the extra $300 for unemployment. But as my son previously restaurant worker put it, his friends are finding other jobs. More stable with benefits.

It’s all a roller coaster ride with crazy loops and plunges. I like to hope some day it’ll be more like a train ride. I use to tell my kids I’m not getting on your roller coaster, let me know when you come back to the station.

Thanks for the info! EOY elementary teacher with a full moon on the last day. Just keeping my head above water! Lol!

Thanks, Heather!

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"I'm not getting on your roller coaster, let me know when you come back to the station'"!! Love this Denise! My parenting advice came 4 decades ago from a book by Dr. Dreikurs: "Take your sail out of your child's wind." Has helped in many non-parenting situations, too!

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You are a warrior, Denise. Congrats on finishing your school year. Howl to the moon!!!!

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I posted a Wa Po article on here somewhere. The Feds are looking for good people in lots and lots of positions!

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Celebrating signing of the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act:

Spunky Chinese American girls call out "Racist Sexist Boy."


Then back to work, Stop AAPI Hate:


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Hahahahahahahaha. Rock, girls. Sent the tweet out everywhere. Thanks Ellie!

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I couldn’t understand the words ... 😗

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Same here! I’m old 😂

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That happens a lot anymore! But the issue behind it - got that! Good involved kids.

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The Lindas Linda's song production is not on my playlist, but I loved their spirit and gumption!

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Me, too!

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It is a very appropriate song we should all sing for TFG and his comrades! Thank you Ellie-- I sent this to all my Chinese/American friends and clients. I love and feel their fury!

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I'm shocked -- shocked! -- that Republican senators are protecting Antifa, the organization that they claim is *really* responsible for the events of January 6th.

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“I am SHOCKED that Republican senators are protecting Antifa” should be the headline of an Op-Ed!!! Might it get some of the Republican base to push for the commission to investigate Jan 6? Tucker could rile up base the about this!! 😉

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Exactly, Cathy. Give 'em a taste of their own medicine!

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Sharon's comment wins the internet today!

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Sharon, thank you for a much needed chuckle!!

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We should always remember the classic quote from "Stone's Fall"

> A company is a moral imbecile. It has no sense of right or wrong. Any restraints have to come from the outside, from laws and customs which forbid it from doing certain things of which we disapprove. But it is a restraint that reduces profits. Which is why all companies will strain forever to break the bounds of the law, to act unfettered in their pursuit of advantage. That is the only way they can survive because the more powerful will devour the weak. And because it is the nature of capital, which is wild, longs to be free and chafes at each and every restriction imposed upon it.”<

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As the saying goes, "markets don't care if you live or die."

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(Tongue in cheek) …But I thought companies were “people” now!

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Thank you Dr. Richardson. It is breathtaking that the Republicans appear to be on the brink of denying our country a non partisan investigation into the coup on 1/06. I don’t know if their resistance is strong enough to last though. I think Biden and his team can outsmart them but then I may be too optimistic. How can we not get to the bottom of that horrible day?

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I think that he is going to need a little help from the people here. The GOP has smart people too...no intergrity, but smart...no shame but smart...no sense of duty, but smart...no patriotism, but smart. What they need is a massive swell of popular opinion that gives them no choice. They are currently thinking that the dirt will hurt if it comes out. They must be made to appreciate that the dirt will come out regardless and that they are standing in the way of a a troup of "stampeding elephants" which will crush them in 2022 if they don't get out of the way. This might change their appreciation of their current situation.

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Got advised of this by the Mrs. last night. I made the comment that the state Republiqan parties were idiots. She said "no, they are smart, and bent on destroying this democracy, secure in the belief that we don't realized they have abandoned the rules and are cheating in every way, while we are still clinging to the rule book.

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Morning, Ally!! Listen to the Mrs. I'm usually late to put it together (cognitive issues!) but now realize they have no interest in preserving democracy. Terms like "patriot" don't mean to them what it means to us. They want to turn the U.S. into a one-party oligarchy with an authoritarian leader. I feel they have been laughing at our ignorance this whole time.

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The Mrs appears to be right.

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Interesting— I think it’s important to stick to the rules of decency and civility even if you’re dealing with martians.

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yes, and at the same time be realistic about the crooks you face

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Realistically of course—no Q whatever.

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One thing needs to be made plain to Americans by every means possible:


Seems the requirement to join that game is to be a full-blown 1000% NARCISSISTIC PERVERT.

No mere narcissist, that's relatively harmless.

One for whom there is only one Subject, ME, and all other beings, all other phenomena, are OBJECTS, all relationships are transactional (What's in it for ME?) so that even purest fox-in-the-hencoop destruction fits that bill because the mayhem is for MY pleasure.

They presented a police identity parade line-up of these creatures in 2016, including several prize-pedigree specimens—Sen. Ted Cruz leaps to mind, the archetypal salesman-of-everything-(with-his-soul-and-his-granny-thrown-in).

And yet smarter-than-smartypants was outsmarted by the Paragon of the Streetwise with his TRANSCENDENTAL HYPOCRISY, the highest of high-class ersatz sincerity Brought-To-YOU (in purest Broccolinospeak) by permanent dawn-chorus TWITTERING MACHINERY.

This one

-- fawns over no one but HIMSELF and his boss in the Kremlin,

-- admires no one but the Teflon Don, the Fuehrer and sundry still-living successful dictators and

-- knows only two further distinctive groupings:

1. Suckers/Losers (His Footstool);

2. Enemies (Tell the Proud Dogs to sick’em).

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Their disgusting narcissism is their Achilles heel though. I believe these ridiculous people will become like dinosaurs as the younger voters step up and as Biden’s policies actually help the overall economy.

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Yeah, but I'm both old and greedy--I'd like a democratic tsunami now.

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Yes. Re younger voters, I keep thinking of all those new voters who will have reached voting age by 2022. Not all will vote as we may wish but I think a considerable number will.

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I agree Judith.

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My (edging towards former) friends do NOT see that they are hated by their "hero". They just hate us others more intensely.

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I try to stay away from haters in an effort to protect my peace of mind.

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Hmm, who drives this needed "massive swell of popular opinion?" See earlier comments herein by cig (TX) and kimceann🌈!

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More than ads are required. The President has got to get "in print" , "on the air" and "on the road" to sell this message himself. This has to be the driving focus of his whole administration and the Democratic Party. Liz Cheney and the non-trumpite Republicans might then also see that it is to their advantage to do likewise as it will radically reduce the presence and influence of the trumpite members of her former "club" .

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May I repost this.

So maybe Biden has to embrace the word used by Roosevelt (and the opportunities modern technology offers). And SOON!

"A bully pulpit is a conspicuous position that provides an opportunity to speak out and be listened to. This term was coined by United States President Theodore Roosevelt, who referred to his office as a "bully pulpit", by which he meant a terrific platform from which to advocate an agenda."

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Be my guest, Hugh.

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Yes Stuart— Heather’s herd of stampeding elephants—they may be smart in some ways but they’re too short sighted and selfish to imagine the ultimate stampede.

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Preach, Stuart! Woohoo! I’m fired up.

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(I picked up my phone and made a few calls. Wondered why immediate voicemail. Forgetting it’s not dawn yet!!!!!)

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We can’t.

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That was to you Liz. We can’t “NOT”.

How dare legislators suggest an investigation is not warranted.

I agree with you Liz 1000%.

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Ms. Richardson. Well done as always. But what grabbed me was the phrase you used in ordinary course, to begin your piece: "President Joe Biden." Very occasionally, during commercial breaks on Rachel Maddow's MSNBC broadcast, I flip to Sean Hannity on Fox. I have never been able to tolerate the Hannity narrative, whatever it is, for longer than a minute or two. No explanation needed on that front. As relevant here, however, this the point: I have never once heard Hannity refer to the President as "President Biden." Or as "The President" Or even "Biden." It is always some variant of "Corrupt Joe." or "Sleepy Joe" or "Feeble Joe" or "Out of Control Joe" or simply, at best, "Joe." Am I confident that Hannity never refers to the President by his title or in any way respectfully? No, I'm listening to the Hannity narrative less than 5 minutes a week, if that. But sawbucks to sawdust, my supposition is correct. The point here is trivial, I recognize, in part because it is a point about rhetoric. But underneath the word play is the deepest of antipathy and absence of ordinary decency that Hannity shares with the the huge majority of the Republican base; it will never be meaningfully ameliorated.

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Be kinder to yourself. Stop flipping over to Hannity. You'll feel better instantly.

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My big belly laugh of the day!

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Words matter. A lot. So no, the point is not trivial.

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Absolutely. Words Matter!!

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Hannity and FOX follow the path of their deity - the idjit. And "sawbucks to sawdust" is a new one for me - and believe me I've been around long enough to pick up a lot of them over the years!

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Maggie. Thanks for your comment. As to "sawbucks to sawdust," I first read or heard that reformulation of the much more familiar "dollars to donuts" several years ago, and have used it occasionally since. I I imagine that it was coined by someone who recognized that the cost of even a second rate donut, e.g. at Dunkin Donuts, exceeded a dollar. (What are donuts there now, $1:50 or so?) But go with dollars to donuts or some other formulation (I welcome other suggestions) if you are so inclined. Best regards. rel

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No no no - love the expression - just had never heard it! (well have to admit I am familiar with dollars AND donuts) Not up on how much Dunkin charges now - its been a very long time since I've been there!!

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Robert, you pointed out a 'tenet' (anti-scientific and anti-fact propaganda) of the Trump Cult. Never legitimize Biden's presidency; never call him the president; just continue to denigrate him with 'sleepy', 'slow', 'feeble', etc., over and over, so that is how Biden will be considered. 'FOX News Channel Sweeps Total Day and Primetime Across Both Viewers and 25-54 Demo for Second Consecutive Month, FNC Completes April as the Number One Network in All of Basic Cable in Primetime Television, New Late Night Program “Gutfeld!” Crushes Competition Weekdays at 11PM/ET Including Broadcast and Cable Late Night Programs

“Tucker Carlson Tonight” Finishes April as the Most-Watched Cable News Program in Both Categories' (businesswire)

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Fern, don't forget Joe is a "pedophile" too, so I learned from a Trumpanista. Not legitimizing Biden as President makes them feel a little self-satisfying nano-second of superiority and they're "sticking it to the libtards". I suppose we do the same thing in all our many ways of referring to You-Know-Who and his enablers. It does kinda make one feel good for a second! However, doing it on a national network is another matter. I haven't heard as many derogatory monikers for T***p on other networks, so maybe non-biased or left-leaning networks just aren't going there and calling T***p names. From Fox, I expect the worst...and they usually deliver.

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Bruce, You got me! I try not to use some of the words in my head for the inhuman/cruel actions and the people who commit them. Repeat the words expressed by those I disrespect and the monstrous displays we witness daily, I try not to. The facts and thoughtful reflection are enough. There is too much hurt all around.

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I feel like sane, good people who can still recognize a lie are not nearly concerned enough about the damage Fox Not News does to all of us. Why are so many folks thinking freedom of speech means freedom to transmit lies far and wide? https://www.thebrainwashingofmydad.com/

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I'm with you Christy. Your question is the question. I would like your response to my comment on today's Letter.

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I am amazed at how can write so many letters of such high quality, Professor. Thank you. Democrats and Independents must wake uo the the Retrumplicans using entropy as a weapon to attack their own country and their people. 20 STATES turning down the $300 for extra unemployment because it is a disincentive for people to return to work. That is appalling and disgusting!

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...shortsighted, ignorant, economically illiterate, cruel, sexist, boorish, insane....

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And those are the positive descriptors.

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I am being a bit polite, aren't I?

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Thank you, Reid!

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And hopefully will rebound against Rs in those 20 states come the next round of elections. The impacts of refusing those unemployment increases will be directly felt by those still struggling to survive. Fingers crossed.

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I wholeheartedly hope you are right!!!

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There’s a lot of overlap with the 12 states not participating in medicaid expansion. It’s got to be trough for those folks.

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Yes, it's breathtaking that Republicans will prevent a bi-partisan investigation into one of our nation's most troubling events, despite overwhelming public approval. When it gets right down to it, Republicans will do anything to stay out of the 1/6 spotlight, fearing what may be revealed about the insurrection and insiders who ignited it. This is what desperation looks like.

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Whoops! The Republicans fully expected the Democrats to object to one if not all of the conditions the Republicans made about the formation of the Commission so they could blame the Democrats for there not being one. When the Democrats agreed to all of the conditions the Republicans had to do an about face.

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And Nancy Pelosi is not being at all shy about pointing that out. "Leader McCarthy won’t take yes for an answer. In his February 22 letter, he made three requests to be addressed in Democrats’ discussion draft. Every single one was granted by Democrats, yet he still says no." Good on her.

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About face. Flip flop. 180. What is the terrible secret they are hiding to ignore an insurrection they lived through? Major blackmail as Angus King sarcastically reminds us. Or just fear of bullies?

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Gigi - They are thinking about their own political survival. If there is a formal investigation, they may have dirt on their own hands, either directly or indirectly. If the Democrats had objected to any of the conditions they proposed, the whole thing could have gotten mired in bureaucratic procedure and the Democrats could have been blamed.

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