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Heather, simply a wonderful reading. It had me in tears, thinking about Joe Biden's decency. Decency that can't be faked. When compared to the alternate, there should be no comparison. So many American people have been duped, and don't know they've been duped. Others just want power, money, their religion first, their own intolerance first. It's going to be an ongoing battle, win or lose. Good to have you help us hang on.

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Thank you for this post! It provides a very valuable perspective. It is inspirational and something I will share with everyone.

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With this recitation of only part of President Biden’s speech, I am reminded of much I can learn from him. Among some of his admirable qualities and wisdom, evident once again, are these: humility, vulnerability, and strength, of empathy and compassion, his own brokenness, and our shared heartbreak; and the hope of our collective redemption where civil rights, freedoms and justice abound.

To accompany and inspire, to listen and to act in response are leadership skills that can fall away when in a position of ‘power.’ (And in this case, some say the most powerful position in the world.) Still, exerting ‘power over’ seems not present here. Instead, I am reminded of the characteristics of a ‘servant-leader,’ on hearing Professor Cox Richardson speak Biden’s words, eloquently so. With a brief search in Google scholar, I came upon an article that intrigues me and whose content and references I want to explore more closely, entitled: “Character and Servant Leadership: Ten Characteristics of Effective, Caring Leaders.”

While there are several lines in the article’s text that stand out, one that calls my attention is where the author said that “Servant leaders seek to nurture their abilities to dream great dreams.” Seems to me, President Biden skillfully, and perhaps through his natural sensibilities, invites others to dream their own dreams, for their own unfolding, and for 'the greater good.'

(In the event you may be curious and wish an in-depth perspective on servant leadership, see: The Journal of Virtues & Leadership, Vol. 1 Issue 1, 2010, 25-30; “Character and Servant Leadership: Ten Characteristics of Effective, Caring Leaders,” Larry C. Spears, The Spears Center.)

For now, no matter where I may find myself in ‘holding firm in my position’ on one issue or another, I admire President Biden’s courage, and willingness to address the graduates of Morehouse College, as he expressed to them that they are seen and affirmed as members of our (current fragile) democracy—and that much is expected of them. As HCR suggests, ‘President Joe Biden addressed the nation,’ in Atlanta on Sunday. Perhaps where qualities of a calling to which we may aspire can be found.

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I have been eagerly reading your Letters From An American every evening for at least four years. This is the first time I have listened to you read one of your columns. Both your written letters and your read letters are TERRIFIC! THANKS!

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We is Fred and Charlotte! Hi Susie-last weekend was reunion time for classes other than ours. When ours comes up maybe you’ll come and stay with us. We live 2 blocks from Hope’s campus-right downtown and love it. We walk to HASP Hope Academy Seniors classes

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We are supporting you to read your opinions-editorial articles. We do not like to listen to your podcast.

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Who is we? I love listening to Heather every darn day. She's got a fire in her voice that inspires me.

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